/*This file is prepared for Doxygen automatic documentation generation.*/
/*! \file *********************************************************************
* \brief FreeRTOS application example for AVR32 UC3.
* - Compiler: IAR EWAVR32 and GNU GCC for AVR32
* - Supported devices: All AVR32 devices can be used.
* - AppNote:
* \author Atmel Corporation: http://www.atmel.com \n
* Support and FAQ: http://support.atmel.no/
/*! \mainpage
* \section intro Introduction
* This is the documentation for the data structures, functions, variables,
* defines, enums, and typedefs for the FreeRTOS application.
* \image html freertos.gif
* FreeRTOS.orgTM is a portable, open source, mini Real Time Kernel - a
* free to download and royalty free RTOS that can be used in commercial
* applications (see license text). This site shows how a complete embedded
* real time system can be created from a Windows host using quality open
* source development tools (where available). See the FreeRTOS.org features
* summary.
* Highlights include:
* - Free RTOS kernel - preemptive, cooperative and hybrid configuration options.
* - Designed to be small, simple and easy to use.
* - Very portable code structure predominantly written in C.
* - Supports both tasks and co-routines.
* - No software restriction on the number of tasks that can be created.
* - No software restriction on the number of priorities that can be used.
* - No restrictions imposed on priority assignment - more than one task can be assigned the same priority.
* - Queues and semaphores for communication and synchronisation between tasks, or between tasks and interrupts.
* - Free embedded software source code.
* - Royalty free.
* - Cross development from a standard Windows host.
* - Pre-configured demo applications for selected single board computers allowing 'out of the box' operation and fast learning curve.
* - Compile time configuration allows small FLASH footprint
* - The SafeRTOS derivative product provides a high level of confidence in the code integrity.
* \section files Main Files
* - main.c : FreeRTOS example
* \section compilinfo Compilation Information
* This software is written for GNU GCC for AVR32 and for IAR Embedded Workbench
* for Atmel AVR32. Other compilers may or may not work.
* \section deviceinfo Device Information
* All AVR32 devices can be used.
* \section configinfo Configuration Information
* This example has been tested with the following configuration:
* - EVK1100 evaluation kit;
* - CPU clock: 12 MHz;
* - USART0 connected to a PC serial port via a standard RS232 DB9 cable;
* - PC terminal settings:
* - 57600 bps,
* - 8 data bits,
* - no parity bit,
* - 1 stop bit,
* - no flow control.
* \section contactinfo Contact Information
* For further information, visit
* Atmel AVR32. and
* FreeRTOS home page.\n
* Support and FAQ: http://support.atmel.no/