	FreeRTOS.org V4.7.1 - Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Richard Barry.

	This file is part of the FreeRTOS.org distribution.

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 * startup.c
 * Author Jefferson L Smith, Robotronics Inc.
 * __premain() is the startup code to init hardware and ram to execute the
 *             C application.

#include <sys/ports.h>
#include "cpu.h"

void ATTR_NEAR __premain (void);

__premain (void)
	// in case special mode enabled, avoid conflict on PORTE
	// bgnd mode stops COP and RTI clocks
	// stops TCNT counter when debugging stops
	TSCR1 |= (1<<5);			// TFRZ
	// PLL
	CLKSEL = 0;				// disable PLL to configure
	// xtal 16MHz, bus 24MHz
	SYNR  = 3 - 1;
	REFDV = 2 - 1;
	while (!(CRGFLG & 0x08))    // wait for PLL LOCK
	CLKSEL |= 0x80;             // use PLL

	// init switch inputs
	PERH = 0xff;				// pullups

	// outputs
	DDRB = 0xff;	// init LED
#elif PORT_LED==M6811_PORTA		//PORTA
	DDRA = 0xff;
#elif PORT_LED==M6811_PTT	//PTT
	DDRT = 0xff;
#elif PORT_LED==M6811_PTM	//PTM
	DDRM = 0xff;
#elif PORT_LED==M6811_PTP	//PTP
	DDRP = 0xff;
#elif PORT_LED==M6811_PTH	//PTH
	DDRH = 0xff;