95 lines
2.5 KiB

FILE : start.asm |
DATE : Wed, Aug 25, 2010 |
DESCRIPTION : Reset Program |
CPU TYPE : Other |
This file is generated by KPIT GNU Project Generator (Ver.4.5). |
.section .text
.global _start /*global Start routine */
#ifdef CPPAPP
.global ___dso_handle
.extern _hw_initialise /*external Sub-routine to initialise Hardware*/
.extern _data
.extern _mdata
.extern _ebss
.extern _bss
.extern _edata
.extern _main
.extern _ustack
.extern _istack
.extern _rvectors
.extern _exit
/* initialise user stack pointer */
mvtc #_ustack,USP
/* initialise interrupt stack pointer */
mvtc #_istack,ISP
/* setup intb */
mvtc #_rvectors_start, intb /* INTERRUPT VECTOR ADDRESS definition */
/* setup FPSW */
mvtc #100h, fpsw
/* load data section from ROM to RAM */
mov #_mdata,r2 /* src ROM address of data section in R2 */
mov #_data,r1 /* dest start RAM address of data section in R1 */
mov #_edata,r3 /* end RAM address of data section in R3 */
sub r1,r3 /* size of data section in R3 (R3=R3-R1) */
smovf /* block copy R3 bytes from R2 to R1 */
/* bss initialisation : zero out bss */
mov #00h,r2 /* load R2 reg with zero */
mov #_ebss, r3 /* store the end address of bss in R3 */
mov #_bss, r1 /* store the start address of bss in R1 */
sub r1,r3 /* size of bss section in R3 (R3=R3-R1) */
/* call the hardware initialiser */
bsr.a _hw_initialise
/* setup PSW */
// mvtc #10000h, psw /* Set Ubit & Ibit for PSW */
/* change PSW PM to user-mode */
// OR #00100000h,R1
// PUSH.L R1
// ADD #10,R1
// PUSH.L R1
// RTE
// NOP
// NOP
/* start user program */
bsr.a _main
/* call to exit*/
bsr.a _exit