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* TERN, Inc.
* (c) Copyright 2005,
* - Derived based on development version provided by Wiznet.
* Filename : socket.h
* Programmer(s):
* Created : 2002/06/20
* Modified :
* 2002/09/27 : - Renaming
* 2003/11/06 : Ported for use with TERN controller. Note all byte access is at even addresses
* 2005/10/8 : Modified constants for easier initialization.
* Description : Header file of W3100A for TERN embedded controller
#ifndef __SOCKET_H__
#define __SOCKET_H__
#include "types.h"
#include "i2chip_hw.h"
#include <dos.h>
#define MAX_SOCK_NUM 4 // Concurrent maxmium number of socket
#define I2CHIP_C0_CR 0x00
#define I2CHIP_C1_CR 0x01
#define I2CHIP_C2_CR 0x02
#define I2CHIP_C3_CR 0x03
#define I2CHIP_C0_ISR 0x04
#define I2CHIP_C1_ISR 0x05
#define I2CHIP_C2_ISR 0x06
#define I2CHIP_C3_ISR 0x07
#define I2CHIP_IR 0x08
#define I2CHIP_IMR 0x09
#define I2CHIP_IDM_OR 0x0C
#define I2CHIP_IDM_AR0 0x0D
#define I2CHIP_IDM_AR1 0x0E
#define I2CHIP_IDM_DR 0x0F
#define I2CHIP_C0_RW_PR 0x10
#define I2CHIP_C0_RR_PR 0x14
#define I2CHIP_C0_TA_PR 0x18
#define I2CHIP_C1_RW_PR 0x1C
#define I2CHIP_C1_RR_PR 0x20
#define I2CHIP_C1_TA_PR 0x24
#define I2CHIP_C2_RW_PR 0x28
#define I2CHIP_C2_RR_PR 0x2C
#define I2CHIP_C2_TA_PR 0x30
#define I2CHIP_C3_RW_PR 0x34
#define I2CHIP_C3_RR_PR 0x38
#define I2CHIP_C3_TA_PR 0x3C
#define I2CHIP_C0_TW_PR 0x40
#define I2CHIP_C0_TR_PR 0x44
#define I2CHIP_C1_TW_PR 0x4C
#define I2CHIP_C1_TR_PR 0x50
#define I2CHIP_C2_TW_PR 0x58
#define I2CHIP_C2_TR_PR 0x5C
#define I2CHIP_C3_TW_PR 0x64
#define I2CHIP_C3_TR_PR 0x68
#define I2CHIP_GAR 0x80
#define I2CHIP_SMR 0x84
#define I2CHIP_SHAR 0x88
#define I2CHIP_SIPR 0x8E
#define I2CHIP_IRTR 0x92
#define I2CHIP_RCR 0x94
#define I2CHIP_RMSR 0x95
#define I2CHIP_TMSR 0x96
#define I2CHIP_C0_SSR 0xA0
#define I2CHIP_C0_SOPR 0xA1
#define I2CHIP_C0_DIR 0xA8
#define I2CHIP_CO_DPR 0xAC
#define I2CHIP_C0_SPR 0xAE
#define I2CHIP_C0_IPR 0xB0
#define I2CHIP_C0_TOSR 0xB1
#define I2CHIP_C0_MSSR 0xB2
#define I2CHIP_C1_SSR 0xB8
#define I2CHIP_C1_SOPR 0xB9
#define I2CHIP_C1_DIR 0xC0
#define I2CHIP_C1_DPR 0xC4
#define I2CHIP_C1_SPR 0xC6
#define I2CHIP_C1_IPR 0xC8
#define I2CHIP_C1_TOSR 0xC9
#define I2CHIP_C1_MSSR 0xCA
#define I2CHIP_C2_SSR 0xD0
#define I2CHIP_C2_SOPR 0xD1
#define I2CHIP_C2_DIR 0xD8
#define I2CHIP_C2_DPR 0xDC
#define I2CHIP_C2_SPR 0xDE
#define I2CHIP_C2_IPR 0xE0
#define I2CHIP_C2_TOSR 0xE1
#define I2CHIP_C2_MSSR 0xE2
#define I2CHIP_C3_SSR 0xE8
#define I2CHIP_C3_SOPR 0xE9
#define I2CHIP_C3_DIR 0xF0
#define I2CHIP_C3_DPR 0xF4
#define I2CHIP_C3_SPR 0xF6
#define I2CHIP_C3_IPR 0xF8
#define I2CHIP_C3_TOSR 0xF9
#define I2CHIP_C3_MSSR 0xFA
#define MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE 1460 // Maximum TCP transmission packet size
#define MAX_BUF_SIZE1 0
#define SOCKOPT_BROADCAST 0x80 // Transmission, Reception of broadcasting data
#define SOCKOPT_NDTIMEOUT 0x40 // Setting timeout
#define SOCKOPT_NDACK 0x20 // Setting No Delayed Ack(TCP)
#define SOCKOPT_SWS 0x10 // Setting Silly Window Syndrome(TCP)
#define MACLOPT_RXERR 0x80 // Setting reception of error packet
#define MACLOPT_BROADCAST 0x40 // Setting reception of broadcast packet
#define MACLOPT_PROMISC 0x20 // Setting reception of promiscuous packet
/* Distinguish TCP / UDP / IP RAW / MAC RAW (Setting OPT_PROTOCOL REG.) */
#define SOCK_CLOSEDM 0x00 // unused socket
#define SOCK_STREAM 0x01 // TCP
#define SOCK_DGRAM 0x02 // UDP
/* Setting IP PROTOCOL */
#define IPPROTO_IP 0 // dummy for IP
#define IPPROTO_ICMP 1 // control message protocol
#define IPPROTO_IGMP 2 // internet group management protocol
#define IPPROTO_GGP 3 // gateway^2 (deprecated)
#define IPPROTO_TCP 6 // tcp
#define IPPROTO_PUP 12 // pup
#define IPPROTO_UDP 17 // user datagram protocol
#define IPPROTO_IDP 22 // xns idp
#define IPPROTO_ND 77 // UNOFFICIAL net disk proto
#define IPPROTO_RAW 255 // raw IP packet
