/* FreeRTOS V8.2.3 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd. All rights reserved VISIT http://www.FreeRTOS.org TO ENSURE YOU ARE USING THE LATEST VERSION. This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution. FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation >>>> AND MODIFIED BY <<<< the FreeRTOS exception. *************************************************************************** >>! 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Full license text is available on the following link: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html *************************************************************************** * * * FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed, * * robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross * * platform software that is more than just the market leader, it * * is the industry's de facto standard. * * * * Help yourself get started quickly while simultaneously helping * * to support the FreeRTOS project by purchasing a FreeRTOS * * tutorial book, reference manual, or both: * * http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation * * * *************************************************************************** http://www.FreeRTOS.org/FAQHelp.html - Having a problem? Start by reading the FAQ page "My application does not run, what could be wrong?". 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A pseudo * random delay time is used just to add a little bit of randomisation into the * execution pattern. prvGetNextDelayTime() generates the pseudo random delay. */ static TickType_t prvGetNextDelayTime( void ); /* * Checks the basic operation of a queue after it has been created. */ static void prvSanityCheckCreatedQueue( QueueHandle_t xQueue ); /* * Checks the basic operation of a recursive mutex after it has been created. */ static void prvSanityCheckCreatedRecursiveMutex( SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore ); /* * Checks the basic operation of a binary semaphore after it has been created. */ static void prvSanityCheckCreatedSemaphore( SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore, UBaseType_t uxMaxCount ); /* * Checks the basic operation of an event group after it has been created. */ static void prvSanityCheckCreatedEventGroup( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* StaticTask_t is a publicly accessible structure that has the same size and alignment requirements as the real TCB structure. It is provided as a mechanism for applications to know the size of the TCB (which is dependent on the architecture and configuration file settings) without breaking the strict data hiding policy by exposing the real TCB. This StaticTask_t variable is passed into the xTaskCreateStatic() function that creates the prvStaticallyAllocatedCreator() task, and will hold the TCB of the created tasks. */ static StaticTask_t xCreatorTaskTCBBuffer; /* This is the stack that will be used by the prvStaticallyAllocatedCreator() task, which is itself created using statically allocated buffers (so without any dynamic memory allocation). */ static StackType_t uxCreatorTaskStackBuffer[ staticCREATOR_TASK_STACK_SIZE ]; /* Used by the pseudo random number generating function. */ static uint32_t ulNextRand = 0; /* Used so a check task can ensure this test is still executing, and not stalled. */ static volatile UBaseType_t uxCycleCounter = 0; /* A variable that gets set to pdTRUE if an error is detected. */ static BaseType_t xErrorOccurred = pdFALSE; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void vStartStaticallyAllocatedTasks( void ) { /* Create a single task, which then repeatedly creates and deletes the task implemented by prvStaticallyAllocatedTask() at various different priorities, and both with and without statically allocated TCB and stack. */ xTaskCreateStatic( prvStaticallyAllocatedCreator, /* The function that implements the task being created. */ "StatCreate", /* Text name for the task - not used by the RTOS, its just to assist debugging. */ staticCREATOR_TASK_STACK_SIZE, /* Size of the buffer passed in as the stack - in words, not bytes! */ NULL, /* Parameter passed into the task - not used in this case. */ staticTASK_PRIORITY, /* Priority of the task. */ NULL, /* Handle of the task being created, not used in this case. */ &( uxCreatorTaskStackBuffer[ 0 ] ), /* The buffer to use as the task's stack. */ &xCreatorTaskTCBBuffer ); /* The variable that will hold the task's TCB. */ /* Pseudo seed the random number generator. */ ulNextRand = ( uint32_t ) prvRand; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvStaticallyAllocatedCreator( void *pvParameters ) { /* Avoid compiler warnings. */ ( void ) pvParameters; for( ;; ) { /* Loop, running functions that create and delete the various objects that can be optionally created using either static or dynamic memory allocation. */ prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedTasks(); prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedQueues(); prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedBinarySemaphores(); prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedCountingSemaphores(); prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedMutexes(); prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedRecursiveMutexes(); prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedEventGroups(); prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedTimers(); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvSanityCheckCreatedEventGroup( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup ) { EventBits_t xEventBits; const EventBits_t xFirstTestBits = ( EventBits_t ) 0xaa, xSecondTestBits = ( EventBits_t ) 0x55; /* The event group should not have any bits set yet. */ xEventBits = xEventGroupGetBits( xEventGroup ); if( xEventBits != ( EventBits_t ) 0 ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Some some bits, then read them back to check they are as expected. */ xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroup, xFirstTestBits ); xEventBits = xEventGroupGetBits( xEventGroup ); if( xEventBits != xFirstTestBits ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroup, xSecondTestBits ); xEventBits = xEventGroupGetBits( xEventGroup ); if( xEventBits != ( xFirstTestBits | xSecondTestBits ) ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Finally try clearing some bits too and check that operation proceeds as expected. */ xEventGroupClearBits( xEventGroup, xFirstTestBits ); xEventBits = xEventGroupGetBits( xEventGroup ); if( xEventBits != xSecondTestBits ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvSanityCheckCreatedSemaphore( SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore, UBaseType_t uxMaxCount ) { BaseType_t xReturned; UBaseType_t x; const TickType_t xShortBlockTime = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 10 ); TickType_t xTickCount; /* The binary semaphore should start 'empty', so a call to xSemaphoreTake() should fail. */ xTickCount = xTaskGetTickCount(); xReturned = xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, xShortBlockTime ); if( ( xTaskGetTickCount() - xTickCount) < xShortBlockTime ) { /* Did not block on the semaphore as long as expected. */ xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } if( xReturned != pdFAIL ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Should be possible to 'give' the semaphore up to a maximum of uxMaxCount times. */ for( x = 0; x < uxMaxCount; x++ ) { xReturned = xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore ); if( xReturned == pdFAIL ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } } /* Giving the semaphore again should fail, as it is 'full'. */ xReturned = xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore ); if( xReturned != pdFAIL ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } configASSERT( uxSemaphoreGetCount( xSemaphore ) == uxMaxCount ); /* Should now be possible to 'take' the semaphore up to a maximum of uxMaxCount times without blocking. */ for( x = 0; x < uxMaxCount; x++ ) { xReturned = xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned == pdFAIL ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } } /* Back to the starting condition, where the semaphore should not be available. */ xTickCount = xTaskGetTickCount(); xReturned = xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, xShortBlockTime ); if( ( xTaskGetTickCount() - xTickCount) < xShortBlockTime ) { /* Did not block on the semaphore as long as expected. */ xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } if( xReturned != pdFAIL ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } configASSERT( uxSemaphoreGetCount( xSemaphore ) == 0 ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvSanityCheckCreatedQueue( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) { uint64_t ull, ullRead; BaseType_t xReturned, xLoop; /* This test is done twice to ensure the queue storage area wraps. */ for( xLoop = 0; xLoop < 2; xLoop++ ) { /* A very basic test that the queue can be written to and read from as expected. First the queue should be empty. */ xReturned = xQueueReceive( xQueue, &ull, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != errQUEUE_EMPTY ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Now it should be possible to write to the queue staticQUEUE_LENGTH_IN_ITEMS times. */ for( ull = 0; ull < staticQUEUE_LENGTH_IN_ITEMS; ull++ ) { xReturned = xQueueSend( xQueue, &ull, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } } /* Should not now be possible to write to the queue again. */ xReturned = xQueueSend( xQueue, &ull, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != errQUEUE_FULL ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Now read back from the queue to ensure the data read back matches that written. */ for( ull = 0; ull < staticQUEUE_LENGTH_IN_ITEMS; ull++ ) { xReturned = xQueueReceive( xQueue, &ullRead, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } if( ullRead != ull ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } } /* The queue should be empty again. */ xReturned = xQueueReceive( xQueue, &ull, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != errQUEUE_EMPTY ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvSanityCheckCreatedRecursiveMutex( SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore ) { const BaseType_t xLoops = 5; BaseType_t x, xReturned; /* A very basic test that the recursive semaphore behaved like a recursive semaphore. First the semaphore should not be able to be given, as it has not yet been taken. */ xReturned = xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( xSemaphore ); if( xReturned != pdFAIL ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Now it should be possible to take the mutex a number of times. */ for( x = 0; x < xLoops; x++ ) { xReturned = xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( xSemaphore, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } } /* Should be possible to give the semaphore the same number of times as it was given in the loop above. */ for( x = 0; x < xLoops; x++ ) { xReturned = xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( xSemaphore ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } } /* No more gives should be possible though. */ xReturned = xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( xSemaphore ); if( xReturned != pdFAIL ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedCountingSemaphores( void ) { SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore; const UBaseType_t uxMaxCount = ( UBaseType_t ) 10; /* StaticSemaphore_t is a publicly accessible structure that has the same size and alignment requirements as the real semaphore structure. It is provided as a mechanism for applications to know the size of the semaphore (which is dependent on the architecture and configuration file settings) without breaking the strict data hiding policy by exposing the real semaphore internals. This StaticSemaphore_t variable is passed into the xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic() function calls within this function. NOTE: In most usage scenarios now it is faster and more memory efficient to use a direct to task notification instead of a counting semaphore. http://www.freertos.org/RTOS-task-notifications.html */ StaticSemaphore_t xSemaphoreBuffer; /* Create the semaphore. xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic() has one more parameter than the usual xSemaphoreCreateCounting() function. The paraemter is a pointer to the pre-allocated StaticSemaphore_t structure, which will hold information on the semaphore in an anonymous way. If the pointer is passed as NULL then the structure will be allocated dynamically, just as when xSemaphoreCreateCounting() is called. */ xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic( uxMaxCount, 0, &xSemaphoreBuffer ); /* The semaphore handle should equal the static semaphore structure passed into the xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic() function. */ configASSERT( xSemaphore == ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xSemaphoreBuffer ); /* Ensure the semaphore passes a few sanity checks as a valid semaphore. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedSemaphore( xSemaphore, uxMaxCount ); /* Delete the semaphore again so the buffers can be reused. */ vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore ); /* The semaphore created above had a statically allocated semaphore structure. Repeat the above using NULL as the third xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic() parameter so the semaphore structure is instead allocated dynamically. */ xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic( uxMaxCount, 0, NULL ); /* Ensure the semaphore passes a few sanity checks as a valid semaphore. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedSemaphore( xSemaphore, uxMaxCount ); /* Delete the semaphore again so the buffers can be reused. */ vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore ); /* Ensure lower priority tasks get CPU time. */ vTaskDelay( prvGetNextDelayTime() ); /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedRecursiveMutexes( void ) { SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore; /* StaticSemaphore_t is a publicly accessible structure that has the same size and alignment requirements as the real semaphore structure. It is provided as a mechanism for applications to know the size of the semaphore (which is dependent on the architecture and configuration file settings) without breaking the strict data hiding policy by exposing the real semaphore internals. This StaticSemaphore_t variable is passed into the xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic() function