/* * FreeRTOS Kernel V10.3.1 * Copyright (C) 2020 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://www.FreeRTOS.org * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * * 1 tab == 4 spaces! */ /* Standard includes. */ #include <limits.h> /* Scheduler includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #if ( configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION == 1 ) /* Check the configuration. */ #if ( configMAX_PRIORITIES > 32 ) #error configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION can only be set to 1 when configMAX_PRIORITIES is less than or equal to 32. It is very rare that a system requires more than 10 to 15 difference priorities as tasks that share a priority will time slice. #endif #endif /* configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION */ #if ( configISR_STACK_SIZE < ( configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 2 ) ) #warning configISR_STACK_SIZE is probably too small! #endif /* ( configISR_STACK_SIZE < configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 2 ) */ #if ( ( configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY > portMAX_PRIORITY ) || ( configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY < 2 ) ) #error configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY must be between 2 and 15 #endif #if ( ( configSUPPORT_FPU == 1 ) && ( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 0 ) ) #error configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION must be set to 1 to use this port with an FPU #endif /* A critical section is exited when the critical section nesting count reaches * this value. */ #define portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING ( ( uint32_t ) 0 ) /* Tasks are not created with a floating point context, but can be given a * floating point context after they have been created. A variable is stored as * part of the tasks context that holds portNO_FLOATING_POINT_CONTEXT if the task * does not have an FPU context, or any other value if the task does have an FPU * context. */ #define portNO_FLOATING_POINT_CONTEXT ( ( StackType_t ) 0 ) /* Only the IF bit is set so tasks start with interrupts enabled. */ #define portINITIAL_EFLAGS ( 0x200UL ) /* Error interrupts are at the highest priority vectors. */ #define portAPIC_LVT_ERROR_VECTOR ( 0xfe ) #define portAPIC_SPURIOUS_INT_VECTOR ( 0xff ) /* EFLAGS bits. */ #define portEFLAGS_IF ( 0x200UL ) /* FPU context size if FSAVE is used. */ #define portFPU_CONTEXT_SIZE_BYTES 108 /* The expected size of each entry in the IDT. Used to check structure packing * is set correctly. */ #define portEXPECTED_IDT_ENTRY_SIZE 8 /* Default flags setting for entries in the IDT. */ #define portIDT_FLAGS ( 0x8E ) /* This is the lowest possible ISR vector available to application code. */ #define portAPIC_MIN_ALLOWABLE_VECTOR ( 0x20 ) /* If configASSERT() is defined then the system stack is filled with this value * to allow for a crude stack overflow check. */ #define portSTACK_WORD ( 0xecececec ) /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Starts the first task executing. */ extern void vPortStartFirstTask( void ); /* * Used to catch tasks that attempt to return from their implementing function. */ static void prvTaskExitError( void ); /* * Complete one descriptor in the IDT. */ static void prvSetInterruptGate( uint8_t ucNumber, ISR_Handler_t pxHandlerFunction, uint8_t ucFlags ); /* * The default handler installed in each IDT position. */ extern void vPortCentralInterruptWrapper( void ); /* * Handler for portYIELD(). */ extern void vPortYieldCall( void ); /* * Configure the APIC to generate the RTOS tick. */ static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void ); /* * Tick interrupt handler. */ extern void vPortTimerHandler( void ); /* * Check an interrupt vector is not too high, too low, in use by FreeRTOS, or * already in use by the application. */ static BaseType_t prvCheckValidityOfVectorNumber( uint32_t ulVectorNumber ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A