@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ static xQueueHandle xPolledQueue;
xPolledQueue = xQueueCreate( pollqQUEUE_SIZE, ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) sizeof( unsigned portSHORT ) );
/* Spawn the producer and consumer. */
xTaskCreate( vPolledQueueConsumer, ( const signed portCHAR * const ) "QConsNB", pollqSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &xPolledQueue, uxPriority, ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL );
xTaskCreate( vPolledQueueProducer, ( const signed portCHAR * const ) "QProdNB", pollqSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &xPolledQueue, uxPriority, ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL );
xTaskCreate( vPolledQueueConsumer, ( signed portCHAR * ) "QConsNB", pollqSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &xPolledQueue, uxPriority, ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL );
xTaskCreate( vPolledQueueProducer, ( signed portCHAR * ) "QProdNB", pollqSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &xPolledQueue, uxPriority, ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL );