mqtt-multitask-demo: Move demo_config.h checks

Paul Bartell 3 years ago committed by Paul Bartell
parent a8a2234b2b
commit 2ffe3de4b5

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
/* Standard includes. */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* Kernel includes. */
@ -102,20 +103,84 @@
#error Please define democonfigSIMPLE_SUB_PUB_TASK_STACK_SIZE in demo_config.h to set the stack size (in words, not bytes) for the tasks created by vStartSimpleSubscribePublishTask().
/* Compile time error for some undefined configs, and provide default values
* for others. */
#ifndef democonfigMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT
#error "Please define democonfigMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT in demo_config.h."
#ifndef democonfigCLIENT_IDENTIFIER
* @brief The MQTT client identifier used in this example. Each client identifier
* must be unique so edit as required to ensure no two clients connecting to the
* same broker use the same client identifier. Using a #define is for convenience
* of demonstration only - production devices should use something unique to the
* device that can be read from software - such as a production serial number.
#error "Please define democonfigCLIENT_IDENTIFIER in demo_config.h to something unique for this device."
#if defined( democonfigUSE_TLS ) && ( democonfigUSE_TLS == 1 )
#ifndef democonfigROOT_CA_PEM
#error "Please define Root CA certificate of the MQTT broker(democonfigROOT_CA_PEM) in demo_config.h."
/* If no username is defined, then a client certificate/key is required. */
#ifndef democonfigCLIENT_USERNAME
*!!! Please note democonfigCLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM in used for
*!!! convenience of demonstration only. Production devices should
*!!! store keys securely, such as within a secure element.
#ifndef democonfigCLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PEM
#error "Please define client certificate(democonfigCLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PEM) in demo_config.h."
#ifndef democonfigCLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM
#error "Please define client private key(democonfigCLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM) in demo_config.h."
/* If a username is defined, a client password also would need to be defined for
* client authentication. */
#ifndef democonfigCLIENT_PASSWORD
#error "Please define client password(democonfigCLIENT_PASSWORD) in demo_config.h for client authentication based on username/password."
/* AWS IoT MQTT broker port needs to be 443 for client authentication based on
* username/password. */
#if defined( democonfigUSE_AWS_IOT_CORE_BROKER ) && democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT != 443
#error "Broker port(democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT) should be defined as 443 in demo_config.h for client authentication based on username/password in AWS IoT Core."
#endif /* ifndef democonfigCLIENT_USERNAME */
#ifndef democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT
#define democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT ( 8883 )
#else /* if defined( democonfigUSE_TLS ) && ( democonfigUSE_TLS == 1 ) */
#ifndef democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT
#define democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT ( 1883 )
#endif /* if defined( democonfigUSE_TLS ) && ( democonfigUSE_TLS == 1 ) */
* @brief Dimensions the buffer used to serialize and deserialize MQTT packets.
* @note Specified in bytes. Must be large enough to hold the maximum
* anticipated MQTT payload.
* @brief The length of the queue used to hold commands for the agent.
@ -168,6 +233,76 @@
#define mqttexampleMILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND ( 1000U )
#define mqttexampleMILLISECONDS_PER_TICK ( mqttexampleMILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND / configTICK_RATE_HZ )
* @brief ALPN (Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation) protocol name for AWS IoT MQTT.
* This will be used if democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT is configured as 443 for the AWS IoT MQTT broker.
* Please see more details about the ALPN protocol for AWS IoT MQTT endpoint
* in the link below.
#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_ALPN "\x0ex-amzn-mqtt-ca"
* @brief This is the ALPN (Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation) string
* required by AWS IoT for password-based authentication using TCP port 443.
#define AWS_IOT_CUSTOM_AUTH_ALPN "\x04mqtt"
* @brief The MQTT metrics string expected by AWS IoT.
"?SDK=" democonfigOS_NAME "&Version=" democonfigOS_VERSION \
"&Platform=" democonfigHARDWARE_PLATFORM_NAME "&MQTTLib=" democonfigMQTT_LIB
* @brief The length of the MQTT metrics string expected by AWS IoT.
#define AWS_IOT_METRICS_STRING_LENGTH ( ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( AWS_IOT_METRICS_STRING ) - 1 ) )
#ifdef democonfigCLIENT_USERNAME
* @brief Append the username with the metrics string if #democonfigCLIENT_USERNAME is defined.
* This is to support both metrics reporting and username/password based client
* authentication by AWS IoT.
* Provide default values for undefined configuration settings.
#ifndef democonfigOS_NAME
#define democonfigOS_NAME "FreeRTOS"
#ifndef democonfigOS_VERSION
#ifndef democonfigHARDWARE_PLATFORM_NAME
#define democonfigHARDWARE_PLATFORM_NAME "WinSim"
#ifndef democonfigMQTT_LIB
#include "core_mqtt.h" /* Include coreMQTT header for MQTT_LIBRARY_VERSION macro. */
#define democonfigMQTT_LIB "core-mqtt@"MQTT_LIBRARY_VERSION
* @brief Length of client identifier.
#define democonfigCLIENT_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH ( ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( democonfigCLIENT_IDENTIFIER ) - 1 ) )
* @brief Length of MQTT server host name.
#define democonfigBROKER_ENDPOINT_LENGTH ( ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( democonfigMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT ) - 1 ) )

