//***************************************************************************** // // hw_hibernate.h - Defines and Macros for the Hibernation module. // // Copyright (c) 2007 Luminary Micro, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Software License Agreement // // Luminary Micro, Inc. (LMI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on LMI's microcontroller products. // // The software is owned by LMI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under // applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation // of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions // under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the // terms and conditions of this license. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED // OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. // LMI SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 1582 of the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __HW_HIBERNATE_H__ #define __HW_HIBERNATE_H__ //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the addresses of the hibernation module registers. // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_RTCC 0x400fc000 // Hibernate RTC counter #define HIB_RTCM0 0x400fc004 // Hibernate RTC match 0 #define HIB_RTCM1 0x400fc008 // Hibernate RTC match 1 #define HIB_RTCLD 0x400fc00C // Hibernate RTC load #define HIB_CTL 0x400fc010 // Hibernate RTC control #define HIB_IM 0x400fc014 // Hibernate interrupt mask #define HIB_RIS 0x400fc018 // Hibernate raw interrupt status #define HIB_MIS 0x400fc01C // Hibernate masked interrupt stat #define HIB_IC 0x400fc020 // Hibernate interrupt clear #define HIB_RTCT 0x400fc024 // Hibernate RTC trim #define HIB_DATA 0x400fc030 // Hibernate data area #define HIB_DATA_END 0x400fc130 // end of data area, exclusive //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the Hibernate RTC counter register. // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_RTCC_MASK 0xffffffff // RTC counter mask //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the Hibernate RTC match 0 register. // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_RTCM0_MASK 0xffffffff // RTC match 0 mask //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the Hibernate RTC match 1 register. // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_RTCM1_MASK 0xffffffff // RTC match 1 mask //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the Hibernate RTC load register. // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_RTCLD_MASK 0xffffffff // RTC load mask //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the Hibernate control register // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_CTL_VABORT 0x00000080 // low bat abort #define HIB_CTL_CLK32EN 0x00000040 // enable clock/oscillator #define HIB_CTL_LOWBATEN 0x00000020 // enable low battery detect #define HIB_CTL_PINWEN 0x00000010 // enable wake on WAKE pin #define HIB_CTL_RTCWEN 0x00000008 // enable wake on RTC match #define HIB_CTL_CLKSEL 0x00000004 // clock input selection #define HIB_CTL_HIBREQ 0x00000002 // request hibernation #define HIB_CTL_RTCEN 0x00000001 // RTC enable //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the Hibernate interrupt mask reg. // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_IM_EXTW 0x00000008 // wake from external pin interrupt #define HIB_IM_LOWBAT 0x00000004 // low battery interrupt #define HIB_IM_RTCALT1 0x00000002 // RTC match 1 interrupt #define HIB_IM_RTCALT0 0x00000001 // RTC match 0 interrupt //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the Hibernate raw interrupt status. // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_RIS_EXTW 0x00000008 // wake from external pin interrupt #define HIB_RIS_LOWBAT 0x00000004 // low battery interrupt #define HIB_RIS_RTCALT1 0x00000002 // RTC match 1 interrupt #define HIB_RID_RTCALT0 0x00000001 // RTC match 0 interrupt //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the Hibernate masked int status. // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_MIS_EXTW 0x00000008 // wake from external pin interrupt #define HIB_MIS_LOWBAT 0x00000004 // low battery interrupt #define HIB_MIS_RTCALT1 0x00000002 // RTC match 1 interrupt #define HIB_MID_RTCALT0 0x00000001 // RTC match 0 interrupt //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the Hibernate interrupt clear reg. // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_IC_EXTW 0x00000008 // wake from external pin interrupt #define HIB_IC_LOWBAT 0x00000004 // low battery interrupt #define HIB_IC_RTCALT1 0x00000002 // RTC match 1 interrupt #define HIB_IC_RTCALT0 0x00000001 // RTC match 0 interrupt //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the Hibernate RTC trim register. // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_RTCT_MASK 0x0000ffff // RTC trim mask //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the Hibernate data register. // //***************************************************************************** #define HIB_DATA_MASK 0xffffffff // NV memory data mask #endif // __HW_HIBERNATE_H__