Update yield code in RX600/GCC port.

Richard Barry 12 years ago
parent a69933782d
commit b7487b8dc2

@ -115,10 +115,20 @@ portSTACK_TYPE and portBASE_TYPE. */
#define portTICK_RATE_MS ( ( portTickType ) 1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ )
#define portNOP() __asm volatile( "NOP" )
/* The location of the software interrupt register. Software interrupts use
vector 27. */
#define portITU_SWINTR ( ( unsigned char * ) 0x000872E0 )
#define portYIELD() *portITU_SWINTR = 0x01; portNOP(); portNOP(); portNOP(); portNOP(); portNOP()
/* Yield equivalent to "*portITU_SWINTR = 0x01; ( void ) *portITU_SWINTR;"
where portITU_SWINTR is the location of the software interrupt register
(0x000872E0). Don't rely on the assembler to select a register, so instead
save and restore clobbered registers manually. */
#define portYIELD() \
__asm volatile \
( \
"PUSH.L R10 \n" \
"MOV.L #0x872E0, R10 \n" \
"MOV.B #0x1, [R10] \n" \
"MOV.L [R10], R10 \n" \
"POP R10 \n" \
#define portYIELD_FROM_ISR( x ) if( x != pdFALSE ) portYIELD()
