@ -59,139 +59,181 @@
.macro portSAVE_CONTEXT
/* Make room for the context. */
/* Get interrupts above the kernel priority enabled again ASAP. First
save the current status so we can manipulate it, and the cause and EPC
registers so we capture their original values in case of interrupt nesting. */
/* Make room for the context. First save the current status so we can
manipulate it, and the cause and EPC registers so we capture their
original values in case of interrupt nesting. */
mfc0 k0, _CP0_CAUSE
addiu sp, sp, -portCONTEXT_SIZE
mfc0 k1, _CP0_STATUS
/* Also save s6 so we can use it during this interrupt. Any
nesting interrupts should maintain the values of this register
/* Also save s6 and s5 so we can use them during this interrupt. Any
nesting interrupts should maintain the values of these registers
accross the ISR. */
sw s6, 44(sp)
sw s5, 40(sp)
/* Enable interrupts above the current priority. SysCall interrupts
enable priorities above configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY, so first
check if the interrupt was a system call (32). */
add s6, zero, k0
and s6, s6, 32
beq s6, zero, .+20 /* Not a system call, mask up to the current interrupt priority. */
addiu k0, zero, configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY /* Was a system call, mask only to kernel priority. */
beq zero, zero, .+12
srl k0, k0, 0xa
ins k1, k0, 10, 6
ins k1, zero, 1, 4
/* Load, incrmement, then save the interrupt nesting count. */
la k0, uxInterruptNesting
lw s6, (k0)
addiu s6, s6, 1
sw s6, 0(k0)
/* If it was zero, switch to the system stack. If it was not zero then
we are already using the system stack. s5 holds the old stack value -
this might be used to determine the cause of a general exception. */
add s5, zero, sp
addiu s6, s6, -1
bne zero, s6, .+20
la s6, xISRStackTop
lw sp, (s6)
/* s6 holds the EPC value, we may want this during the context switch. */
mfc0 s6, _CP0_EPC
/* Enable interrupts above the kernel priority. */
addiu k0, zero, configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY
ins k1, k0, 10, 6
ins k1, zero, 1, 4
/* Re-enable interrupts. */
mtc0 k1, _CP0_STATUS
/* Save the context into the space just created. s6 is saved again
here as it now contains the EPC value. */
sw ra, 120(sp)
sw s8, 116(sp)
sw t9, 112(sp)
sw t8, 108(sp)
sw t7, 104(sp)
sw t6, 100(sp)
sw t5, 96(sp)
sw t4, 92(sp)
sw t3, 88(sp)
sw t2, 84(sp)
sw t1, 80(sp)
sw t0, 76(sp)
sw a3, 72(sp)
sw a2, 68(sp)
sw a1, 64(sp)
sw a0, 60(sp)
sw v1, 56(sp)
sw v0, 52(sp)
sw s7, 48(sp)
sw s6, portEPC_STACK_LOCATION(sp)
sw s5, 40(sp)
sw s4, 36(sp)
sw s3, 32(sp)
sw s2, 28(sp)
sw s1, 24(sp)
sw s0, 20(sp)
sw $1, 16(sp)
sw ra, 120(s5)
sw s8, 116(s5)
sw t9, 112(s5)
sw t8, 108(s5)
sw t7, 104(s5)
sw t6, 100(s5)
sw t5, 96(s5)
sw t4, 92(s5)
sw t3, 88(s5)
sw t2, 84(s5)
sw t1, 80(s5)
sw t0, 76(s5)
sw a3, 72(s5)
sw a2, 68(s5)
