Commit Graph

118 Commits (8bd1813446f6cd8fcee87f5a68dfccbd1857f671)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Richard Barry b51529a284 Update version number ready for next release. 6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal b9e379951a Do not strip required symbols when LTO is on
Link time optimization was stripping off some symbols which were
accessed from assembly code.
6 years ago
Richard Barry 606845492b Fix potential memory leak in the Win32 FreeRTOS+TCP network interface initialisation sequence.
Introduce portMEMORY_BARRIER() macro to assist with memory access ordering when suspending the scheduler if link time optimization is used.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal 12fb75be37 Fix warning portHAS_STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECKING not defined
portHAS_STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECKING was getting defined too late before
being used in portable.h for the platforms that do not have stack
overflow checking registers. This commit ensures that it is defined
before it is used.
6 years ago
Richard Barry 8b6ab5f197 Add instructions on building the Cortex-M33 secure and non secure projects into the comments of that project and into a readme.txt file.
Enable configUSE_LIST_DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_BYTES setting to be used in statically allocated systems.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal ceeff14524 Set default value of configRUN_FREERTOS_SECURE_ONLY to 0. 6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal ce576f3683 First Official Release of ARMV8M Support. This release removes Pre-Release from all the ARMv8M files licensees. 6 years ago
Richard Barry 58ba10eee8 Update version number in readiness for V10.2.0 release. 6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal 0de2a2758a Fix definition of tskSTATIC_AND_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_POSSIBLE
tskSTATIC_AND_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_POSSIBLE was not correctly defined resulting in
dynamically allocated TCB not being freed when MPU was enabled. This commit fixes
the definition to ensure that dynamically allocated RAM (Stack and TCB) is freed
6 years ago
Richard Barry 55ff89373a Update the method used to detect if a timer is active. Previously the timer was deemed to be inactive if it was not referenced from a list. However, when a timer is updated it is temporarily removed from, then re-added to a list, so now the timer's active status is stored separately. 6 years ago
Richard Barry c6de0001fa Added uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark2(), which is the same as uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark() other than the return type.
Allows the task name parameter passed into xTaskCreate() to be NULL.
7 years ago
Richard Barry 92ae8e7aff Update version numbers ready for release. 7 years ago
Richard Barry 3a1631fda3 Update copyright date ready for tagging V10.1.0. 7 years ago
Richard Barry fb9de58f56 Update version numbers in preparation for a new release. 7 years ago
Richard Barry 722ca8fb2b Update demo project for Tensilita - work in progres..
Add support for POSIX style errno - work in progress.
7 years ago
Richard Barry 585b16a39f Update definition of StaticTimer_t so its size is correct on MSP403X large memory model builds. 7 years ago
Richard Barry 3ec86b7a98 Introduce sbBYTES_TO_STORE_MESSAGE_LENGTH to allow the number of bytes used to hold a message length in a message buffer to be reduced if 4 bytes is always too many (save a little RAM). 7 years ago
Richard Barry 208cc18a90 Ensure data cannot be sent to a TCP socket if the socket is in the process of closing.
Correct definition of StaticTask_t in the case that portUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS is set to 1.
prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace() now returns configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE to allow return values greater than max uint16_t value if required.
xStreamBufferSend() and xStreamBufferReceive() no longer clear task notification bits - clearing was unnecessary as only the task notification state is used.
7 years ago
Richard Barry 13651934be Roll up the minor changes checked into svn since V10.0.0 into new V10.0.1 ready for release. 7 years ago
