Richard Barry
Update version number ready for V8.2.1 release.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Kernel code:
+ Added mtCOVERAGE_TEST_DELAY() macro to facilitate getting better code coverage during testing.
+ Update prvNotifyQueueSetContainer() so it does not call xTaskRemoveFromEventList() if it is called from an interrupt, and the queue is locked.
Demo apps:
Added QueueSetPolling.c/h demo/test functions.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number in preparation for official V8.2.0 release.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers in preparation for V8.2.0 release candidate 1.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to 8.1.2 after moving the defaulting of configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION into individual port layers so it does not affect ports that do not support the definition.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to 8.1.1 for patch release that re-enables mutexes to be given from an interrupt.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers ready for FreeRTOS V8.1.0 release in about 10 days.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure demo app files are using FreeRTOS V8 names - a few were missed previously.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready for release.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to V8.0.0 (without the release candidate number).
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the demo directory to use the version 8 type naming conventions.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change version numbers ready for V8.0.0 release candidate 1 tag.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Start to remove unnecessary 'signed char *' casts from strings that are now just plain char * types.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change version numbers in preparation for V7.6.0 release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update some standard demo task implementations so they can be used with the cooperative scheduler.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update FreeRTOS version number to V7.5.3
Update FreeRTOS+CLI version number to V1.0.2
Update FreeRTOS+UDP version number to V1.0.1
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Clear up a few compiler warnings.
Correct header comments in the UARTCommandConsole.c file used in the SmartFusion2 demo.
Exercise the new xQueueSpacesAvailable() function in the MSVC demo.
Add defaults for the new traceMALLOC and traceFREE trace macros.
Catch tasks trying to exit their functions in the Cortex-M0 ports.
Add additional comments to timers.c in response to a support forum question.
Initialise _impure_ptr prior to the first task being started.
Prior to V7.5.0 a yield pended in the tick hook would have occurred during the same tick interrupt. Return pdTRUE from xTaskIncrementTick() if a yield is pending to revert to that behaviour.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Make self monitoring in QueueSet.c more robust to prevent false positives.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Make the QueueSet.c standard demo task a little friendlier to lower priority tasks.
Allow the priority of the controlling task in the recmutex.c standard demo tasks to be overridden by a setting in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional configASSERTS() to some standard demo tasks.
Use own rand() function in QueueSet.c to prevent library versions being referenced.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional critical section to the default tickless implementations.
Update version number for maintenance release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor updates and change version number for V7.5.0 release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove the Chan FATfs code as FreeRTOS now ships with a proprietary file system.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready to release the FAT file system demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers to V7.4.1.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Prepare for V7.4.0 release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Added more files to the Rowley and IAR LM3S demos to test building the newer files and queue sets.
Made queue function prototypes consistent so xQueueHandle parameters are always xQueue, and xQUEUE * parameters pxQueue.
Likewise make the task API using px for pointers to TCBs, and just x for task handles.
Heap_x functions now automatically align the start of the heap without using the portDOUBLE union member.
Queue.c now includes queue.h.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Adjusted the wrap checks in the QueueSet test task.
Added the QueueSet test to the Rowlay Stellaris and SAM4S-EK Studio demos.
Updated the MSVC demo to use heap_4.c.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Improve QueueSet.c test coverage by reading the queue set from an ISR to force paths through the queue locking and unlocking.
Add the FreeRTOS+Trace recorder into the Win32 MSVC demo.
Added more functions, including the queue set functions, to the MPU port.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Fix a few compiler warnings when compiling the QueueSet.c test code with GCC.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue working on queue set implementation and testing.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Next revision of queue set implementation.
Make conditional compilation syntax and commenting consistent.
Add common demo tasks to demonstrate queue sets.
12 years ago