146 lines
5.4 KiB

/** ###################################################################
** Filename : Byte1.C
** Project : RTOSDemo
** Processor : MC9S12DP256BCPV
** Beantype : ByteIO
** Version : Bean 02.019, Driver 01.03, CPU db: 2.87.283
** Compiler : Metrowerks HC12 C Compiler
** Date/Time : 16/06/2005, 21:10
** Abstract :
** This bean "ByteIO" implements an one-byte input/output.
** It uses one 8-bit port.
** Note: This bean is set to work in Output direction only.
** Methods of this bean are mostly implemented as a macros
** (if supported by target langauage and compiler).
** Settings :
** Port name : B
** Initial direction : Output (direction cannot be changed)
** Initial output value : 255 = 0FFH
** Initial pull option : off
** 8-bit data register : PORTB [1]
** 8-bit control register : DDRB [3]
** ----------------------------------------------------
** Bit | Pin | Name
** ----------------------------------------------------
** 0 | 24 | PB0_ADDR0_DATA0
** 1 | 25 | PB1_ADDR1_DATA1
** 2 | 26 | PB2_ADDR2_DATA2
** 3 | 27 | PB3_ADDR3_DATA3
** 4 | 28 | PB4_ADDR4_DATA4
** 5 | 29 | PB5_ADDR5_DATA5
** 6 | 30 | PB6_ADDR6_DATA6
** 7 | 31 | PB7_ADDR7_DATA7
** ----------------------------------------------------
** Contents :
** PutBit - void Byte1_PutBit(byte Bit,bool Val);
** NegBit - void Byte1_NegBit(byte Bit);
** (c) Copyright UNIS, spol. s r.o. 1997-2002
** UNIS, spol. s r.o.
** Jundrovska 33
** 624 00 Brno
** Czech Republic
** http : www.processorexpert.com
** mail : info@processorexpert.com
** ###################################################################*/
/* MODULE Byte1. */
#include "Byte1.h"
/*Including shared modules, which are used for all project*/
#include "PE_Types.h"
#include "PE_Error.h"
#include "PE_Const.h"
#include "IO_Map.h"
#include "PE_Timer.h"
#include "Cpu.h"
/* Definition of DATA and CODE segments for this bean. User can specify where
these segments will be located on "Build options" tab of the selected CPU bean. */
#pragma DATA_SEG Byte1_DATA /* Data section for this module. */
#pragma CODE_SEG Byte1_CODE /* Code section for this module. */
** ===================================================================
** Method : Byte1_GetMsk (bean ByteIO)
** Description :
** This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert
** only.
** ===================================================================
byte Byte1_Table[8]={ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 }; /* Table of mask constants */
byte Byte1_GetMsk(byte Value)
return((Value<8)?Byte1_Table[Value]:0); /* Return appropriate bit mask */
** ===================================================================
** Method : Byte1_PutBit (bean ByteIO)
** Description :
** This method writes the new value to the specified bit
** of the output value.
** Parameters :
** Bitnum - Number of the bit (0 to 7)
** Val - New value of the bit (FALSE or TRUE)
** FALSE = "0" or "Low", TRUE = "1" or "High"
** Returns : Nothing
** ===================================================================
void Byte1_PutBit(byte BitNum, byte Value)
byte Mask=Byte1_GetMsk(BitNum); /* Temporary variable - bit mask */
if (Mask) /* Is bit mask correct? */
if (Value) { /* Is it one to be written? */
PORTB |= Mask; /* Set appropriate bit on port */
else { /* Is it zero to be written? */
PORTB &= ~Mask; /* Clear appropriate bit on port */
** ===================================================================
** Method : Byte1_NegBit (bean ByteIO)
** Description :
** This method negates (invertes) the specified bit of the
** output value.
** Parameters :
** Bit - Number of the bit to invert (0 to 7)
** Returns : Nothing
** ===================================================================
void Byte1_NegBit(byte BitNum)
byte Mask=Byte1_GetMsk(BitNum); /* Temporary variable - bit mask */
if (Mask) { /* Is bit mask correct? */
PORTB ^= Mask; /* Negate appropriate bit on port */
/* END Byte1. */
** ###################################################################
** This file was created by UNIS Processor Expert 03.33 for
** the Motorola HCS12 series of microcontrollers.
** ###################################################################