Richard Barry cfc268814a Update to MIT licensed FreeRTOS V10.0.0 - see 7 years ago
Richard Barry 2887612f27 FreeRTOS.h changes to go with the last tasks.c checkin. 8 years ago
Richard Barry 8d041c8e21 Update version number in preparation for maintenance release. 8 years ago
Richard Barry 225f13bac2 Update TaskNotify.c to test the condition where a direct to task notification is sent to a suspended task.
Introduce configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE so the application writer change the type used to specify a stack size from uint16_t to whatever they like.  Defaults to uint16_t if not defined.
Introduce configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT to allow users to start the tick count at something other than 0.  Used for testing, but overflows can be better tested by setting configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS to 1.
Split xQueueGenericReceive() into xQueueReceive(), xQueuePeek() and xQueueSemaphoreTake() as the first step in refactoring xQueueGenericReceive().
Add Cortex-M3 port layer for Code Composer Studio - previously there was only a Cortex-M4F port.
Introduce configPRE_SUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP_PROCESSING() to allow applications to prevent portSUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP() being called.  Previously the portPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() macro could only be used to abort entry into sleep time after clocks had been re-programmed for the distant wake time.
8 years ago
Richard Barry 5c75e5a38a Correct the definition of StaticTask_t and add additional configASSERT() statements to catch future errors. 9 years ago
Richard Barry 40201bc253 Introduce configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS, which when set will result in both limits of the stack being saved in the TCB to allow enhanced debug capabilities.
Introduce configINCLUDE_FREERTOS_TASK_C_ADDITIONS_H, which allows a user provided header file to be included at the bottom of the tasks.c source file, which can add user functions and access file scope data.
Replace global on/off switches used for lint errors with save/restore switches.
9 years ago
Richard Barry c296e2cff8 Improvements to the Cortex-M ports:
- Clear the SysTick current value register before starting the SysTick (only required if something uses SysTick before starting the scheduler).
- Ensure atomic operations are thread safe by executing clrex in the context switch.
9 years ago
Richard Barry 2bd7884ace Prepare for V9.0.0 release:
+ Change version number from V9.0.0rc2 to V9.0.0.
9 years ago
Richard Barry 0063b29cdf Prepare for V9.0.0 release.
+ Set flash wait states on MSP432 demos.
+ Remove use of obsolete IO library in PIC32 demos.
+ Remove obsolete item left on stack of first task to run in the Cortex-M0 ports.
+ Correct IA32 GCC vPortExitCritical() implementation when configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY == portMAX_PRIORITY.
9 years ago
Richard Barry fedb98c5f6 Recreated MicroBlaze example using Vivado 2016.1 - the Microblaze project is still a work in progress - not yet fully functional. 9 years ago
Richard Barry 057b38ad23 Updates to support FreeRTOS MPU in FreeRTOS V9.0.0 - including a GCC project that runs in the Keil simulator to allow development and testing. 9 years ago
Richard Barry 255145bde1 xTaskGetTaskHandle() changed to xTaskGetHandle().
Tidy up CEC1302 demo.
Ensure bit 0 of the task address is clear when setting up stack of initial Cortex-M3/4/7 stacks (for strict compliance, although not practically necessary).
vTaskGetTaskInfo() changed to vTaskGetInfo() - with a macro added for backward compatibility.
9 years ago
Richard Barry 07ac1399ee Update version number to 9.0.0rc2. 9 years ago
Richard Barry b9b64c0889 Make the pcObjectGetName() API function naming consistent - so rename pcTaskGetTaskName() to pcTaskGetName(), rename pcTimerGetTimerName() to pcTimerGetName() and add a #defines in FreeRTOS.h to make the changes backward compatible. 9 years ago
Richard Barry 9dda62372c Update the documentation contained in the header files to be correct for V9.0.0 release candidate 2. 9 years ago
Richard Barry 6568ba6eb0 Notes:
+ The MPU port is not supported in this revision number.
+ The documentation for the static allocation functions in the header files has not yet been updated for this revision.

