/* * FreeRTOS+FAT build 191128 - Note: FreeRTOS+FAT is still in the lab! * Copyright (C) 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * Authors include James Walmsley, Hein Tibosch and Richard Barry * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * https://www.FreeRTOS.org * */ /** * @file ff_error.c * @ingroup ERROR * * @defgroup ERR Error Message * @brief Used to return human readable strings for FreeRTOS+FAT error codes. * **/ #include /* _HT_ with the new GNU settings, the prototype of [v]snprintf() is not included in stdio.h Don't know why. */ int snprintf( char *, size_t, const char *, ... ); #include "ff_headers.h" #if !defined( ARRAY_SIZE ) #define ARRAY_SIZE( x ) ( int )( sizeof( x )/sizeof( x )[ 0 ] ) #endif /* This if-block spans the rest of the source file.*/ #if( ffconfigDEBUG != 0 ) const struct _FFMODULETAB { const char * const strModuleName; const uint8_t ucModuleID; } xFreeRTOSFATModuleTable[] = { { "Unknown Module", 1}, /* 1 here is ok, as the GetError functions start at the end of the table. */ { "ff_ioman.c", FF_GETMODULE( FF_MODULE_IOMAN ) }, { "ff_dir.c", FF_GETMODULE( FF_MODULE_DIR ) }, { "ff_file.c", FF_GETMODULE( FF_MODULE_FILE ) }, { "ff_fat.c", FF_GETMODULE( FF_MODULE_FAT ) }, { "ff_crc.c", FF_GETMODULE( FF_MODULE_CRC ) }, { "ff_format.c", FF_GETMODULE( FF_MODULE_FORMAT ) }, { "ff_memory.c", FF_GETMODULE( FF_MODULE_MEMORY ) }, { "ff_string.c", FF_GETMODULE( FF_MODULE_STRING ) }, { "ff_locking.c", FF_GETMODULE( FF_MODULE_LOCKING ) }, { "ff_time.c", FF_GETMODULE( FF_MODULE_TIME ) }, { "Platform Driver", FF_GETMODULE( FF_MODULE_DRIVER ) }, }; #if( ffconfigHAS_FUNCTION_TAB != 0 ) const struct _FFFUNCTIONTAB { const char * const strFunctionName; const uint16_t ucFunctionID; } xFreeRTOSFATFunctionTable[] = { { "Unknown Function", 1}, /*----- FF_IOManager_t - The FreeRTOS+FAT I/O Manager */ { "FF_CreateIOManger", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_CREATEIOMAN ) }, { "FF_DeleteIOManager", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_DESTROYIOMAN ) }, { "FF_Mount", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_MOUNT ) }, { "FF_Unmount", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_UNMOUNT ) }, { "FF_FlushCache", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_FLUSHCACHE ) }, { "FF_GetPartitionBlockSize", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_GETPARTITIONBLOCKSIZE ) }, { "FF_BlockRead", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_BLOCKREAD ) }, { "FF_BlockWrite", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_BLOCKWRITE ) }, { "FF_DetermineFatType", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_DETERMINEFATTYPE ) }, { "FF_GetEfiPartitionEntry", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_GETEFIPARTITIONENTRY ) }, { "FF_UserDriver", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_USERDRIVER ) }, { "FF_DecreaseFreeClusters", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_DECREASEFREECLUSTERS ) }, { "FF_IncreaseFreeClusters", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_INCREASEFREECLUSTERS ) }, { "FF_PartitionSearch", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_PARTITIONSEARCH ) }, { "FF_ParseExtended", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_PARSEEXTENDED ) }, /*----- FF_DIR - The FreeRTOS+FAT directory handling routines */ { "FF_FetchEntryWithContext", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_FETCHENTRYWITHCONTEXT ) }, { "FF_PushEntryWithContext", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_PUSHENTRYWITHCONTEXT ) }, { "FF_GetEntry", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_GETENTRY ) }, { "FF_FindFirst", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_FINDFIRST ) }, { "FF_FindNext", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_FINDNEXT ) }, { "FF_RewindFind", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_REWINDFIND ) }, { "FF_FindFreeDirent", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_FINDFREEDIRENT ) }, { "FF_PutEntry", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_PUTENTRY ) }, { "FF_CreateShortName", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_CREATESHORTNAME ) }, { "FF_CreateLFNs", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_CREATELFNS ) }, { "FF_ExtendDirectory", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_EXTENDDIRECTORY ) }, { "FF_MkDir", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_MKDIR ) }, { "FF_Traverse", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_TRAVERSE ) }, { "FF_FindDir", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_FINDDIR ) }, /*----- FF_FILE - The FreeRTOS+FAT file handling routines */ { "FF_GetModeBits", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_GETMODEBITS ) }, { "FF_Open", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_OPEN ) }, { "FF_isDirEmpty", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_ISDIREMPTY ) }, { "FF_RmDir", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_RMDIR ) }, { "FF_RmFile", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_RMFILE ) }, { "FF_Move", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_MOVE ) }, { "FF_isEOF", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_ISEOF ) }, { "FF_GetSequentialClusters", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_GETSEQUENTIALCLUSTERS ) }, { "FF_ReadClusters", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_READCLUSTERS ) }, { "FF_ExtendFile", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_EXTENDFILE ) }, { "FF_WriteClusters", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_WRITECLUSTERS ) }, { "FF_Read", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_READ ) }, { "FF_GetC", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_GETC ) }, { "FF_GetLine", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_GETLINE ) }, { "FF_Tell", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_TELL ) }, { "FF_Write", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_WRITE ) }, { "FF_PutC", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_PUTC ) }, { "FF_Seek", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_SEEK ) }, { "FF_Invalidate", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_INVALIDATE ) }, { "FF_CheckValid", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_CHECKVALID ) }, { "FF_Close", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_CLOSE ) }, { "FF_SetTime", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_SETTIME ) }, { "FF_BytesLeft", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_BYTESLEFT ) }, { "FF_SetFileTime", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_SETFILETIME ) }, { "FF_InitBuf", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_INITBUF ) }, /*----- FF_FAT - The FreeRTOS+FAT FAT handling routines */ { "FF_getFATEntry", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_GETFATENTRY ) }, { "FF_ClearCluster", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_CLEARCLUSTER ) }, { "FF_putFATEntry", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_PUTFATENTRY ) }, { "FF_FindFreeCluster", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_FINDFREECLUSTER ) }, { "FF_CountFreeClusters", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_COUNTFREECLUSTERS ) }, /*----- FF_UNICODE - The FreeRTOS+FAT hashing routines */ { "FF_Utf8ctoUtf16c", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_UTF8CTOUTF16C ) }, { "FF_Utf16ctoUtf8c", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_UTF16CTOUTF8C ) }, { "FF_Utf32ctoUtf16c", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_UTF32CTOUTF16C ) }, { "FF_Utf16ctoUtf32c", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_UTF16CTOUTF32C ) }, /*----- FF_FORMAT - The FreeRTOS+FAT format routine */ { "FF_FormatPartition", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_FORMATPARTITION ) }, /*----- FF_STDIO - The FreeRTOS+FAT stdio front-end */ { "ff_chmod", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_CHMOD ) }, { "ff_stat", FF_GETMOD_FUNC( FF_STAT_FUNC ) }, }; #endif /* ffconfigHAS_FUNCTION_TAB */ #define TPASTE2( a, b ) a##b #if( ffconfigLONG_ERR_MSG != 0 ) /* To get the full error msg: "Not enough memory (malloc( ) returned NULL )" */ #define ERR_ENTRY( M, E ) { M, TPASTE2( FF_ERR_, E ) } #else /* To get a shorter msg: "NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY" */ #define ERR_ENTRY( M, E ) { #E, TPASTE2( FF_ERR_, E ) } #endif /* ffconfigLONG_ERR_MSG */ const struct _FFERRTAB { const char * const strErrorString; const uint8_t ucErrorCode; /* Currently there are less then 256 errors, so lets keep this table small. */ } xFreeRTOSFATErrorTable[] = { {"Unknown or Generic Error!", 1}, ERR_ENTRY( "No Error", NONE ), ERR_ENTRY( "Null Pointer provided, (probably for IOMAN)", NULL_POINTER ), ERR_ENTRY( "Not enough memory (malloc() returned NULL)", NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ), ERR_ENTRY( "Device Driver returned a FATAL error!", DEVICE_DRIVER_FAILED ), ERR_ENTRY( "The blocksize is not 512 multiple", IOMAN_BAD_BLKSIZE ), ERR_ENTRY( "The memory size, is not a multiple of the blocksize. (Atleast 2 Blocks)", IOMAN_BAD_MEMSIZE ), ERR_ENTRY( "Device is already registered, use FF_UnregisterBlkDevice() first", IOMAN_DEV_ALREADY_REGD ), ERR_ENTRY( "No mountable partition was found on the specified device", IOMAN_NO_MOUNTABLE_PARTITION ), ERR_ENTRY( "The format of the MBR was unrecognised", IOMAN_INVALID_FORMAT ), ERR_ENTRY( "The provided partition number is out-of-range (0 - 3)", IOMAN_INVALID_PARTITION_NUM ), ERR_ENTRY( "The selected partition / volume doesn't appear to be FAT formatted", IOMAN_NOT_FAT_FORMATTED ), ERR_ENTRY( "Cannot register device. (BlkSize not a multiple of 512)", IOMAN_DEV_INVALID_BLKSIZE ), ERR_ENTRY( "Cannot unregister device, a partition is still mounted", IOMAN_PARTITION_MOUNTED ), ERR_ENTRY( "Cannot unmount the partition while there are active FILE handles", IOMAN_ACTIVE_HANDLES ), ERR_ENTRY( "The GPT partition header appears to be corrupt, refusing to mount", IOMAN_GPT_HEADER_CORRUPT ), ERR_ENTRY( "Disk full", IOMAN_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_SPACE ), ERR_ENTRY( "Attempted to Read a sector out of bounds", IOMAN_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_READ ), ERR_ENTRY( "Attempted to Write a sector out of bounds", IOMAN_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_WRITE ), ERR_ENTRY( "I/O driver is busy", IOMAN_DRIVER_BUSY ), ERR_ENTRY( "I/O driver returned fatal error", IOMAN_DRIVER_FATAL_ERROR ), ERR_ENTRY( "I/O driver returned \"no medium error\"", IOMAN_DRIVER_NOMEDIUM ), ERR_ENTRY( "Cannot open the file, file already in use", FILE_ALREADY_OPEN ), ERR_ENTRY( "The specified file could not be found", FILE_NOT_FOUND ), ERR_ENTRY( "Cannot open a Directory", FILE_OBJECT_IS_A_DIR ), ERR_ENTRY( "Cannot open for writing: File is marked as Read-Only", FILE_IS_READ_ONLY ), ERR_ENTRY( "Path not found", FILE_INVALID_PATH ), ERR_ENTRY( "File operation failed - the file was not opened for writing", FILE_NOT_OPENED_IN_WRITE_MODE ), ERR_ENTRY( "File operation failed - the file was not opened for