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FreeRTOS V7.1.0 - Copyright (C) 2011 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
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This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
Free Software Foundation AND MODIFIED BY the FreeRTOS exception.
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WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
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more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
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/* Scheduler includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "queue.h"
/* Demo app includes. */
#include "USBSample.h"
#define usbCSR_CLEAR_BIT( pulValueNow, ulBit ) \
{ \
/* STALLSENT and RX_DATA_BK1 to 1 so the */ \
/* write has no effect. */ \
( * ( ( unsigned long * ) pulValueNow ) ) |= ( unsigned long ) 0x4f; \
/* Clear the FORCE_STALL and TXPKTRDY bits */ \
/* so the write has no effect. */ \
( * ( ( unsigned long * ) pulValueNow ) ) &= ( unsigned long ) 0xffffffcf; \
/* Clear whichever bit we want clear. */ \
( * ( ( unsigned long * ) pulValueNow ) ) &= ( ~ulBit ); \
* ISR entry point.
void vUSB_ISR_Wrapper( void ) __attribute__((naked));
* Actual ISR handler. This must be separate from the entry point as the stack
* is used.
void vUSB_ISR_Handler( void ) __attribute__((noinline));
/* Array in which the USB interrupt status is passed between the ISR and task. */
static xISRStatus xISRMessages[ usbQUEUE_LENGTH + 1 ];
/* Queue used to pass messages between the ISR and the task. */
extern xQueueHandle xUSBInterruptQueue;
void vUSB_ISR_Handler( void )
portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
static volatile unsigned long ulNextMessage = 0;
xISRStatus *pxMessage;
unsigned long ulTemp, ulRxBytes;
/* To reduce the amount of time spent in this interrupt it would be
possible to defer the majority of this processing to an 'interrupt task',
that is a task that runs at a higher priority than any of the application
tasks. */
/* Take the next message from the queue. Note that usbQUEUE_LENGTH *must*
be all 1's, as in 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, etc. */
pxMessage = &( xISRMessages[ ( ulNextMessage & usbQUEUE_LENGTH ) ] );
/* Take a snapshot of the current USB state for processing at the task
level. */
pxMessage->ulISR = AT91C_BASE_UDP->UDP_ISR;
pxMessage->ulCSR0 = AT91C_BASE_UDP->UDP_CSR[ usbEND_POINT_0 ];
/* Clear the interrupts from the ICR register. The bus end interrupt is
cleared separately as it does not appear in the mask register. */
/* If there are bytes in the FIFO then we have to retrieve them here.
Ideally this would be done at the task level. However we need to clear the
RXSETUP interrupt before leaving the ISR, and this may cause the data in
the FIFO to be overwritten. Also the DIR bit has to be changed before the
RXSETUP bit is cleared (as per the SAM7 manual). */
ulTemp = pxMessage->ulCSR0;
/* Are there any bytes in the FIFO? */
ulRxBytes = ulTemp >> 16;
ulRxBytes &= usbRX_COUNT_MASK;
/* With this minimal implementation we are only interested in receiving
setup bytes on the control end point. */
if( ( ulRxBytes > 0 ) && ( ulTemp & AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP ) )
/* Take off 1 for a zero based index. */
while( ulRxBytes > 0 )
pxMessage->ucFifoData[ ulRxBytes ] = AT91C_BASE_UDP->UDP_FDR[ usbEND_POINT_0 ];
/* The direction must be changed first. */
usbCSR_SET_BIT( &ulTemp, ( AT91C_UDP_DIR ) );
AT91C_BASE_UDP->UDP_CSR[ usbEND_POINT_0 ] = ulTemp;
/* Must write zero's to TXCOMP, STALLSENT, RXSETUP, and the RX DATA
registers to clear the interrupts in the CSR register. */
AT91C_BASE_UDP->UDP_CSR[ usbEND_POINT_0 ] = ulTemp;
/* Also clear the interrupts in the CSR1 register. */
ulTemp = AT91C_BASE_UDP->UDP_CSR[ usbEND_POINT_1 ];
AT91C_BASE_UDP->UDP_CSR[ usbEND_POINT_1 ] = ulTemp;
/* The message now contains the entire state and optional data from
the USB interrupt. This can now be posted on the Rx queue ready for
processing at the task level. */
xQueueSendFromISR( xUSBInterruptQueue, &pxMessage, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
/* We may want to switch to the USB task, if this message has made
it the highest priority task that is ready to execute. */
if( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken )
/* Clear the AIC ready for the next interrupt. */
void vUSB_ISR_Wrapper( void )
/* Save the context of the interrupted task. */
/* Call the handler itself. This must be a separate function as it uses
the stack. */
__asm volatile ("bl vUSB_ISR_Handler");
/* Restore the context of the task that is going to
execute next. This might not be the same as the originally
interrupted task.*/