Richard Barry
Update Cortex-A port layers to ensure the ICCRPR and ICCPMR registers are always accessed as 32-bit values.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number to V8.0.0 (without the release candidate number).
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Make xTaskIsTaskSuspended() a private function as it should only be called from within critical sections.
Fix issue in and simplify the xTaskRemoveFromUnorderedEventList() function. The function is new to the V8 release candidates so does not effect official released code.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Complete GCC/Cortex-A9 port.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
vQueueAddToRegistry() now takes a const char * instead of a char *.
tmrCOMMAND_CHANGE_PERIOD_FROM_ISR constant added for the "FromISR" version of the software timer change period API function.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Tidy up GCC Cortex-A port layer - still a work in progress.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue work on GCC/Cortex-A port layer.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Continue working on GCC/CA_9 port layer - tick interrupt now working but needs tidy up.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Carry on working on the Cortex-A/GCC port layer - still a work in progress.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Beginnings of GCC Cortex-A port - not yet completely converted from IAR version.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional NOP after EINT instruction in MSP430 ports.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor tidy ups that don't effect code generation, plus:
When a task is unblocked the need for a context switch is only signalled if the unblocked task has a priority higher than the currently running task, instead of higher than or equal to the priority of the currently running task.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change version numbers ready for V8.0.0 release candidate 1 tag.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Add xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR() and xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR() functions.
Move some types defines out of generic kernel headers into feature specific headers.
Convert the function prototype dypedefs to the new _t naming.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor updates to demo projects to ensure correct building with V8 rc1.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Revert some library files back to using standard types as they are not FreeRTOS files.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Replace standard types with stdint.h types.
Replace #define types with typedefs.
Rename all typedefs to have a _t extension.
Add #defines to automatically convert old FreeRTOS specific types to their new names (with the _t).
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change the type used for strings and single characters from signed char to just char.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Force the SysTick clock bit to be set in Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4F bits if configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ is not defined, otherwise leave the bit as it is found as the SysTick may use a divided clock.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Update Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4F ports to allow the SysTick to be clocked at a different speed than the system clock (as is done in the recent STM32L demo. ).
Add additional asserts and isb instructions into the Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4F ports.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Multiple tidy up, documentation corrections and typo corrections highlighted by Tamas Kleiber's diligent review.
11 years ago
Richard Barry
Change version numbers in preparation for V7.6.0 release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure the definition of prvTaskExitError()does not result in a compiler warning in ports where its use can be overridden (GCC Cortex-M ports).
Remove duplicate save/restore of r14 in Cortex-M4F ports.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the Keil and IAR CM0 port layers to match the changes made to the GCC version.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Improve how the scheduler is started in the GCC Cortex-M0 port.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update FreeRTOS version number to V7.5.3
Update FreeRTOS+CLI version number to V1.0.2
Update FreeRTOS+UDP version number to V1.0.1
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add some defensive programming in the default tickless mode in case the application supplied post tick hook takes a long time to complete.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Introduce the prvTaskExitError() function for all ARM_CMn ports.
Introduce the configTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS macro for the GCC ARM_CMn ports.
Improve time slippage penalty when entering tickless mode is abandoned.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Clear up a few compiler warnings.
Correct header comments in the UARTCommandConsole.c file used in the SmartFusion2 demo.
Exercise the new xQueueSpacesAvailable() function in the MSVC demo.
Add defaults for the new traceMALLOC and traceFREE trace macros.
Catch tasks trying to exit their functions in the Cortex-M0 ports.
Add additional comments to timers.c in response to a support forum question.
Initialise _impure_ptr prior to the first task being started.
Prior to V7.5.0 a yield pended in the tick hook would have occurred during the same tick interrupt. Return pdTRUE from xTaskIncrementTick() if a yield is pending to revert to that behaviour.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Make Cortex-M0 set/clear interrupt flag from ISR functions nestable.
Don't reset the stack location when starting the scheduler in Cortex-M0 ports as the vector offset register is not implemented and XMC1000 devices have their application vector address somewhere other than 0x00.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional critical section to the default tickless implementations.
Update version number for maintenance release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update version number.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the Cortex-M vPortValidateInterruptPriority() implementation to ensure compatibility with the STM32 standard peripheral library.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename xTaskGetSystemState() uxTaskGetSystemState().
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor updates and change version number for V7.5.0 release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update Cortex-M MPU version to include new API functions.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update RX ports to only include additional check on the existing IPL (so it is not lowered) if configASSERT() is defined.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Complete additions of portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID() for all RX compiler ports.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID() implementation to the RX ports that use the Renesas compiler.
Add portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID() implementation to the Cortex-A9 ports.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Added portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID() implementation to Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4F ports.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Refine the default tickless idle implementation in the Cortex-M3 port layers.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove portALIGNMENT_ASSERT_pxCurrentTCB() macro, which serves no purpose.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update port layers to make better use of the xTaskIncrementTick() return value.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update ports that have their tick configuration in an application callback to use xTaskIncrementTick() in place of vTaskIncrementTick().
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Add configINCLUDE_APPLICATION_DEFINED_PRIVILEGED_FUNCTIONS mechanism to the relevant port.c file to allow the user to define functions that will execute in privileged mode.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Convert mpre ports to use xTaskIncrementTick() in place of vTaskIncrementTick().
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Convert some ports to use xTaskIncrementTick() in place of vTaskIncrementTick().
Move DSB instructions to before WFI instructions in line with ARM recommendations.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Fix compiler warning in psp_test.c when compiled with ARM compiler.
Add portYIELD_FROM_ISR() macros to Cortex-M ports. The new macro just calls the exiting portEND_SWITCHING_ISR() macro.
Remove code from the MSVC port layer that was left over from a previous implementation and become obsolete.
12 years ago
Richard Barry
Update comments in Atmel Studio CreateProjectDirectoryStructure.bat files to remove references to replace references to Eclipse with references to Atmel Studio.
Update the tickless idle implementations that use up counters for tick interrupt generate to ensure they remain in low power mode for the desired time instead of one tick less than the desired time.
12 years ago