variable is used to keep track of the critical section nesting. This * variable must be initialised to a non zero value to ensure interrupts don't * inadvertently become unmasked before the scheduler starts. It is set to zero * before the first task starts executing. */ volatile uint32_t ulCriticalNesting = 9999UL; /* A structure used to map the various fields of an IDT entry into separate * structure members. */ struct IDTEntry { uint16_t usISRLow; /* Low 16 bits of handler address. */ uint16_t usSegmentSelector; /* Flat model means this is not changed. */ uint8_t ucZero; /* Must be set to zero. */ uint8_t ucFlags; /* Flags for this entry. */ uint16_t usISRHigh; /* High 16 bits of handler address. */ } __attribute__( ( packed ) ); typedef struct IDTEntry IDTEntry_t; /* Use to pass the location of the IDT to the CPU. */ struct IDTPointer { uint16_t usTableLimit; uint32_t ulTableBase; /* The address of the first entry in xInterruptDescriptorTable. */ } __attribute__( ( __packed__ ) ); typedef struct IDTPointer IDTPointer_t; /* The IDT itself. */ static __attribute__( ( aligned( 32 ) ) ) IDTEntry_t xInterruptDescriptorTable[ portNUM_VECTORS ]; #if ( configUSE_COMMON_INTERRUPT_ENTRY_POINT == 1 ) /* A table in which application defined interrupt handlers are stored. These * are called by the central interrupt handler if a common interrupt entry * point it used. */ static ISR_Handler_t xInterruptHandlerTable[ portNUM_VECTORS ] = { NULL }; #endif /* configUSE_COMMON_INTERRUPT_ENTRY_POINT */ #if ( configSUPPORT_FPU == 1 ) /* Saved as part of the task context. If pucPortTaskFPUContextBuffer is NULL * then the task does not have an FPU context. If pucPortTaskFPUContextBuffer is * not NULL then it points to a buffer into which the FPU context can be saved. */ uint8_t * pucPortTaskFPUContextBuffer __attribute__( ( used ) ) = pdFALSE; #endif /* configSUPPORT_FPU */ /* The stack used by interrupt handlers. */ static uint32_t ulSystemStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE ] __attribute__( ( used ) ) = { 0 }; /* Don't use the very top of the system stack so the return address * appears as 0 if the debugger tries to unwind the stack. */ volatile uint32_t ulTopOfSystemStack __attribute__( ( used ) ) = ( uint32_t ) &( ulSystemStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE - 5 ] ); /* If a yield is requested from an interrupt or from a critical section then * the yield is not performed immediately, and ulPortYieldPending is set to pdTRUE * instead to indicate the yield should be performed at the end of the interrupt * when the critical section is exited. */ volatile uint32_t ulPortYieldPending __attribute__( ( used ) ) = pdFALSE; /* Counts the interrupt nesting depth. Used to know when to switch to the * interrupt/system stack and when to save/restore a complete context. */ volatile uint32_t ulInterruptNesting __attribute__( ( used ) ) = 0; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * See header file for description. */ StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack, TaskFunction_t pxCode, void * pvParameters ) { uint32_t ulCodeSegment; /* Setup the initial stack as expected by the portFREERTOS_INTERRUPT_EXIT macro. */ *pxTopOfStack = 0x00; pxTopOfStack--; *pxTopOfStack = 0x00; pxTopOfStack--; /* Parameters first. */ *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pvParameters; pxTopOfStack--; /* There is nothing to return to so assert if attempting to use the return * address. */ *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) prvTaskExitError; pxTopOfStack--; /* iret used to start the task pops up to here. */ *pxTopOfStack = portINITIAL_EFLAGS; pxTopOfStack--; /* CS */ __asm volatile ( "movl %%cs, %0" : "=r" ( ulCodeSegment ) ); *pxTopOfStack = ulCodeSegment; pxTopOfStack--; /* First instruction in the task. */ *pxTopOfStack = ( StackType_t ) pxCode; pxTopOfStack--; /* General purpose registers as expected by a POPA instruction. */ *pxTopOfStack = 0xEA; pxTopOfStack--; *pxTopOfStack = 