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* This demo application creates eight co-routines and four tasks (five
* including the idle task). The co-routines execute as part of the idle task
* hook. The application is limited in size to allow its compilation using
* the KickStart version of the IAR compiler.
* Six of the created co-routines are the standard 'co-routine flash'
* co-routines contained within the Demo/Common/Minimal/crflash.c file and
* documented on the FreeRTOS.org WEB site.
* The 'LCD Task' waits on a message queue for messages informing it what and
* where to display text. This is the only task that accesses the LCD
* so mutual exclusion is guaranteed.
* The 'LCD Message Task' periodically sends strings to the LCD Task using
* the message queue. The strings are rotated to form a short message and
* are written to the top row of the LCD.
* The 'ADC Co-routine' periodically reads the ADC input that is connected to
* the light sensor, forms a short message from the value, and then sends this
* message to the LCD Task using the same message queue. The ADC readings are
* displayed on the bottom row of the LCD.
* The eighth co-routine and final task control the transmission and reception
* of a string to UART 0. The co-routine periodically sends the first
* character of the string to the UART, with the UART's TxEnd interrupt being
* used to transmit the remaining characters. The UART's RxEnd interrupt
* receives the characters and places them on a queue to be processed by the
* 'COMs Rx' task. An error is latched should an unexpected character be
* received, or any character be received out of sequence.
* A loopback connector is required to ensure that each character transmitted
* on the UART is also received on the same UART. For test purposes the UART
* FIFO's are not utalised in order to maximise the interrupt overhead. Also
* a pseudo random interval is used between the start of each transmission in
* order that the resultant interrupts are more randomly distributed and
* therefore more likely to highlight any problems.
* The flash co-routines control LED's zero to four. LED five is toggled each
* time the string is transmitted on the UART. LED six is toggled each time
* the string is CORRECTLY received on the UART. LED seven is latched on
* should an error be detected in any task or co-routine.
* In addition the idle task makes repetitive calls to
* vSetAndCheckRegisters(). This simply loads the general purpose registers
* with a known value, then checks each register to ensure the held value is
* still correct. As a low priority task this checking routine is likely to
* get repeatedly swapped in and out. A register being found to contain an
* incorrect value is therefore indicative of an error in the task switching
* mechanism.
/* standard include files. */
#include <stdio.h>
/* Scheduler include files. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "croutine.h"
/* Demo application include files. */
#include "partest.h"
#include "crflash.h"
#include "commstest.h"
/* Library include files. */
#include "DriverLib.h"
/* The time to delay between writing each character to the LCD. */
#define mainCHAR_WRITE_DELAY ( 2 / portTICK_RATE_MS )
/* The time to delay between writing each string to the LCD. */
#define mainSTRING_WRITE_DELAY ( 400 / portTICK_RATE_MS )
#define mainADC_DELAY ( 200 / portTICK_RATE_MS )
/* The number of flash co-routines to create. */
#define mainNUM_FLASH_CO_ROUTINES ( 5 )
/* The length of the queue used to send messages to the LCD task. */
#define mainLCD_QUEUE_LEN ( 3 )
/* The priority of the co-routine used to initiate the transmission of the
string on UART 0. */
#define mainTX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITY ( 1 )
#define mainADC_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITY ( 2 )
/* Only one of each co-routine is created so its index is not important. */
#define mainTX_CO_ROUTINE_INDEX ( 0 )
#define mainADC_CO_ROUTINE_INDEX ( 0 )
/* The task priorities. */
#define mainLCD_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 )
/* The LCD had two rows. */
#define mainTOP_ROW 0
#define mainBOTTOM_ROW 1
/* Dimension for the buffer into which the ADC value string is written. */
#define mainMAX_ADC_STRING_LEN 20
/* The LED that is lit should an error be detected in any of the tasks or
co-routines. */
#define mainFAIL_LED ( 7 )
* The task that displays text on the LCD.
static void prvLCDTask( void * pvParameters );
* The task that sends messages to be displayed on the top row of the LCD.
