REM/* REM FreeRTOS V8.2.0 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd. REM REM REM *************************************************************************** REM * * REM * FreeRTOS tutorial books are available in pdf and paperback. * REM * Complete, revised, and edited pdf reference manuals are also * REM * available. * REM * * REM * Purchasing FreeRTOS documentation will not only help you, by * REM * ensuring you get running as quickly as possible and with an * REM * in-depth knowledge of how to use FreeRTOS, it will also help * REM * the FreeRTOS project to continue with its mission of providing * REM * professional grade, cross platform, de facto standard solutions * REM * for microcontrollers - completely free of charge! * REM * * REM * >>> See for details. <<< * REM * * REM * Thank you for using FreeRTOS, and thank you for your support! * REM * * REM *************************************************************************** REM REM REM This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution. REM REM FreeRTOS is free softwareREM you can redistribute it and/or modify it under REM the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the REM Free Software Foundation AND MODIFIED BY the FreeRTOS exception. REM >>>NOTE<<< The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to REM distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to REM provide the source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS REM kernel. FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but REM WITHOUT ANY WARRANTYREM without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY REM or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for REM more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public REM License and the FreeRTOS license exception along with FreeRTOSREM if not it REM can be viewed here: and also obtained REM by writing to Richard Barry, contact details for whom are available on the REM FreeRTOS WEB site. REM REM 1 tab == 4 spaces! REM REM - Documentation, latest information, license and REM contact details. REM REM - A version that is certified for use in safety REM critical systems. REM REM - Commercial support, development, porting, REM licensing and training services. REM*/ @echo off cls SET PACKAGENAME=the FreeRTOS port for fedC and wizC echo. echo Hello, I'm the installationscript for %PACKAGENAME%. echo. :CHECKFEDC set FED=C:\Program Files\FED\PIC_C echo. echo I'm checking your system for fedC if not exist "%FED%" goto NOFEDC echo YES, I found a fedC-installation! goto FOUNDFED :NOFEDC echo I could not find a fedC-installation. :CHECKWIZC set FED=C:\Program Files\FED\PIXIE echo. echo I'm checking your system for wizC if not exist "%FED%" goto NOWIZC echo YES, I found a wizC-installation! goto FOUNDFED :noWIZC echo I could not find a wizC-installation. :ERROR echo. echo. echo I could not find a FED C-compiler installation on your system. echo. echo Perhaps I got confused because you installed fedC or wizC in a non-default directory. echo If this is the case, please change the path at the top of this install-script. echo After that rerun the script and I will be happy to try again. echo. goto ENDIT :FOUNDFED echo. echo. set FEDLIBS=%FED%\Libs set FEDLIBSUSER=%FEDLIBS%\LibsUser if exist "%FEDLIBS%" goto INSTALL echo The FED installationdirectory "%FED%" echo contains no Libs subdirectory. This is weird! echo. echo Installation is aborted, sorry... goto ENDIT :INSTALL echo I am about to install %PACKAGENAME% echo into directory %FEDLIBSUSER% echo. echo Press 'enter' to let me do my thing echo Press 'ctrl-c' to stop me pause >nul echo. echo Installing... :RESET_READONLY echo. echo Removing ReadOnly attributes attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Croutine.c" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Port.c" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\List.c" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Queue.c" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Tasks.c" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Drivers\Tick\Tick.c" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Drivers\Tick\isrTick.c" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Portmacro.h" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Croutine.h" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\List.h" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Portable.h" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Projdefs.h" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Queue.h" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Semphr.h" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Task.h" >nul attrib -R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\FreeRTOS.h" >nul echo Done :CREATE_DIRECTORIES echo. echo Creating directories (if necessary)... if not exist "%FEDLIBSUSER%" mkdir "%FEDLIBSUSER%" if not exist "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS" mkdir "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS" if not exist "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Drivers" mkdir "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Drivers" if not exist "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Drivers\Tick" mkdir "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Drivers\Tick" if not exist "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include" mkdir "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include" if not exist "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules" mkdir "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules" echo Done echo. echo Copying Files... :COPY_MODULES echo Modules... copy /V /Y "Port.c" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Port.c" >nul copy /V /Y "..\..\..\Croutine.c" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Croutine.c" >nul copy /V /Y "..\..\..\List.c" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\List.c" >nul copy /V /Y "..\..\..\Queue.c" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Queue.c" >nul copy /V /Y "..\..\..\Tasks.c" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Tasks.c" >nul :COPY_DRIVERS echo Drivers... copy /V /Y "Drivers\Tick\Tick.c" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Drivers\Tick\Tick.c" >nul copy /V /Y "Drivers\Tick\isrTick.c" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Drivers\Tick\isrTick.c" >nul :COPY_HEADERS echo Headers... copy /V /Y "portmacro.h" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Portmacro.h" >nul copy /V /Y "..\..\..\include\Croutine.h" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Croutine.h" >nul copy /V /Y "..\..\..\include\List.h" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\List.h" >nul copy /V /Y "..\..\..\include\Portable.h" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Portable.h" >nul copy /V /Y "..\..\..\include\Projdefs.h" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Projdefs.h" >nul copy /V /Y "..\..\..\include\Queue.h" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Queue.h" >nul copy /V /Y "..\..\..\include\Semphr.h" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Semphr.h" >nul copy /V /Y "..\..\..\include\Task.h" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Task.h" >nul copy /V /Y "addFreeRTOS.h" + "..\..\..\include\FreeRTOS.h" "%FEDLIBSUSER%\FreeRTOS.h" >nul echo Done :SET_READONLY echo. echo Setting files to ReadOnly attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Port.c" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Croutine.c" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\List.c" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Queue.c" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Modules\Tasks.c" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Drivers\Tick\Tick.c" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Drivers\Tick\isrTick.c" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Portmacro.h" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Croutine.h" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\List.h" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Portable.h" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Projdefs.h" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Queue.h" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Semphr.h" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\libFreeRTOS\Include\Task.h" >nul attrib +R "%FEDLIBSUSER%\FreeRTOS.h" >nul echo Done :FINISHED echo. echo The installation of %PACKAGENAME% is completed. echo. echo Please review the installation instructions as additional libraries echo and fedC/wizC configuration settings may be needed for FreeRTOS echo to function correctly. goto ENDIT :ENDIT echo. echo. echo Press 'enter' to close this window pause >nul