//***************************************************************************** // // hw_timer.h - Defines and macros used when accessing the timer. // // Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Luminary Micro, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Software License Agreement // // Luminary Micro, Inc. (LMI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on LMI's microcontroller products. // // The software is owned by LMI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under // applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation // of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions // under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the // terms and conditions of this license. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED // OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. // LMI SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 1582 of the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __HW_TIMER_H__ #define __HW_TIMER_H__ //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the offsets of the timer registers. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_O_CFG 0x00000000 // Configuration register #define TIMER_O_TAMR 0x00000004 // TimerA mode register #define TIMER_O_TBMR 0x00000008 // TimerB mode register #define TIMER_O_CTL 0x0000000C // Control register #define TIMER_O_IMR 0x00000018 // Interrupt mask register #define TIMER_O_RIS 0x0000001C // Interrupt status register #define TIMER_O_MIS 0x00000020 // Masked interrupt status reg. #define TIMER_O_ICR 0x00000024 // Interrupt clear register #define TIMER_O_TAILR 0x00000028 // TimerA interval load register #define TIMER_O_TBILR 0x0000002C // TimerB interval load register #define TIMER_O_TAMATCHR 0x00000030 // TimerA match register #define TIMER_O_TBMATCHR 0x00000034 // TimerB match register #define TIMER_O_TAPR 0x00000038 // TimerA prescale register #define TIMER_O_TBPR 0x0000003C // TimerB prescale register #define TIMER_O_TAPMR 0x00000040 // TimerA prescale match register #define TIMER_O_TBPMR 0x00000044 // TimerB prescale match register #define TIMER_O_TAR 0x00000048 // TimerA register #define TIMER_O_TBR 0x0000004C // TimerB register //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the reset values of the timer registers. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_RV_CFG 0x00000000 // Configuration register RV #define TIMER_RV_TAMR 0x00000000 // TimerA mode register RV #define TIMER_RV_TBMR 0x00000000 // TimerB mode register RV #define TIMER_RV_CTL 0x00000000 // Control register RV #define TIMER_RV_IMR 0x00000000 // Interrupt mask register RV #define TIMER_RV_RIS 0x00000000 // Interrupt status register RV #define TIMER_RV_MIS 0x00000000 // Masked interrupt status reg RV #define TIMER_RV_ICR 0x00000000 // Interrupt clear register RV #define TIMER_RV_TAILR 0xFFFFFFFF // TimerA interval load reg RV #define TIMER_RV_TBILR 0x0000FFFF // TimerB interval load reg RV #define TIMER_RV_TAMATCHR 0xFFFFFFFF // TimerA match register RV #define TIMER_RV_TBMATCHR 0x0000FFFF // TimerB match register RV #define TIMER_RV_TAPR 0x00000000 // TimerA prescale register RV #define TIMER_RV_TBPR 0x00000000 // TimerB prescale register RV #define TIMER_RV_TAPMR 0x00000000 // TimerA prescale match reg RV #define TIMER_RV_TBPMR 0x00000000 // TimerB prescale match regi RV #define TIMER_RV_TAR 0xFFFFFFFF // TimerA register RV #define TIMER_RV_TBR 0x0000FFFF // TimerB register RV //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the TIMER_CFG register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_CFG_CFG_MSK 0x00000007 // Configuration options mask #define TIMER_CFG_16_BIT 0x00000004 // Two 16 bit timers #define TIMER_CFG_32_BIT_RTC 0x00000001 // 32 bit RTC #define TIMER_CFG_32_BIT_TIMER 0x00000000 // 32 bit timer //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the TIMER_TnMR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_TNMR_TNAMS 0x00000008 // Alternate mode select #define TIMER_TNMR_TNCMR 0x00000004 // Capture mode - count or time #define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_MSK 0x00000003 // Timer mode mask #define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_CAP 0x00000003 // Mode - capture #define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_PERIOD 0x00000002 // Mode - periodic #define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_1_SHOT 0x00000001 // Mode - one shot //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the TIMER_CTL register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_CTL_TBPWML 0x00004000 // TimerB PWM output level invert #define TIMER_CTL_TBOTE 0x00002000 // TimerB output trigger enable #define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_MSK 0x00000C00 // TimerB event mode mask #define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_BOTH 0x00000C00 // TimerB event mode - both edges #define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_NEG 0x00000400 // TimerB event mode - neg edge #define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_POS 0x00000000 // TimerB event mode - pos edge #define TIMER_CTL_TBSTALL 0x00000200 // TimerB stall enable #define TIMER_CTL_TBEN 0x00000100 // TimerB enable #define TIMER_CTL_TAPWML 0x00000040 // TimerA PWM output level invert #define TIMER_CTL_TAOTE 0x00000020 // TimerA output trigger enable #define TIMER_CTL_RTCEN 0x00000010 // RTC counter enable #define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_MSK 0x0000000C // TimerA event mode mask #define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_BOTH 0x0000000C // TimerA event mode - both edges #define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_NEG 0x00000004 // TimerA event mode - neg edge #define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_POS 0x00000000 // TimerA event mode - pos edge #define TIMER_CTL_TASTALL 0x00000002 // TimerA stall enable #define TIMER_CTL_TAEN 0x00000001 // TimerA enable //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the TIMER_IMR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_IMR_CBEIM 0x00000400 // CaptureB event interrupt mask #define TIMER_IMR_CBMIM 0x00000200 // CaptureB match interrupt mask #define TIMER_IMR_TBTOIM 0x00000100 // TimerB time out interrupt mask #define TIMER_IMR_RTCIM 0x00000008 // RTC interrupt mask #define TIMER_IMR_CAEIM 0x00000004 // CaptureA event interrupt mask #define TIMER_IMR_CAMIM 0x00000002 // CaptureA match interrupt mask #define TIMER_IMR_TATOIM 0x00000001 // TimerA time out interrupt mask //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the TIMER_RIS register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_RIS_CBERIS 0x00000400 // CaptureB event raw int status #define TIMER_RIS_CBMRIS 0x00000200 // CaptureB match raw int status #define TIMER_RIS_TBTORIS 0x00000100 // TimerB time out raw int status #define TIMER_RIS_RTCRIS 0x00000008 // RTC raw int status #define TIMER_RIS_CAERIS 0x00000004 // CaptureA event raw int status #define TIMER_RIS_CAMRIS 0x00000002 // CaptureA match raw int status #define TIMER_RIS_TATORIS 0x00000001 // TimerA time out raw int status //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the TIMER_MIS register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_RIS_CBEMIS 0x00000400 // CaptureB event masked int status #define TIMER_RIS_CBMMIS 0x00000200 // CaptureB match masked int status #define TIMER_RIS_TBTOMIS 0x00000100 // TimerB time out masked int stat #define TIMER_RIS_RTCMIS 0x00000008 // RTC masked int status #define TIMER_RIS_CAEMIS 0x00000004 // CaptureA event masked int status #define TIMER_RIS_CAMMIS 0x00000002 // CaptureA match masked int status #define TIMER_RIS_TATOMIS 0x00000001 // TimerA time out masked int stat //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the TIMER_ICR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_ICR_CBECINT 0x00000400 // CaptureB event interrupt clear #define TIMER_ICR_CBMCINT 0x00000200 // CaptureB match interrupt clear #define TIMER_ICR_TBTOCINT 0x00000100 // TimerB time out interrupt clear #define TIMER_ICR_RTCCINT 0x00000008 // RTC interrupt clear #define TIMER_ICR_CAECINT 0x00000004 // CaptureA event interrupt clear #define TIMER_ICR_CAMCINT 0x00000002 // CaptureA match interrupt clear #define TIMER_ICR_TATOCINT 0x00000001 // TimerA time out interrupt clear //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the TIMER_TAILR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRH 0xFFFF0000 // TimerB load val in 32 bit mode #define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRL 0x0000FFFF // TimerA interval load value //***************************************************************************** // // The following defines the bit fields in the TIMER_TBILR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_TBILR_TBILRL 0x0000FFFF // TimerB interval load value //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the TIMER_TAMATCHR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMRH 0xFFFF0000 // TimerB match val in 32 bit mode #define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMRL 0x0000FFFF // TimerA match value //***************************************************************************** // // The following defines the bit fields in the TIMER_TBMATCHR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_TBMATCHR_TBMRL 0x0000FFFF // TimerB match load value //***************************************************************************** // // The following defines the bit fields in the TIMER_TnPR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_TNPR_TNPSR 0x000000FF // TimerN prescale value //***************************************************************************** // // The following defines the bit fields in the TIMER_TnPMR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_TNPMR_TNPSMR 0x000000FF // TimerN prescale match value //***************************************************************************** // // The following define the bit fields in the TIMER_TAR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_TAR_TARH 0xFFFF0000 // TimerB val in 32 bit mode #define TIMER_TAR_TARL 0x0000FFFF // TimerA value //***************************************************************************** // // The following defines the bit fields in the TIMER_TBR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define TIMER_TBR_TBRL 0x0000FFFF // TimerB value #endif // __HW_TIMER_H__