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// cs8900a.c: device driver for the CS8900a chip in 8-bit mode.
#include <LPC210x.h>
#include "cs8900a.h"
#include "uip.h"
#include "uip_arp.h"
#define IOR (1<<12) // CS8900's ISA-bus interface pins
#define IOW (1<<13)
// definitions for Crystal CS8900 ethernet-controller
// based on linux-header by Russel Nelson
#define PP_ChipID 0x0000 // offset 0h -> Corp-ID
// offset 2h -> Model/Product Number
#define LED_RED (1<<8)
#define LED_GREEN (1<<10)
#define LED_YELLOW (1<<11)
#define PP_ISAIOB 0x0020 // IO base address
#define PP_CS8900_ISAINT 0x0022 // ISA interrupt select
#define PP_CS8900_ISADMA 0x0024 // ISA Rec DMA channel
#define PP_ISASOF 0x0026 // ISA DMA offset
#define PP_DmaFrameCnt 0x0028 // ISA DMA Frame count
#define PP_DmaByteCnt 0x002A // ISA DMA Byte count
#define PP_CS8900_ISAMemB 0x002C // Memory base
#define PP_ISABootBase 0x0030 // Boot Prom base
#define PP_ISABootMask 0x0034 // Boot Prom Mask
// EEPROM data and command registers
#define PP_EECMD 0x0040 // NVR Interface Command register
#define PP_EEData 0x0042 // NVR Interface Data Register
// Configuration and control registers
#define PP_RxCFG 0x0102 // Rx Bus config
#define PP_RxCTL 0x0104 // Receive Control Register
#define PP_TxCFG 0x0106 // Transmit Config Register
#define PP_TxCMD 0x0108 // Transmit Command Register
#define PP_BufCFG 0x010A // Bus configuration Register
#define PP_LineCTL 0x0112 // Line Config Register
#define PP_SelfCTL 0x0114 // Self Command Register
#define PP_BusCTL 0x0116 // ISA bus control Register
#define PP_TestCTL 0x0118 // Test Register
// Status and Event Registers
#define PP_ISQ 0x0120 // Interrupt Status
#define PP_RxEvent 0x0124 // Rx Event Register
#define PP_TxEvent 0x0128 // Tx Event Register
#define PP_BufEvent 0x012C // Bus Event Register
#define PP_RxMiss 0x0130 // Receive Miss Count
#define PP_TxCol 0x0132 // Transmit Collision Count
#define PP_LineST 0x0134 // Line State Register
#define PP_SelfST 0x0136 // Self State register
#define PP_BusST 0x0138 // Bus Status
#define PP_TDR 0x013C // Time Domain Reflectometry
// Initiate Transmit Registers
#define PP_TxCommand 0x0144 // Tx Command
#define PP_TxLength 0x0146 // Tx Length
// Adress Filter Registers
#define PP_LAF 0x0150 // Hash Table
#define PP_IA 0x0158 // Physical Address Register
// Frame Location
#define PP_RxStatus 0x0400 // Receive start of frame
#define PP_RxLength 0x0402 // Receive Length of frame
#define PP_RxFrame 0x0404 // Receive frame pointer
#define PP_TxFrame 0x0A00 // Transmit frame pointer
// Primary I/O Base Address. If no I/O base is supplied by the user, then this
// can be used as the default I/O base to access the PacketPage Area.
