Richard Barry
Ensure RM48 demo compiles in co-operative mode.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update SAM4L_low_power_tick_management.c to use xTaskIncrementTick() in place of vTaskIncrementTick().
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Tidy up the comments and use of static function prototypes in the SAM4L_low_power_tick_management.c implementation.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Place DSB instruction before WFI instruction in EFMG890F128 demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the standard Win32 demo to use the latest version of the trace recorder code.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove the Chan FATfs code as FreeRTOS now ships with a proprietary file system.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure the SmartFusion2 interrupt driven UART drivers are not passed a zero length buffer.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Move SmartFusion configuration options into FreeRTOSConfig.h.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename the SmartFusion2 demo directory.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Combine the SmartFusion2 starter kit and development kits demos into a single directory.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update SmartFustion2 starter kit partest.c.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add SmartFusion2 demo for the SmartFustion2 development kit.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Convert SmartFusion2 CLI to use the interrupt UART driver functions instead of the polled UART driver functions.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
SmartFusion2 CLI working with polled UART, about to convert to interrupt driven UART.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update comments in Atmel Studio CreateProjectDirectoryStructure.bat files to remove references to replace references to Eclipse with references to Atmel Studio.
Update the tickless idle implementations that use up counters for tick interrupt generate to ensure they remain in low power mode for the desired time instead of one tick less than the desired time.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update flop.c and FreeRTOS.h to include a macro (and a default null implementation of the macro) that enables the flop tasks to register their need for a floating point context with the kernel.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update Win32 simulator so it references the FreeRTOS+Trace code from the updated FreeRTOS+ directory structure.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
SmartFusion2: Change linker file to run from NVM. Add in FreeRTOS+CLI and FreeRTOS+FAT SL demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Blinky and full demos working on SmartFusion2.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Starting point for SmartFustion2 starter kit demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers in a couple of files that got left behind.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number ready to release the FAT file system demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Clarify license blurb at the top of the FreeRTOS+UDP and FreeRTOS+CLI source files.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version numbers to V7.4.1.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Commit 3 RX100 low power demos.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update RX600 IAR RX62N demo to use latest IAR tools.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure XMC demo builds with the latest IAR version.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove duplicate #error informing people to run the CreateProjectDirectoryStructure.bat.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add volatile keyword to GenQTest loop counter for consistency.
Remove obsolete definition from SAM4L demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Prepare to package up SAM4L demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Updated the sleep function to ensure it left interrupts disabled when returning.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add SAM4L demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor mods common files to fix warnings generated by Renesas compiler.
Correct the header comments in het.c and het.h (RM48/TMS570 demo) which were corrupt.
Correct version numbers in RX63N Renesas compiler demo.
Ensure stacks set up for tasks in the RX200 port layer end on 8 byte boundaries (was 4, which didn't matter but didn't match the definition).
Replaced unqualified (unsigned) in calls to standard functions with (size_t).
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the GCC RL78 demo to include four separate build configurations, each of which targets different hardware.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename the Demo/RL78_RL78G13_Promot_Board_IAR directory to RL78_Multiple_IAR as it now targets several different devices.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add two additional targets to the RL78 IAR project.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the IAR RL78 demo to include main_blinky.c and main_full.c.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add an example ISR implementation into the RL78 GCC demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Complete RL78/G14 demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
RL78 GCC: Save and restore all register banks.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
RL78/GCC related:
+ Add RL78G14 specific linker script.
+ Move the call to the function that sets up the clocks to before the code that sets up the .data and .bss sections.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
For RL78GCC port/demo:
- Added YRDKRL78G14 build configuration.
- Runs provided the dynamic priority tasks are not started.
- Does not run with the debugger connected.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
All related to RL78 GCC demos (which are still a work in progress):
- Abstract out the IO port handling for the LED output so the same code can be used on multiple eval boards.
- Add in the RESTORE_CONTEXT macros.
- Swap to use heap_1.c instead of heap_4.c.
- Add data model macros to FreeRTOSConfig.h (may be removed if only one data model is supported by the compiler).
- Install interrupt handlers.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Abstract the IO port handling to toggle the LED into LED.h so the same code can work with multiple eval boards.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add RL78 E2Studio project. Code is building, but has not yet been executed.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Added YRDKRL78G14 build configuration to the IAR RL78 demo.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Prepare for V7.4.0 release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update PIC32 demo application to remove reliance on PLIB functions.
Update the default low power implementation in all the Cortex-M port layers to add a small critical section.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Commit demos that have been updated for testing purposes before they are updated once more to test new low power features.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the LPC1768 project to only copy across one heap_x.c file as the addition of heap_4.c without it being excluded from the project was breaking the build.
12 years ago