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/* */
/* FILE :lowsrc.c */
/* DATE :Wed, Jun 16, 2010 */
/* DESCRIPTION :Program of I/O Stream */
/* CPU TYPE :Other */
/* */
/* This file is generated by Renesas Project Generator (Ver.4.50). */
/* */
* Device : RX
* File Name : lowsrc.c
* Abstract : Program of I/O Stream.
* History : 1.00 (2009-08-07)
* Copyright(c) 2009 Renesas Technology Corp.
* And Renesas Solutions Corp.,All Rights Reserved.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "lowsrc.h"
/* file number */
#define STDIN 0 /* Standard input (console) */
#define STDOUT 1 /* Standard output (console) */
#define STDERR 2 /* Standard error output (console) */
#define FLMIN 0 /* Minimum file number */
#define _MOPENR 0x1
#define _MOPENW 0x2
#define _MOPENA 0x4
#define _MTRUNC 0x8
#define _MCREAT 0x10
#define _MBIN 0x20
#define _MEXCL 0x40
#define _MALBUF 0x40
#define _MALFIL 0x80
#define _MEOF 0x100
#define _MERR 0x200
#define _MLBF 0x400
#define _MNBF 0x800
#define _MREAD 0x1000
#define _MWRITE 0x2000
#define _MBYTE 0x4000
#define _MWIDE 0x8000
/* File Flags */
#define O_RDONLY 0x0001 /* Read only */
#define O_WRONLY 0x0002 /* Write only */
#define O_RDWR 0x0004 /* Both read and Write */
#define O_CREAT 0x0008 /* A file is created if it is not existed */
#define O_TRUNC 0x0010 /* The file size is changed to 0 if it is existed. */
#define O_APPEND 0x0020 /* The position is set for next reading/writing */
/* 0: Top of the file 1: End of file */
/* Special character code */
#define CR 0x0d /* Carriage return */
#define LF 0x0a /* Line feed */
#if defined( __RX )
const long _nfiles = IOSTREAM; /* The number of files for input/output files */
const int _nfiles = IOSTREAM; /* The number of files for input/output files */
char flmod[IOSTREAM]; /* The location for the mode of opened file. */
unsigned char sml_buf[IOSTREAM];
#define FPATH_STDIN "C:\\stdin"
#define FPATH_STDOUT "C:\\stdout"
#define FPATH_STDERR "C:\\stderr"
/* H8 Normal mode ,SH and RX */
#if defined( __2000N__ ) || defined( __2600N__ ) || defined( __300HN__ ) || defined( _SH )
/* Output one character to standard output */
extern void charput(char);
/* Input one character from standard input */
extern char charget(void);
/* Output one character to the file */
extern char fcharput(char, unsigned char);
/* Input one character from the file */
extern char fcharget(char*, unsigned char);
/* Open the file */
extern char fileopen(char*, unsigned char, unsigned char*);
/* Close the file */
extern char fileclose(unsigned char);
/* Move the file offset */
extern char fpseek(unsigned char, long, unsigned char);
/* Get the file offset */
extern char fptell(unsigned char, long*);
/* RX */
#elif defined( __RX )
/* Output one character to standard output */
extern void charput(unsigned char);
/* Input one character from standard input */
extern unsigned char charget(void);
/* H8 Advanced mode */
#elif defined( __2000A__ ) || defined( __2600A__ ) || defined( __300HA__ ) || defined( __H8SXN__ ) || defined( __H8SXA__ ) || defined( __H8SXM__ ) || defined( __H8SXX__ )
/* Output one character to standard output */
extern void charput(char);
/* Input one character from standard input */
extern char charget(void);
/* Output one character to the file */
extern char fcharput(char, unsigned char);
/* Input one character from the file */
extern char fcharget(char*, unsigned char);
/* Open the file */
/* Specified as the number of register which stored paramter is 3 */
extern char __regparam3 fileopen(char*, unsigned char, unsigned char*);
/* Close the file */
extern char fileclose(unsigned char);
/* Move the file offset */
extern char fpseek(unsigned char, long, unsigned char);
/* Get the file offset */
extern char fptell(unsigned char, long*);
/* H8300 and H8300L */
#elif defined( __300__ ) || defined( __300L__ )
/* Output one character to standard output */
extern void charput(char);
/* Input one character from standard input */
extern char charget(void);
/* Output one character to the file */
extern char fcharput(char, unsigned char);
/* Input one character from the file */
extern char fcharget(char*, unsigned char);
/* Open the file */
/* Specified as the number of register which stored paramter is 3 */
extern char __regparam3 fileopen(char*, unsigned char, unsigned char*);