Kernel updates:
+ Simplify the static allocation of objects implementation.
+ Introduce configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION in addition to the existing configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION so FreeRTOS can be built without providing a heap at all.

Demo application updates:
+ Update the demos to take into account the new configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION constant.
+ Add an MSVC demo that only uses static allocation, and does not include a FreeRTOS heap.
+ Update the MSVC project to use both configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION and configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION.
+ Update the MingW project to use only configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION.
9 years ago
Richard Barry c0abb762ff Add Pearl Gecko demo.
Fix build error when configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION and configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS were greater than zero at the same time.
Allow the pdMS_TO_TICKS macro to be overridden by a definition in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
9 years ago
Richard Barry d3ba0aa98d Update version number ready for version 9 release candidate 1. 9 years ago
Richard Barry d7253324cd Prepare for a FreeRTOS V9 release candidate:
- Remove the standard demo files that used the [long since deprecated] alternative API.
- Add standard demo task that tests the new xTaskAbortDelay() function.
- Update the Win32 Visual Studio project to use Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
- Rename the xGenericListItem TCB member to xStateListItem as it better describes the member's purpose.
9 years ago
Richard Barry 2acc8f2c99 FreeRTOS source:
- Major refactor to consolidate the multiple places where a task is removed from a ready list and placed in a delay list into a single function, reducing code size, and enabling the easy addition of up-coming functionality.
 - Replace the enum used for task notification states with a uint8_t to reduce the TCB struct size with some compilers, and allow additional members to be added without increasing its size.
 - Rearrange FreeRTOS.h so all INCLUDE_ defaults are grouped together.
9 years ago
Richard Barry 802af0150c Add vTaskGetTaskInfo() function that allows a TaskStatus_t structure to be returned for an individual task (previously information could only be obtained for all the tasks at once).
Add a member to the TaskStatus_t structure that is used to return the base address of the stack used by the task being queried.
Add xTaskGetTaskHandle() that allows the handle of a task to be looked up from the task's text name.
Continue to document the macros that allow RTOS objects to be created using statically allocated memory.
Introduced vApplicationDaemonTaskStartupHook(), which allows initialisation that that needs to be executed after the scheduler has been started to be executed from the RTOS daemon task.
Call prvResetNextTaskUnblockTime() in xTaskResumeAll() if a task is moved from the pending ready list - this can prevent an unnecessary wake from sleep mode if a task is unblocked by an interrupt while in a low power tickless state.
9 years ago
Richard Barry f82953554d Provide the ability to create event groups and software timers using pre statically allocated memory - now all RTOS objects can be created using statically allocated memory.
Rename StaticTCB_t to StaticTask_t.
9 years ago
Richard Barry cf0ed4e2ac Implement functionality that allows the memory required to create a queue or semaphore to be allocated statically.
Update the standard demo task that tests statically allocated tasks to also test statically allocated queues.
9 years ago
Richard Barry eae4815bf3 Rename DummyTCB_t to StaticTCB_t.
Move structures used for static allocation of tasks and queues into FreeRTOS.h from their individual API header files.
Add SAME70 Xplained Atmel Studio project.
Update SAMV71 Atmel Studio project to use Studio 7.
Revert some changes to GenQTest.c standard demo task which only function correctly when a queue registry was used.
9 years ago
Richard Barry b832d5801f Kernel changes:
Minor change to xQueueGenericReceive() to catch the extreme case of data being placed into a queue between a task timing out and leaving the xQueueGenericReceive() function.
Added xSemaphoreGetCount() macro.

Demo app changes:
Updated countsem.c to test the new xSemaphoreGetCount() macro.
9 years ago
Richard Barry ea95020ffd Changes to the FreeRTOS code:
+ Introduced xTaskCreateStatic() to allow tasks to be created without any dynamic memory allocation.
+ When a task notification is used to unblock a task from an ISR, but the xHigherPriorityTaskWoken parameter is not used, then pend a context switch to occur during the next tick interrupt.

Demo application changes:
+ Updated TaskNotify.c to test the case where a task is unblocked by an ISR, but does not use its xHigherPriorityTaskWoken parameter.
+ Updated the Win32 MSVC project to test statically allocated tasks being created and deleted.
+ Introduced StaticAllocation.c standard demo task.
9 years ago
Richard Barry 7d6609f8db FreeRTOS source:
+ Previously, if a task was deleted, the memory allocated to the task by the RTOS was freed in the Idle task.  Now if a task deletes another task the memory is freed immediately.  The idle task is however still responsible for freeing the memory when a task deletes itself.
+ Added pcQueueGetQueueName() function to return the name of a queue from its handle, assuming the queue is registers.

Demo application:
+ Update GenQTest to exercise the new pcQueueGetQueueName() function.
+ Delete workspaces from old Eclipse examples, leaving just the projects.
+ Rework comments in the MSVC simply blinky demo.
9 years ago
Richard Barry e9561c946c Kernel changes:
+ Support tickless idle when configUSE_PREEMPTION is 0 (previously tickless idle was only supported when the pre-emptive scheduler was being used).
+ If a stack was statically allocated, then don't try freeing it if the TCB cannot be allocated.
+ Remove use of INCLUDE_xEventGroupsSetBitsFromISR() pre-processor macro, as it was not tested anyway.

Demo app changes:

+ Updated SAM4L Atmel Studio project to use Atmel Studio 7.
9 years ago
Richard Barry 825b43a188 Update version number ready for the V8.2.3 release. 10 years ago
Richard Barry 57cc3389a5 Preparing for maintenance release -
Bug fix - issue introduced in V8.2.2 when the current timer list is empty and the overflow timer list is not empty.
Add PIC32MZ EF (floating point) support and update the MZ demo project to test the flop context switching.
Improve efficiency of the stack overflow checking.
Add CLI to RX71M demo.
General tidy up of new RZ and RX projects - including ensuring the UART driver copes with 0 length strings.
Add stack overflow checking to the [old] PIC24 demo.
10 years ago
Richard Barry 3291f5a08d Final preparation for new release:
 - Add trace macros for task notifications.
 - Update to the latest trace recorder library.

Demo projects:
 - Only include the CLI command to show run time states if configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS is set to 1.
10 years ago