reading", FILE_NOT_OPENED_IN_READ_MODE ), ERR_ENTRY( "File operation failed - could not extend file", FILE_EXTEND_FAILED ), ERR_ENTRY( "Destination file already exists", FILE_DESTINATION_EXISTS ), ERR_ENTRY( "Source file was not found", FILE_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND ), ERR_ENTRY( "Destination path (dir) was not found", FILE_DIR_NOT_FOUND ), ERR_ENTRY( "Failed to create the directory Entry", FILE_COULD_NOT_CREATE_DIRENT ), ERR_ENTRY( "A file handle was invalid", FILE_BAD_HANDLE ), #if( ffconfigREMOVABLE_MEDIA != 0 ) ERR_ENTRY( "File handle got invalid because media was removed", FILE_MEDIA_REMOVED ), #endif /* ffconfigREMOVABLE_MEDIA */ ERR_ENTRY( "A file or folder of the same name already exists", DIR_OBJECT_EXISTS ), ERR_ENTRY( "DIR_DIRECTORY_FULL", DIR_DIRECTORY_FULL ), ERR_ENTRY( "DIR_END_OF_DIR", DIR_END_OF_DIR ), ERR_ENTRY( "The directory is not empty", DIR_NOT_EMPTY ), ERR_ENTRY( "Could not extend File or Folder - No Free Space!", FAT_NO_FREE_CLUSTERS ), ERR_ENTRY( "Could not find the directory specified by the path", DIR_INVALID_PATH ), ERR_ENTRY( "The Root Dir is full, and cannot be extended on Fat12 or 16 volumes", DIR_CANT_EXTEND_ROOT_DIR ), ERR_ENTRY( "Not enough space to extend the directory.", DIR_EXTEND_FAILED ), ERR_ENTRY( "Name exceeds the number of allowed characters for a filename", DIR_NAME_TOO_LONG ), #if( ffconfigUNICODE_UTF16_SUPPORT != 0 ) ERR_ENTRY( "An invalid Unicode character was provided!", UNICODE_INVALID_CODE ), ERR_ENTRY( "Not enough space in the UTF-16 buffer to encode the entire sequence", UNICODE_DEST_TOO_SMALL ), ERR_ENTRY( "An invalid UTF-16 sequence was encountered", UNICODE_INVALID_SEQUENCE ), ERR_ENTRY( "Filename exceeds MAX long-filename length when converted to UTF-16", UNICODE_CONVERSION_EXCEEDED ), #endif /* ffconfigUNICODE_UTF16_SUPPORT */ }; /** * @public * @brief Returns a pointer to a string relating to a FreeRTOS+FAT error code. * * @param iErrorCode The error code. * * @return Pointer to a string describing the error. * **/ const char *FF_GetErrMessage( FF_Error_t iErrorCode ) { uint32_t stCount = ARRAY_SIZE( xFreeRTOSFATErrorTable ); while( stCount-- ) { if( ( ( UBaseType_t )xFreeRTOSFATErrorTable[ stCount ].ucErrorCode ) == FF_GETERROR( iErrorCode ) ) { break; } } return xFreeRTOSFATErrorTable[ stCount ].strErrorString; } const char *FF_GetErrModule( FF_Error_t iErrorCode ) { uint32_t stCount = ARRAY_SIZE( xFreeRTOSFATModuleTable ); while( stCount-- ) { if( xFreeRTOSFATModuleTable[ stCount ].ucModuleID == ( uint8_t )FF_GETMODULE( iErrorCode ) ) { break; } } return xFreeRTOSFATModuleTable[ stCount ].strModuleName; } #if( ffconfigHAS_FUNCTION_TAB != 0 ) const char *FF_GetErrFunction( FF_Error_t iErrorCode ) { uint32_t stCount = ARRAY_SIZE( xFreeRTOSFATFunctionTable ); uint16_t ModuleFunc = FF_GETMOD_FUNC( iErrorCode ); static char funcCode[32]; while( stCount-- != 0 ) { if( xFreeRTOSFATFunctionTable[ stCount ].ucFunctionID == ModuleFunc ) { return xFreeRTOSFATFunctionTable[ stCount ].strFunctionName; } } snprintf( funcCode, sizeof( funcCode ), "Func %X", ModuleFunc ); return ( const char * )funcCode; } #endif /* ffconfigHAS_FUNCTION_TAB */ const char *FF_GetErrDescription( FF_Error_t iErrorCode, char *apBuf, int aMaxlen ) { if( FF_isERR( iErrorCode ) ) { #if( ffconfigHAS_FUNCTION_TAB != 0 ) snprintf (apBuf, ( size_t ) aMaxlen, "%s::%s::%s", FF_GetErrModule( iErrorCode ), FF_GetErrFunction( iErrorCode ), FF_GetErrMessage( iErrorCode )); #else snprintf (apBuf, ( size_t ) aMaxlen, "%s::%s", FF_GetErrModule( iErrorCode ), FF_GetErrMessage( iErrorCode )); #endif /* ffconfigHAS_FUNCTION_TAB */ } else { snprintf (apBuf, ( size_t ) aMaxlen, "No error"); } return apBuf; } #endif /* ffconfigDEBUG != 0 */