Bhoomika R S 1a1ae36f9a
Update instruction to suppress SIGUSR1 in Posix with LLDB debugger ()
CDK/T-HEAD_CK802 fix typos in comments: interace -> interface, swtich -> switch ()
Community-Supported-Ports@bae4c7aa19 Update Community-Supported-Ports submod to fix RP2350 port - FreeRTOS-Kernel#1220 ()
GCC Update instruction to suppress SIGUSR1 in Posix with LLDB debugger ()
Partner-Supported-Ports@abc22103e1 Xtensa support updated and moved to Partner-Supported submodules ()
XCC/Xtensa Xtensa support updated and moved to Partner-Supported submodules ()
xClang/XCOREAI Pass core ID to port lock macros () Add a Known Issues file in the Third Party folder () Update portable/ThirdParty/ ()

FreeRTOS Third Party Ports

FreeRTOS third party ports can be supported by the FreeRTOS team, a FreeRTOS partner or FreeRTOS community members. Depending on who supports it, the support provided will differ as follows:

FreeRTOS Team Supported Third Party FreeRTOS Ports


These third party FreeRTOS ports are supported by the FreeRTOS team. For a FreeRTOS team supported third party FreeRTOS port:

  • The code has been reviewed by the FreeRTOS team.
  • FreeRTOS team has access to the hardware and the test results have been verified by the FreeRTOS team.
  • Customer queries as well as bugs are addressed by the FreeRTOS team.
  • The code can be included in Long Term Support (LTS) releases.

A new FreeRTOS port cannot be directly contributed to this location. Instead, the FreeRTOS team will decide to take ownership of a partner supported or a community supported FreeRTOS port based on the community interest.

Partner Supported FreeRTOS Ports


These FreeRTOS ports are supported by a FreeRTOS partner. For a partner supported FreeRTOS port:

  • The code has not been reviewed by the FreeRTOS team.
  • FreeRTOS team has not verified the tests results but tests exist and are reported to be successful by the partner.
  • Customer queries as well as bugs are addressed by the partner.

A new FreeRTOS port can be directly contributed by a partner. The process to contribute a FreeRTOS port is documented here.

Community Supported FreeRTOS Ports


These FreeRTOS ports are supported by the FreeRTOS community members. For a community supported FreeRTOS port:

  • The code has not been reviewed by the FreeRTOS team.
  • Tests may or may not exist for the FreeRTOS port.
  • Customer queries as well as bugs are addressed by the community.

A new FreeRTOS port can be directly contributed by anyone. The process to contribute a FreeRTOS port is documented here.