#define DEFAULTIOBASE 0x0300
// PP_RxCFG - Receive Configuration and Interrupt Mask bit definition - Read/write
#define SKIP_1 0x0040
#define RX_STREAM_ENBL 0x0080
#define RX_OK_ENBL 0x0100
#define RX_DMA_ONLY 0x0200
#define AUTO_RX_DMA 0x0400
#define BUFFER_CRC 0x0800
#define RX_CRC_ERROR_ENBL 0x1000
#define RX_RUNT_ENBL 0x2000
#define RX_EXTRA_DATA_ENBL 0x4000
// PP_RxCTL - Receive Control bit definition - Read/write
#define RX_IA_HASH_ACCEPT 0x0040
#define RX_PROM_ACCEPT 0x0080
#define RX_OK_ACCEPT 0x0100
#define RX_MULTCAST_ACCEPT 0x0200
#define RX_IA_ACCEPT 0x0400
#define RX_BROADCAST_ACCEPT 0x0800
#define RX_BAD_CRC_ACCEPT 0x1000
#define RX_RUNT_ACCEPT 0x2000
#define RX_EXTRA_DATA_ACCEPT 0x4000
// PP_TxCFG - Transmit Configuration Interrupt Mask bit definition - Read/write
#define TX_LOST_CRS_ENBL 0x0040
#define TX_SQE_ERROR_ENBL 0x0080
#define TX_OK_ENBL 0x0100
#define TX_LATE_COL_ENBL 0x0200
#define TX_JBR_ENBL 0x0400
#define TX_ANY_COL_ENBL 0x0800
#define TX_16_COL_ENBL 0x8000
// PP_TxCMD - Transmit Command bit definition - Read-only and
// PP_TxCommand - Write-only
#define TX_START_5_BYTES 0x0000
#define TX_START_381_BYTES 0x0040
#define TX_START_1021_BYTES 0x0080
#define TX_START_ALL_BYTES 0x00C0
#define TX_FORCE 0x0100
#define TX_ONE_COL 0x0200
#define TX_NO_CRC 0x1000
#define TX_RUNT 0x2000
// PP_BufCFG - Buffer Configuration Interrupt Mask bit definition - Read/write
#define RX_DMA_ENBL 0x0080
#define READY_FOR_TX_ENBL 0x0100
#define TX_UNDERRUN_ENBL 0x0200
#define RX_MISS_ENBL 0x0400
#define RX_128_BYTE_ENBL 0x0800
#define RX_DEST_MATCH_ENBL 0x8000
// PP_LineCTL - Line Control bit definition - Read/write
#define SERIAL_RX_ON 0x0040
#define SERIAL_TX_ON 0x0080
#define AUI_ONLY 0x0100
#define AUTO_AUI_10BASET 0x0200
#define MODIFIED_BACKOFF 0x0800
#define NO_AUTO_POLARITY 0x1000
#define TWO_PART_DEFDIS 0x2000
#define LOW_RX_SQUELCH 0x4000
// PP_SelfCTL - Software Self Control bit definition - Read/write
#define POWER_ON_RESET 0x0040
#define SW_STOP 0x0100
#define SLEEP_ON 0x0200
#define AUTO_WAKEUP 0x0400
#define HCB0_ENBL 0x1000
#define HCB1_ENBL 0x2000
#define HCB0 0x4000
#define HCB1 0x8000
// PP_BusCTL - ISA Bus Control bit definition - Read/write
#define RESET_RX_DMA 0x0040
#define MEMORY_ON 0x0400
#define DMA_BURST_MODE 0x0800
#define IO_CHANNEL_READY_ON 0x1000
#define RX_DMA_SIZE_64K 0x2000
#define ENABLE_IRQ 0x8000
// PP_TestCTL - Test Control bit definition - Read/write
#define LINK_OFF 0x0080
#define ENDEC_LOOPBACK 0x0200
#define AUI_LOOPBACK 0x0400
#define BACKOFF_OFF 0x0800
#define FDX_8900 0x4000
// PP_RxEvent - Receive Event Bit definition - Read-only
#define RX_IA_HASHED 0x0040
#define RX_DRIBBLE 0x0080
#define RX_OK 0x0100
#define RX_HASHED 0x0200
#define RX_IA 0x0400
#define RX_BROADCAST 0x0800
#define RX_CRC_ERROR 0x1000
#define RX_RUNT 0x2000
#define RX_EXTRA_DATA 0x4000
#define HASH_INDEX_MASK 0xFC00 // Hash-Table Index Mask (6 Bit)
// PP_TxEvent - Transmit Event Bit definition - Read-only
#define TX_LOST_CRS 0x0040
#define TX_SQE_ERROR 0x0080
#define TX_OK 0x0100
#define TX_LATE_COL 0x0200
#define TX_JBR 0x0400
#define TX_16_COL 0x8000
#define TX_COL_COUNT_MASK 0x7800
// PP_BufEvent - Buffer Event Bit definition - Read-only
#define SW_INTERRUPT 0x0040
#define RX_DMA 0x0080
#define READY_FOR_TX 0x0100
#define TX_UNDERRUN 0x0200
#define RX_MISS 0x0400
#define RX_128_BYTE 0x0800
#define TX_COL_OVRFLW 0x1000
#define RX_MISS_OVRFLW 0x2000
#define RX_DEST_MATCH 0x8000
// PP_LineST - Ethernet Line Status bit definition - Read-only
#define LINK_OK 0x0080
#define AUI_ON 0x0100
#define TENBASET_ON 0x0200
#define POLARITY_OK 0x1000
#define CRS_OK 0x4000
// PP_SelfST - Chip Software Status bit definition
#define ACTIVE_33V 0x0040
#define INIT_DONE 0x0080
#define SI_BUSY 0x0100
#define EEPROM_PRESENT 0x0200
#define EEPROM_OK 0x0400
#define EL_PRESENT 0x0800
#define EE_SIZE_64 0x1000
// PP_BusST - ISA Bus Status bit definition
#define TX_BID_ERROR 0x0080
#define READY_FOR_TX_NOW 0x0100
