* Trace Recorder Library for Tracealyzer v3.0.2
* Percepio AB, www.percepio.com
* trcRecorder.c
* Public interface and configurations for the trace recorder library.
* Terms of Use
* This software (the "Tracealyzer Recorder Library") is the intellectual
* property of Percepio AB and may not be sold or in other ways commercially
* redistributed without explicit written permission by Percepio AB.
* Separate conditions applies for the SEGGER branded source code included.
* The recorder library is free for use together with Percepio products.
* You may distribute the recorder library in its original form, but public
* distribution of modified versions require approval by Percepio AB.
* Disclaimer
* The trace tool and recorder library is being delivered to you AS IS and
* Percepio AB makes no warranty as to its use or performance. Percepio AB does
* not and cannot warrant the performance or results you may obtain by using the
* software or documentation. Percepio AB make no warranties, express or
* implied, as to noninfringement of third party rights, merchantability, or
* fitness for any particular purpose. In no event will Percepio AB, its
* technology partners, or distributors be liable to you for any consequential,
* incidental or special damages, including any lost profits or lost savings,
* even if a representative of Percepio AB has been advised of the possibility
* of such damages, or for any claim by any third party. Some jurisdictions do
* not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or special
* damages, or the exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on how long an
* implied warranty may last, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
* Tabs are used for indent in this file (1 tab = 4 spaces)
* Copyright Percepio AB, 2015.
* www.percepio.com
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern <EFBFBD>C<EFBFBD> {
#include "trcConfig.h"
#include "trcKernelPort.h"
#include "trcHardwarePort.h"
/*** User API *****************************************************************/
* vTracePrint
* Generates "User Events", with unformatted text.
* User Events can be used for very efficient application logging, and are shown
* as yellow labels in the main trace view.
* You may group User Events into User Event Channels. The yellow User Event
* labels shows the logged string, preceeded by the channel name within
* brackets. For example:
* "[MyChannel] Hello World!"
* The User Event Channels are shown in the View Filter, which makes it easy to
* select what User Events you wish to display. User Event Channels are created
* using vTraceStoreUserEventChannelName().
* Example:
* char* error_uechannel = vTraceStoreUserEventChannelName("Errors");
* ...
* vTracePrint(error_uechannel, "Shouldn't reach this code!");
void vTracePrint(const char* chn, const char* str);
* vTracePrintF
* Generates "User Events", with formatted text and data, similar to a "printf".
* It is very fast since the actual formatting is done on the host side when the
* trace is displayed.
* User Events can be used for very efficient application logging, and are shown
* as yellow labels in the main trace view.
* An advantage of User Events is that data can be plotted in the "User Event
* Signal Plot" view, visualizing any data you log as User Events, discrete
* states or control system signals (e.g. system inputs or outputs).
* You may group User Events into User Event Channels. The yellow User Event
* labels show the logged string, preceeded by the channel name within brackets.
* Example:
* "[MyChannel] Hello World!"
* The User Event Channels are shown in the View Filter, which makes it easy to
* select what User Events you wish to display. User Event Channels are created
* using vTraceStoreUserEventChannelName().
* Example:
* char* adc_uechannel = vTraceStoreUserEventChannelName("ADC User Events");
* ...
* vTracePrint(adc_uechannel,
* "ADC channel %d: %lf volts",
* ch, (double)adc_reading/(double)scale);
* All data arguments are assumed to be 32 bt wide. The following formats are
* supported in v2.8:
* %d - signed integer
* %u - unsigned integer
* %X - hexadecimal (uppercase)
* %x - hexadecimal (lowercase)
* %s - string (currently, this must be an earlier stored symbol name)
* Up to 15 data arguments are allowed, with a total size of maximum 60 byte
* including 8 byte for the base event fields and the format string. So with
* one data argument, the maximum string length is 48 chars. If this is exceeded
* the string is truncated (4 bytes at a time).
void vTracePrintF(const char* chn, const char* fmt, ...);
* vTraceStoreUserEventChannelName(const char* name)
* Parameter name: the channel name to store (const string literal)
* Stores a name for a user event channel, returns the handle (just a pointer
* to the provided string). Typically assigned to a "channel" variable that
* keeps it for later calls to vTracePrintF();
char* vTraceStoreUserEventChannelName(const char* name);
* vTraceStoreKernelObjectName(void* object, const char* name)
* Parameter object: pointer to the kernel object that shall be named
* Parameter name: the name to store (const string literal)
* Stores a name for kernel objects (Semaphore, Mailbox, etc.).
void vTraceStoreKernelObjectName(void* object, const char* name);
* vTraceSetISRProperties(const char* name, char priority)
* Parameter name: the name to give the the ISR, also serves as handle.
* Parameter priority: the priority level of the ISR.
* Stores a name and priority level for an Interrupt Service Routine, to allow
* for better visualization. The string address is used as a unique handle.
* Example:
* vTraceSetISRProperties("ISRTimer1", ISRPriorityTimer1);
* ...
* void ISR_handler()
* {
* vTraceStoreISRBegin("ISRTimer1");
* ...
* vTraceStoreISREnd(0);
* }
void vTraceSetISRProperties(const char* name, char priority);
* vTraceStoreISRBegin(void* handle);
* Parameter handle: ID of the ISR, which is "name" in vTraceSetISRProperties
* Registers the beginning of an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR), i.e., or an
* exception handler.
* Example:
* vTraceSetISRProperties("ISRTimer1", ISRPriorityTimer1);
* ...
* void ISR_handler()
* {
* vTraceStoreISRBegin("ISRTimer1");
* ...
* vTraceStoreISREnd(0);
* }
void vTraceStoreISRBegin(void* handle);
* vTraceStoreISREnd
* Registers the end of an Interrupt Service Routine.
* This function attempts to automatically detect if a task switch will take
* place when interrupt ends. If this is possible depends on the kernel port.
* Example:
* #define PRIO_ISR_TIMER1 3 // the hardware priority of the interrupt
* ...
* vTraceSetISRProperties("ISRTimer1", PRIO_ISR_TIMER1);
* ...
* void ISR_handler()
* {
* vTraceStoreISRBegin("ISRTimer1");
* ...
* vTraceStoreISREnd();
* }
void vTraceStoreISREnd(void);
* vTraceStoreISREndManual
* Registers the end of an Interrupt Service Routine.
* The parameter isTaskSwitchRequired indicates if the interrupt has requested a
* task-switch (= 1) or if the interrupt returns to the earlier context (= 0)
* Example:
* #define PRIO_ISR_TIMER1 3 // the hardware priority of the interrupt
* ...
* vTraceSetISRProperties("ISRTimer1", PRIO_ISR_TIMER1);
* ...
* void ISR_handler()
* {
* vTraceStoreISRBegin("ISRTimer1");
* ...
* vTraceStoreISREndManual(0);
* }
void vTraceStoreISREndManual(int isTaskSwitchRequired);
* vTraceInstanceFinishNow
* Creates an event that ends the current task instance at this very instant.
* This makes the viewer to splits the current fragment at this point and begin
* a new actor instance, even if no task-switch has occurred.
void vTraceInstanceFinishedNow(void);
* vTraceInstanceFinishedNext
* Marks the current "task instance" as finished on the next kernel call.
* If that kernel call is blocking, the instance ends after the blocking event
* and the corresponding return event is then the start of the next instance.
* If the kernel call is not blocking, the viewer instead splits the current
* fragment right before the kernel call, which makes this call the first event
* of the next instance.
void vTraceInstanceFinishedNext(void);
/*** INTERNAL FUNCTIONS *******************************************************/
/* Saves a symbol name (task name etc.) in symbol table */
void vTraceSaveSymbol(void *address, const char *name);
/* Deletes a symbol name (task name etc.) from symbol table */
void vTraceDeleteSymbol(void *address);
/* Saves an object data entry (task base priority) in object data table */
void vTraceSaveObjectData(void *address, uint32_t data);
/* Removes an object data entry (task base priority) from object data table */
void vTraceDeleteObjectData(void *address);
/* Store an event with zero parameters (event ID only) */
void vTraceStoreEvent0(uint16_t eventID);
/* Store an event with one 32-bit parameter (pointer address or an int) */
void vTraceStoreEvent1(uint16_t eventID, uint32_t param1);
/* Store an event with two 32-bit parameters */
void vTraceStoreEvent2(uint16_t eventID, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2);
/* Store an event with three 32-bit parameters */
void vTraceStoreEvent3( uint16_t eventID,
uint32_t param1,
uint32_t param2,
uint32_t param3);
/* Stores an event with <nParam> 32-bit integer parameters */
void vTraceStoreEvent(int nParam, uint16_t EventID, ...);
/* Stories an event with a string and <nParam> 32-bit integer parameters */
void vTraceStoreStringEvent(int nArgs, uint16_t eventID, const char* str, ...);
/* The data structure for commands (a bit overkill) */
typedef struct
unsigned char cmdCode;
unsigned char param1;
unsigned char param2;
unsigned char param3;
unsigned char param4;
unsigned char param5;
unsigned char checksumLSB;
unsigned char checksumMSB;
} TracealyzerCommandType;
/* Checks if the provided command is a valid command */
int isValidCommand(TracealyzerCommandType* cmd);
/* Executed the received command (Start or Stop) */
void processCommand(TracealyzerCommandType* cmd);
/* Backwards compatibility macros with old recorder */
#define vTraceInitTraceData() Trace_Init()
#define uiTraceStart() (1)
#define vTraceStart()
#define vTraceStop()
#define vTraceStoreEvent0(e)
#define vTraceStoreEvent1(e, param1)
#define vTraceStoreEvent2(e, param1, param2)
#define vTraceStoreEvent3(e, param1, param2, param3)
#define vTraceStoreUserEventChannelName(x) 0
#define vTracePrint(chn, ...)
#define vTracePrintF(chn, ...)
#define vTraceInstanceFinishedNow()
#define vTraceInstanceFinishedNext()
#define vTraceStoreISRBegin(x)
#define vTraceStoreISREnd()
#define vTraceStoreISREndManual(x)
#define vTraceSetISRProperties(a, b)
#define vTraceStoreKernelObjectName(a, b)
/* Backwards compatibility macros with old recorder */
#define vTraceInitTraceData()
#define uiTraceStart() (1)
#define vTraceStart()
#define vTraceStop()
extern void psfError(int errCode);
#define PSF_ASSERT(_assert, _err) if (! (_assert)){ psfError(_err); return; }
#define PSF_ERROR_NONE 0
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _TRC_RECORDER_H */