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FreeRTOS V7.1.1 - Copyright (C) 2012 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
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This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
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* particular.
* The DICE-KIT-16FX has two 7 segment displays and two buttons that can
* generate interrupts. This example uses this IO as follows:
* - Left 7 segment display -
* 7 'flash' tasks are created, each of which toggles a single segment of the
* left display. Each task executes at a fixed frequency, with a different
* frequency being used by each task.
* When button SW2 is pressed an interrupt is generated that wakes up a 'dice'
* task. The dice task suspends the 7 tasks that are accessing the left display
* before simulating a dice being thrown by generating a random number between
* 1 and 6. After the number has been generated the task sleeps for 5 seconds,
* if SW2 is pressed again within the 5 seconds another random number is
* generated, if SW2 is not pressed within the 5 seconds then the 7 tasks are
* un-suspended and will once again toggle the segments of the left hand display.
* - Right 7 segment display -
* Control of the right side 7 segment display is very similar to that of the
* left, except co-routines are used to toggle the segments instead of tasks,
* and button SW3 is used instead of SW2.
* - Notes -
* Only one dice task is actually defined. Two instances of this single
* definition are created, the first to simulate a dice being thrown on the left
* display, and the other to simulate a dice being thrown on the right display.
* The task parameter is used to let the dice tasks know which display to
* control.
* Both dice tasks and the flash tasks operate completely independently under
* the control of FreeRTOS. 11 tasks and 7 co-routines are created in total,
* including the idle task.
* The co-routines all execute within a single low priority task.
* When this demo is executing as expected:
* + Every segment of both displays will toggle at a fixed frequency - with each
* segment using a different frequency.
* + When a button is pushed the segment toggling will temporarily stop and the
* dice 'throw' will start whereby the display will show a fast changing random
* number for a few seconds before the dice value is chosen and displayed.
* + If the button is not pushed again within five seconds of the dice value being
* displayed the segment toggling will commence again.
/* Kernel includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "Task.h"
/* Demo includes. */
#include "DiceTask.h"
#include "ParTest.h"
#include "Flash.h"
/* The priority at which the dice task execute. */
#define mainDICE_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 )
* Sets up the MCU IO for the 7 segment displays and the button inputs.
static void prvSetupHardware( void );
* The function that creates the flash tasks and co-routines (the tasks and
* co-routines that toggle the 7 segment display segments.
extern vCreateFlashTasksAndCoRoutines( void );
void main( void )
/* Setup the MCU IO. */
/* Create the tasks and co-routines that toggle the display segments. */
/* Create a 'dice' task to control the left hand display. */
xTaskCreate( vDiceTask, ( signed char * ) "Dice1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) configLEFT_DISPLAY, mainDICE_PRIORITY, NULL );
/* Create a 'dice' task to control the right hand display. */
xTaskCreate( vDiceTask, ( signed char * ) "Dice2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) configRIGHT_DISPLAY, mainDICE_PRIORITY, NULL );
/* Start the scheduler running. */
/* If this loop is executed then there was insufficient heap memory for the
idle task to be created - causing vTaskStartScheduler() to return. */
while( 1 );
static void prvSetupHardware( void )
/* Setup interrupt hardware - interrupts are kept disabled for now to
prevent any interrupts attempting to cause a context switch before the
scheduler has been started. */
__set_il( 7 );
/* Set Port3 as output (7Segment Display). */
DDR03 = 0xff;
/* Use Port 5 as I/O-Port. */
ADER1 = 0;
PDR05 = 0x7f;
/* Set Port5 as output (7Segment Display). */
DDR05 = 0xff;
/* Disable inputs on the following ports. */
PIER02 = 0x00;
PDR02 = 0x00;
DDR02 = 0xff;
PIER03 = 0x00;
PDR03 = 0xff;
PIER05 = 0x00;
PDR05 = 0x00;
PIER06 = 0x00;
PDR06 = 0x00;
DDR06 = 0xff;
/* Enable P00_0/INT8 and P00_1/INT9 as input. */
PIER00 = 0x03;
/* Enable external interrupt 8. */
PIER00_IE0 = 1;
/* LB0, LA0 = 11 -> falling edge. */
ELVRL1_LB8 = 1;
ELVRL1_LA8 = 1;
/* Reset and enable the interrupt request. */
EIRR1_ER8 = 0;
ENIR1_EN8 = 1;
/* Enable external interrupt 9. */
PIER00_IE1 = 1;
/* LB1, LA1 = 11 -> falling edge. */
ELVRL1_LB9 = 1;
ELVRL1_LA9 = 1;
/* Reset and enable the interrupt request. */
EIRR1_ER9 = 0;
ENIR1_EN9 = 1;