Add the beginnings of a Microblaze project for the KC705.
@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
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<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.norelax.1265316944" name="No relaxation (-Wl,--no-relax)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.norelax" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.garbage.1863317292" name="Enable garbage collector (-Wl,--gc-sections)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.garbage" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usele.149684890" name="Produce little endian artifacts (-mlittle-endian)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usele" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usebarrel.125003317" name="Use Barrel Shifter (-mxl-barrel-shift)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usebarrel" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usepcmp.1032378219" name="Use Pattern Compare (-mxl-pattern-compare)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usepcmp" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.mul.28454705" name="Hardware Multiplier" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.mul" value="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.mul.64bit" valueType="enumerated"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.linker.inferred.swplatform.lpath.464601386" name="Software Platform Library Path" superClass="xilinx.gnu.linker.inferred.swplatform.lpath" valueType="libPaths">
<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="../../BSP/microblaze_0/lib"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.linker.inferred.swplatform.flags.2029257059" name="Software Platform Inferred Flags" superClass="xilinx.gnu.linker.inferred.swplatform.flags" valueType="libs">
<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="-Wl,--start-group,-lxil,-lgcc,-lc,--end-group"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.c.linker.option.lscript.627698424" name="Linker Script" superClass="xilinx.gnu.c.linker.option.lscript" value="../src/lscript.ld" valueType="string"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usediv.339122145" name="Use hardware divider (-mno-xl-soft-div)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usediv" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.fpu.1438305304" name="FPU" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.fpu" value="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.fpu.full" valueType="enumerated"/>
<inputType id="xilinx.gnu.linker.input.295030377" superClass="xilinx.gnu.linker.input">
<additionalInput kind="additionalinputdependency" paths="$(USER_OBJS)"/>
<additionalInput kind="additionalinput" paths="$(LIBS)"/>
<inputType id="xilinx.gnu.linker.input.lscript.1843704465" name="Linker Script" superClass="xilinx.gnu.linker.input.lscript"/>
<tool id="xilinx.gnu.mb.cxx.toolchain.linker.release.2049764997" name="MicroBlaze g++ linker" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.cxx.toolchain.linker.release">
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.mbversion.408481026" name="MicroBlaze Version" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.mbversion" value="9.4" valueType="string"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.norelax.321430253" name="No relaxation (-Wl,--no-relax)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.norelax" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.garbage.1811933000" name="Enable garbage collector (-Wl,--gc-sections)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.garbage" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usele.1277050026" name="Produce little endian artifacts (-mlittle-endian)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usele" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usebarrel.1525237857" name="Use Barrel Shifter (-mxl-barrel-shift)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usebarrel" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usepcmp.893116745" name="Use Pattern Compare (-mxl-pattern-compare)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usepcmp" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.mul.1695487004" name="Hardware Multiplier" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.mul" value="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.mul.64bit" valueType="enumerated"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.linker.inferred.swplatform.lpath.2083028820" name="Software Platform Library Path" superClass="xilinx.gnu.linker.inferred.swplatform.lpath" valueType="libPaths">
<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="../../BSP/microblaze_0/lib"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.linker.inferred.swplatform.flags.919481051" name="Software Platform Inferred Flags" superClass="xilinx.gnu.linker.inferred.swplatform.flags" valueType="libs">
<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="-Wl,--start-group,-lxil,-lgcc,-lc,--end-group"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.c.linker.option.lscript.1354969079" name="Linker Script" superClass="xilinx.gnu.c.linker.option.lscript" value="../src/lscript.ld" valueType="string"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usediv.1252380414" name="Use hardware divider (-mno-xl-soft-div)" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.usediv" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.fpu.320989190" name="FPU" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.fpu" value="xilinx.gnu.mb.linker.inferred.fpu.full" valueType="enumerated"/>
<tool id="xilinx.gnu.mb.size.release.1391967460" name="MicroBlaze Print Size" superClass="xilinx.gnu.mb.size.release"/>
<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.externalSettings"/>
<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.LanguageSettingsProviders"/>
<storageModule moduleId="cdtBuildSystem" version="4.0.0">
<project id="RTOSDemo.xilinx.gnu.mb.exe.1839712182" name="Xilinx MicroBlaze Executable" projectType="xilinx.gnu.mb.exe"/>
<storageModule moduleId="scannerConfiguration">
<autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId=""/>
<scannerConfigBuildInfo instanceId="xilinx.gnu.mb.exe.debug.1168698469;xilinx.gnu.mb.exe.debug.1168698469.;xilinx.gnu.mb.c.toolchain.compiler.debug.610152912;xilinx.gnu.compiler.input.958217800">
<autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId="com.xilinx.managedbuilder.ui.MBGCCManagedMakePerProjectProfileC"/>
<scannerConfigBuildInfo instanceId="xilinx.gnu.mb.exe.debug.1168698469;xilinx.gnu.mb.exe.debug.1168698469.">
<autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId="com.xilinx.managedbuilder.ui.MBGCCManagedMakePerProjectProfileC"/>
<scannerConfigBuildInfo instanceId="xilinx.gnu.mb.exe.release.414255757;xilinx.gnu.mb.exe.release.414255757.">
<autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId="com.xilinx.managedbuilder.ui.MBGCCManagedMakePerProjectProfileC"/>
<scannerConfigBuildInfo instanceId="xilinx.gnu.mb.exe.release.414255757;xilinx.gnu.mb.exe.release.414255757.;xilinx.gnu.mb.c.toolchain.compiler.release.1443217249;xilinx.gnu.compiler.input.1636598870">
<autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId="com.xilinx.managedbuilder.ui.MBGCCManagedMakePerProjectProfileC"/>
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<configuration configurationName="Release">
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@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
FreeRTOS V8.2.0 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
All rights reserved
This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception.
>>! NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to !<<
>>! distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being !<<
>>! obliged to provide the source code for proprietary components !<<
>>! outside of the FreeRTOS kernel. !<<
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available on the following
* *
* FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed, *
* robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross *
* platform software that is more than just the market leader, it *
* is the industry's de facto standard. *
* *
* Help yourself get started quickly while simultaneously helping *
* to support the FreeRTOS project by purchasing a FreeRTOS *
* tutorial book, reference manual, or both: *
* *
* *
|||| - Having a problem? Start by reading
the FAQ page "My application does not run, what could be wrong?". Have you
defined configASSERT()?
|||| - In return for receiving this top quality
embedded software for free we request you assist our global community by
participating in the support forum.
|||| - Investing in training allows your team to
be as productive as possible as early as possible. Now you can receive
FreeRTOS training directly from Richard Barry, CEO of Real Time Engineers
Ltd, and the world's leading authority on the world's leading RTOS.
|||| - A selection of FreeRTOS ecosystem products,
including FreeRTOS+Trace - an indispensable productivity tool, a DOS
compatible FAT file system, and our tiny thread aware UDP/IP stack.
|||| - Where new FreeRTOS products go to incubate.
Come and try FreeRTOS+TCP, our new open source TCP/IP stack for FreeRTOS.
|||| - Real Time Engineers ltd. license FreeRTOS to High
Integrity Systems ltd. to sell under the OpenRTOS brand. Low cost OpenRTOS
licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and commercial middleware.
|||| - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety
engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and
mission critical applications that require provable dependability.
1 tab == 4 spaces!
* NOTE 1: This project provides two demo applications. A simple blinky
* style project, and a more comprehensive test and demo application. The
* mainCREATE_SIMPLE_BLINKY_DEMO_ONLY setting in main.c is used to select
* between the two. See the notes on using mainCREATE_SIMPLE_BLINKY_DEMO_ONLY
* in main.c. This file implements the simply blinky style version.