static void prvLCDMessageTask( void * pvParameters );
* The co-routine that reads the ADC and sends messages for display on the
* bottom row of the LCD.
static void prvADCCoRoutine( xCoRoutineHandle xHandle, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxIndex );
* Function to simply set a known value into the general purpose registers
* then read them back to ensure they remain set correctly. An incorrect value
* being indicative of an error in the task switching mechanism.
extern void vSetAndCheckRegisters( void );
* Latch the LED that indicates that an error has occurred.
void vSetErrorLED( void );
* Thread safe write to the PDC.
static void prvPDCWrite( portCHAR cAddress, portCHAR cData );
* Sets up the hardware used by the demo.
static void prvSetupHardware( void );
/* The structure that is passed on the LCD message queue. */
typedef struct
portCHAR **ppcMessageToDisplay; /*<< Points to a char* pointing to the message to display. */
portBASE_TYPE xRow; /*<< The row on which the message should be displayed. */
} xLCDMessage;
/* Error flag set to pdFAIL if an error is encountered in the tasks/co-routines
defined within this file. */
unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxErrorStatus = pdPASS;
/* The queue used to transmit messages to the LCD task. */
static xQueueHandle xLCDQueue;
* Setup the hardware, create the tasks/co-routines, then start the scheduler.
void main( void )
/* Create the queue used by tasks wanting to write to the LCD. */
xLCDQueue = xQueueCreate( mainLCD_QUEUE_LEN, sizeof( xLCDMessage ) );
/* Setup the ports used by the demo and the clock. */
/* Create the co-routines that flash the LED's. */
vStartFlashCoRoutines( mainNUM_FLASH_CO_ROUTINES );
/* Create the co-routine that initiates the transmission of characters
on the UART and the task that receives them, as described at the top of
this file. */
xCoRoutineCreate( vSerialTxCoRoutine, mainTX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITY, mainTX_CO_ROUTINE_INDEX );
/* Create the task that waits for messages to display on the LCD, plus the
task and co-routine that send messages for display (as described at the top
of this file. */
xTaskCreate( prvLCDTask, "LCD", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &xLCDQueue, mainLCD_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
xTaskCreate( prvLCDMessageTask, "MSG", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &xLCDQueue, mainMSG_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
xCoRoutineCreate( prvADCCoRoutine, mainADC_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITY, mainADC_CO_ROUTINE_INDEX );
/* Start the scheduler running the tasks and co-routines just created. */
/* Should not get here unless we did not have enough memory to start the
scheduler. */
for( ;; );
static void prvLCDMessageTask( void * pvParameters )
/* The strings that are written to the LCD. */
portCHAR *pcStringsToDisplay[] = {
"IAR ",
"Stellaris ",
"Demo ",
xQueueHandle *pxLCDQueue;
xLCDMessage xMessageToSend;
portBASE_TYPE xIndex = 0;
/* To test the parameter passing mechanism, the queue on which messages are
posted is passed in as a parameter even though it is available as a file
scope variable anyway. */
pxLCDQueue = ( xQueueHandle * ) pvParameters;
for( ;; )
/* Wait until it is time to move onto the next string. */
vTaskDelay( mainSTRING_WRITE_DELAY );
/* Create the message object to send to the LCD task. */
xMessageToSend.ppcMessageToDisplay = &pcStringsToDisplay[ xIndex ];
xMessageToSend.xRow = mainTOP_ROW;
/* Post the message to be displayed. */
if( !xQueueSend( *pxLCDQueue, ( void * ) &xMessageToSend, 0 ) )
uxErrorStatus = pdFAIL;
