Richard Barry
Update version number in preparation for official V8.2.0 release.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers in preparation for V8.2.0 release candidate 1.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Kernel changes:
+ Do not attempt to free the stack of a deleted task if the stack was statically allocated.
+ Introduce configUSE_LIST_DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_BYTES - which optionally writes known values into the list and list item data structures in order to assist with the detection of memory corruptions.
Microblase port:
+Change occurrences of #if XPAR_MICROBLAZE_0_USE_FPU == 1 to #if XPAR_MICROBLAZE_0_USE_FPU != 0 as the value can also be 2 or 3.
Demo app modifications:
+ Update Zynq project to use the 2014.4 tools and add in tests for the new task notification feature.
+ Update SAM4S project to include tests for the new task notification feature.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
+ New feature added: Task notifications.
+ Optimise Cortex-M4F ports by inlining some critical section macros.
+ Original ports used a #define to set the path to portmacro.h - that method has been obsolete for years and now all the old definitions have been moved into a separate header files called deprecated_definitions.h.
+ Cortex-M port now check the active vector bits against 0xff when determining if a function is called from an interrupt - previously only a subset of the bits (0x1f) were checked.
+ Add in new standard demo/test files TaskNotify.c/h and include the files in the simulator demos.
+ Update trace recorder code, and some demos to use the new version (more to do).
+ Introduce uxTaskPriorityGetFromISR().
+ Minor typo corrections.
+ Update MingW simulator demo to match the MSVC simulator demo.
10 years ago
Richard Barry
Demo project only:
Add the new IntSem test/demo code into the MSVC demo project.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to 8.1.2 after moving the defaulting of configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION into individual port layers so it does not affect ports that do not support the definition.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to 8.1.1 for patch release that re-enables mutexes to be given from an interrupt.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Core kernel code:
- Re-introduce the ability to give a mutex from an ISR.
Common demo code:
- Add additional tests into the GenQTest files for priority inheritance and using a mutex from an ISR.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers ready for FreeRTOS V8.1.0 release in about 10 days.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the MSVC simulator demo to demonstrate heap_5 allocator and pdTICKS_TO_MS macro being used.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready for release.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to V8.0.0 (without the release candidate number).
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the demo directory to use the version 8 type naming conventions.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change version numbers ready for V8.0.0 release candidate 1 tag.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change 'signed char *pcTaskName) to 'char *pcTaskName' in vApplicationStackOverflowHook().
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Start to remove unnecessary 'signed char *' casts from strings that are now just plain char * types.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change version numbers in preparation for V7.6.0 release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Set the MSVC Win32 demo back to create the simply blinky demo by default.
Set the MingW Wind32 demo back to include the #error to remind people to run the CreateProjectDirectoryStructure batch file.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the main Win32 MSVC demo to account for the changes to the Win32 port layer (more accurate timing).
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update FreeRTOS version number to V7.5.3
Update FreeRTOS+CLI version number to V1.0.2
Update FreeRTOS+UDP version number to V1.0.1
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional critical section to the default tickless implementations.
Update version number for maintenance release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor updates and change version number for V7.5.0 release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update Win32 MSVC demo to include a simple blinky build option. The demo as it was is now the "full/comprehensive" build option.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add xQueueOverwriteFromISR() and update the QueueOverwrite.c to demonstrate its use.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add xQueueOverwrite() and a common demo task to demonstrate its use.
Update MSVC Win32 demo to include the xQueueOverwrite() common demo tasks.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the standard Win32 demo to use the latest version of the trace recorder code.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready to release the FAT file system demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers to V7.4.1.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Prepare for V7.4.0 release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Adjusted the wrap checks in the QueueSet test task.
Added the QueueSet test to the Rowlay Stellaris and SAM4S-EK Studio demos.
Updated the MSVC demo to use heap_4.c.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Improve QueueSet.c test coverage by reading the queue set from an ISR to force paths through the queue locking and unlocking.
Add the FreeRTOS+Trace recorder into the Win32 MSVC demo.
Added more functions, including the queue set functions, to the MPU port.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue working on queue set implementation and testing.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Next revision of queue set implementation.
Make conditional compilation syntax and commenting consistent.
Add common demo tasks to demonstrate queue sets.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Prepare for V7.3.0 release.
13 years ago
Richard Barry
Added eTaskStateGet().
Added default value for INCLUDE_eTaskStateGet.
13 years ago
Richard Barry
Prepare for V7.2.0 release.
13 years ago
Richard Barry
Add FreeRTOS-Plus directory.
13 years ago