The cut down version of the task pool has only one task pool, namely,
system task pool. All the task pool API functions accept NULL as a
valid parameter for IotTaskPool_t and use the system task pool when
NULL is passed for the system task pool.
IOT_SYSTEM_TASKPOOL is defined to NULL to use system task pool and
therefore the above assert is no longer valid.
IotTaskPool_GetSystemTaskPool has been removed from the cut down version
of the task pool. define IOT_SYSTEM_TASKPOOL to NULL so that the MQTT library
builds successfully.
Use the new #defines in the iot_config.h.
The DNS cache entry size was not big enough to fit the DNS name and
as a result the DNS reply parsing code returned error. Increased the
size of the entry to ensure that the DNS name can fit in.
The example now creates a recyclable job, schedules it and returns it
back to the task pool when it is done. It then again creates a
recyclable job and ensures that the task pool the same job present
it its cache.
IotTaskPool_CreateSystemTaskPool() calls synchronisation primitives, so cannot be called before the scheduler starts. Add a configASSERT() to ensure the scheduler is running when it executes.
IotTaskPool_CreateSystemTaskPool() can conceivably be called from multiple different libraries that depend on the thread pool. In this version _IotSystemTaskPool.running can be used to check the system task pool has not already been created. If the task pool has been created simply return from IotTaskPool_CreateSystemTaskPool() instead of re-creating it (which would leak memory and leave orphaned tasks).
Call taskENTER_CRITICAL() and taskEXIT_CRITICAL() directly in place of mapping them to TASKPOOL_ENTER_CRITICAL() and TASKPOOL_EXIT_CRITICAL() in the same file.
Rename _timerThread() _timerCallback(), as it is a callback function and not a thread.
Remove the unused flags parameter from _scheduleInternal().
+ Set configENABLE_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h to account for the fact that a member of the List_t structure has been renamed.
+ Provide a dummy implementation of ulApplicationGetNextSequenceNumber() to prevent linker warnings.
which was brought into the main download in FreeRTOS V10.0.0. FreeRTOS+TCP can
be configured as a UDP only stack, and FreeRTOS+UDP does not contain the patches
applied to FreeRTOS+TCP.
Update to V2.0.7 of the TCP/IP stack:
+ Multiple security improvements and fixes in packet parsing routines, DNS
caching, and TCP sequence number and ID generation.
+ Disable NBNS and LLMNR by default.
+ Add TCP hang protection by default.
We thank Ori Karliner of Zimperium zLabs Team for reporting these issues.
Update queue code to allow an overwrite operation on a queue that is in a queue set, and add prvTestQueueOverwriteWithQueueSet() to test function.
Update Eclipse Win32 project to bring it closer the the Visual Studio equivalent.
Correct definition of StaticTask_t in the case that portUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS is set to 1.
prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace() now returns configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE to allow return values greater than max uint16_t value if required.
xStreamBufferSend() and xStreamBufferReceive() no longer clear task notification bits - clearing was unnecessary as only the task notification state is used.
FreeRTOS+TCP: Improve print output when using WinPCap to assist in selecting the correct network interface.
FreeRTOS kernel: Fix extern "C" { in stream_buffer.h.
FreeRTOS kernel: Correct tskKERNEL_VERSION_NUMBER and tskKERNEL_VERSION_MAJOR constants for V10.
Ensure the currently executing task is printed correctly in vTaskList().