Tidy up CEC1302 demo.
Ensure bit 0 of the task address is clear when setting up stack of initial Cortex-M3/4/7 stacks (for strict compliance, although not practically necessary).
vTaskGetTaskInfo() changed to vTaskGetInfo() - with a macro added for backward compatibility.
- Remove the standard demo files that used the [long since deprecated] alternative API.
- Add standard demo task that tests the new xTaskAbortDelay() function.
- Update the Win32 Visual Studio project to use Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
- Rename the xGenericListItem TCB member to xStateListItem as it better describes the member's purpose.
Add a member to the TaskStatus_t structure that is used to return the base address of the stack used by the task being queried.
Add xTaskGetTaskHandle() that allows the handle of a task to be looked up from the task's text name.
Continue to document the macros that allow RTOS objects to be created using statically allocated memory.
Introduced vApplicationDaemonTaskStartupHook(), which allows initialisation that that needs to be executed after the scheduler has been started to be executed from the RTOS daemon task.
Call prvResetNextTaskUnblockTime() in xTaskResumeAll() if a task is moved from the pending ready list - this can prevent an unnecessary wake from sleep mode if a task is unblocked by an interrupt while in a low power tickless state.
+ Introduced xTaskCreateStatic() to allow tasks to be created without any dynamic memory allocation.
+ When a task notification is used to unblock a task from an ISR, but the xHigherPriorityTaskWoken parameter is not used, then pend a context switch to occur during the next tick interrupt.
Demo application changes:
+ Updated TaskNotify.c to test the case where a task is unblocked by an ISR, but does not use its xHigherPriorityTaskWoken parameter.
+ Updated the Win32 MSVC project to test statically allocated tasks being created and deleted.
+ Introduced StaticAllocation.c standard demo task.
+ Do not attempt to free the stack of a deleted task if the stack was statically allocated.
+ Introduce configUSE_LIST_DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_BYTES - which optionally writes known values into the list and list item data structures in order to assist with the detection of memory corruptions.
Microblase port:
+Change occurrences of #if XPAR_MICROBLAZE_0_USE_FPU == 1 to #if XPAR_MICROBLAZE_0_USE_FPU != 0 as the value can also be 2 or 3.
Demo app modifications:
+ Update Zynq project to use the 2014.4 tools and add in tests for the new task notification feature.
+ Update SAM4S project to include tests for the new task notification feature.
+ Optimise Cortex-M4F ports by inlining some critical section macros.
+ Original ports used a #define to set the path to portmacro.h - that method has been obsolete for years and now all the old definitions have been moved into a separate header files called deprecated_definitions.h.
+ Cortex-M port now check the active vector bits against 0xff when determining if a function is called from an interrupt - previously only a subset of the bits (0x1f) were checked.
+ Add in new standard demo/test files TaskNotify.c/h and include the files in the simulator demos.
+ Update trace recorder code, and some demos to use the new version (more to do).
+ Introduce uxTaskPriorityGetFromISR().
+ Minor typo corrections.
+ Update MingW simulator demo to match the MSVC simulator demo.
When a task is unblocked the need for a context switch is only signalled if the unblocked task has a priority higher than the currently running task, instead of higher than or equal to the priority of the currently running task.