Continue Zynq demo - ParTest.c now working (with single LED), but still very much a work in progress.

Richard Barry 11 years ago
parent 1e26b1875f
commit 4c9b5d88ae

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="&quot;${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/src}&quot;"/>
<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="&quot;${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/src/FreeRTOS_Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CA9}&quot;"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.compiler.misc.other.591008063" name="Other flags" superClass="xilinx.gnu.compiler.misc.other" value="-c -fmessage-length=0" valueType="string"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.compiler.misc.other.591008063" name="Other flags" superClass="xilinx.gnu.compiler.misc.other" value="-c -fmessage-length=0 -Wextra" valueType="string"/>
<inputType id="xilinx.gnu.arm.c.compiler.input.1279195555" name="C source files" superClass="xilinx.gnu.arm.c.compiler.input"/>
<tool id="xilinx.gnu.arm.cxx.toolchain.compiler.debug.309485210" name="ARM g++ compiler" superClass="xilinx.gnu.arm.cxx.toolchain.compiler.debug">
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="-Wl,--start-group,-lxil,-lgcc,-lc,--end-group"/>
<option id="xilinx.gnu.c.linker.option.lscript.609053533" name="Linker Script" superClass="xilinx.gnu.c.linker.option.lscript" value="../src/lscript.ld" valueType="string"/>
<option id="" superClass="" value="" valueType="string"/>
<option id="" superClass="" valueType="stringList">
<option id="" name="Linker Flags" superClass="" value="" valueType="string"/>
<option id="" name="Other options (-XLinker [option])" superClass="" valueType="stringList">
<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value=""/>
<inputType id="xilinx.gnu.linker.input.1414431390" superClass="xilinx.gnu.linker.input">

@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ to exclude the API function. */
#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelayUntil 1
#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelay 1
#define INCLUDE_eTaskGetState 1
#define INCLUDE_xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR 1
#define INCLUDE_xTimerPendFunctionCall 1
/* This demo makes use of one or more example stats formatting functions. These
format the raw data provided by the uxTaskGetSystemState() function in to human