0xEC; pxTopOfStack--; *pxTopOfStack = 0xED1; /* EDX */ pxTopOfStack--; *pxTopOfStack = 0xEB1; /* EBX */ pxTopOfStack--; /* Hole for ESP. */ pxTopOfStack--; *pxTopOfStack = 0x00; /* EBP */ pxTopOfStack--; *pxTopOfStack = 0xE5; /* ESI */ pxTopOfStack--; *pxTopOfStack = 0xeeeeeeee; /* EDI */ #if ( configSUPPORT_FPU == 1 ) { pxTopOfStack--; /* Buffer for FPU context, which is initialised to NULL as tasks are not * created with an FPU context. */ *pxTopOfStack = portNO_FLOATING_POINT_CONTEXT; } #endif /* configSUPPORT_FPU */ return pxTopOfStack; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvSetInterruptGate( uint8_t ucNumber, ISR_Handler_t pxHandlerFunction, uint8_t ucFlags ) { uint16_t usCodeSegment; uint32_t ulBase = ( uint32_t ) pxHandlerFunction; xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].usISRLow = ( uint16_t ) ( ulBase & USHRT_MAX ); xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].usISRHigh = ( uint16_t ) ( ( ulBase >> 16UL ) & USHRT_MAX ); /* When the flat model is used the CS will never change. */ __asm volatile ( "mov %%cs, %0" : "=r" ( usCodeSegment ) ); xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].usSegmentSelector = usCodeSegment; xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].ucZero = 0; xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ucNumber ].ucFlags = ucFlags; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void vPortSetupIDT( void ) { uint32_t ulNum; IDTPointer_t xIDT; #if ( configUSE_COMMON_INTERRUPT_ENTRY_POINT == 1 ) { for( ulNum = 0; ulNum < portNUM_VECTORS; ulNum++ ) { /* If a handler has not already been installed on this vector. */ if( ( xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ulNum ].usISRLow == 0x00 ) && ( xInterruptDescriptorTable[ ulNum ].usISRHigh == 0x00 ) ) { prvSetInterruptGate( ( uint8_t ) ulNum, vPortCentralInterruptWrapper, portIDT_FLAGS ); } } } #endif /* configUSE_COMMON_INTERRUPT_ENTRY_POINT */ /* Set IDT address. */ xIDT.ulTableBase = ( uint32_t ) xInterruptDescriptorTable; xIDT.usTableLimit = sizeof( xInterruptDescriptorTable ) - 1; /* Set IDT in CPU. */ __asm volatile ( "lidt %0" ::"m" ( xIDT ) ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvTaskExitError( void ) { /* A function that implements a task must not exit or attempt to return to * its caller as there is nothing to return to. If a task wants to exit it * should instead call vTaskDelete( NULL ). * * Artificially force an assert() to be triggered if configASSERT() is * defined, then stop here so application writers can catch the error. */ configASSERT( ulCriticalNesting == ~0UL ); portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); for( ; ; ) { } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void ) { extern void vPortAPICErrorHandlerWrapper( void ); extern void vPortAPICSpuriousHandler( void ); /* Initialise LAPIC to a well known state. */ portAPIC_LDR = 0xFFFFFFFF; portAPIC_LDR = ( ( portAPIC_LDR & 0x00FFFFFF ) | 0x00000001 ); portAPIC_LVT_TIMER = portAPIC_DISABLE; portAPIC_LVT_PERF = portAPIC_NMI; portAPIC_LVT_LINT0 = portAPIC_DISABLE; portAPIC_LVT_LINT1 = portAPIC_DISABLE; portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY = 0; /* Install APIC timer ISR vector. */ prvSetInterruptGate( ( uint8_t ) portAPIC_TIMER_INT_VECTOR, vPortTimerHandler, portIDT_FLAGS ); /* Install API error handler. */ prvSetInterruptGate( ( uint8_t ) portAPIC_LVT_ERROR_VECTOR, vPortAPICErrorHandlerWrapper, portIDT_FLAGS ); /* Install Yield handler. */ prvSetInterruptGate( ( uint8_t ) portAPIC_YIELD_INT_VECTOR, vPortYieldCall, portIDT_FLAGS ); /* Install spurious interrupt vector. */ prvSetInterruptGate( ( uint8_t ) portAPIC_SPURIOUS_INT_VECTOR, vPortAPICSpuriousHandler, portIDT_FLAGS ); /* Enable the APIC, mapping the spurious interrupt at the same time. */ portAPIC_SPURIOUS_INT = portAPIC_SPURIOUS_INT_VECTOR | portAPIC_ENABLE_BIT; /* Set timer error vector. */ portAPIC_LVT_ERROR = portAPIC_LVT_ERROR_VECTOR; /* Set the interrupt frequency. */ portAPIC_TMRDIV = portAPIC_DIV_16; portAPIC_TIMER_INITIAL_COUNT = ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ >> 4UL ) / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t xPortStartScheduler( void ) { BaseType_t xWord; /* Some versions of GCC require the -mno-ms-bitfields command line option * for packing to work. */ configASSERT( sizeof( struct IDTEntry ) == portEXPECTED_IDT_ENTRY_SIZE ); /* Fill part of the system stack with a known value to help detect stack * overflow. A few zeros are left so GDB doesn't get confused unwinding * the stack. */ for( xWord = 0; xWord < configISR_STACK_SIZE - 20; xWord++ ) { ulSystemStack[ xWord ] = portSTACK_WORD; } /* Initialise Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT). */ vPortSetupIDT(); /* Initialise LAPIC and install system handlers. */ prvSetupTimerInterrupt(); /* Make sure the stack used by interrupts is aligned. */ ulTopOfSystemStack &= ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK; ulCriticalNesting = 0; /* Enable LAPIC Counter.*/ portAPIC_LVT_TIMER = portAPIC_TIMER_PERIODIC | portAPIC_TIMER_INT_VECTOR; /* Sometimes needed. */ portAPIC_TMRDIV = portAPIC_DIV_16; /* Should not return from the following function as the scheduler will then * be executing the tasks. */ vPortStartFirstTask(); return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void vPortEndScheduler( void ) { /* Not implemented in ports where there is nothing to return to. * Artificially force an assert. */ configASSERT( ulCriticalNesting == 1000UL ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void vPortEnterCritical( void ) { if( ulCriticalNesting == 0 ) { #if ( configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY == portMAX_PRIORITY ) { __asm volatile ( "cli" ); } #else { portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY = portMAX_API_CALL_PRIORITY; configASSERT( portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY == portMAX_API_CALL_PRIORITY ); } #endif } /* Now interrupts are disabled ulCriticalNesting can be accessed * directly. Increment ulCriticalNesting to keep a count of how many times * portENTER_CRITICAL() has been called. */ ulCriticalNesting++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void vPortExitCritical( void ) { if( ulCriticalNesting > portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING ) { /* Decrement the nesting count as the critical section is being * exited. */ ulCriticalNesting--; /* If the nesting level has reached zero then all interrupt * priorities must be re-enabled. */ if( ulCriticalNesting == portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING ) { /* Critical nesting has reached zero so all interrupt priorities * should be unmasked. */ #if ( configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY == portMAX_PRIORITY ) { __asm volatile ( "sti" ); } #else { portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY = 0; } #endif /* If a yield was pended from within the critical section then * perform the yield now. */ if( ulPortYieldPending != pdFALSE ) { ulPortYieldPending = pdFALSE; __asm volatile ( portYIELD_INTERRUPT ); } } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ uint32_t ulPortSetInterruptMask( void ) { volatile uint32_t ulOriginalMask; /* Set mask to max syscall priority. */ #if ( configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY == portMAX_PRIORITY ) { /* Return whether interrupts were already enabled or not. Pop adjusts * the stack first. */ __asm volatile ( "pushf \t\n" "pop %0 \t\n" "cli " : "=rm" ( ulOriginalMask )::"memory" ); ulOriginalMask &= portEFLAGS_IF; } #else { /* Return original mask. */ ulOriginalMask = portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY; portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY = portMAX_API_CALL_PRIORITY; configASSERT( portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY == portMAX_API_CALL_PRIORITY ); } #endif /* if ( configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY == portMAX_PRIORITY ) */ return ulOriginalMask; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void