* NOTE 2: This file only contains the source code that is specific to the
* basic demo. Generic functions, such FreeRTOS hook functions, and functions
* required to configure the hardware are defined in main.c.
* main_blinky() creates one queue, and two tasks. It then starts the
* scheduler.
* The Queue Send Task:
* The queue send task is implemented by the prvQueueSendTask() function in
* this file. prvQueueSendTask() sits in a loop that causes it to repeatedly
* block for 200 milliseconds, before sending the value 100 to the queue that
* was created within main_blinky(). Once the value is sent, the task loops
* back around to block for another 200 milliseconds...and so on.
* The Queue Receive Task:
* The queue receive task is implemented by the prvQueueReceiveTask() function
* in this file. prvQueueReceiveTask() sits in a loop where it repeatedly
* blocks on attempts to read data from the queue that was created within
* main_blinky(). When data is received, the task checks the value of the
* data, and if the value equals the expected 100, toggles an LED. The 'block
* time' parameter passed to the queue receive function specifies that the
* task should be held in the Blocked state indefinitely to wait for data to
* be available on the queue. The queue receive task will only leave the
* Blocked state when the queue send task writes to the queue. As the queue
* send task writes to the queue every 200 milliseconds, the queue receive
* task leaves the Blocked state every 200 milliseconds, and therefore toggles
* the LED every 200 milliseconds.
/* Kernel includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "semphr.h"
/* Standard demo includes. */
#include "partest.h"
/* Priorities at which the tasks are created. */
/* The rate at which data is sent to the queue. The 200ms value is converted
to ticks using the pdMS_TO_TICKS() macro. */
#define mainQUEUE_SEND_FREQUENCY_MS ( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 200UL ) )
/* The number of items the queue can hold. This is 1 as the receive task
will remove items as they are added, meaning the send task should always find
the queue empty. */
#define mainQUEUE_LENGTH ( 1 )
/* The LED toggled by the Rx task. */
#define mainTASK_LED ( 0 )
* The tasks as described in the comments at the top of this file.
static void prvQueueReceiveTask( void *pvParameters );
static void prvQueueSendTask( void *pvParameters );
/* The queue used by both tasks. */
static QueueHandle_t xQueue = NULL;
void main_blinky( void )
/* Create the queue. */
xQueue = xQueueCreate( mainQUEUE_LENGTH, sizeof( uint32_t ) );
if( xQueue != NULL )
/* Start the two tasks as described in the comments at the top of this
file. */
xTaskCreate( prvQueueReceiveTask, /* The function that implements the task. */
"Rx", /* The text name assigned to the task - for debug only as it is not used by the kernel. */
configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, /* The size of the stack to allocate to the task. */
NULL, /* The parameter passed to the task - not used in this case. */
mainQUEUE_RECEIVE_TASK_PRIORITY, /* The priority assigned to the task. */
NULL ); /* The task handle is not required, so NULL is passed. */
xTaskCreate( prvQueueSendTask, "TX", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainQUEUE_SEND_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
/* Start the tasks and timer running. */
/* If all is well, the scheduler will now be running, and the following
line will never be reached. If the following line does execute, then
there was either insufficient FreeRTOS heap memory available for the idle
and/or timer tasks to be created, or vTaskStartScheduler() was called from
User mode. See the memory management section on the FreeRTOS web site for
more details on the FreeRTOS heap The
mode from which main() is called is set in the C start up code and must be
a privileged mode (not user mode). */
for( ;; );
static void prvQueueSendTask( void *pvParameters )
TickType_t xNextWakeTime;
const uint32_t ulValueToSend = 100UL;
/* Remove compiler warning about unused parameter. */
( void ) pvParameters;
/* Initialise xNextWakeTime - this only needs to be done once. */
xNextWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
for( ;; )
/* Place this task in the blocked state until it is time to run again. */
vTaskDelayUntil( &xNextWakeTime, mainQUEUE_SEND_FREQUENCY_MS );
/* Send to the queue - causing the queue receive task to unblock and
toggle the LED. 0 is used as the block time so the sending operation
will not block - it shouldn't need to block as the queue should always
be empty at this point in the code. */
xQueueSend( xQueue, &ulValueToSend, 0U );
static void prvQueueReceiveTask( void *pvParameters )
uint32_t ulReceivedValue;
const uint32_t ulExpectedValue = 100UL;
/* Remove compiler warning about unused parameter. */
( void ) pvParameters;
for( ;; )
/* Wait until something arrives in the queue - this task will block
indefinitely provided INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend is set to 1 in
FreeRTOSConfig.h. */
xQueueReceive( xQueue, &ulReceivedValue, portMAX_DELAY );
/* To get here something must have been received from the queue, but
is it the expected value? If it is, toggle the LED. */
if( ulReceivedValue == ulExpectedValue )
vParTestToggleLED( mainTASK_LED );
ulReceivedValue = 0U;
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
FreeRTOS V8.2.0 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
All rights reserved
This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception.
>>! NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to !<<
>>! distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being !<<
>>! obliged to provide the source code for proprietary components !<<
>>! outside of the FreeRTOS kernel. !<<
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available on the following
* *
* FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed, *
* robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross *
* platform software that is more than just the market leader, it *
* is the industry's de facto standard. *
* *
* Help yourself get started quickly while simultaneously helping *
* to support the FreeRTOS project by purchasing a FreeRTOS *
* tutorial book, reference manual, or both: *
* *
* *
|||| - Having a problem? Start by reading
the FAQ page "My application does not run, what could be wrong?". Have you
defined configASSERT()?
|||| - In return for receiving this top quality
embedded software for free we request you assist our global community by
participating in the support forum.
|||| - Investing in training allows your team to
be as productive as possible as early as possible. Now you can receive
FreeRTOS training directly from Richard Barry, CEO of Real Time Engineers
Ltd, and the world's leading authority on the world's leading RTOS.
|||| - A selection of FreeRTOS ecosystem products,
including FreeRTOS+Trace - an indispensable productivity tool, a DOS
compatible FAT file system, and our tiny thread aware UDP/IP stack.
|||| - Where new FreeRTOS products go to incubate.
Come and try FreeRTOS+TCP, our new open source TCP/IP stack for FreeRTOS.
|||| - Real Time Engineers ltd. license FreeRTOS to High
Integrity Systems ltd. to sell under the OpenRTOS brand. Low cost OpenRTOS
licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and commercial middleware.
|||| - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety
engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and
mission critical applications that require provable dependability.
1 tab == 4 spaces!
* Application specific definitions.
* These definitions should be adjusted for your particular hardware and
* application requirements.