@ -71,73 +71,57 @@
#include "xscutimer.h"
#include "xscugic.h"
static XScuTimer Timer; /* A9 timer counter */
* The application must provide a function that configures a peripheral to
* create the FreeRTOS tick interrupt, then define configSETUP_TICK_INTERRUPT()
* in FreeRTOSConfig.h to call the function. This file contains a function
* that is suitable for use on the Renesas RZ MPU.
* that is suitable for use on the Zynq SoC.
void vConfigureTickInterrupt( void )
static XScuGic InterruptController; /* Interrupt controller instance */
int Status;
static XScuGic xInterruptController; /* Interrupt controller instance */
BaseType_t xStatus;
extern void FreeRTOS_Tick_Handler( void );
XScuTimer_Config *ScuConfig;
XScuGic_Config *IntcConfig;
IntcConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig(XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID);
Status = XScuGic_CfgInitialize(&InterruptController, IntcConfig, IntcConfig->CpuBaseAddress );
configASSERT( Status == XST_SUCCESS );
* Connect to the interrupt controller
Status = XScuGic_Connect(&InterruptController, XPAR_SCUTIMER_INTR, (Xil_ExceptionHandler) FreeRTOS_Tick_Handler, (void *)&Timer);
configASSERT( Status == XST_SUCCESS );
* Initialize the A9Timer driver.
ScuConfig = XScuTimer_LookupConfig(XPAR_SCUTIMER_DEVICE_ID);
Status = XScuTimer_CfgInitialize(&Timer, ScuConfig, ScuConfig->BaseAddr);
configASSERT( Status == XST_SUCCESS );
* Enable Auto reload mode.
* Load the timer counter register.
XScuTimer_LoadTimer(&Timer, XSCUTIMER_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ);
* Start the timer counter and then wait for it
* to timeout a number of times.
* Enable the interrupt for the Timer in the interrupt controller
XScuGic_Enable(&InterruptController, XPAR_SCUTIMER_INTR);
* Enable the timer interrupts for timer mode.
* Do NOT enable interrupts in the ARM processor here.
* This happens when the scheduler is started.
XScuTimer_Config *pxTimerConfig;
XScuGic_Config *pxGICConfig;
XScuTimer xTimer;
/* This function is called with the IRQ interrupt disabled, and the IRQ
interrupt should be left disabled. It is enabled automatically when the
scheduler is started. */
/* Ensure XScuGic_CfgInitialize() has been called. In this demo it has
already been called from prvSetupHardware() in main(). */
pxGICConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig( XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID );
xStatus = XScuGic_CfgInitialize( &xInterruptController, pxGICConfig, pxGICConfig->CpuBaseAddress );
configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS );
/* Install the FreeRTOS tick handler. */
xStatus = XScuGic_Connect(&xInterruptController, XPAR_SCUTIMER_INTR, (Xil_ExceptionHandler) FreeRTOS_Tick_Handler, (void *)&xTimer);
configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS );
/* Initialise the timer. */
pxTimerConfig = XScuTimer_LookupConfig( XPAR_SCUTIMER_DEVICE_ID );
xStatus = XScuTimer_CfgInitialize( &xTimer, pxTimerConfig, pxTimerConfig->BaseAddr );
configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS );
/* Enable Auto reload mode. */
XScuTimer_EnableAutoReload( &xTimer );
/* Load the timer counter register. */
XScuTimer_LoadTimer( &xTimer, XSCUTIMER_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ );
/* Start the timer counter and then wait for it to timeout a number of
times. */
XScuTimer_Start( &xTimer );
/* Enable the interrupt for the xTimer in the interrupt controller. */
XScuGic_Enable( &xInterruptController, XPAR_SCUTIMER_INTR );
/* Enable the interrupt in the xTimer itself. */
XScuTimer_EnableInterrupt( &xTimer );
@ -156,30 +140,24 @@ void vInitialiseRunTimeStats( void )
extern XScuGic_Config XScuGic_ConfigTable[];
static const XScuGic_Config *CfgPtr = &XScuGic_ConfigTable[ XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID ];
void vApplicationIRQHandler( uint32_t ulICCIAR )
extern const XScuGic_Config XScuGic_ConfigTable[];
static const XScuGic_VectorTableEntry *pxVectorTable = XScuGic_ConfigTable[ XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID ].HandlerTable;
uint32_t ulInterruptID;
XScuGic_VectorTableEntry *TablePtr;
//XScuGic_Config *CfgPtr;
//extern XScuGic_Config XScuGic_ConfigTable[];
// CfgPtr = &XScuGic_ConfigTable[ XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID ];
const XScuGic_VectorTableEntry *pxVectorEntry;
/* Re-enable interrupts. */
__asm ( "cpsie i" );
/* The ID of the interrupt can be obtained by bitwise anding the ICCIAR value
/* The ID of the interrupt is obtained by bitwise anding the ICCIAR value
with 0x3FF. */
ulInterruptID = ulICCIAR & 0x3FFUL;
/* Call the function installed in the array of installed handler functions. */
TablePtr = &(CfgPtr->HandlerTable[ ulInterruptID ]);
// intc_func_table[ ulInterruptID ]( 0 );
/* Call the function installed in the array of installed handler functions. */
pxVectorEntry = &( pxVectorTable[ ulInterruptID ] );
pxVectorEntry->Handler( pxVectorEntry->CallBackRef );

