Correct the header comments in het.c and het.h (RM48/TMS570 demo) which were corrupt.
Correct version numbers in RX63N Renesas compiler demo.
Ensure stacks set up for tasks in the RX200 port layer end on 8 byte boundaries (was 4, which didn't matter but didn't match the definition).
Replaced unqualified (unsigned) in calls to standard functions with (size_t).
Add eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus() (not yet tested).
Only call prvQueueUnregisterQueue() when a queue or semaphore is deleted if configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE > 0.
Back out change that checks the configUSE_PORT_OPTMISED_TASK_SELECTION value before uxPriorityUsedOnEntry is set in vTaskPrioritySet as it generated more warnings (with other compilers) than it fixed.
Made queue function prototypes consistent so xQueueHandle parameters are always xQueue, and xQUEUE * parameters pxQueue.
Likewise make the task API using px for pointers to TCBs, and just x for task handles.
Heap_x functions now automatically align the start of the heap without using the portDOUBLE union member.
Queue.c now includes queue.h.