sw a1, 64(s5)
sw a0, 60(s5)
sw v1, 56(s5)
sw v0, 52(s5)
sw s7, 48(s5)
sw s6, portEPC_STACK_LOCATION(s5)
/* s5 has already been saved. */
sw s4, 36(s5)
sw s3, 32(s5)
sw s2, 28(s5)
sw s1, 24(s5)
sw s0, 20(s5)
sw $1, 16(s5)
/* s7 is used as a scratch register. */
mfhi s7
sw s7, 12(sp)
sw s7, 12(s5)
mflo s7
sw s7, 8(sp)
sw s7, 8(s5)
/* Each task maintains its own nesting count. */
la s7, uxCriticalNesting
lw s7, (s7)
sw s7, 4(sp)
/* Update the TCB stack pointer value */
la s7, pxCurrentTCB
sw s7, 4(s5)
/* Update the TCB stack pointer value if the nesting count is 1. */
la s7, uxInterruptNesting
lw s7, (s7)
sw sp, (s7)
addiu s7, s7, -1
bne s7, zero, .+24 /* Dont save the stack pointer to the task or swap stacks. */
/* Switch to the ISR stack, saving the current stack in s5. This might
be used to determine the cause of a general exception. */
add s5, zero, sp
la s7, xISRStackTop
lw sp, (s7)
/* Save the stack pointer to the task. */
la s7, pxCurrentTCB
lw s7, (s7)
sw s5, (s7)
/* Restore the stack pointer from the TCB */
/* Restore the stack pointer from the TCB. This is only done if the
nesting count is 1. */
la s7, uxInterruptNesting
lw s7, (s7)
addiu s7, s7, -1
bne s7, zero, .+24 /* Dont load the stack pointer. */
la s0, pxCurrentTCB
lw s1, (s0)
lw sp, (s1)
lw s0, (s0)
lw s5, (s0)
/* Restore the context, the first item of which is the critical nesting
depth. */
la s0, uxCriticalNesting
lw s1, 4(sp)
lw s1, 4(s5)
sw s1, (s0)
/* Restore the rest of the context. */
lw s0, 8(sp)
lw s0, 8(s5)
mtlo s0
lw s0, 12(sp)
lw s0, 12(s5)
mthi s0
lw $1, 16(sp)
lw s0, 20(sp)
lw s1, 24(sp)
lw s2, 28(sp)
lw s3, 32(sp)
lw s4, 36(sp)
lw s5, 40(sp)
lw s6, 44(sp)
lw s7, 48(sp)
lw v0, 52(sp)
lw v1, 56(sp)
lw a0, 60(sp)
lw a1, 64(sp)
lw a2, 68(sp)
lw a3, 72(sp)
lw t0, 76(sp)
lw t1, 80(sp)
lw t2, 84(sp)
lw t3, 88(sp)
lw t4, 92(sp)
lw t5, 96(sp)
lw t6, 100(sp)
lw t7, 104(sp)
lw t8, 108(sp)
lw t9, 112(sp)
lw s8, 116(sp)
lw ra, 120(sp)
/* Protect access to the k registers. */
lw $1, 16(s5)
lw s0, 20(s5)
lw s1, 24(s5)
lw s2, 28(s5)
lw s3, 32(s5)
lw s4, 36(s5)
/* s5 is loaded later. */
lw s6, 44(s5)
lw s7, 48(s5)
lw v0, 52(s5)
lw v1, 56(s5)
lw a0, 60(s5)
lw a1, 64(s5)
lw a2, 68(s5)
lw a3, 72(s5)
lw t0, 76(s5)
lw t1, 80(s5)
lw t2, 84(s5)
lw t3, 88(s5)
lw t4, 92(s5)
lw t5, 96(s5)
lw t6, 100(s5)
lw t7, 104(s5)
lw t8, 108(s5)
lw t9, 112(s5)
lw s8, 116(s5)
lw ra, 120(s5)
/* Protect access to the k registers, and others. */
lw k0, portEPC_STACK_LOCATION(sp)
/* Leave the stack how we found it. */
/* Decrement the nesting count. */
la k0, uxInterruptNesting
lw k1, (k0)
addiu k1, k1, -1
sw k1, 0(k0)
lw k0, portEPC_STACK_LOCATION(s5)
/* Leave the stack how we found it. First load sp from s5, then restore
s5 from the stack. */
add sp, zero, s5
lw s5, 40(sp)
addiu sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE
mtc0 k1, _CP0_STATUS