// The following block defines the ISQ event types
#define ISQ_RX_EVENT 0x0004
#define ISQ_TX_EVENT 0x0008
#define ISQ_BUFFER_EVENT 0x000C
#define ISQ_RX_MISS_EVENT 0x0010
#define ISQ_TX_COL_EVENT 0x0012
#define ISQ_EVENT_MASK 0x003F // ISQ mask to find out type of event
// Ports for I/O-Mode
#define RX_FRAME_PORT 0x0000
#define TX_FRAME_PORT 0x0000
#define TX_CMD_PORT 0x0004
#define TX_LEN_PORT 0x0006
#define ISQ_PORT 0x0008
#define ADD_PORT 0x000A
#define DATA_PORT 0x000C
#define AUTOINCREMENT 0x8000 // Bit mask to set Bit-15 for autoincrement
// EEProm Commands
#define EEPROM_WRITE_EN 0x00F0
#define EEPROM_WRITE_DIS 0x0000
#define EEPROM_WRITE_CMD 0x0100
#define EEPROM_READ_CMD 0x0200
// Receive Header of each packet in receive area of memory for DMA-Mode
#define RBUF_EVENT_LOW 0x0000 // Low byte of RxEvent
#define RBUF_EVENT_HIGH 0x0001 // High byte of RxEvent
#define RBUF_LEN_LOW 0x0002 // Length of received data - low byte
#define RBUF_LEN_HI 0x0003 // Length of received data - high byte
#define RBUF_HEAD_LEN 0x0004 // Length of this header
// typedefs
typedef struct { // struct to store CS8900's
unsigned int Addr; // init-sequence
unsigned int Data;
} TInitSeq;
unsigned short ticks;
static void skip_frame(void);
const TInitSeq InitSeq[] =
PP_IA, UIP_ETHADDR0 + (UIP_ETHADDR1 << 8), // set our MAC as Individual Address
PP_LineCTL, SERIAL_RX_ON | SERIAL_TX_ON, // configure the Physical Interface
// Writes a word in little-endian byte order to a specified port-address
cs8900a_write(unsigned addr, unsigned int data)
GPIO_IODIR |= 0xff << 16; // Data port to output
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xf << 4; // Put address on bus
GPIO_IOSET = addr << 4;
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xff << 16; // Write low order byte to data bus
GPIO_IOSET = data << 16;
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = IOW; // Toggle IOW-signal
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xf << 4;
GPIO_IOSET = ((addr | 1) << 4); // And put next address on bus
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xff << 16; // Write high order byte to data bus
GPIO_IOSET = data >> 8 << 16;
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = IOW; // Toggle IOW-signal
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
// Reads a word in little-endian byte order from a specified port-address
cs8900a_read(unsigned addr)
unsigned int value;
GPIO_IODIR &= ~(0xff << 16); // Data port to input
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xf << 4; // Put address on bus
GPIO_IOSET = addr << 4;
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = IOR; // IOR-signal low
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
value = (GPIO_IOPIN >> 16) & 0xff; // get low order byte from data bus
GPIO_IOSET = 1 << 4; // IOR high and put next address on bus
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = IOR; // IOR-signal low
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
value |= ((GPIO_IOPIN >> 8) & 0xff00); // get high order byte from data bus
GPIO_IOSET = IOR; // IOR-signal low
return value;
// Reads a word in little-endian byte order from a specified port-address
cs8900a_read_addr_high_first(unsigned addr)
unsigned int value;
GPIO_IODIR &= ~(0xff << 16); // Data port to input
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xf << 4; // Put address on bus
GPIO_IOSET = (addr+1) << 4;
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = IOR; // IOR-signal low
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
value = ((GPIO_IOPIN >> 8) & 0xff00); // get high order byte from data bus
GPIO_IOSET = IOR; // IOR-signal high
GPIO_IOCLR = 1 << 4; // Put low address on bus
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = IOR; // IOR-signal low
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
value |= (GPIO_IOPIN >> 16) & 0xff; // get low order byte from data bus
return value;
int i;
// Reset outputs, control lines high
// No LEDs on.