/* Select parameter to use */
#define SEL_CONTROL 0 //Confirm socket status
#define SEL_SEND 1 // Confirm Tx free buffer size
#define SEL_RECV 2 // Confirm Rx data size
/* Command variables */
#define CSYS_INIT 0x01 // To set up network information(mac address, gateway address,
// subnet mask, source ip)
#define CSOCK_INIT 0x02 // To initialize socket
#define CCONNECT 0x04 // To establish connection as tcp client mode
#define CLISTEN 0x08 // To wait for connection request as tcp server mode
#define CCLOSE 0x10 // To terminate connection
#define CSEND 0x20 // To send data
#define CRECV 0x40 // To receive data
#define CSW_RESET 0x80 // To do software reset
#define CSET_MEMORY_TEST 0x80 // To set the memory test bit
#define CRESET_MEMORY_TEST 0x00 // To clear the memory test bit
/* Status Variables */
#define SSYS_INIT_OK 0x01 // Completion of CSYS_INIT command
#define SSOCK_INIT_OK 0x02 // Completion of CSOCK_INIT command
#define SESTABLISHED 0x04 // Completion of connection setup
#define SCLOSED 0x08 // Completion of CCLOSED command
#define SSEND_OK 0x20 // Completion of sending data
#define SRECV_OK 0x40 // Completion of receiving data
/* Socket Status Vabiables */
#define SOCK_CLOSED 0x00 // Status of connection closed
#define SOCK_ARP 0x01 // Status of ARP
#define SOCK_LISTEN 0x02 // Status of waiting for TCP connection setup
#define SOCK_SYNSENT 0x03 // Status of setting up TCP connection
#define SOCK_SYNSENT_ACK 0x04 // Status of setting up TCP connection
#define SOCK_SYNRECV 0x05 // Status of setting up TCP connection
#define SOCK_ESTABLISHED 0x06 // Status of TCP connection established
#define SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT 0x07 // Status of closing TCP connection
#define SOCK_LAST_ACK 0x08 // Status of closing TCP connection
#define SOCK_FIN_WAIT1 0x09 // Status of closing TCP connection
#define SOCK_FIN_WAIT2 0x0A // Status of closing TCP connection
#define SOCK_CLOSING 0x0B // Status of closing TCP connection
#define SOCK_TIME_WAIT 0x0C // Status of closing TCP connection
#define SOCK_RESET 0x0D // Status of closing TCP connection
#define SOCK_INIT 0x0E // Status of socket initialization
#define SOCK_UDP 0x0F // Status of UDP
#define SOCK_RAW 0x10 // Status of IP RAW
/* TERN Behavior Parameters */
#define TERN_TDMA_THRES 10000 // Use DMA for transmits if data > thres bytes.
#define TERN_RDMA_THRES 10000 // Use DMA for receives if data > thres bytes.
// High thres value effectively disables DMA
void far interrupt in4_isr_i2chip(void);
//void ISR_RX(SOCKET s);
void initW3100A(void);
void sysinit(u_char sbufsize, u_char rbufsize);
void setsubmask(u_char * addr);
void setgateway(u_char * addr);
void setMACAddr(u_char * addr);
void setIP(u_char * addr);
char socket(SOCKET s, u_char protocol, u_int port, u_char flag);
void setIPprotocol(SOCKET s, u_char ipprotocol);
void setINTMask(u_char mask);
void settimeout(u_char * val);
void setTOS(SOCKET s, u_char tos);
void GetDestAddr(SOCKET s, u_char* addr);
//void setbroadcast(SOCKET s);
char connect(SOCKET s, u_char far * addr, u_int port);
char NBconnect(SOCKET s, u_char far * addr, u_int port);
//char listen(SOCKET s, u_char far * addr, u_int far * port);
char NBlisten(SOCKET s);
void initseqnum(SOCKET s);
int send(SOCKET s, u_char far * buf, u_int len);
int send_in(SOCKET s, u_char far * buf, u_int len);
int recv(SOCKET s, u_char far * buf, u_int len);
u_int sendto(SOCKET , u_char far * buf, u_int, u_char * addr, u_int);
u_int sendto_in(SOCKET , u_char far *, u_int);
u_int recvfrom(SOCKET , u_char far * buf, u_int, u_char * addr, u_int *);
u_int read_data(SOCKET s, u_int src_offset, u_char far * dst, u_int len);
u_int write_data(SOCKET s, u_char far * src, u_int dst_offset, u_int len);
void close(SOCKET s);
char reset_sock(SOCKET s);
u_int select(SOCKET s, u_char func);
void recv_clear(SOCKET s);
u_char tx_empty(SOCKET s);
#endif // __SOCKET_H__