//***************************************************************************** // // pwm.h - API function protoypes for Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) ports // // Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Luminary Micro, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Software License Agreement // // Luminary Micro, Inc. (LMI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on LMI's microcontroller products. // // The software is owned by LMI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under // applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation // of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions // under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the // terms and conditions of this license. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED // OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. // LMI SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 1408 of the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __PWM_H__ #define __PWM_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //***************************************************************************** // // The following defines are passed to PWMGenConfigure() as the ulConfig // parameter and specify the configuration of the PWM generator. // //***************************************************************************** #define PWM_GEN_MODE_DOWN 0x00000000 // Down count mode #define PWM_GEN_MODE_UP_DOWN 0x00000002 // Up/Down count mode #define PWM_GEN_MODE_SYNC 0x00000038 // Synchronous updates #define PWM_GEN_MODE_NO_SYNC 0x00000000 // Immediate updates #define PWM_GEN_MODE_DBG_RUN 0x00000004 // Continue running in debug mode #define PWM_GEN_MODE_DBG_STOP 0x00000000 // Stop running in debug mode //***************************************************************************** // // Defines for enabling, disabling, and clearing PWM generator interrupts and // triggers. // //***************************************************************************** #define PWM_INT_CNT_ZERO 0x00000001 // Int if COUNT = 0 #define PWM_INT_CNT_LOAD 0x00000002 // Int if COUNT = LOAD #define PWM_INT_CNT_AU 0x00000004 // Int if COUNT = CMPA U #define PWM_INT_CNT_AD 0x00000008 // Int if COUNT = CMPA D #define PWM_INT_CNT_BU 0x00000010 // Int if COUNT = CMPA U #define PWM_INT_CNT_BD 0x00000020 // Int if COUNT = CMPA D #define PWM_TR_CNT_ZERO 0x00000100 // Trig if COUNT = 0 #define PWM_TR_CNT_LOAD 0x00000200 // Trig if COUNT = LOAD #define PWM_TR_CNT_AU 0x00000400 // Trig if COUNT = CMPA U #define PWM_TR_CNT_AD 0x00000800 // Trig if COUNT = CMPA D #define PWM_TR_CNT_BU 0x00001000 // Trig if COUNT = CMPA U #define PWM_TR_CNT_BD 0x00002000 // Trig if COUNT = CMPA D //***************************************************************************** // // Defines for enabling, disabling, and clearing PWM interrupts. // //***************************************************************************** #define PWM_INT_GEN_0 0x00000001 // Generator 0 interrupt #define PWM_INT_GEN_1 0x00000002 // Generator 1 interrupt #define PWM_INT_GEN_2 0x00000004 // Generator 2 interrupt #define PWM_INT_FAULT 0x00010000 // Fault interrupt //***************************************************************************** // // Defines to identify the generators within a module. // //***************************************************************************** #define PWM_GEN_0 0x00000040 // Offset address of Gen0 #define PWM_GEN_1 0x00000080 // Offset address of Gen1 #define PWM_GEN_2 0x000000C0 // Offset address of Gen2 #define PWM_GEN_0_BIT 0x00000001 // Bit-wise ID for Gen0 #define PWM_GEN_1_BIT 0x00000002 // Bit-wise ID for Gen1 #define PWM_GEN_2_BIT 0x00000004 // Bit-wise ID for Gen2 //***************************************************************************** // // Defines to identify the outputs within a module. // //***************************************************************************** #define PWM_OUT_0 0x00000040 // Encoded offset address of PWM0 #define PWM_OUT_1 0x00000041 // Encoded offset address of PWM1 #define PWM_OUT_2 0x00000082 // Encoded offset address of PWM2 #define PWM_OUT_3 0x00000083 // Encoded offset address of PWM3 #define PWM_OUT_4 0x000000C4 // Encoded offset address of PWM4 #define PWM_OUT_5 0x000000C5 // Encoded offset address of PWM5 #define PWM_OUT_0_BIT 0x00000001 // Bit-wise ID for PWM0 #define PWM_OUT_1_BIT 0x00000002 // Bit-wise ID for PWM1 #define PWM_OUT_2_BIT 0x00000004 // Bit-wise ID for PWM2 #define PWM_OUT_3_BIT 0x00000008 // Bit-wise ID for PWM3 #define PWM_OUT_4_BIT 0x00000010 // Bit-wise ID for PWM4 #define PWM_OUT_5_BIT 0x00000020 // Bit-wise ID for PWM5 //***************************************************************************** // // API Function prototypes // //***************************************************************************** extern void PWMGenConfigure(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen, unsigned long ulConfig); extern void PWMGenPeriodSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen, unsigned long ulPeriod); extern unsigned long PWMGenPeriodGet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen); extern void PWMGenEnable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen); extern void PWMGenDisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen); extern void PWMPulseWidthSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulPWMOut, unsigned long ulWidth); extern unsigned long PWMPulseWidthGet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulPWMOut); extern void PWMDeadBandEnable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen, unsigned short usRise, unsigned short usFall); extern void PWMDeadBandDisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen); extern void PWMSyncUpdate(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGenBits); extern void PWMSyncTimeBase(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGenBits); extern void PWMOutputState(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulPWMOutBits, tBoolean bEnable); extern void PWMOutputInvert(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulPWMOutBits, tBoolean bInvert); extern void PWMOutputFault(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulPWMOutBits, tBoolean bFaultKill); extern void PWMGenIntRegister(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen, void (*pfnIntHandler)(void)); extern void PWMGenIntUnregister(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen); extern void PWMFaultIntRegister(unsigned long ulBase, void (*pfnIntHandler)(void)); extern void PWMFaultIntUnregister(unsigned long ulBase); extern void PWMGenIntTrigEnable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen, unsigned long ulIntTrig); extern void PWMGenIntTrigDisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen, unsigned long ulIntTrig); extern unsigned long PWMGenIntStatus(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen, tBoolean bMasked); extern void PWMGenIntClear(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGen, unsigned long ulInts); extern void PWMIntEnable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGenFault); extern void PWMIntDisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulGenFault); extern void PWMFaultIntClear(unsigned long ulBase); extern unsigned long PWMIntStatus(unsigned long ulBase, tBoolean bMasked); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // __PWM_H__