// Port 3 as output (all pins but RS232)
GPIO_IODIR = ~0U; // everything to output.
// Reset outputs
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xff << 16; // clear data outputs
// Reset the CS8900A
cs8900a_write(ADD_PORT, PP_SelfCTL);
cs8900a_write(DATA_PORT, POWER_ON_RESET);
// Wait until chip-reset is done
cs8900a_write(ADD_PORT, PP_SelfST);
while ((cs8900a_read(DATA_PORT) & INIT_DONE) == 0)
// Configure the CS8900A
for (i = 0; i < sizeof InitSeq / sizeof (TInitSeq); ++i)
cs8900a_write(ADD_PORT, InitSeq[i].Addr);
cs8900a_write(DATA_PORT, InitSeq[i].Data);
unsigned u;
GPIO_IOCLR = LED_RED; // Light RED LED when frame starting
// Transmit command
cs8900a_write(TX_LEN_PORT, uip_len);
// Maximum number of retries
u = 8;
for (;;)
// Check for avaliable buffer space
cs8900a_write(ADD_PORT, PP_BusST);
if (cs8900a_read(DATA_PORT) & READY_FOR_TX_NOW)
if (u -- == 0)
GPIO_IOSET = LED_RED; // Extinguish RED LED on end of frame
// No space avaliable, skip a received frame and try again
GPIO_IODIR |= 0xff << 16; // Data port to output
// Send 40+14=54 bytes of header
for (u = 0; u < 54; u += 2)
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xf << 4; // Put address on bus
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xff << 16; // Write low order byte to data bus
GPIO_IOSET = uip_buf[u] << 16; // write low order byte to data bus
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = IOW; // Toggle IOW-signal
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xf << 4; // Put address on bus
GPIO_IOSET = (TX_FRAME_PORT | 1) << 4; // and put next address on bus
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xff << 16; // Write low order byte to data bus
GPIO_IOSET = uip_buf[u+1] << 16; // write low order byte to data bus
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = IOW; // Toggle IOW-signal
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
if (uip_len <= 54)
GPIO_IOSET = LED_RED; // Extinguish RED LED on end of frame
// Send remainder of packet, the application data
uip_len -= 54;
for (u = 0; u < uip_len; u += 2)
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xf << 4; // Put address on bus
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xff << 16; // Write low order byte to data bus
GPIO_IOSET = uip_appdata[u] << 16; // write low order byte to data bus
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = IOW; // Toggle IOW-signal
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xf << 4; // Put address on bus
GPIO_IOSET = (TX_FRAME_PORT | 1) << 4; // and put next address on bus
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xff << 16; // Write low order byte to data bus
GPIO_IOSET = uip_appdata[u+1] << 16; // write low order byte to data bus
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOCLR = IOW; // Toggle IOW-signal
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOSET = LED_RED; // Extinguish RED LED on end of frame
static void
// No space avaliable, skip a received frame and try again
cs8900a_write(ADD_PORT, PP_RxCFG);
cs8900a_write(DATA_PORT, cs8900a_read(DATA_PORT) | SKIP_1);
u16_t len, u;
// Check receiver event register to see if there are any valid frames avaliable
cs8900a_write(ADD_PORT, PP_RxEvent);
if ((cs8900a_read(DATA_PORT) & 0xd00) == 0)
return 0;
GPIO_IOCLR = LED_GREEN; // Light GREED LED when frame coming in.
// Read receiver status and discard it.
// Read frame length
len = cs8900a_read_addr_high_first(RX_FRAME_PORT);
// If the frame is too big to handle, throw it away
if (len > UIP_BUFSIZE)
return 0;
// Data port to input
GPIO_IODIR &= ~(0xff << 16);
GPIO_IOCLR = 0xf << 4; // put address on bus
// Read bytes into uip_buf
u = 0;
while (u < len)
GPIO_IOCLR = 1 << 4; // put address on bus
GPIO_IOCLR = IOR; // IOR-signal low
uip_buf[u] = GPIO_IOPIN >> 16; // get high order byte from data bus
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
GPIO_IOSET = IOR; // IOR-signal high
GPIO_IOSET = 1 << 4; // put address on bus
GPIO_IOCLR = IOR; // IOR-signal low
__asm volatile ( "NOP" );
uip_buf[u+1] = GPIO_IOPIN >> 16; // get high order byte from data bus
GPIO_IOSET = IOR; // IOR-signal high
u += 2;
GPIO_IOSET = LED_GREEN; // Extinguish GREED LED when frame finished.
return len;