@ -273,92 +273,6 @@ extern void vLoggingPrintf( const char * pcFormatString,
* Error checks and derived values only below here - do not edit below here. -----*
/* Compile time error for some undefined configs, and provide default values
* for others. */
#ifndef democonfigMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT
#error "Please define democonfigMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT in demo_config.h."
#ifndef democonfigCLIENT_IDENTIFIER
* @brief The MQTT client identifier used in this example. Each client identifier
* must be unique so edit as required to ensure no two clients connecting to the
* same broker use the same client identifier. Using a #define is for convenience
* of demonstration only - production devices should use something unique to the
* device that can be read from software - such as a production serial number.
#error "Please define democonfigCLIENT_IDENTIFIER in demo_config.h to something unique for this device."
#if defined( democonfigUSE_TLS ) && ( democonfigUSE_TLS == 1 )
#ifndef democonfigROOT_CA_PEM
#error "Please define Root CA certificate of the MQTT broker(democonfigROOT_CA_PEM) in demo_config.h."
/* If no username is defined, then a client certificate/key is required. */
#ifndef democonfigCLIENT_USERNAME
*!!! Please note democonfigCLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM in used for
*!!! convenience of demonstration only. Production devices should
*!!! store keys securely, such as within a secure element.
#ifndef democonfigCLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PEM
#error "Please define client certificate(democonfigCLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PEM) in demo_config.h."
#ifndef democonfigCLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM
#error "Please define client private key(democonfigCLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM) in demo_config.h."
/* If a username is defined, a client password also would need to be defined for
* client authentication. */
#ifndef democonfigCLIENT_PASSWORD
#error "Please define client password(democonfigCLIENT_PASSWORD) in demo_config.h for client authentication based on username/password."
/* AWS IoT MQTT broker port needs to be 443 for client authentication based on
* username/password. */
#if defined( democonfigUSE_AWS_IOT_CORE_BROKER ) && democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT != 443
#error "Broker port(democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT) should be defined as 443 in demo_config.h for client authentication based on username/password in AWS IoT Core."
#endif /* ifndef democonfigCLIENT_USERNAME */
#ifndef democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT
#define democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT ( 8883 )
#else /* if defined( democonfigUSE_TLS ) && ( democonfigUSE_TLS == 1 ) */
#ifndef democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT
#define democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT ( 1883 )
#endif /* if defined( democonfigUSE_TLS ) && ( democonfigUSE_TLS == 1 ) */
* @brief ALPN (Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation) protocol name for AWS IoT MQTT.
* This will be used if democonfigMQTT_BROKER_PORT is configured as 443 for the AWS IoT MQTT broker.
* Please see more details about the ALPN protocol for AWS IoT MQTT endpoint
* in the link below.
#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_ALPN "\x0ex-amzn-mqtt-ca"
* @brief This is the ALPN (Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation) string
* required by AWS IoT for password-based authentication using TCP port 443.
#define AWS_IOT_CUSTOM_AUTH_ALPN "\x04mqtt"
* Provide default values for undefined configuration settings.
@ -379,38 +293,4 @@ extern void vLoggingPrintf( const char * pcFormatString,
#define democonfigMQTT_LIB "core-mqtt@"MQTT_LIBRARY_VERSION
* @brief The MQTT metrics string expected by AWS IoT.
"?SDK=" democonfigOS_NAME "&Version=" democonfigOS_VERSION \
"&Platform=" democonfigHARDWARE_PLATFORM_NAME "&MQTTLib=" democonfigMQTT_LIB
* @brief The length of the MQTT metrics string expected by AWS IoT.
#define AWS_IOT_METRICS_STRING_LENGTH ( ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( AWS_IOT_METRICS_STRING ) - 1 ) )
#ifdef democonfigCLIENT_USERNAME
* @brief Append the username with the metrics string if #democonfigCLIENT_USERNAME is defined.
* This is to support both metrics reporting and username/password based client
* authentication by AWS IoT.
* @brief Length of client identifier.
#define democonfigCLIENT_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH ( ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( democonfigCLIENT_IDENTIFIER ) - 1 ) )
* @brief Length of MQTT server host name.
#define democonfigBROKER_ENDPOINT_LENGTH ( ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( democonfigMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT ) - 1 ) )
#endif /* DEMO_CONFIG_H */
