# MISRA Compliance for FreeRTOS-Kernel FreeRTOS-Kernel is MISRA C:2012 compliant. This directory contains a project to run [Synopsys Coverity](https://www.synopsys.com/software-integrity/security-testing/static-analysis-sast.html) for checking MISRA compliance. > **Note** Coverity version 2022.6.1 incorrectly infers the type of `pdTRUE` and `pdFALSE` as boolean because of their names, resulting in multiple false positive warnings about type mismatch. We replace `pdTRUE` with `pdPASS` and `pdFALSE` with `pdFAIL` to avoid these false positive warnings. This workaround will not be needed after Coverity fixes the issue of incorrectly inferring the type of `pdTRUE` and `pdFALSE` as boolean. Deviations from the MISRA C:2012 guidelines are documented in [MISRA.md](../../MISRA.md) and [coverity_misra.config](coverity_misra.config) files. ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites Coverity can be run on any platform mentioned [here](https://sig-docs.synopsys.com/polaris/topics/c_coverity-compatible-platforms.html). The following are the prerequisites to generate coverity report: 1. CMake version > 3.13.0 (You can check whether you have this by typing `cmake --version`). 2. GCC compiler. - See download and installation instructions [here](https://gcc.gnu.org/install/). 3. Clone the repo using the following command: - `git clone https://github.com/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Kernel.git ./FreeRTOS-Kernel` ### Generating Report Go to the root directory of the FreeRTOS-Kernel repo and run the following commands in a terminal: 1. Update the compiler configuration in Coverity: ~~~ cov-configure --force --compiler cc --comptype gcc ~~~ 2. Create the build files using CMake in a `build` directory: ~~~ cmake -B build -S examples/coverity ~~~ 3. Build the (pseudo) application: ~~~ cd build/ cov-build --emit-complementary-info --dir cov-out make ~~~ 4. Go to the Coverity output directory (`cov-out`) and begin Coverity static analysis: ~~~ cd cov-out/ cov-analyze --dir ./cov-out \ --coding-standard-config ../examples/coverity/coverity_misra.config \ --tu-pattern "file('.*/FreeRTOS/Source/[A-Za-z_]*\.c') ~~~ 5. Generate the HTML report: ~~~ cov-format-errors --dir ./cov-out --html-output html-output ~~~ HTML report should now be generated in a directory named `html-output`.