calls within this function. */ StaticSemaphore_t xSemaphoreBuffer; /* Create the semaphore. xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic() has one more parameter than the usual xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex() function. The parameter is a pointer to the pre-allocated StaticSemaphore_t structure, which will hold information on the semaphore in an anonymous way. If the pointer is passed as NULL then the structure will be allocated dynamically, just as when xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex() is called. */ xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic( &xSemaphoreBuffer ); /* The semaphore handle should equal the static semaphore structure passed into the xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic() function. */ configASSERT( xSemaphore == ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xSemaphoreBuffer ); /* Ensure the semaphore passes a few sanity checks as a valid recursive semaphore. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedRecursiveMutex( xSemaphore ); /* Delete the semaphore again so the buffers can be reused. */ vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore ); /* The semaphore created above had a statically allocated semaphore structure. Repeat the above using NULL as the xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic() parameter so the semaphore structure is instead allocated dynamically. */ xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic( NULL ); /* Ensure the semaphore passes a few sanity checks as a valid semaphore. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedRecursiveMutex( xSemaphore ); /* Delete the semaphore again so the buffers can be reused. */ vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore ); /* Ensure lower priority tasks get CPU time. */ vTaskDelay( prvGetNextDelayTime() ); /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedQueues( void ) { QueueHandle_t xQueue; /* StaticQueue_t is a publicly accessible structure that has the same size and alignment requirements as the real queue structure. It is provided as a mechanism for applications to know the size of the queue (which is dependent on the architecture and configuration file settings) without breaking the strict data hiding policy by exposing the real queue internals. This StaticQueue_t variable is passed into the xQueueCreateStatic() function calls within this function. */ static StaticQueue_t xStaticQueue; /* The queue storage area must be large enough to hold the maximum number of items it is possible for the queue to hold at any one time, which equals the queue length (in items, not bytes) multiplied by the size of each item. In this case the queue will hold staticQUEUE_LENGTH_IN_ITEMS 64-bit items. See http://www.freertos.org/Embedded-RTOS-Queues.html */ static uint8_t ucQueueStorageArea[ staticQUEUE_LENGTH_IN_ITEMS * sizeof( uint64_t ) ]; /* Create the queue. xQueueCreateStatic() has two more parameters than the usual xQueueCreate() function. The first new paraemter is a pointer to the pre-allocated queue storage area. The second new parameter is a pointer to the StaticQueue_t structure that will hold the queue state information in an anonymous way. If either pointer is passed as NULL then the respective data will be allocated dynamically as if xQueueCreate() had been called. */ xQueue = xQueueCreateStatic( staticQUEUE_LENGTH_IN_ITEMS, /* The maximum number of items the queue can hold. */ sizeof( uint64_t ), /* The size of each item. */ ucQueueStorageArea, /* The buffer used to hold items within the queue. */ &xStaticQueue ); /* The static queue structure that will hold the state of the queue. */ /* The queue handle should equal the static queue structure passed into the xQueueCreateStatic() function. */ configASSERT( xQueue == ( QueueHandle_t ) &xStaticQueue ); /* Ensure the queue passes a few sanity checks as a valid queue. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedQueue( xQueue ); /* Delete the queue again so the buffers can be reused. */ vQueueDelete( xQueue ); /* The queue created above had a statically allocated queue storage area and queue structure. Repeat the above with three more times - with different combinations of static and dynamic allocation. */ xQueue = xQueueCreateStatic( staticQUEUE_LENGTH_IN_ITEMS, /* The maximum number of items the queue can hold. */ sizeof( uint64_t ), /* The size of each item. */ NULL, /* Allocate the buffer used to hold items within the queue dynamically. */ &xStaticQueue ); /* The static queue structure that will hold the state of the queue. */ configASSERT( xQueue == ( QueueHandle_t ) &xStaticQueue ); prvSanityCheckCreatedQueue( xQueue ); vQueueDelete( xQueue ); /* Ensure lower priority tasks get CPU time. */ vTaskDelay( prvGetNextDelayTime() ); /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; xQueue = xQueueCreateStatic( staticQUEUE_LENGTH_IN_ITEMS, /* The maximum number of items the queue can hold. */ sizeof( uint64_t ), /* The size of each item. */ ucQueueStorageArea, /* The buffer used to hold items within the queue. */ NULL ); /* The queue structure is allocated dynamically. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedQueue( xQueue ); vQueueDelete( xQueue ); xQueue = xQueueCreateStatic( staticQUEUE_LENGTH_IN_ITEMS, /* The maximum number of items the queue can hold. */ sizeof( uint64_t ), /* The size of each item. */ NULL, /* Allocate the buffer used to hold items within the queue dynamically. */ NULL ); /* The queue structure is allocated dynamically. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedQueue( xQueue ); vQueueDelete( xQueue ); /* Ensure lower priority tasks get CPU time. */ vTaskDelay( prvGetNextDelayTime() ); /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedMutexes( void ) { SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore; BaseType_t xReturned; /* StaticSemaphore_t is a publicly accessible structure that has the same size and alignment requirements as the real semaphore structure. It is provided as a mechanism for applications to know the size of the semaphore (which is dependent on the architecture and configuration file settings) without breaking the strict data hiding policy by exposing the real semaphore internals. This StaticSemaphore_t variable is passed into the xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic() function calls within this function. */ StaticSemaphore_t xSemaphoreBuffer; /* Create the semaphore. xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic() has one more parameter than the usual xSemaphoreCreateMutex() function. The paraemter is a pointer to the pre-allocated StaticSemaphore_t structure, which will hold information on the semaphore in an anonymous way. If the pointer is passed as NULL then the structure will be allocated dynamically, just as when xSemaphoreCreateMutex() is called. */ xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic( &xSemaphoreBuffer ); /* The semaphore handle should equal the static semaphore structure passed into the xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic() function. */ configASSERT( xSemaphore == ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xSemaphoreBuffer ); /* Take the mutex so the mutex is in the state expected by the prvSanityCheckCreatedSemaphore() function. */ xReturned = xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Ensure the semaphore passes a few sanity checks as a valid semaphore. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedSemaphore( xSemaphore, staticBINARY_SEMAPHORE_MAX_COUNT ); /* Delete the semaphore again so the buffers can be reused. */ vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore ); /* The semaphore created above had a statically allocated semaphore structure. Repeat the above using NULL as the xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic() parameter so the semaphore structure is instead allocated dynamically. */ xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic( NULL ); /* Take the mutex so the mutex is in the state expected by the prvSanityCheckCreatedSemaphore() function. */ xReturned = xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Ensure the semaphore passes a few sanity checks as a valid semaphore. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedSemaphore( xSemaphore, staticBINARY_SEMAPHORE_MAX_COUNT ); /* Delete the semaphore again so the buffers can be reused. */ vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore ); /* Ensure lower priority tasks get CPU time. */ vTaskDelay( prvGetNextDelayTime() ); /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedBinarySemaphores( void ) { SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore; /* StaticSemaphore_t is a publicly accessible structure that has the same size and alignment requirements as the real semaphore structure. It is provided as a mechanism for applications to know the size of the semaphore (which is dependent on the architecture and configuration file settings) without breaking the strict data hiding policy by exposing the real semaphore internals. This StaticSemaphore_t variable is passed into the xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic() function calls within this function. NOTE: In most usage scenarios now it is faster and more memory efficient to use a direct to task notification instead of a binary semaphore. http://www.freertos.org/RTOS-task-notifications.html */ StaticSemaphore_t xSemaphoreBuffer; /* Create the semaphore. xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic() has one more parameter than the usual xSemaphoreCreateBinary() function. The paraemter is a pointer to the pre-allocated StaticSemaphore_t structure, which will hold information on the semaphore in an anonymous way. If the pointer is passed as NULL then the structure will be allocated dynamically, just as when xSemaphoreCreateBinary() is called. */ xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic( &xSemaphoreBuffer ); /* The semaphore handle should equal the static semaphore structure passed into the xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic() function. */ configASSERT( xSemaphore == ( SemaphoreHandle_t ) &xSemaphoreBuffer ); /* Ensure the semaphore passes a few sanity checks as a valid semaphore. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedSemaphore( xSemaphore, staticBINARY_SEMAPHORE_MAX_COUNT ); /* Delete the semaphore again so the buffers can be reused. */ vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore ); /* The semaphore created above had a statically allocated semaphore structure. Repeat the above using NULL as the xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic() parameter so the semaphore structure is instead allocated dynamically. */ xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic( NULL ); /* Ensure the semaphore passes a few sanity checks as a valid semaphore. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedSemaphore( xSemaphore, staticBINARY_SEMAPHORE_MAX_COUNT ); /* Delete the semaphore again so the buffers can be reused. */ vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore ); /* There isn't a static version of the old and deprecated vSemaphoreCreateBinary() macro (because its deprecated!), but check it is still functioning correctly when configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION is set to 1. */ vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xSemaphore ); /* The macro starts with the binary semaphore available, but the test function expects it to be unavailable. */ if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, staticDONT_BLOCK ) == pdFAIL ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } prvSanityCheckCreatedSemaphore( xSemaphore, staticBINARY_SEMAPHORE_MAX_COUNT ); vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore ); /* Ensure lower priority tasks get CPU time. */ vTaskDelay( prvGetNextDelayTime() ); /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t xExpiredTimer ) { UBaseType_t *puxVariableToIncrement; BaseType_t xReturned; /* Obtain the address of the variable to increment from the timer ID. */ puxVariableToIncrement = ( UBaseType_t * ) pvTimerGetTimerID( xExpiredTimer ); /* Increment the variable to show the timer callback has executed. */ ( *puxVariableToIncrement )++; /* If this callback has executed the required number of times, stop the timer. */ if( *puxVariableToIncrement == staticMAX_TIMER_CALLBACK_EXECUTIONS ) { /* This is called from a timer callback so must not block. */ xReturned = xTimerStop( xExpiredTimer, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedTimers( void ) { TimerHandle_t xTimer; UBaseType_t uxVariableToIncrement; const TickType_t xTimerPeriod = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 20 ); BaseType_t xReturned; /* StaticTimer_t is a publicly accessible structure that has the same size and alignment requirements as the real timer structure. It is provided as a mechanism for applications to know the size of the timer structure (which is dependent on the architecture and configuration file settings) without breaking the strict data hiding policy by exposing the real timer internals. This StaticTimer_t variable is passed into the xTimerCreateStatic() function calls within this function. */ StaticTimer_t xTimerBuffer; /* Create the software time. xTimerCreateStatic() has an extra parameter than the normal xTimerCreate() API function. The parameter is a pointer to the StaticTimer_t structure that will hold the software timer structure. If the parameter is passed as NULL then the structure will be allocated dynamically, just as if xTimerCreate() had been called. */ xTimer = xTimerCreateStatic( "T1", /* Text name for the task. Helps debugging only. Not used by FreeRTOS. */ xTimerPeriod, /* The period of the timer in ticks. */ pdTRUE, /* This is an auto-reload timer. */ ( void * ) &uxVariableToIncrement, /* The variable incremented by the test is passed into the timer callback using the timer ID. */ prvTimerCallback, /* The function to execute when the timer expires. */ &xTimerBuffer ); /* The buffer that will hold the software timer structure. */ /* The timer handle should equal the static timer structure passed into the xTimerCreateStatic() function. */ configASSERT( xTimer == ( TimerHandle_t ) &xTimerBuffer ); /* Set the variable to 0, wait for a few timer periods to expire, then check the timer callback has incremented the variable to the expected value. */ uxVariableToIncrement = 0; /* This is a low priority so a block time should not be needed. */ xReturned = xTimerStart( xTimer, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } vTaskDelay( xTimerPeriod * staticMAX_TIMER_CALLBACK_EXECUTIONS ); /* By now the timer should have expired staticMAX_TIMER_CALLBACK_EXECUTIONS