vPortClearInterruptMask( uint32_t ulNewMaskValue ) { #if ( configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY == portMAX_PRIORITY ) { if( ulNewMaskValue != pdFALSE ) { __asm volatile ( "sti" ); } } #else { portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY = ulNewMaskValue; configASSERT( portAPIC_TASK_PRIORITY == ulNewMaskValue ); } #endif /* if ( configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY == portMAX_PRIORITY ) */ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #if ( configSUPPORT_FPU == 1 ) void vPortTaskUsesFPU( void ) { /* A task is registering the fact that it needs an FPU context. Allocate a * buffer into which the context can be saved. */ pucPortTaskFPUContextBuffer = ( uint8_t * ) pvPortMalloc( portFPU_CONTEXT_SIZE_BYTES ); configASSERT( pucPortTaskFPUContextBuffer ); /* Initialise the floating point registers. */ __asm volatile ( "fninit" ); } #endif /* configSUPPORT_FPU */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void vPortAPICErrorHandler( void ) { /* Variable to hold the APIC error status for viewing in the debugger. */ volatile uint32_t ulErrorStatus = 0; portAPIC_ERROR_STATUS = 0; ulErrorStatus = portAPIC_ERROR_STATUS; ( void ) ulErrorStatus; /* Force an assert. */ configASSERT( ulCriticalNesting == ~0UL ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #if ( configUSE_COMMON_INTERRUPT_ENTRY_POINT == 1 ) void vPortCentralInterruptHandler( uint32_t ulVector ) { if( ulVector < portNUM_VECTORS ) { if( xInterruptHandlerTable[ ulVector ] != NULL ) { ( xInterruptHandlerTable[ ulVector ] )(); } } /* Check for a system stack overflow. */ configASSERT( ulSystemStack[ 10 ] == portSTACK_WORD ); configASSERT( ulSystemStack[ 12 ] == portSTACK_WORD ); configASSERT( ulSystemStack[ 14 ] == portSTACK_WORD ); } #endif /* configUSE_COMMON_INTERRUPT_ENTRY_POINT */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #if ( configUSE_COMMON_INTERRUPT_ENTRY_POINT == 1 ) BaseType_t xPortRegisterCInterruptHandler( ISR_Handler_t pxHandler, uint32_t ulVectorNumber ) { BaseType_t xReturn; xReturn = prvCheckValidityOfVectorNumber( ulVectorNumber ); if( xReturn != pdFAIL ) { /* Save the handler passed in by the application in the vector number * passed in. The addresses are then called from the central interrupt * handler. */ xInterruptHandlerTable[ ulVectorNumber ] = pxHandler; } return xReturn; } #endif /* configUSE_COMMON_INTERRUPT_ENTRY_POINT */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t xPortInstallInterruptHandler( ISR_Handler_t pxHandler, uint32_t ulVectorNumber ) { BaseType_t xReturn; xReturn = prvCheckValidityOfVectorNumber( ulVectorNumber ); if( xReturn != pdFAIL ) { taskENTER_CRITICAL(); { /* Update the IDT to include the application defined handler. */ prvSetInterruptGate( ( uint8_t ) ulVectorNumber, ( ISR_Handler_t ) pxHandler, portIDT_FLAGS ); } taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); } return xReturn; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static BaseType_t prvCheckValidityOfVectorNumber( uint32_t ulVectorNumber ) { BaseType_t xReturn; /* Check validity of vector number. */ if( ulVectorNumber >= portNUM_VECTORS ) { /* Too high. */ xReturn = pdFAIL; } else if( ulVectorNumber < portAPIC_MIN_ALLOWABLE_VECTOR ) { /* Too low. */ xReturn = pdFAIL; } else if( ulVectorNumber == portAPIC_TIMER_INT_VECTOR ) { /* In use by FreeRTOS. */ xReturn = pdFAIL; } else if( ulVectorNumber == portAPIC_YIELD_INT_VECTOR ) { /* In use by FreeRTOS. */ xReturn = pdFAIL; } else if( ulVectorNumber == portAPIC_LVT_ERROR_VECTOR ) { /* In use by FreeRTOS. */ xReturn = pdFAIL; } else if( ulVectorNumber == portAPIC_SPURIOUS_INT_VECTOR ) { /* In use by FreeRTOS. */ xReturn = pdFAIL; } else if( xInterruptHandlerTable[ ulVectorNumber ] != NULL ) { /* Already in use by the application. */ xReturn = pdFAIL; } else { xReturn = pdPASS; } return xReturn; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void vGenerateYieldInterrupt( void ) { __asm volatile ( portYIELD_INTERRUPT ); }