* See
/* configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_TO_USE must be set to the ID of the interrupt
controller that is going to be used directly by FreeRTOS itself. Most hardware
designs will only include on interrupt controller. */
/* If configINSTALL_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS is set to 1, then the kernel will
automatically install its own exception handlers before the kernel is started,
if the application writer has not already caused them to be installed using the
vPortExceptionsInstallHandlers() API function. See the documentation page for
this demo on the web site for more information. */
/* Constants related to the behaviour or the scheduler. */
#define configUSE_PREEMPTION 1
#define configUSE_TIME_SLICING 1
#define configMAX_PRIORITIES ( 7 )
#define configTICK_RATE_HZ ( ( TickType_t ) 1000 )
#define configIDLE_SHOULD_YIELD 1
#define configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS 0 /* Only for 8 and 16-bit hardware. */
/* Constants that describe the hardware and memory usage. */
#define configCPU_CLOCK_HZ ( Not used in this demo as it is determined by the hardware )
#define configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ( ( uint16_t ) 220 )
#define configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE ( ( size_t ) ( 50 * 1024 ) ) /* No effect if heap_3.c is used. */
#define configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN ( 12 )
/* Constants that build features in or out. */
#define configUSE_MUTEXES 1
#define configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE 0
#define configUSE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT 0
#define configUSE_CO_ROUTINES 0
#define configUSE_QUEUE_SETS 0
/* Constants that define which hook (callback) functions should be used. */
#define configUSE_IDLE_HOOK 1
#define configUSE_TICK_HOOK 1
#define configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK 1
/* Constants provided for debugging and optimisation assistance. */
#define configASSERT( x ) if( ( x ) == 0 ) vAssertCalled( __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE 0
/* Constants related to the generation of run time stats. */
#define portCONFIGURE_TIMER_FOR_RUN_TIME_STATS() vMainConfigTimerForRunTimeStats(); /* Only used when configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS is 1. */
#define portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE() ulMainGetRunTimeCounterValue(); /* Only used when configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS is 1. */
/* Software timer definitions. */
#define configUSE_TIMERS 1
#define configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY ( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 4 )
#define configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH 10
/* Set the following definitions to 1 to include the API function, or zero
to exclude the API function. NOTE: Setting an INCLUDE_ parameter to 0 is only
necessary if the linker does not automatically remove functions that are not
referenced anyway. */
#define INCLUDE_vTaskPrioritySet 1
#define INCLUDE_uxTaskPriorityGet 1
#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelete 1
#define INCLUDE_vTaskCleanUpResources 0
#define INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend 1
#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelayUntil 1
#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelay 1
#define INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark 1
#define INCLUDE_pcTaskGetTaskName 1
#define INCLUDE_xTaskGetIdleTaskHandle 0
#define INCLUDE_eTaskGetState 1
#define INCLUDE_xTaskResumeFromISR 0
#define INCLUDE_xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle 1
#define INCLUDE_xTaskGetSchedulerState 0
#define INCLUDE_xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder 0
#define INCLUDE_xTimerPendFunctionCall 1
/* This demo does not make use of example stats formatting functions. These
format the raw data provided by the uxTaskGetSystemState() function in to human
readable ASCII form. See the notes in the implementation of vTaskList() within
FreeRTOS/Source/tasks.c for limitations. */
#define configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY 1
/* The size of the global output buffer that is available for use when there
are multiple command interpreters running at once (for example, one on a UART
and one on TCP/IP). This is done to prevent an output buffer being defined by
each implementation - which would waste RAM. In this case, there is only one
command interpreter running. */
#define configCOMMAND_INT_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE 1024
/* Prevent the function prototypes being included from asm files. */
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
void vMainConfigTimerForRunTimeStats( void );
uint32_t ulMainGetRunTimeCounterValue( void );
void vAssertCalled( const char * pcFile, unsigned long ulLine );
#endif /* FREERTOS_CONFIG_H */
@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
FreeRTOS V8.2.0 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
All rights reserved
This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception.
>>! NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to !<<
>>! distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being !<<
>>! obliged to provide the source code for proprietary components !<<
>>! outside of the FreeRTOS kernel. !<<
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available on the following
* *
* FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed, *
* robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross *
* platform software that is more than just the market leader, it *
* is the industry's de facto standard. *
* *
* Help yourself get started quickly while simultaneously helping *
* to support the FreeRTOS project by purchasing a FreeRTOS *
* tutorial book, reference manual, or both: *
* *
* *
|||| - Having a problem? Start by reading
the FAQ page "My application does not run, what could be wrong?". Have you
defined configASSERT()?
|||| - In return for receiving this top quality
embedded software for free we request you assist our global community by
participating in the support forum.
|||| - Investing in training allows your team to
be as productive as possible as early as possible. Now you can receive
FreeRTOS training directly from Richard Barry, CEO of Real Time Engineers
Ltd, and the world's leading authority on the world's leading RTOS.
|||| - A selection of FreeRTOS ecosystem products,
including FreeRTOS+Trace - an indispensable productivity tool, a DOS
compatible FAT file system, and our tiny thread aware UDP/IP stack.
|||| - Where new FreeRTOS products go to incubate.
Come and try FreeRTOS+TCP, our new open source TCP/IP stack for FreeRTOS.
|||| - Real Time Engineers ltd. license FreeRTOS to High
Integrity Systems ltd. to sell under the OpenRTOS brand. Low cost OpenRTOS
licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and commercial middleware.
|||| - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety
engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and
mission critical applications that require provable dependability.
1 tab == 4 spaces!
* The register test task as described in the comments at the top of main-full.c.
.global vRegTest1Implementation
.global vRegTest2Implementation
/* Variables that are incremented on each iteration of the reg test tasks -
provided the tasks have not reported any errors. The check timer inspects these
variables to ensure they are still incrementing as expected. If a variable
stops incrementing then it is likely that its associate task has stalled or
detected an error. */
.extern ulRegTest1LoopCounter
.extern ulRegTest2LoopCounter
#warning Does not seem to test the floating point context register.
.section .text
.align 2
/* First fill the relevant registers with known values. r0 is always 0, r1
is the stack pointer, and r3 is a read only small data area pointer. */
addi r3, r0, 3
addi r4, r0, 4
addi r5, r0, 5
addi r6, r0, 6
addi r7, r0, 7
addi r8, r0, 8
addi r9, r0, 9
addi r10, r0, 10
addi r11, r0, 11
addi r12, r0, 12
/* R13 = read write small data area anchour. */
/* R14 = return address for interrupt. */
/* R15 = return address for sub-routine. */
/* R16 = return address for trap. */
/* R17 = return address for exceptions. */
/* R18 = reserved for assembler and compiler temporaries. */
addi r19, r0, 19
addi r20, r0, 20
addi r21, r0, 21
addi r22, r0, 22
addi r23, r0, 23
addi r24, r0, 24
addi r25, r0, 25
addi r26, r0, 26
addi r27, r0, 27
addi r28, r0, 28
addi r29, r0, 29
addi r30, r0, 30
addi r31, r0, 31
/* Now test the register values to ensure they contain the same value that
was written to them above. This task will get preempted frequently so
other tasks are likely to have executed since the register values were
written. If any register contains an unexpected value then the task will
branch to Error_Loop_1, which in turn prevents it from incrementing its
loop counter, enabling the check timer to determine that all is not as it
should be. */
xori r18, r3, 3
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r4, 4
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r6, 6
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r7, 7
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r8, 8
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r9, 9
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r10, 10
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r11, 11
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r12, 12
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r19, 19
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r20, 20
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r21, 21
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r22, 22
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r23, 23
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r24, 24
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r25, 25
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r26, 26
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r27, 27
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r28, 28
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r29, 29
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r30, 30
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
xori r18, r31, 31
bnei r18, Error_Loop_1
/* If this task has not branched to the error loop, then everything is ok,
and the check variable can be incremented to indicate that this task
is still running. Then, brach back to the top to check the register