/* Move onto the next message, wrapping when necessary. */
if( *( pcStringsToDisplay[ xIndex ] ) == 0x00 )
xIndex = 0;
/* Delay longer before going back to the start of the messages. */
vTaskDelay( mainSTRING_WRITE_DELAY * 2 );
void prvLCDTask( void * pvParameters )
unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxIndex;
xQueueHandle *pxLCDQueue;
xLCDMessage xReceivedMessage;
portCHAR *pcString;
const unsigned portCHAR ucCFGData[] = {
0x30, /* Set data bus to 8-bits. */
0x3C, /* Number of lines/font. */
0x08, /* Display off. */
0x01, /* Display clear. */
0x06, /* Entry mode [cursor dir][shift]. */
0x0C /* Display on [display on][curson on][blinking on]. */
/* To test the parameter passing mechanism, the queue on which messages are
received is passed in as a parameter even though it is available as a file
scope variable anyway. */
pxLCDQueue = ( xQueueHandle * ) pvParameters;
/* Configure the LCD. */
uxIndex = 0;
while( uxIndex < sizeof( ucCFGData ) )
prvPDCWrite( PDC_LCD_CSR, ucCFGData[ uxIndex ] );
vTaskDelay( mainCHAR_WRITE_DELAY );
/* Turn the LCD Backlight on. */
prvPDCWrite( PDC_CSR, 0x01 );
/* Clear display. */
vTaskDelay( mainCHAR_WRITE_DELAY );
uxIndex = 0;
for( ;; )
/* Wait for a message to arrive. */
if( xQueueReceive( *pxLCDQueue, &xReceivedMessage, portMAX_DELAY ) )
/* Which row does the received message say to write to? */
PDCLCDSetPos( 0, xReceivedMessage.xRow );
/* Where is the string we are going to display? */
pcString = *xReceivedMessage.ppcMessageToDisplay;
while( *pcString )
/* Don't write out the string too quickly as LCD's are usually
pretty slow devices. */
vTaskDelay( mainCHAR_WRITE_DELAY );
prvPDCWrite( PDC_LCD_RAM, *pcString );
static void prvADCCoRoutine( xCoRoutineHandle xHandle, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxIndex )
static unsigned portLONG ulADCValue;
static portCHAR cMessageBuffer[ mainMAX_ADC_STRING_LEN ];
static portCHAR *pcMessage;
static xLCDMessage xMessageToSend;
/* Co-routines MUST start with a call to crSTART(). */
crSTART( xHandle );
for( ;; )
/* Start an ADC conversion. */
ADCProcessorTrigger( ADC_BASE, 0 );
/* Simply delay - when we unblock the result should be available */
crDELAY( xHandle, mainADC_DELAY );
/* Get the ADC result. */
ADCSequenceDataGet( ADC_BASE, 0, &ulADCValue );
/* Create a string with the result. */
sprintf( cMessageBuffer, "ADC = %d ", ulADCValue );
pcMessage = cMessageBuffer;
/* Configure the message we are going to send for display. */
xMessageToSend.ppcMessageToDisplay = ( portCHAR** ) &pcMessage;
xMessageToSend.xRow = mainBOTTOM_ROW;
/* Send the string to the LCD task for display. We are sending
on a task queue so do not have the option to block. */
if( !xQueueSend( xLCDQueue, ( void * ) &xMessageToSend, 0 ) )
uxErrorStatus = pdFAIL;
/* Co-routines MUST end with a call to crEND(). */
static void prvSetupHardware( void )
/* Setup the PLL. */
/* Initialise the hardware used to talk to the LCD, LED's and UART. */
/* The ADC is used to read the light sensor. */
SysCtlPeripheralEnable( SYSCTL_PERIPH_ADC );
ADCSequenceStepConfigure( ADC_BASE, 0, 0, ADC_CTL_CH0 | ADC_CTL_END );
ADCSequenceEnable( ADC_BASE, 0 );
static void prvPDCWrite( portCHAR cAddress, portCHAR cData )
PDCWrite( cAddress, cData );
void vSetErrorLED( void )
vParTestSetLED( mainFAIL_LED, pdTRUE );
void vApplicationIdleHook( void )
/* The co-routines are executed in the idle task using the idle task
hook. */
for( ;; )
/* Schedule the co-routines. */
/* Run the register check function between each co-routine. */
/* See if the comms task and co-routine has found any errors. */
if( uxGetCommsStatus() != pdPASS )
vParTestSetLED( mainFAIL_LED, pdTRUE );