/* * FreeRTOS Kernel * Copyright (C) 2020 Synopsys, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * https://www.FreeRTOS.org * https://github.com/FreeRTOS * */ /* * Implementation of functions defined in portable.h */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "FreeRTOSConfig.h" #include "arc/arc_exception.h" #include "arc/arc_timer.h" #include "board.h" #include "arc_freertos_exceptions.h" volatile unsigned int ulCriticalNesting = 999UL; volatile unsigned int context_switch_reqflg; /* task context switch request flag in exceptions and interrupts handling */ /** * \var exc_nest_count * \brief the counter for exc/int processing, =0 no int/exc * >1 in int/exc processing * @} */ uint32_t exc_nest_count; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief kernel tick interrupt handler of freertos */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vKernelTick( void * ptr ) { /* clear timer interrupt */ arc_timer_int_clear( BOARD_OS_TIMER_ID ); board_timer_update( configTICK_RATE_HZ ); if( xTaskIncrementTick() ) { portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); /* need to make task switch */ } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief setup freertos kernel tick */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void ) { unsigned int cyc = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ; int_disable( BOARD_OS_TIMER_INTNO ); /* disable os timer interrupt */ arc_timer_stop( BOARD_OS_TIMER_ID ); arc_timer_start( BOARD_OS_TIMER_ID, TIMER_CTRL_IE | TIMER_CTRL_NH, cyc ); int_handler_install( BOARD_OS_TIMER_INTNO, ( INT_HANDLER_T ) vKernelTick ); int_pri_set( BOARD_OS_TIMER_INTNO, INT_PRI_MIN ); int_enable( BOARD_OS_TIMER_INTNO ); } /* * Setup the stack of a new task so it is ready to be placed under the * scheduler control. The registers have to be placed on the stack in * the order that the port expects to find them. * * For ARC, task context switch is implemented with the help of SWI exception * It's not efficient but simple. * */ StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack, TaskFunction_t pxCode, void * pvParameters ) { /* To ensure asserts in tasks.c don't fail, although in this case the assert * is not really required. */ pxTopOfStack--; /* Setup the initial stack of the task. The stack is set exactly as * expected by the portRESTORE_CONTEXT() macro. */ /* When the task starts is will expect to find the function parameter in * R0. */ *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters; /* R0 */ pxTopOfStack--; *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pxCode; /* function body */ /* PC */ pxTopOfStack--; *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) start_r; /* dispatch return address */ pxTopOfStack--; *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING; return pxTopOfStack; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief start the freertos scheduler, go to the first task * * @returns */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t xPortStartScheduler( void ) { /* Start the timer that generates the tick ISR. */ prvSetupTimerInterrupt(); start_dispatch(); /* Should not get here! */ return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void vPortEndScheduler( void ) { } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief generate a task switch request in ISR */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void vPortYieldFromIsr( void ) { unsigned int status32; status32 = cpu_lock_save(); context_switch_reqflg = true; cpu_unlock_restore( status32 ); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void vPortYield( void ) { unsigned int status32; status32 = cpu_lock_save(); dispatch(); cpu_unlock_restore( status32 ); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void vPortEndTask( void ) { #if ( INCLUDE_vTaskDelete == 1 ) vTaskDelete( NULL ); /* Delete task itself */ #endif while( 1 ) /* Yield to other task */ { vPortYield(); } } #if ARC_FEATURE_STACK_CHECK /* * !!! Note !!! * This a trick!!! * It's a copy from task.c. We need to konw the definition of TCB for the purpose of hardware * stack check. Pls don't forget to update it when FreeRTOS is updated. */ typedef struct tskTaskControlBlock /* The old naming convention is used to prevent breaking kernel aware debuggers. */ { volatile StackType_t * pxTopOfStack; /*< Points to the location of the last item placed on the tasks stack. THIS MUST BE THE FIRST MEMBER OF THE TCB STRUCT. */ #if ( portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS == 1 ) xMPU_SETTINGS xMPUSettings; /*< The MPU settings are defined as part of the port layer. THIS MUST BE THE SECOND MEMBER OF THE TCB STRUCT. */ #endif ListItem_t xStateListItem; /*< The list that the state list item of a task is reference from denotes the state of that task (Ready, Blocked, Suspended ). */ ListItem_t xEventListItem; /*< Used to reference a task from an event list. */ UBaseType_t uxPriority; /*< The priority of the task. 0 is the lowest priority. */ StackType_t * pxStack; /*< Points to the start of the stack. */ char pcTaskName[ configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN ]; /*< Descriptive name given to the task when created. Facilitates debugging only. */ /*lint !e971 Unqualified char types are allowed for strings and single characters only. */ #if ( ( portSTACK_GROWTH > 0 ) || ( configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS == 1 ) ) StackType_t * pxEndOfStack; /*< Points to the highest valid address for the stack. */ #endif #if ( portCRITICAL_NESTING_IN_TCB == 1 ) UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting; /*< Holds the critical section nesting depth for ports that do not maintain their own count in the port layer. */ #endif #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) UBaseType_t uxTCBNumber; /*< Stores a number that increments each time a TCB is created. It allows debuggers to determine when a task has been deleted and then recreated. */ UBaseType_t uxTaskNumber; /*< Stores a number specifically for use by third party trace code. */ #endif #if ( configUSE_MUTEXES == 1 ) UBaseType_t uxBasePriority; /*< The priority last assigned to the task - used by the priority inheritance mechanism. */ UBaseType_t uxMutexesHeld; #endif #if ( configUSE_APPLICATION_TASK_TAG == 1 ) TaskHookFunction_t pxTaskTag; #endif #if ( configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS > 0 ) void * pvThreadLocalStoragePointers[ configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS ]; #endif #if ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 ) uint32_t ulRunTimeCounter; /*< Stores the amount of time the task has spent in the Running state. */ #endif #if ( configUSE_C_RUNTIME_TLS_SUPPORT == 1 ) configTLS_BLOCK_TYPE xTLSBlock; /*< Memory block used as Thread Local Storage (TLS) Block for the task. */ #endif #if ( configUSE_TASK_NOTIFICATIONS == 1 ) volatile uint32_t ulNotifiedValue; volatile uint8_t ucNotifyState; #endif /* See the comments above the definition of * tskSTATIC_AND_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_POSSIBLE. */ #if ( tskSTATIC_AND_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_POSSIBLE != 0 ) /*lint !e731 !e9029 Macro has been consolidated for readability reasons. */ uint8_t ucStaticallyAllocated; /*< Set to pdTRUE if the task is a statically allocated to ensure no attempt is made to free the memory. */ #endif #if ( INCLUDE_xTaskAbortDelay == 1 ) uint8_t ucDelayAborted; #endif #if ( configUSE_POSIX_ERRNO == 1 ) int iTaskErrno; #endif } tskTCB; void vPortSetStackCheck( TaskHandle_t old, TaskHandle_t new ) { if( new != NULL ) { arc_aux_write( AUX_USTACK_BASE, ( uint32_t ) ( new->pxEndOfStack ) ); arc_aux_write( AUX_USTACK_TOP, ( uint32_t ) ( new->pxStack ) ); } } #endif /* if ARC_FEATURE_STACK_CHECK */