contents again. */
lwi r18, r0, ulRegTest1LoopCounter
addik r18, r18, 1
swi r18, r0, ulRegTest1LoopCounter
bri Loop_Start_1
/* The test function will branch here if it discovers an error. This part
of the code just sits in a NULL loop, which prevents the check variable
incrementing any further to allow the check timer to recognize that this
test has failed. */
bri 0
.section .text
.align 2
/* First fill the relevant registers with known values. r0 is always 0, r1
is the stack pointer, and r3 is a read only small data area pointer. */
addi r3, r0, 30000
addi r4, r0, 40000
addi r5, r0, 50000
addi r6, r0, 60000
addi r7, r0, 70000
addi r8, r0, 80000
addi r9, r0, 90000
addi r10, r0, 100000
addi r11, r0, 110000
addi r12, r0, 120000
/* R13 = read write small data area anchour. */
/* R14 = return address for interrupt. */
/* R15 = return address for sub-routine. */
/* R16 = return address for trap. */
/* R17 = return address for exceptions. */
/* R18 = reserved for assembler and compiler temporaries. */
addi r19, r0, 190000
addi r20, r0, 200000
addi r21, r0, 210000
addi r22, r0, 220000
addi r23, r0, 230000
addi r24, r0, 240000
addi r25, r0, 250000
addi r26, r0, 260000
addi r27, r0, 270000
addi r28, r0, 280000
addi r29, r0, 290000
addi r30, r0, 300000
addi r31, r0, 310000
/* Now test the register values to ensure they contain the same value that
was written to them above. This task will get preempted frequently so
other tasks are likely to have executed since the register values were
written. If any register contains an unexpected value then the task will
branch to Error_Loop_2, which in turn prevents it from incrementing its
loop counter, enabling the check timer to determine that all is not as it
should be. */
xori r18, r3, 30000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r4, 40000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r6, 60000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r7, 70000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r8, 80000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r9, 90000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r10, 100000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r11, 110000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r12, 120000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r19, 190000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r20, 200000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r21, 210000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r22, 220000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r23, 230000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r24, 240000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r25, 250000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r26, 260000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r27, 270000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r28, 280000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r29, 290000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r30, 300000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
xori r18, r31, 310000
bnei r18, Error_Loop_2
/* If this task has not branched to the error loop, then everything is ok,
and the check variable can be incremented to indicate that this task
is still running. Then, brach back to the top to check the register
contents again. */
lwi r18, r0, ulRegTest2LoopCounter
addik r18, r18, 1
swi r18, r0, ulRegTest2LoopCounter
bri Loop_Start_2
/* The test function will branch here if it discovers an error. This part
of the code just sits in a NULL loop, which prevents the check variable
incrementing any further to allow the check timer to recognize that this
test has failed. */
bri 0
@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
FreeRTOS V8.2.0 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
All rights reserved
This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception.
>>! NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to !<<
>>! distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being !<<
>>! obliged to provide the source code for proprietary components !<<
>>! outside of the FreeRTOS kernel. !<<
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available on the following
* *
* FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed, *
* robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross *
* platform software that is more than just the market leader, it *
* is the industry's de facto standard. *
* *
* Help yourself get started quickly while simultaneously helping *
* to support the FreeRTOS project by purchasing a FreeRTOS *
* tutorial book, reference manual, or both: *
* *
* *
|||| - Having a problem? Start by reading
the FAQ page "My application does not run, what could be wrong?". Have you
defined configASSERT()?
|||| - In return for receiving this top quality
embedded software for free we request you assist our global community by
participating in the support forum.
|||| - Investing in training allows your team to
be as productive as possible as early as possible. Now you can receive
FreeRTOS training directly from Richard Barry, CEO of Real Time Engineers
Ltd, and the world's leading authority on the world's leading RTOS.
|||| - A selection of FreeRTOS ecosystem products,
including FreeRTOS+Trace - an indispensable productivity tool, a DOS
compatible FAT file system, and our tiny thread aware UDP/IP stack.
|||| - Where new FreeRTOS products go to incubate.
Come and try FreeRTOS+TCP, our new open source TCP/IP stack for FreeRTOS.
|||| - Real Time Engineers ltd. license FreeRTOS to High
Integrity Systems ltd. to sell under the OpenRTOS brand. Low cost OpenRTOS
licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and commercial middleware.
|||| - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety
engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and
mission critical applications that require provable dependability.
1 tab == 4 spaces!
* NOTE 1: This project provides two demo applications. A simple blinky
* style project, and a more comprehensive test and demo application. The
* mainCREATE_SIMPLY_BLINKY_DEMO_ONLY setting in main.c is used to select
* between the two. See the notes on using mainCREATE_SIMPLY_BLINKY_DEMO_ONLY
* in main.c. This file implements the comprehensive version.
* NOTE 2: This file only contains the source code that is specific to the
* full demo. Generic functions, such FreeRTOS hook functions, and functions
* required to configure the hardware, are defined in main.c.
* main_full() creates all the demo application tasks and software timers, then
* starts the scheduler. The web documentation provides more details of the
* standard demo application tasks, which provide no particular functionality,
* but do provide a good example of how to use the FreeRTOS API.
* In addition to the standard demo tasks, the following tasks and tests are
* defined and/or created within this file:
* FreeRTOS+CLI command console. The command console is access through the
* UART to USB connector on the ZC702 Zynq development board (marked J2). For
* reasons of robustness testing the UART driver is deliberately written to be
* inefficient and should not be used as a template for a production driver.
* Type "help" to see a list of registered commands. The FreeRTOS+CLI license
* is different to the FreeRTOS license, see for
* license and usage details. The default baud rate is 115200.
* "Reg test" tasks - These fill both the core and floating point registers with
* known values, then check that each register maintains its expected value for
* the lifetime of the task. Each task uses a different set of values. The reg
* test tasks execute with a very low priority, so get preempted very
* frequently. A register containing an unexpected value is indicative of an
* error in the context switching mechanism.
* "Check" task - The check task period is initially set to three seconds. The
* task checks that all the standard demo tasks, and the register check tasks,
* are not only still executing, but are executing without reporting any errors.
* If the check task discovers that a task has either stalled, or reported an
* error, then it changes its own execution period from the initial three
* seconds, to just 200ms. The check task also toggles an LED each time it is
* called. This provides a visual indication of the system status: If the LED
* toggles every three seconds, then no issues have been discovered. If the LED
* toggles every 200ms, then an issue has been discovered with at least one
* task.
/* Standard includes. */
#include <stdio.h>
/* Kernel includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "semphr.h"
/* Standard demo application includes. */
#include "flash_timer.h"
#include "flop.h"
#include "semtest.h"
#include "dynamic.h"
#include "blocktim.h"
#include "countsem.h"
#include "GenQTest.h"
#include "recmutex.h"
#include "partest.h"
#include "serial.h"
#include "TimerDemo.h"
#include "IntQueue.h"
#include "EventGroupsDemo.h"
#include "TaskNotify.h"
#include "IntSemTest.h"
/* Priorities for the demo application tasks. */
#define mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY ( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1 )
/* The priority used by the UART command console task. */
/* The LED used by the check timer. */
#define mainCHECK_LED ( 7 )
/* A block time of zero simply means "don't block". */
#define mainDONT_BLOCK ( 0UL )
/* The period after which the check timer will expire, in ms, provided no errors
have been reported by any of the standard demo tasks. ms are converted to the
equivalent in ticks using the portTICK_PERIOD_MS constant. */
#define mainNO_ERROR_CHECK_TASK_PERIOD ( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 3000UL ) )
/* The period at which the check timer will expire, in ms, if an error has been
reported in one of the standard demo tasks. ms are converted to the equivalent
in ticks using the portTICK_PERIOD_MS constant. */
#define mainERROR_CHECK_TASK_PERIOD ( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 200UL ) )
/* Parameters that are passed into the register check tasks solely for the
purpose of ensuring parameters are passed into tasks correctly. */
#define mainREG_TEST_TASK_1_PARAMETER ( ( void * ) 0x12345678 )
#define mainREG_TEST_TASK_2_PARAMETER ( ( void * ) 0x87654321 )
/* The base period used by the timer test tasks. */
#define mainTIMER_TEST_PERIOD ( 50 )
/* The number of timers to create that just flash LEDs. */
#define mainNUM_FLASH_TIMERS ( 3 )
* The check task, as described at the top of this file.
