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// ntpClient.h
#ifndef __NTPCLIENT_H__
#define __NTPCLIENT_H__
#define NTP_PORT 123
typedef uint32_t quint32;
typedef int32_t qint32;
typedef uint8_t quint8;
typedef int8_t qint8;
typedef union _SNtpFlags SNtpFlags;
* 64-bit NTP timestamp.
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) _SNtpTimestamp {
/** Number of seconds passed since Jan 1 1900, in big-endian format. */
quint32 seconds;
/** Fractional time part, in <tt>1/0xFFFFFFFF</tt>s of a second. */
quint32 fraction;
typedef struct _SNtpTimestamp SNtpTimestamp;
* Mandatory part of an NTP packet
struct SNtpPacket {
/** Flags. */
unsigned char flags; // value 0xDB : mode 3 (client), version 3, leap indicator unknown 3
/** Stratum of the clock. */
quint8 stratum; // value 0 : unspecified
/** Maximum interval between successive messages, in log2 seconds. Note that the value is signed. */
qint8 poll; // 10 means 1 << 10 = 1024 seconds
/** Precision of the clock, in log2 seconds. Note that the value is signed. */
qint8 precision; // 0xFA = 250 = 0.015625 seconds
/** Round trip time to the primary reference source, in NTP short format. */
qint32 rootDelay; // 0x5D2E = 23854 or (23854/65535)= 0.3640 sec
/** Nominal error relative to the primary reference source. */
qint32 rootDispersion; // 0x0008 CAC8 = 8.7912 seconds
/** Reference identifier (either a 4 character string or an IP address). */
qint8 referenceID[4]; // or just 0000
/** The time at which the clock was last set or corrected. */
SNtpTimestamp referenceTimestamp; // Current time
/** The time at which the request departed the client for the server. */
SNtpTimestamp originateTimestamp; // Keep 0
/** The time at which the request arrived at the server. */
SNtpTimestamp receiveTimestamp; // Keep 0
/** The time at which the reply departed the server for client. */
SNtpTimestamp transmitTimestamp;
/* Add this number to get secs since 1-1-1900 */
#define TIME1970 2208988800UL
#endif // __NTPCLIENT_H__