Richard Barry
Update version number ready for next release.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number in readiness for V10.2.0 release.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers ready for release.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update copyright date ready for tagging V10.1.0.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers in preparation for a new release.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Roll up the minor changes checked into svn since V10.0.0 into new V10.0.1 ready for release.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update to MIT licensed FreeRTOS V10.0.0 - see
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number in preparation for maintenance release.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Correct alignment issue in GCC and RVDS Cortex-A9 port that was preventing full floating point usage in interrupts (other ports will be updated likewise).
Update the Zynq demo to test the GCC Cortex-A9 port layer modification mentioned on the line above.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Prepare for V9.0.0 release:
+ Change version number from V9.0.0rc2 to V9.0.0.
9 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the GCC Cortex-A9 port to introduce a version of the IRQ handler that saves the FPU registers.
9 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to 9.0.0rc2.
9 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready for version 9 release candidate 1.
9 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready for the V8.2.3 release.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers in preparation for new release.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready for V8.2.1 release.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number in preparation for official V8.2.0 release.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers in preparation for V8.2.0 release candidate 1.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
+ Update demos that use FreeRTOS+Trace to work with the latest trace recorder library.
+ Fix a few compiler warnings.
+ Add TickType_t specific critical sections so critical sections are not used when accessing the tick count in cases where the access is atomic (32-bit tick count, 32-bit architecture).
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to 8.1.2 after moving the defaulting of configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION into individual port layers so it does not affect ports that do not support the definition.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to 8.1.1 for patch release that re-enables mutexes to be given from an interrupt.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers ready for FreeRTOS V8.1.0 release in about 10 days.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Demo application related:
+ Update the RZ IAR project so it targets the RZ RSK rather than custom hardware.
+ Update the RZ ARM/DS-5 project so it targets the RZ RSK rather than custom hardware.
+ Updated RX64M demos to use the new iodefine.h naming.
Cortex-A9 port related:
+ Update IAR, ARM and GCC Cortex-A9 port layers to include a 'task exit error' function which is called if a task attempts to incorrectly exit its implementing function.
+ Moved the instruction which switches into system mode out of the restore context macro, as it is only needed when starting the first task.
Core kernel files related:
+ Ensure there are no references to the mutexes held count when mutexes are excluded from the build.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready for release.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update Cortex-A port layers to ensure the ICCRPR and ICCPMR registers are always accessed as 32-bit values.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to V8.0.0 (without the release candidate number).
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add configCLEAR_TICK_INTERRUPT() to the IAR and RVDS Cortex-A9 ports.
Replace LDMFD with POP instructions in IAR and RVDS Cortex-A9 ports.
Replace branch to address with indirect branch and exchange to address in register in the IAR and RVDS Cortex-A9 ports.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Introduce configENABLE_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY to allow the #defines that provide backward compatibility with FreeRTOS version prior to V8 to be optionally omitted.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change version numbers ready for V8.0.0 release candidate 1 tag.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR() and xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR() functions.
Move some types defines out of generic kernel headers into feature specific headers.
Convert the function prototype dypedefs to the new _t naming.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Replace standard types with stdint.h types.
Replace #define types with typedefs.
Rename all typedefs to have a _t extension.
Add #defines to automatically convert old FreeRTOS specific types to their new names (with the _t).
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Multiple tidy up, documentation corrections and typo corrections highlighted by Tamas Kleiber's diligent review.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change version numbers in preparation for V7.6.0 release.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update FreeRTOS version number to V7.5.3
Update FreeRTOS+CLI version number to V1.0.2
Update FreeRTOS+UDP version number to V1.0.1
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional critical section to the default tickless implementations.
Update version number for maintenance release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor updates and change version number for V7.5.0 release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID() implementation to the RX ports that use the Renesas compiler.
Add portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID() implementation to the Cortex-A9 ports.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Enhance heap_4.c to prevent blocks accidentally being freed twice, or blocks that don't have a valid block link descriptor being freed.
Update the Cortex-A9 port to include asserts if an ISR safe FreeRTOS function is called from an interrupt that has a higher logical priority than configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY (or whatever the CA9 equivalent is called), and also assert if the binary point is not set correctly.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update RVDS port layer to match IAR port layer.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
RVDS ARM Cortex-A port layer.
12 years ago