Correct alignment issue in GCC Cortex-R port that was preventing full floating point usage in interrupts (other ports will be updated likewise).
Update the UltraScale R5 demo to test the GCC Cortex-A9 port layer modification mentioned on the line above.
Add RVDS ARM Cortex-M4F MPU port.
Increase the size of each buffer allocated to pbufs in the Microblaze lwIP demo to prevent pbufs chaining.
Use _start as the top of the stack for each Microblaze task, rather than NULL, as NULL was causing the Xilinx SDK to try and unwind the stack too far.
- Back out changes that allow mutexes to be given from a semaphore after tests showed issues that would not be fast to fix.
Demo projects:
- Update the Microblaze Kintex 7 project and BSP to use version 2015.2 of the Xilinx SDK.
Add additional NOPs as required by hardware manual.
Previously a task inherited the exception enable state from the context from which xTaskCreate() was called. Now tasks all have exceptions enabled if they are enabled in the hardware.
Improve the implementation of portGET_HIGHEST_PRIORITY.
Common code:
Simplify the pointer use in xQueueGenericCreate()
Demo apps:
Remove jpg images that were used to create web pages.
Fix capitalisation issues in some demos where some header files are incldued with the wrong case, preventing building on Linux.
Remove the Microblaze demos that are using obsolete tools.
Update main_blinky for the Windows port demo to include a software timer example.
Windows port: Add code to ensure Windows threads are truely suspended before resuming another thread.
Typo correction to the task notification standard demo task.
Correct case of some include file names to fix build issues on Linux.