static void prvCheckTask( void *pvParameters );
* Register check tasks, and the tasks used to write over and check the contents
* of the FPU registers, as described at the top of this file. The nature of
* these files necessitates that they are written in an assembly file, but the
* entry points are kept in the C file for the convenience of checking the task
* parameter.
static void prvRegTestTaskEntry1( void *pvParameters );
extern void vRegTest1Implementation( void );
static void prvRegTestTaskEntry2( void *pvParameters );
extern void vRegTest2Implementation( void );
* Register commands that can be used with FreeRTOS+CLI. The commands are
* defined in CLI-Commands.c and File-Related-CLI-Command.c respectively.
extern void vRegisterSampleCLICommands( void );
* The task that manages the FreeRTOS+CLI input and output.
extern void vUARTCommandConsoleStart( uint16_t usStackSize, UBaseType_t uxPriority );
* When the full demo is build the tick hook it used to demonstrate API
* functions being called from an interrupt and to perform some tests.
void vFullDemoTickHook( void );
* When the full demo is build the idle hook is used to create some timers that
* cannot be created in main() because the timer demo tasks need the entire
* command queue.
void vFullDemoIdleHook( void );
/* The following two variables are used to communicate the status of the
register check tasks to the check task. If the variables keep incrementing,
then the register check tasks has not discovered any errors. If a variable
stops incrementing, then an error has been found. */
volatile unsigned long ulRegTest1LoopCounter = 0UL, ulRegTest2LoopCounter = 0UL;
void main_full( void )
/* Start all the other standard demo/test tasks. They have not particular
functionality, but do demonstrate how to use the FreeRTOS API and test the
kernel port. */
// vStartInterruptQueueTasks();
vStartGenericQueueTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
vStartTimerDemoTask( mainTIMER_TEST_PERIOD );
/* Note - the set of standard demo tasks contains two versions of
vStartMathTasks.c. One is defined in flop.c, and uses double precision
floating point numbers and variables. The other is defined in sp_flop.c,
and uses single precision floating point numbers and variables. The
MicroBlaze floating point unit only handles single precision floating.
Therefore, to test the floating point hardware, sp_flop.c should be included
in this project. */
vStartMathTasks( mainFLOP_TASK_PRIORITY );
/* Start the tasks that implements the command console on the UART, as
described above. */
/* Register the standard CLI commands. */
/* Create the register check tasks, as described at the top of this file */
xTaskCreate( prvRegTestTaskEntry1, "Reg1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, mainREG_TEST_TASK_1_PARAMETER, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );
xTaskCreate( prvRegTestTaskEntry2, "Reg2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, mainREG_TEST_TASK_2_PARAMETER, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );
/* Create the task that performs the 'check' functionality, as described at
the top of this file. */
xTaskCreate( prvCheckTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
/* Start the scheduler. */
/* If all is well, the scheduler will now be running, and the following
line will never be reached. If the following line does execute, then
there was either insufficient FreeRTOS heap memory available for the idle
and/or timer tasks to be created, or vTaskStartScheduler() was called from
User mode. See the memory management section on the FreeRTOS web site for
more details on the FreeRTOS heap The
mode from which main() is called is set in the C start up code and must be
a privileged mode (not user mode). */
for( ;; );
static void prvCheckTask( void *pvParameters )
TickType_t xDelayPeriod = mainNO_ERROR_CHECK_TASK_PERIOD;
TickType_t xLastExecutionTime;
static unsigned long ulLastRegTest1Value = 0, ulLastRegTest2Value = 0;
unsigned long ulErrorFound = pdFALSE;
/* Just to stop compiler warnings. */
( void ) pvParameters;
/* Initialise xLastExecutionTime so the first call to vTaskDelayUntil()
works correctly. */
xLastExecutionTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
/* Cycle for ever, delaying then checking all the other tasks are still
operating without error. The onboard LED is toggled on each iteration.
If an error is detected then the delay period is decreased from
effect of increasing the rate at which the onboard LED toggles, and in so
doing gives visual feedback of the system status. */
for( ;; )
/* Delay until it is time to execute again. */
vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastExecutionTime, xDelayPeriod );
/* Check all the demo tasks (other than the flash tasks) to ensure
that they are all still running, and that none have detected an error. */
if( 0 )// if( xAreIntQueueTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 0UL;
if( xAreMathsTaskStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 1UL;
if( xAreDynamicPriorityTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 2UL;
if ( xAreBlockTimeTestTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 4UL;
if ( xAreGenericQueueTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 5UL;
if ( xAreRecursiveMutexTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 6UL;
if( xAreSemaphoreTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 8UL;
if( xAreCountingSemaphoreTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 10UL;
if( xAreInterruptSemaphoreTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 14UL;
if( xAreTimerDemoTasksStillRunning( ( TickType_t ) mainNO_ERROR_CHECK_TASK_PERIOD ) != pdPASS )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 9UL;
if( xAreEventGroupTasksStillRunning() != pdPASS )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 12UL;
if( xAreTaskNotificationTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 13UL;
/* Check that the register test 1 task is still running. */
if( ulLastRegTest1Value == ulRegTest1LoopCounter )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 15UL;
ulLastRegTest1Value = ulRegTest1LoopCounter;
/* Check that the register test 2 task is still running. */
if( ulLastRegTest2Value == ulRegTest2LoopCounter )
ulErrorFound |= 1UL << 16UL;
ulLastRegTest2Value = ulRegTest2LoopCounter;
/* Toggle the check LED to give an indication of the system status. If
the LED toggles every mainNO_ERROR_CHECK_TASK_PERIOD milliseconds then
everything is ok. A faster toggle indicates an error. */
vParTestToggleLED( mainCHECK_LED );
if( ulErrorFound != pdFALSE )
/* An error has been detected in one of the tasks - flash the LED
at a higher frequency to give visible feedback that something has
gone wrong (it might just be that the loop back connector required
by the comtest tasks has not been fitted). */
static void prvRegTestTaskEntry1( void *pvParameters )
/* Although the regtest task is written in assembler, its entry point is
written in C for convenience of checking the task parameter is being passed
in correctly. */
if( pvParameters == mainREG_TEST_TASK_1_PARAMETER )
/* Start the part of the test that is written in assembler. */
/* The following line will only execute if the task parameter is found to
be incorrect. The check timer will detect that the regtest loop counter is
not being incremented and flag an error. */
vTaskDelete( NULL );
static void prvRegTestTaskEntry2( void *pvParameters )
/* Although the regtest task is written in assembler, its entry point is
written in C for convenience of checking the task parameter is being passed
in correctly. */
if( pvParameters == mainREG_TEST_TASK_2_PARAMETER )
/* Start the part of the test that is written in assembler. */
/* The following line will only execute if the task parameter is found to
be incorrect. The check timer will detect that the regtest loop counter is
not being incremented and flag an error. */
vTaskDelete( NULL );
void vFullDemoTickHook( void )
/* The full demo includes a software timer demo/test that requires
prodding periodically from the tick interrupt. */
/* Call the periodic event group from ISR demo. */
/* Use task notifications from an interrupt. */
/* Use mutexes from interrupts. */
void vFullDemoIdleHook( void )
static uint32_t ulStartedTimers = pdFALSE;
if( ulStartedTimers == pdFALSE )
/* The flash timers are not created from main() as the timer demo needs
the entire timer command queue in order to perform some tests. */
vStartLEDFlashTimers( mainNUM_FLASH_TIMERS );
ulStartedTimers = pdTRUE;
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
FreeRTOS V8.2.0 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
All rights reserved
This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception.
