@ -72,12 +72,29 @@
/* Library includes. */
#include <asf.h>
* Hardware and driver initialisation can be done in this function.
static void prvSetupHardware( void );
* Prototypes for the FreeRTOS hook/callback functions. See the comments in
* the implementation of each function for more information.
void vApplicationMallocFailedHook( void );
void vApplicationIdleHook( void );
void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle pxTask, signed char *pcTaskName );
void vApplicationTickHook( void );
/* Used in the run time stats calculations. */
static unsigned long ulClocksPer10thOfAMilliSecond = 0UL;
int main (void)
@ -153,4 +170,61 @@ void vApplicationTickHook( void )
code must not attempt to block, and only the interrupt safe FreeRTOS API
functions can be used (those that end in FromISR()). */
void vMainConfigureTimerForRunTimeStats( void )
/* How many clocks are there per tenth of a millisecond? */
ulClocksPer10thOfAMilliSecond = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / 10000UL;
unsigned long ulMainGetRunTimeCounterValue( void )
unsigned long ulSysTickCounts, ulTickCount, ulReturn;
const unsigned long ulSysTickReloadValue = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL;
volatile unsigned long * const pulCurrentSysTickCount = ( ( volatile unsigned long *) 0xe000e018 );
volatile unsigned long * const pulInterruptCTRLState = ( ( volatile unsigned long *) 0xe000ed04 );
const unsigned long ulSysTickPendingBit = 0x04000000UL;
/* NOTE: There are potentially race conditions here. However, it is used
anyway to keep the examples simple, and to avoid reliance on a separate
timer peripheral. */
/* The SysTick is a down counter. How many clocks have passed since it was
last reloaded? */
ulSysTickCounts = ulSysTickReloadValue - *pulCurrentSysTickCount;
/* How many times has it overflowed? */
ulTickCount = xTaskGetTickCountFromISR();
/* This is called from the context switch, so will be called from a
critical section. xTaskGetTickCountFromISR() contains its own critical
section, and the ISR safe critical sections are not designed to nest,
so reset the critical section. */
/* Is there a SysTick interrupt pending? */
if( ( *pulInterruptCTRLState & ulSysTickPendingBit ) != 0UL )
/* There is a SysTick interrupt pending, so the SysTick has overflowed
but the tick count not yet incremented. */
/* Read the SysTick again, as the overflow might have occurred since
it was read last. */
ulSysTickCounts = ulSysTickReloadValue - *pulCurrentSysTickCount;
/* Convert the tick count into tenths of a millisecond. THIS ASSUMES
configTICK_RATE_HZ is 1000! */
ulReturn = ( ulTickCount * 10UL ) ;
/* Add on the number of tenths of a millisecond that have passed since the
tick count last got updated. */
ulReturn += ( ulSysTickCounts / ulClocksPer10thOfAMilliSecond );
return ulReturn;