## FreeRTOS port for Mi-V Soft Processor ### HW Platform and FPGA design: This project is tested on following hardware platforms: RISCV-Creative-Board - [RISC-V Creative board Mi-V Sample Design](https://github.com/RISCV-on-Microsemi-FPGA/RISC-V-Creative-Board/tree/master/Programming_The_Target_Device/PROC_SUBSYSTEM_MIV_RV32IMA_BaseDesign) PolarFire-Eval-Kit - [PolarFire Eval Kit RISC-V Sample Design](https://github.com/RISCV-on-Microsemi-FPGA/PolarFire-Eval-Kit/tree/master/Programming_The_Target_Device/MIV_RV32IMA_L1_AHB_BaseDesign) SmartFusion2-Advanced-Dev-Kit - [SmartFusion2 Advanced Development Kit RISC-V Sample Design](https://github.com/RISCV-on-Microsemi-FPGA/SmartFusion2-Advanced-Dev-Kit/tree/master/Programming_The_Target_Device/PROC_SUBSYSTEM_BaseDesign) ### How to run the FreeRTOS RISC-V port: To know how to use the SoftConsole workspace, please refer the [Readme.md](https://github.com/RISCV-on-Microsemi-FPGA/SoftConsole/blob/master/README.md) The miv-rv32im-freertos-port-test is a self contained project. This project demonstrates the FreeRTOS running with Microsemi RISC-V processor. This project creates two tasks and runs them at regular intervals. This example project requires USB-UART interface to be connected to a host PC. The host PC must connect to the serial port using a terminal emulator such as TeraTerm or PuTTY configured as follows: - 115200 baud - 8 data bits - 1 stop bit - no parity - no flow control The ./hw_platform.h file contains the design related information that is required for this project. If you update the design, the hw_platform.h must be updated accordingly. ### FreeRTOS Configurations You must configure the FreeRTOS as per your applications need. Please read and modify FreeRTOSConfig.h. E.g. You must set configCPU_CLOCK_HZ parameter in FreeRTOSConfig.h according to the hardware platform design that you are using. The RISC-V creative board design uses 66Mhz processor clock. The PolarFire Eval Kit design uses 50Mhz processor clock. The SmartFusion2 Adv. Development kit design uses 83Mhz processor clock. ### Microsemi SoftConsole Toolchain To know more please refer: [SoftConsole](https://github.com/RISCV-on-Microsemi-FPGA/SoftConsole) ### Documentation for Microsemi RISC-V processor, SoftConsole toochain, Debug Tools, FPGA design etc. To know more please refer: [Documentation](https://github.com/RISCV-on-Microsemi-FPGA/Documentation)