>>! NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to !<<
>>! distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being !<<
>>! obliged to provide the source code for proprietary components !<<
>>! outside of the FreeRTOS kernel. !<<
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available on the following
* *
* FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed, *
* robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross *
* platform software that is more than just the market leader, it *
* is the industry's de facto standard. *
* *
* Help yourself get started quickly while simultaneously helping *
* to support the FreeRTOS project by purchasing a FreeRTOS *
* tutorial book, reference manual, or both: *
* *
* *
|||| - Having a problem? Start by reading
the FAQ page "My application does not run, what could be wrong?". Have you
defined configASSERT()?
|||| - In return for receiving this top quality
embedded software for free we request you assist our global community by
participating in the support forum.
|||| - Investing in training allows your team to
be as productive as possible as early as possible. Now you can receive
FreeRTOS training directly from Richard Barry, CEO of Real Time Engineers
Ltd, and the world's leading authority on the world's leading RTOS.
|||| - A selection of FreeRTOS ecosystem products,
including FreeRTOS+Trace - an indispensable productivity tool, a DOS
compatible FAT file system, and our tiny thread aware UDP/IP stack.
|||| - Where new FreeRTOS products go to incubate.
Come and try FreeRTOS+TCP, our new open source TCP/IP stack for FreeRTOS.
|||| - Real Time Engineers ltd. license FreeRTOS to High
Integrity Systems ltd. to sell under the OpenRTOS brand. Low cost OpenRTOS
licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and commercial middleware.
|||| - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety
engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and
mission critical applications that require provable dependability.
1 tab == 4 spaces!
* Simple IO routines to control the LEDs.
/* Scheduler includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
/* Demo includes. */
#include "partest.h"
/* Xilinx includes. */
#include "xgpio.h"
#define partstNUM_LEDS 8
/* The GPIO instance to which the LEDs are connected. */
static XGpio xOutputGPIOInstance;
/* Maintains the current LED output state. */
static volatile UBaseType_t uxGPIOState = 0U;
/* Constant required by the Xilinx peripheral driver API functions that are
relevant to the particular hardware set up. */
static const unsigned long ulGPIOOutputChannel = 1UL;
void vParTestInitialise( void )
portBASE_TYPE xStatus;
const unsigned char ucSetToOutput = 0U;
/* Initialize the GPIO for the LEDs. */
xStatus = XGpio_Initialize( &xOutputGPIOInstance, XPAR_AXI_GPIO_0_DEVICE_ID );
if( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS )
/* All bits on this channel are going to be outputs (LEDs). */
XGpio_SetDataDirection( &xOutputGPIOInstance, ulGPIOOutputChannel, ucSetToOutput );
/* Start with all LEDs off. */
uxGPIOState = 0U;
XGpio_DiscreteWrite( &xOutputGPIOInstance, ulGPIOOutputChannel, ( uint8_t ) uxGPIOState );
configASSERT( ( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS ) );
void vParTestSetLED( UBaseType_t uxLED, BaseType_t xValue )
if( uxLED < partstNUM_LEDS )
if( xValue != pdFALSE )
uxGPIOState |= ( 1UL << uxLED );
uxGPIOState &= ~( 1UL << uxLED );
XGpio_DiscreteWrite( &xOutputGPIOInstance, ulGPIOOutputChannel, ( uint8_t ) uxGPIOState );
void vParTestToggleLED( unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxLED )
if( uxLED < partstNUM_LEDS )
uxGPIOState ^= ( 1UL << uxLED );
XGpio_DiscreteWrite( &xOutputGPIOInstance, ulGPIOOutputChannel, ( uint8_t ) uxGPIOState );
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
/* */
/* This file is automatically generated by linker script generator.*/
/* */
/* Version: */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Description : MicroBlaze Linker Script */
/* */
/* Define Memories in the system */
microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr : ORIGIN = 0x00000050, LENGTH = 0x0003FFB0
/* Specify the default entry point to the program */
/* Define the sections, and where they are mapped in memory */
.vectors.reset 0x00000000 : {
KEEP (*(.vectors.reset))
.vectors.sw_exception 0x00000008 : {
KEEP (*(.vectors.sw_exception))
.vectors.interrupt 0x00000010 : {
KEEP (*(.vectors.interrupt))
.vectors.hw_exception 0x00000020 : {
KEEP (*(.vectors.hw_exception))
.text : {
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.init : {
KEEP (*(.init))
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.fini : {
KEEP (*(.fini))
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.ctors : {
__CTOR_LIST__ = .;
___CTORS_LIST___ = .;
KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.ctors))
KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE(*crtend.o) .ctors))
KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*)))
KEEP (*(.ctors))
__CTOR_END__ = .;
___CTORS_END___ = .;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.dtors : {
__DTOR_LIST__ = .;
___DTORS_LIST___ = .;
KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.dtors))
KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE(*crtend.o) .dtors))
KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
KEEP (*(.dtors))
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.rodata : {
__rodata_start = .;
__rodata_end = .;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.sdata2 : {
. = ALIGN(8);
__sdata2_start = .;
. = ALIGN(8);
__sdata2_end = .;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.sbss2 : {
__sbss2_start = .;
__sbss2_end = .;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.data : {
. = ALIGN(4);
__data_start = .;
__data_end = .;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.got : {
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.got1 : {
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.got2 : {
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.eh_frame : {
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.jcr : {
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.gcc_except_table : {
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.sdata : {
. = ALIGN(8);
__sdata_start = .;
__sdata_end = .;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.sbss (NOLOAD) : {
. = ALIGN(4);
__sbss_start = .;
. = ALIGN(8);
__sbss_end = .;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.tdata : {
__tdata_start = .;
__tdata_end = .;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.tbss : {
__tbss_start = .;
__tbss_end = .;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.bss (NOLOAD) : {
. = ALIGN(4);
__bss_start = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__bss_end = .;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
_SDA_BASE_ = __sdata_start + ((__sbss_end - __sdata_start) / 2 );
_SDA2_BASE_ = __sdata2_start + ((__sbss2_end - __sdata2_start) / 2 );
/* Generate Stack and Heap definitions */
.heap (NOLOAD) : {
. = ALIGN(8);
_heap = .;
_heap_start = .;
. += _HEAP_SIZE;
_heap_end = .;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
.stack (NOLOAD) : {
_stack_end = .;
. = ALIGN(8);
_stack = .;
__stack = _stack;
} > microblaze_0_local_memory_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_microblaze_0_local_memory_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr
_end = .;
@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
FreeRTOS V8.2.0 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
All rights reserved
This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception.