times, and then stopped itself. */ if( uxVariableToIncrement != staticMAX_TIMER_CALLBACK_EXECUTIONS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Finished with the timer, delete it. */ xReturned = xTimerDelete( xTimer, staticDONT_BLOCK ); /* Again, as this is a low priority task it is expected that the timer command will have been sent even without a block time being used. */ if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; /* The software timer created above had a statically allocated timer structure. Repeat the above using NULL as the xTimerCreateStatic() parameter so the timer structure is instead allocated dynamically. */ xTimer = xTimerCreateStatic( "T1", /* Text name for the task. Helps debugging only. Not used by FreeRTOS. */ xTimerPeriod, /* The period of the timer in ticks. */ pdTRUE, /* This is an auto-reload timer. */ ( void * ) &uxVariableToIncrement, /* The variable incremented by the test is passed into the timer callback using the timer ID. */ prvTimerCallback, /* The function to execute when the timer expires. */ NULL ); /* A buffer is not passed this time, so the timer should be allocated dynamically. */ uxVariableToIncrement = 0; xReturned = xTimerStart( xTimer, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } vTaskDelay( xTimerPeriod * staticMAX_TIMER_CALLBACK_EXECUTIONS ); /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; if( uxVariableToIncrement != staticMAX_TIMER_CALLBACK_EXECUTIONS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } xReturned = xTimerDelete( xTimer, staticDONT_BLOCK ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedEventGroups( void ) { EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup; /* StaticEventGroup_t is a publicly accessible structure that has the same size and alignment requirements as the real event group structure. It is provided as a mechanism for applications to know the size of the event group (which is dependent on the architecture and configuration file settings) without breaking the strict data hiding policy by exposing the real event group internals. This StaticEventGroup_t variable is passed into the xSemaphoreCreateEventGroupStatic() function calls within this function. */ StaticEventGroup_t xEventGroupBuffer; /* Create the event group. xEventGroupCreateStatic() has an extra parameter than the normal xEventGroupCreate() API function. The parameter is a pointer to the StaticEventGroup_t structure that will hold the event group structure. If the parameter is passed as NULL then the structure will be allocated dynamically, just as if xEventGroupCreate() had been called. */ xEventGroup = xEventGroupCreateStatic( &xEventGroupBuffer ); /* The event group handle should equal the static event group structure passed into the xEventGroupCreateStatic() function. */ configASSERT( xEventGroup == ( EventGroupHandle_t ) &xEventGroupBuffer ); /* Ensure the event group passes a few sanity checks as a valid event group. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedEventGroup( xEventGroup ); /* Delete the event group again so the buffers can be reused. */ vEventGroupDelete( xEventGroup ); /* The event group created above had a statically allocated event group structure. Repeat the above using NULL as the xEventGroupCreateStatic() parameter so the event group structure is instead allocated dynamically. */ xEventGroup = xEventGroupCreateStatic( NULL ); /* Ensure the event group passes a few sanity checks as a valid event group. */ prvSanityCheckCreatedEventGroup( xEventGroup ); /* Delete the event group again so the buffers can be reused. */ vEventGroupDelete( xEventGroup ); /* Ensure lower priority tasks get CPU time. */ vTaskDelay( prvGetNextDelayTime() ); /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvCreateAndDeleteStaticallyAllocatedTasks( void ) { TaskHandle_t xCreatedTask; BaseType_t xReturned; /* The variable that will hold the TCB of tasks created by this function. See the comments above the declaration of the xCreatorTaskTCBBuffer variable for more information. */ StaticTask_t xTCBBuffer; /* This buffer that will be used as the stack of tasks created by this function. See the comments above the declaration of the uxCreatorTaskStackBuffer[] array above for more information. */ static StackType_t uxStackBuffer[ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ]; /* Create the task. xTaskCreateStatic() has two more parameters than the usual xTaskCreate() function. The first new parameter is a pointer to the pre-allocated stack. The second new parameter is a pointer to the StaticTask_t structure that will hold the task's TCB. If either pointer is passed as NULL then the respective object will be allocated dynamically as if xTaskCreate() had been called. */ xReturned = xTaskCreateStatic( prvStaticallyAllocatedTask, /* Function that implements the task. */ "Static", /* Human readable name for the task. */ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, /* Task's