Richard Barry 5ddcf3d36a Update the Cortex-M3 IAR projects to compile with EWARM 6.20 where necessary.
ParTest Update version number to V7.0.1.
settings Update the Cortex-M3 IAR projects to compile with EWARM 6.20 where necessary.
webserver Update version number to V7.0.1.
FreeRTOSConfig.h Update version number to V7.0.1.
IntQueueTimer.c Update version number to V7.0.1.
IntQueueTimer.h Update version number to V7.0.1.
LM3Sxxxx.icf UpdUpdate IAR projects to use Embedded Workbench V5.11.
RTOSDemo.Opt Add in the configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY test tasks.
RTOSDemo.Uv2 Add in the configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY test tasks.
RTOSDemo.ewd Update the Cortex-M3 IAR projects to compile with EWARM 6.20 where necessary.
RTOSDemo.ewp Update the Cortex-M3 IAR projects to compile with EWARM 6.20 where necessary.
RTOSDemo.eww Update to V4.5.0 files and directory structure.
bitmap.h Update to V5.0.0.
formike128x128x16.c Update to V5.0.0.
formike128x128x16.h Update to V5.0.0.
lcd_message.h Update to V4.5.0 files and directory structure.
main.c Update version number to V7.0.1.
osram128x64x4.c Update to V4.5.0 files and directory structure.
osram128x64x4.h Update to V4.5.0 files and directory structure.
rit128x96x4.c Update to V4.5.0 files and directory structure.
startup_ewarm.c Change occurrences of "Cortex M3" to "Cortex-M3".
startup_rvmdk.S Add in the configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY test tasks.
timertest.c Update version number to V7.0.1.