>>! NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to !<<
>>! distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being !<<
>>! obliged to provide the source code for proprietary components !<<
>>! outside of the FreeRTOS kernel. !<<
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available on the following
* *
* FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed, *
* robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross *
* platform software that is more than just the market leader, it *
* is the industry's de facto standard. *
* *
* Help yourself get started quickly while simultaneously helping *
* to support the FreeRTOS project by purchasing a FreeRTOS *
* tutorial book, reference manual, or both: *
* *
* *
|||| - Having a problem? Start by reading
the FAQ page "My application does not run, what could be wrong?". Have you
defined configASSERT()?
|||| - In return for receiving this top quality
embedded software for free we request you assist our global community by
participating in the support forum.
|||| - Investing in training allows your team to
be as productive as possible as early as possible. Now you can receive
FreeRTOS training directly from Richard Barry, CEO of Real Time Engineers
Ltd, and the world's leading authority on the world's leading RTOS.
|||| - A selection of FreeRTOS ecosystem products,
including FreeRTOS+Trace - an indispensable productivity tool, a DOS
compatible FAT file system, and our tiny thread aware UDP/IP stack.
|||| - Where new FreeRTOS products go to incubate.
Come and try FreeRTOS+TCP, our new open source TCP/IP stack for FreeRTOS.
|||| - Real Time Engineers ltd. license FreeRTOS to High
Integrity Systems ltd. to sell under the OpenRTOS brand. Low cost OpenRTOS
licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and commercial middleware.
|||| - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety
engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and
mission critical applications that require provable dependability.
1 tab == 4 spaces!
* This project provides two demo applications. A simple blinky style project,
* and a more comprehensive test and demo application. The
* mainCREATE_SIMPLE_BLINKY_DEMO_ONLY setting (defined in this file) is used to
* select between the two. The simply blinky demo is implemented and described
* in main_blinky.c. The more comprehensive test and demo application is
* implemented and described in main_full.c.
* This file implements the code that is not demo specific, including the
* hardware setup and FreeRTOS hook functions.
#warning Try reducing minimal stack size.
/* Standard includes. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
/* Scheduler include files. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
/* Demo app includes. */
#include "partest.h"
/* Xilinx includes. */
#include "xtmrctr.h"
#include "xil_cache.h"
/* mainCREATE_SIMPLE_BLINKY_DEMO_ONLY is used to select between the simply
* blinky demo and the comprehensive test and demo application.
* When mainCREATE_SIMPLE_BLINKY_DEMO_ONLY is set to 1 the simple blinky example
* will be run.
* When mainCREATE_SIMPLE_BLINKY_DEMO_ONLY is set to 0 the comprehensive test
* and demo application will be run.
* Configure the hardware as necessary to run this demo.
static void prvSetupHardware( void );
* See the comments at the top of this file and above the
extern void main_blinky( void );
extern void main_full( void );
/* Prototypes for the standard FreeRTOS callback/hook functions implemented
within this file. */
void vApplicationMallocFailedHook( void );
void vApplicationIdleHook( void );
void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( TaskHandle_t pxTask, char *pcTaskName );
void vApplicationTickHook( void );
/* The dual timer is used to generate the RTOS tick interrupt. */
static XTmrCtr xDualTimerInstance;
int main( void )
/* Configure the hardware ready to run the demo. */
/* The mainCREATE_SIMPLE_BLINKY_DEMO_ONLY setting is described at the top
of this file. */
/* Don't expect to reach here. */
return 0;
static void prvSetupHardware( void )
#warning Stacks are in BRAM.
#warning Caches are disabled.
// init_platform();
/* Initialise the LEDs. ParTest is a historic name which used to stand for
PARallel port TEST. */
void vApplicationMallocFailedHook( void )
volatile uint32_t ulDummy = 0;
/* Called if a call to pvPortMalloc() fails because there is insufficient
free memory available in the FreeRTOS heap. pvPortMalloc() is called
internally by FreeRTOS API functions that create tasks, queues, software
timers, and semaphores. The size of the FreeRTOS heap is set by the
configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE configuration constant in FreeRTOSConfig.h. Force an
assertion failure. */
configASSERT( ulDummy != 0 );
void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( TaskHandle_t pxTask, char *pcTaskName )
( void ) pcTaskName;
( void ) pxTask;
/* Run time stack overflow checking is performed if
configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW is defined to 1 or 2. This hook
function is called if a stack overflow is detected. Force an assertion
failuse. */
configASSERT( ( char * ) pxTask == pcTaskName );
void vApplicationIdleHook( void )
extern void vFullDemoIdleHook( void );
/* When the full demo is build the idle hook is used to create some
timers to flash LEDs. */
void vAssertCalled( const char * pcFile, unsigned long ulLine )
volatile unsigned long ul = 0;
( void ) pcFile;
( void ) ulLine;
/* Set ul to a non-zero value using the debugger to step out of this
function. */
while( ul == 0 )
void vApplicationTickHook( void )
extern void vFullDemoTickHook( void );
/* When the full demo is build the tick hook is used to demonstrate
functions being called from an interrupt and perform some tests. */
/* This is an application defined callback function used to install the tick
interrupt handler. It is provided as an application callback because the kernel
will run on lots of different MicroBlaze and FPGA configurations - not all of
which will have the same timer peripherals defined or available. This example
uses the Dual Timer 0. If that is available on your hardware platform then this
example callback implementation may not require modification. The name of the
interrupt handler that must be installed is vPortTickISR(), which the function
below declares as an extern. */
void vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt( void )
portBASE_TYPE xStatus;
const unsigned char ucTimerCounterNumber = ( unsigned char ) 0U;
const unsigned long ulCounterValue = ( ( XPAR_TMRCTR_0_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL );
extern void vPortTickISR( void *pvUnused );
/* Initialise the timer/counter. */
xStatus = XTmrCtr_Initialize( &xDualTimerInstance, XPAR_TMRCTR_0_DEVICE_ID );
if( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS )
/* Install the tick interrupt handler as the timer ISR.
*NOTE* The xPortInstallInterruptHandler() API function must be used for
this purpose. */
xStatus = xPortInstallInterruptHandler( XPAR_INTC_0_TMRCTR_0_VEC_ID, vPortTickISR, NULL );
if( xStatus == pdPASS )
/* Enable the timer interrupt in the interrupt controller.
*NOTE* The vPortEnableInterrupt() API function must be used for this
purpose. */
vPortEnableInterrupt( XPAR_INTC_0_TMRCTR_0_VEC_ID );
/* Configure the timer interrupt handler. */
XTmrCtr_SetHandler( &xDualTimerInstance, ( void * ) vPortTickISR, NULL );
/* Set the correct period for the timer. */
XTmrCtr_SetResetValue( &xDualTimerInstance, ucTimerCounterNumber, ulCounterValue );
/* Enable the interrupts. Auto-reload mode is used to generate a
periodic tick. Note that interrupts are disabled when this function is
called, so interrupts will not start to be processed until the first
task has started to run. */
XTmrCtr_SetOptions( &xDualTimerInstance, ucTimerCounterNumber, ( XTC_INT_MODE_OPTION | XTC_AUTO_RELOAD_OPTION | XTC_DOWN_COUNT_OPTION ) );
/* Start the timer. */
XTmrCtr_Start( &xDualTimerInstance, ucTimerCounterNumber );
/* Sanity check that the function executed as expected. */
configASSERT( ( xStatus == pdPASS ) );
/* This is an application defined callback function used to clear whichever
interrupt was installed by the the vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt() callback
function. It is provided as an application callback because the kernel will run
on lots of different MicroBlaze and FPGA configurations - not all of which will
have the same timer peripherals defined or available. This example uses the
dual timer 0. If that is available on your hardware platform then this example
callback implementation will not require modification provided the example
definition of vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt() is also not modified. */
void vApplicationClearTimerInterrupt( void )
unsigned long ulCSR;
/* Clear the timer interrupt */
ulCSR = XTmrCtr_GetControlStatusReg( XPAR_TMRCTR_0_BASEADDR, 0 );
XTmrCtr_SetControlStatusReg( XPAR_TMRCTR_0_BASEADDR, 0, ulCSR );
void *malloc( size_t x )
/* Just to check it never gets called as there is no heap defined (other
than the FreeRTOS heap). */
for( ;; );
void vMainConfigTimerForRunTimeStats( void )
uint32_t ulMainGetRunTimeCounterValue( void )
return 0;
@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
FreeRTOS V8.2.0 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
All rights reserved
This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception.