stack size, in words (not bytes!). */ NULL, /* Parameter to pass into the task. */ tskIDLE_PRIORITY, /* The priority of the task. */ &xCreatedTask, /* Handle of the task being created. */ &( uxStackBuffer[ 0 ] ), /* The buffer to use as the task's stack. */ &xTCBBuffer ); /* The variable that will hold that task's TCB. */ /* Check the task was created correctly, then delete the task. */ configASSERT( xReturned == pdPASS ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } vTaskDelete( xCreatedTask ); /* Ensure lower priority tasks get CPU time. */ vTaskDelay( prvGetNextDelayTime() ); /* Create and delete the task a few times again - testing both static and dynamic allocation for the stack and TCB. */ xReturned = xTaskCreateStatic( prvStaticallyAllocatedTask, /* Function that implements the task. */ "Static", /* Human readable name for the task. */ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, /* Task's stack size, in words (not bytes!). */ NULL, /* Parameter to pass into the task. */ staticTASK_PRIORITY + 1, /* The priority of the task. */ &xCreatedTask, /* Handle of the task being created. */ NULL, /* This time, dynamically allocate the stack. */ &xTCBBuffer ); /* The variable that will hold that task's TCB. */ configASSERT( xReturned == pdPASS ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } vTaskDelete( xCreatedTask ); /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; /* Ensure lower priority tasks get CPU time. */ vTaskDelay( prvGetNextDelayTime() ); xReturned = xTaskCreateStatic( prvStaticallyAllocatedTask, /* Function that implements the task. */ "Static", /* Human readable name for the task. */ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, /* Task's stack size, in words (not bytes!). */ NULL, /* Parameter to pass into the task. */ staticTASK_PRIORITY - 1, /* The priority of the task. */ &xCreatedTask, /* Handle of the task being created. */ &( uxStackBuffer[ 0 ] ), /* The buffer to use as the task's stack. */ NULL ); /* This time dynamically allocate the TCB. */ configASSERT( xReturned == pdPASS ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } vTaskDelete( xCreatedTask ); /* Ensure lower priority tasks get CPU time. */ vTaskDelay( prvGetNextDelayTime() ); xReturned = xTaskCreateStatic( prvStaticallyAllocatedTask, /* Function that implements the task. */ "Static", /* Human readable name for the task. */ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, /* Task's stack size, in words (not bytes!). */ NULL, /* Parameter to pass into the task. */ staticTASK_PRIORITY, /* The priority of the task. */ &xCreatedTask, /* Handle of the task being created. */ NULL, /* This time dynamically allocate the stack and TCB. */ NULL ); /* This time dynamically allocate the stack and TCB. */ configASSERT( xReturned == pdPASS ); if( xReturned != pdPASS ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } vTaskDelete( xCreatedTask ); /* Ensure lower priority tasks get CPU time. */ vTaskDelay( prvGetNextDelayTime() ); /* Just to show the check task that this task is still executing. */ uxCycleCounter++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvStaticallyAllocatedTask( void *pvParameters ) { ( void ) pvParameters; /* The created task doesn't do anything - just waits to get deleted. */ vTaskSuspend( NULL ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static UBaseType_t prvRand( void ) { const uint32_t ulMultiplier = 0x015a4e35UL, ulIncrement = 1UL; /* Utility function to generate a pseudo random number. */ ulNextRand = ( ulMultiplier * ulNextRand ) + ulIncrement; return( ( ulNextRand >> 16UL ) & 0x7fffUL ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static TickType_t prvGetNextDelayTime( void ) { TickType_t xNextDelay; const TickType_t xMaxDelay = pdMS_TO_TICKS( ( TickType_t ) 150 ); const TickType_t xMinDelay = pdMS_TO_TICKS( ( TickType_t ) 75 ); const TickType_t xTinyDelay = pdMS_TO_TICKS( ( TickType_t ) 2 ); /* Generate the next delay time. This is kept within a narrow band so as not to disturb the timing of other tests - but does add in some pseudo randomisation into the tests. */ do { xNextDelay = prvRand() % xMaxDelay; /* Just in case this loop is executed lots of times. */ vTaskDelay( xTinyDelay ); } while ( xNextDelay < xMinDelay ); return xNextDelay; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t xAreStaticAllocationTasksStillRunning( void ) { static UBaseType_t uxLastCycleCounter = 0; BaseType_t xReturn; if( uxCycleCounter == uxLastCycleCounter ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } else { uxLastCycleCounter = uxCycleCounter; } if( xErrorOccurred != pdFALSE ) { xReturn = pdFAIL; } else { xReturn = pdPASS; } return xReturn; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Exclude the entire file if configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION is 0. */ #endif /* configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 */