@ -76,20 +76,52 @@
/* Demo includes. */
#include "partest.h"
/* Xilinx includes. */
#include "xgpiops.h"
#define partstNUM_LEDS ( 1 )
#define partstDIRECTION_OUTPUT ( 1 )
#define partstOUTPUT_ENABLED ( 1 )
#define partstLED_OUTPUT ( 10 )
static XGpioPs xGpio;
void vParTestInitialise( void )
XGpioPs_Config *pxConfigPtr;
BaseType_t xStatus;
/* Initialise the GPIO driver. */
pxConfigPtr = XGpioPs_LookupConfig( XPAR_XGPIOPS_0_DEVICE_ID );
xStatus = XGpioPs_CfgInitialize( &xGpio, pxConfigPtr, pxConfigPtr->BaseAddr );
configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS );
/* Enable outputs and set low. */
XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin( &xGpio, partstLED_OUTPUT, partstDIRECTION_OUTPUT );
XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin( &xGpio, partstLED_OUTPUT, partstOUTPUT_ENABLED );
XGpioPs_WritePin( &xGpio, partstLED_OUTPUT, 0x0 );
void vParTestSetLED( unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxLED, signed portBASE_TYPE xValue )
void vParTestSetLED( UBaseType_t uxLED, BaseType_t xValue )
( void ) uxLED;
XGpioPs_WritePin( &xGpio, partstLED_OUTPUT, xValue );
void vParTestToggleLED( unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxLED )
BaseType_t xLEDState;
( void ) uxLED;
xLEDState = XGpioPs_ReadPin( &xGpio, partstLED_OUTPUT );
XGpioPs_WritePin( &xGpio, partstLED_OUTPUT, !xLEDState );

@ -128,12 +128,6 @@ void vApplicationIdleHook( void );
void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle pxTask, char *pcTaskName );
void vApplicationTickHook( void );
* Creates and verifies different files on the volume, demonstrating the use of
* various different API functions.
extern void vCreateAndVerifySampleFiles( void );
int main( void )
@ -159,50 +153,30 @@ int main( void )
static void prvSetupHardware( void )
int Status;
XScuGic InterruptController; /* Interrupt controller instance */
extern void FreeRTOS_IRQ_Handler( void );
extern void FreeRTOS_SWI_Handler( void );
__asm volatile ( "cpsid i" );
XScuGic_Config *IntcConfig; /* The configuration parameters of the
interrupt controller */
* Initialize the interrupt controller driver
IntcConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig(XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID);
configASSERT( IntcConfig );
configASSERT( IntcConfig->DistBaseAddress == configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_BASE_ADDRESS );
Status = XScuGic_CfgInitialize(&InterruptController, IntcConfig, IntcConfig->CpuBaseAddress );
configASSERT( Status == XST_SUCCESS );
// Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler( XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_IRQ_INT, (Xil_ExceptionHandler)FreeRTOS_IRQ_Handler, &InterruptController);
// Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler( XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_SWI_INT, (Xil_ExceptionHandler)FreeRTOS_SWI_Handler, &InterruptController);
// Xil_ExceptionEnableMask( XIL_EXCEPTION_ALL );
// Xil_ExceptionEnable();
* Connect the interrupt controller interrupt handler to the hardware
* interrupt handling logic in the ARM processor.
#if 0
(void *)4);
(void *)4);
(void *)8);
BaseType_t xStatus;
XScuGic_Config *pxGICConfig;
XScuGic xInterruptController;
/* Ensure no interrupts execute while the scheduler is in an inconsistent
state. Interrupts are automatically enabled when the scheduler is
started. */
/* Obtain the configuration of the GIC. */
pxGICConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig( XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID );
/* Sanity check the FreeRTOSConfig.h settings are correct for the
hardware. */
configASSERT( pxGICConfig );
configASSERT( pxGICConfig->DistBaseAddress == configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_BASE_ADDRESS );
/* Install a default handler for each GIC interrupt. */
xStatus = XScuGic_CfgInitialize( &xInterruptController, pxGICConfig, pxGICConfig->CpuBaseAddress );
configASSERT( xStatus == XST_SUCCESS );
/* Initialise the LED port. */

@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ static xQueueHandle xQueue = NULL;
void main_blinky( void )
/* Create the queue. */
xQueue = xQueueCreate( mainQUEUE_LENGTH, sizeof( unsigned long ) );
xQueue = xQueueCreate( mainQUEUE_LENGTH, sizeof( uint32_t ) );
if( xQueue != NULL )