>>! NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to !<<
>>! distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being !<<
>>! obliged to provide the source code for proprietary components !<<
>>! outside of the FreeRTOS kernel. !<<
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available on the following
* *
* FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed, *
* robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross *
* platform software that is more than just the market leader, it *
* is the industry's de facto standard. *
* *
* Help yourself get started quickly while simultaneously helping *
* to support the FreeRTOS project by purchasing a FreeRTOS *
* tutorial book, reference manual, or both: *
* *
* *
|||| - Having a problem? Start by reading
the FAQ page "My application does not run, what could be wrong?". Have you
defined configASSERT()?
|||| - In return for receiving this top quality
embedded software for free we request you assist our global community by
participating in the support forum.
|||| - Investing in training allows your team to
be as productive as possible as early as possible. Now you can receive
FreeRTOS training directly from Richard Barry, CEO of Real Time Engineers
Ltd, and the world's leading authority on the world's leading RTOS.
|||| - A selection of FreeRTOS ecosystem products,
including FreeRTOS+Trace - an indispensable productivity tool, a DOS
compatible FAT file system, and our tiny thread aware UDP/IP stack.
|||| - Where new FreeRTOS products go to incubate.
Come and try FreeRTOS+TCP, our new open source TCP/IP stack for FreeRTOS.
|||| - Real Time Engineers ltd. license FreeRTOS to High
Integrity Systems ltd. to sell under the OpenRTOS brand. Low cost OpenRTOS
licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and commercial middleware.
|||| - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety
engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and
mission critical applications that require provable dependability.
1 tab == 4 spaces!
NOTE: This is not intended to represent an efficient driver. It is
designed to test the FreeRTOS port. Normally a UART driver would use a DMA,
or at least a circular RAM buffer rather than a queue. A task notification
can then be used to unblock any task that is waiting for a complete message
once a complete message has been buffered.
/* Scheduler includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "comtest_strings.h"
/* Library includes. */
#include "xuartlite.h"
#include "xuartlite_l.h"
/* Demo application includes. */
#include "serial.h"
/* Functions that are installed as the handler for interrupts that are caused by
Rx and Tx events respectively. */
static void prvRxHandler( void *pvUnused, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxByteCount );
static void prvTxHandler( void *pvUnused, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxByteCount );
/* Structure that hold the state of the UARTLite peripheral used by this demo.
This is used by the Xilinx peripheral driver API functions. */
static XUartLite xUartLiteInstance;
/* The queue used to hold received characters. */
static QueueHandle_t xRxedChars;
xComPortHandle xSerialPortInitMinimal( unsigned long ulWantedBaud, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxQueueLength )
BaseType_t xStatus;
/* The standard demo header file requires a baud rate to be passed into this
function. However, in this case the baud rate is configured when the
hardware is generated, leaving the ulWantedBaud parameter redundant. */
( void ) ulWantedBaud;
/* Create the queue used to hold Rx characters. */
xRxedChars = xQueueCreate( uxQueueLength, ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) sizeof( signed char ) );
/* If the queue was created correctly, then setup the serial port
hardware. */
if( xRxedChars != NULL )
xStatus = XUartLite_Initialize( &xUartLiteInstance, XPAR_UARTLITE_0_DEVICE_ID );
if( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS )
/* Complete initialisation of the UART and its associated
interrupts. */
XUartLite_ResetFifos( &xUartLiteInstance );
/* Install the handlers that the standard Xilinx library interrupt
service routine will call when Rx and Tx events occur
respectively. */
XUartLite_SetRecvHandler( &xUartLiteInstance, ( XUartLite_Handler ) prvRxHandler, NULL );
XUartLite_SetSendHandler( &xUartLiteInstance, ( XUartLite_Handler ) prvTxHandler, NULL );
/* Install the standard Xilinx library interrupt handler itself.
*NOTE* The xPortInstallInterruptHandler() API function must be used
for this purpose. */
xStatus = xPortInstallInterruptHandler( XPAR_INTC_0_UARTLITE_0_VEC_ID, ( XInterruptHandler ) XUartLite_InterruptHandler, &xUartLiteInstance );
/* Enable the interrupt in the peripheral. */
XUartLite_EnableIntr( xUartLiteInstance.RegBaseAddress );
/* Enable the interrupt in the interrupt controller.
*NOTE* The vPortEnableInterrupt() API function must be used for this
purpose. */
vPortEnableInterrupt( XPAR_INTC_0_UARTLITE_0_VEC_ID );
configASSERT( xStatus == pdPASS );
/* This demo file only supports a single port but something must be
returned to comply with the standard demo header file. */
return ( xComPortHandle ) 0;
portBASE_TYPE xSerialGetChar( xComPortHandle pxPort, signed char *pcRxedChar, TickType_t xBlockTime )
portBASE_TYPE xReturn;
/* The port handle is not required as this driver only supports one port. */
( void ) pxPort;
/* Get the next character from the receive queue. Return false if no
characters are available, or arrive before xBlockTime expires. */
if( xQueueReceive( xRxedChars, pcRxedChar, xBlockTime ) )
xReturn = pdTRUE;
xReturn = pdFALSE;
return xReturn;
signed portBASE_TYPE xSerialPutChar( xComPortHandle pxPort, signed char cOutChar, TickType_t xBlockTime )
( void ) pxPort;
( void ) xBlockTime;
XUartLite_Send( &xUartLiteInstance, ( unsigned char * ) &cOutChar, sizeof( cOutChar ) );
return pdPASS;
void vSerialPutString( xComPortHandle pxPort, const signed char * const pcString, unsigned short usStringLength )
( void ) pxPort;
/* Output uxStringLength bytes starting from pcString. */
XUartLite_Send( &xUartLiteInstance, ( unsigned char * ) pcString, usStringLength );
static void prvRxHandler( void *pvUnused, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxByteCount )
signed char cRxedChar;
portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
( void ) pvUnused;
( void ) uxByteCount;
/* Place any received characters into the receive queue. */
while( XUartLite_IsReceiveEmpty( xUartLiteInstance.RegBaseAddress ) == pdFALSE )
cRxedChar = XUartLite_ReadReg( xUartLiteInstance.RegBaseAddress, XUL_RX_FIFO_OFFSET);
xQueueSendFromISR( xRxedChars, &cRxedChar, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
/* If calling xQueueSendFromISR() caused a task to unblock, and the task
that unblocked has a priority equal to or greater than the task currently
in the Running state (the task that was interrupted), then
xHigherPriorityTaskWoken will have been set to pdTRUE internally within the
xQueueSendFromISR() API function. If xHigherPriorityTaskWoken is equal to
pdTRUE then a context switch should be requested to ensure that the
interrupt returns to the highest priority task that is able to run. */
portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
static void prvTxHandler( void *pvUnused, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxByteCount )
( void ) pvUnused;
( void ) uxByteCount;
/* Nothing to do here. The Xilinx library function takes care of the
transmission. */
Reference in New Issue