/* Close the file */
extern char fileclose(unsigned char);
/* Move the file offset */
/* Move the file offset */
extern char __regparam3 fpseek(unsigned char, long, unsigned char);
/* Get the file offset */
extern char fptell(unsigned char, long*);
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *_Files[IOSTREAM]; // structure for FILE
char *env_list[] = { // Array for environment variables(**environ)
'\0' // Terminal for environment variables
char **environ = env_list;
/* Initialize C library Functions, if necessary. */
/* Define USES_SIMIO on Assembler Option. */
void _INIT_IOLIB( void )
/* A file for standard input/output is opened or created. Each FILE */
/* structure members are initialized by the library. Each _Buf member */
/* in it is re-set the end of buffer pointer. */
/* Standard Input File */
if( freopen( FPATH_STDIN, "r", stdin ) == NULL )
stdin->_Mode = 0xffff; /* Not allow the access if it fails to open */
stdin->_Mode = _MOPENR; /* Read only attribute */
stdin->_Mode |= _MNBF; /* Non-buffering for data */
stdin->_Bend = stdin->_Buf + 1; /* Re-set pointer to the end of buffer */
/* Standard Output File */
if( freopen( FPATH_STDOUT, "w", stdout ) == NULL )
stdout->_Mode = 0xffff; /* Not allow the access if it fails to open */
stdout->_Mode |= _MNBF; /* Non-buffering for data */
stdout->_Bend = stdout->_Buf + 1;/* Re-set pointer to the end of buffer */
/* Standard Error File */
if( freopen( FPATH_STDERR, "w", stderr ) == NULL )
stderr->_Mode = 0xffff; /* Not allow the access if it fails to open */
stderr->_Mode |= _MNBF; /* Non-buffering for data */
stderr->_Bend = stderr->_Buf + 1;/* Re-set pointer to the end of buffer */
void _CLOSEALL( void )
long i;
for( i=0; i < _nfiles; i++ )
/* Checks if the file is opened or not */
if( _Files[i]->_Mode & (_MOPENR | _MOPENW | _MOPENA ) )
fclose( _Files[i] ); /* Closes the file */
/* open:file open */
/* Return value:File number (Pass) */
/* -1 (Failure) */
#if defined( __RX )
long open(const char *name, /* File name */
long mode, /* Open mode */
long flg) /* Open flag */
int open(char *name, /* File name */
int mode, /* Open mode */
int flg) /* Open flag */
if( strcmp( name, FPATH_STDIN ) == 0 ) /* Standard Input file? */
if( ( mode & O_RDONLY ) == 0 ) return -1;
flmod[STDIN] = mode;
return STDIN;
else if( strcmp( name, FPATH_STDOUT ) == 0 )/* Standard Output file? */
if( ( mode & O_WRONLY ) == 0 ) return -1;
flmod[STDOUT] = mode;
return STDOUT;
else if(strcmp(name, FPATH_STDERR ) == 0 ) /* Standard Error file? */
if( ( mode & O_WRONLY ) == 0 ) return -1;
flmod[STDERR] = mode;
return STDERR;
else return -1; /*Others */
#if defined( __RX )
long close( long fileno )
int close( int fileno )
return 1;
/* write:Data write */
/* Return value:Number of write characters (Pass) */
/* -1 (Failure) */
#if defined( __RX )
long write(long fileno, /* File number */
const unsigned char *buf, /* The address of destination buffer */
long count) /* The number of chacter to write */
int write(int fileno, /* File number */
char *buf, /* The address of destination buffer */
int count) /* The number of chacter to write */
long i; /* A variable for counter */
unsigned char c; /* An output character */
/* Checking the mode of file , output each character */
/* Checking the attribute for Write-Only, Read-Only or Read-Write */
if(flmod[fileno]&O_WRONLY || flmod[fileno]&O_RDWR)
if( fileno == STDIN ) return -1; /* Standard Input */
else if( (fileno == STDOUT) || (fileno == STDERR) )
/* Standard Error/output */
for( i = count; i > 0; --i )
c = *buf++;
return count; /*Return the number of written characters */
else return -1; /* Incorrect file number */
else return -1; /* An error */
#if defined( __RX )
long read( long fileno, unsigned char *buf, long count )
int read( int fileno, char *buf, unsigned int count )
long i;
/* Checking the file mode with the file number, each character is input and stored the buffer */
if((flmod[fileno]&_MOPENR) || (flmod[fileno]&O_RDWR)){
for(i = count; i > 0; i--){
*buf = charget();
if(*buf==CR){ /* Replace the new line character */
*buf = LF;
return count;
else {
return -1;
#if defined( __RX )
long lseek( long fileno, long offset, long base )
long lseek( int fileno, long offset, int base )
return -1L;