Update WinPCap NetworkInterface.c for FreeRTOS+UDP to correctly store a pointer to the network buffer structure at the beginning of the network buffer.
+ Made xTaskNotifyGiveFromISR() its own function, rather than a macro that calls xTaskNotifyFromISR() (minor performance improvement).
+ GCC and Keil Cortex-M4F ports now use vPortRaiseBASEPRI() in place of ulPortRaiseBASEPRI() where the return value is not required (minor performance improvement).
Demo changes:
Change the [very basic] FreeRTOS+UDP SAM4E driver to use task notifications rather than a semaphore (execution time now 55% what it was in FreeRTOS V8.1.2!).
Robustness improvements to IntQueue.c standard demo task.h.
Added the latest standard demo tasks, reg test tasks and int q tasks to the SAM4E demo.
Correct the check to ensure the application network event hook is not called when the first network down event is sent.
Add in defaults for the Nabto task stack and priority.