#****************************************************************************** # # Makefile - Rules for building the driver library and examples. # # Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Luminary Micro, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Software License Agreement # # Luminary Micro, Inc. (LMI) is supplying this software for use solely and # exclusively on LMI's Stellaris Family of microcontroller products. # # The software is owned by LMI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under # applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation # of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions # under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the # terms and conditions of this license. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED # OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. # LMI SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. # #****************************************************************************** include makedefs RTOS_SOURCE_DIR=../../Source DEMO_SOURCE_DIR=../Common/Minimal UIP_SOURCE_DIR=../Common/ethernet/uIP/uip-1.0/uip CFLAGS+=-I LuminaryDrivers -I . -I ${RTOS_SOURCE_DIR}/include -I ${RTOS_SOURCE_DIR}/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3 -I ${UIP_SOURCE_DIR} -I webserver -I ../Common/include -D GCC_ARMCM3_LM3S102 -D inline= -D PACK_STRUCT_END=__attribute\(\(packed\)\) -D ALIGN_STRUCT_END=__attribute\(\(aligned\(4\)\)\) -D sprintf=usprintf -D snprintf=usnprintf -D printf=uipprintf VPATH=${RTOS_SOURCE_DIR}:${RTOS_SOURCE_DIR}/portable/MemMang:${RTOS_SOURCE_DIR}/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3:${DEMO_SOURCE_DIR}:${UIP_SOURCE_DIR}:init:LuminaryDrivers:ParTest:webserver OBJS=${COMPILER}/main.o \ ${COMPILER}/list.o \ ${COMPILER}/queue.o \ ${COMPILER}/tasks.o \ ${COMPILER}/port.o \ ${COMPILER}/heap_2.o \ ${COMPILER}/BlockQ.o \ ${COMPILER}/PollQ.o \ ${COMPILER}/integer.o \ ${COMPILER}/semtest.o \ ${COMPILER}/osram128x64x4.o \ ${COMPILER}/ustdlib.o \ ${COMPILER}/blocktim.o \ ${COMPILER}/death.o \ ${COMPILER}/ParTest.o \ ${COMPILER}/timertest.o \ ${COMPILER}/emac.o \ ${COMPILER}/http-strings.o \ ${COMPILER}/httpd-cgi.o \ ${COMPILER}/httpd-fs.o \ ${COMPILER}/httpd.o \ ${COMPILER}/psock.o \ ${COMPILER}/timer.o \ ${COMPILER}/uip.o \ ${COMPILER}/uip_arp.o \ ${COMPILER}/uIP_Task.o INIT_OBJS= ${COMPILER}/startup.o LIBS= LuminaryDrivers/libdriver.a # # The default rule, which causes init to be built. # all: ${COMPILER} \ ${COMPILER}/RTOSDemo.axf \ # # The rule to clean out all the build products # clean: @rm -rf ${COMPILER} ${wildcard *.bin} RTOSDemo.axf # # The rule to create the target directory # ${COMPILER}: @mkdir ${COMPILER} ${COMPILER}/RTOSDemo.axf: ${INIT_OBJS} ${OBJS} ${LIBS} SCATTER_RTOSDemo=standalone.ld ENTRY_RTOSDemo=ResetISR # # # Include the automatically generated dependency files. # -include ${wildcard ${COMPILER}/*.d} __dummy__