/****************************************************************************** * File Name : hwEthernetPhy.c * Version : 1.0 * Device(s) : Renesas * Tool-Chain : Renesas SH2A V9+ * OS : None * H/W Platform : SH2A * Description : Hardware driver for the LAN8700 PHY ******************************************************************************* * History : DD.MM.YYYY Ver. Description * : 01.08.2009 1.00 MAB First Release ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * DISCLAIMER * This software is supplied by Renesas Technology Corp. and is only * intended for use with Renesas products. No other uses are authorized. * This software is owned by Renesas Technology Corp. and is protected under * all applicable laws, including copyright laws. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND RENESAS MAKES NO WARRANTIES * REGARDING THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY * DISCLAIMED. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, NEITHER RENESAS * TECHNOLOGY CORP. NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES SHALL BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * FOR ANY REASON RELATED TO THE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RENESAS OR ITS * AFFILIATES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this * software and to discontinue the availability of this software. * By using this software, you agree to the additional terms and * conditions found by accessing the following link: * http://www.renesas.com/disclaimer ******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2008. Renesas Technology Corp., All Rights Reserved. */ /* Copyright (C) 2009. Renesas Technology Europe Ltd., All Rights Reserved. */ /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** System Includes ******************************************************************************/ #include /* Header file for sleep() and nop() functions */ #include /***************************************************************************** User Includes ******************************************************************************/ /* Defines for I/O registers */ #include "iodefine.h" /* rsk7216def.h provides common defines for widely used items. */ #include "rsk7216def.h" /* Physical layer functions */ #include "hwEthernetPhy.h" #include "Trace.h" #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" /***************************************************************************** Constant Macros ******************************************************************************/ /* Preamble */ #define PHY_ST 0x0001 /* Operation to be executed on PHY registers */ #define PHY_READ 0x0002 #define PHY_WRITE 0x0001 /* Physical address of PHY device */ #define PHY_ADDR 0x001F /* Description of PHY data registers */ #define PHY_BASIC_MODE_CONTROL 0x0000 #define PHY_BASIC_MODE_STATUS 0x0001 #define PHY_IDENTIFIER1 0x0002 #define PHY_IDENTIFIER2 0x0003 #define PHY_AN_ADVERTISEMENT 0x0004 #define PHY_AN_LINK_PARTNER_ABILITY 0x0005 /* Definitions of some configuration bits */ #define PHY_RESET 0x8000 #define PHY_AN_ENABLE 0x1200 /* Bits for auto negotiation for 100, 10 half and full duplex set */ #define PHY_AN_10_100_F_H 0xDE1 /* Link partner ability register bits for establising the result of the auto negotiation */ #define PHY_AN_100F BIT_8 #define PHY_AN_100H BIT_7 #define PHY_AN_10F BIT_6 #define PHY_AN_10H BIT_5 /***************************************************************************** Function Prototypes ******************************************************************************/ static USHORT phyReadReg(USHORT usRegAddr); static void phyWriteReg(USHORT usRegAddr, USHORT usData); static void phyPreamble(void); static void phyMiiWrite1(void); static void phyMiiWrite0(void); static void phyRegSet(USHORT usRegAddr, long lOption); static void phyRegRead(PUSHORT pusData); static void phyRegWrite(USHORT usData); static void phyTaZ0(void); static void phyTa10(void); static void phyDelay(void); /***************************************************************************** Public Functions ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyReset Description: Executes software reset of PHY and sets to auto negotiate link Parameters: None Return value: 0 for success -1 on error ******************************************************************************/ int phyReset(void) { /* One second of attempting to reset the PHY */ int iCount = 1000; /* Set software reset */ phyWriteReg(PHY_BASIC_MODE_CONTROL, PHY_RESET); while (iCount--) { USHORT usData; vTaskDelay( 2 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ); /* Read the status of the PHY */ usData = phyReadReg(PHY_BASIC_MODE_CONTROL); /* Wait for the reset flag to be cleared */ if ((usData & PHY_RESET) == 0) { /* Set auto negoatiation for 10,100 full and half duplex */ phyWriteReg(PHY_AN_ADVERTISEMENT, PHY_AN_10_100_F_H); /* Set auto negotiate and restart auto negotiate bits */ phyWriteReg(PHY_BASIC_MODE_CONTROL, PHY_AN_ENABLE); /* Auto negotiation will now take place wait for two seconds */ vTaskDelay( 2000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ); /* Success */ return 0; } } /* Phy did not respond to software reset */ return -1; } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyReset ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyStatus Description: Function to reurn the type of physical link Parameters: none Return value: The link type *****************************************************************************/ NETLNK phyStatus(void) { /* The state of this flag depens on the hardware connection to the MAC */ if (!EtherC.PSR.BIT.LMON) { /* Read the auto negotiation link partner ability register to establish the type of link */ USHORT usData = phyReadReg(PHY_AN_LINK_PARTNER_ABILITY); if (usData & PHY_AN_100F) { return PHY_LINK_100F; } if (usData & PHY_AN_100H) { return PHY_LINK_100H; } if (usData & PHY_AN_10F) { return PHY_LINK_10F; } if (usData & PHY_AN_10H) { return PHY_LINK_10H; } } return PHY_NO_LINK; } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyStatus ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Private Functions ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyReadReg Description: Reads data from a register with the address usRegAddr Parameters: (USHORT) usRegAddr - address to be read; Return value: (USHORT) - value from read register; ******************************************************************************/ static USHORT phyReadReg(USHORT usRegAddr) { USHORT usData; phyPreamble(); phyRegSet(usRegAddr, PHY_READ); phyTaZ0(); phyRegRead(&usData); phyTaZ0(); return usData; } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyReadReg ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyWriteReg Description: Write data to register with the address usRegAddr Parameters: (USHORT) usRegAddr - address of register where to be written; (USHORT) usData - value to write; Return value: None ******************************************************************************/ static void phyWriteReg(USHORT usRegAddr, USHORT usData) { phyPreamble(); phyRegSet(usRegAddr, PHY_WRITE); phyTa10(); phyRegWrite(usData); phyTaZ0(); } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyWriteReg ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyPreamble Description: Writing 32 bits of '1' Parameters: None Return value: None ******************************************************************************/ static void phyPreamble(void) { int iCount = 32; while (iCount--) { phyMiiWrite1(); } } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyPreamble ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyRegSet Description: Sets the address of register Parameters: (USHORT) usRegAddr - address to be set; (long) lOption - PHY_READ or PHY_WRITE; Return value: None ******************************************************************************/ static void phyRegSet(USHORT usRegAddr, long lOption) { int iBit = 14; USHORT usData; /* Format of PHY Address Set Transmission */ /* ST R/W PAddress Address */ /* 1 10 11111 xxxx 00 */ //Read /* 1 01 11111 xxxx 00 */ //Write usData = 0; /* ST code */ usData = (PHY_ST << 14); if (lOption == PHY_READ) { /* Option code (RD) */ usData |= (PHY_READ << 12); } else { /* Option code (WT) */ usData |= (PHY_WRITE << 12); } /* PHY Address */ usData |= ((BYTE)PHY_ADDR << 7); /* Reg Address */ usData |= (USHORT)(usRegAddr << 2); while (iBit--) { if ((usData & 0x8000) == 0) { phyMiiWrite0(); } else { phyMiiWrite1(); } usData <<= 1; } } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyRegSet ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyRegRead Description: Read data from register Parameters: IN pusDest - value to be read; Return value: None ******************************************************************************/ static void phyRegRead(PUSHORT pusDest) { USHORT usData = 0; int iBit = 16; while (iBit--) { EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x00UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x01UL; usData <<= 1; /* MDI read */ usData |= (USHORT)((EtherC.PIR.LONG & 0x08UL) >> 3); EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x01UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x00UL; } *pusDest = usData; } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyRegRead ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyRegWrite Description: Write 2 bytes (16 bit) to MII Parameters: IN usData - value to be written; Return value: None ******************************************************************************/ static void phyRegWrite(USHORT usData) { int iBit = 16; while (iBit--) { if ((usData & 0x8000) == 0) { phyMiiWrite0(); } else { phyMiiWrite1(); } usData <<= 1; } } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyRegWrite ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyTaZ0 Description: Set bus to high Z Parameters: None Return value: None ******************************************************************************/ static void phyTaZ0(void) { EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x00UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x01UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x01UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x00UL; } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyTaZ0 ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyTa10 Description: Set bus to output Parameters: None Return value: None ******************************************************************************/ static void phyTa10(void) { EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x06UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x07UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x07UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x06UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x02UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x03UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x03UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x02UL; } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyTa10 ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyMiiWrite1 Description: Write 1 to MII Parameters: None Return value: None ******************************************************************************/ static void phyMiiWrite1(void) { EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x06UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x07UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x07UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x06UL; } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyMiiWrite1 ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Function Name: phyMiiWrite0 Description: Write 0 to MII Parameters: None Return value: None ******************************************************************************/ static void phyMiiWrite0(void) { EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x02UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x03UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x03UL; EtherC.PIR.LONG = 0x02UL; } /***************************************************************************** End of function phyMiiWrite0 ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** End Of File ******************************************************************************/