diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/.sopc_builder/install.ptf b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/.sopc_builder/install.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15a6e5959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/.sopc_builder/install.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+PACKAGE install
+   version = "4.01:213";
+   COMPONENT altera_nios2
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios2";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_custom_instruction
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_custom_instruction";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_custom_instr_bitswap
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_custom_instr_bitswap";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_custom_instr_endian_converter
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_custom_instr_endian_converter";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_custom_instr_floating_point
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_custom_instr_floating_point";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_custom_instr_interrupt_vector
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_custom_instr_interrupt_vector";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_dev_board_cyclone_1c20
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_dev_board_cyclone_1c20";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_dev_board_cyclone_2c35
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_dev_board_cyclone_2c35";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_1s10
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_1s10";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_1s10_es
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_1s10_es";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_1s40
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_1s40";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_2s60
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_2s60";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_2s60_es
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_2s60_es";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_2s60_rohs
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_dev_board_stratix_2s60_rohs";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_dev_kit_stratix_edition_sram
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_dev_kit_stratix_edition_sram";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_dev_kit_stratix_edition_sram2
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_dev_kit_stratix_edition_sram2";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_nios_multiply
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/nios2_ip/altera_nios_multiply";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_adapter_downstream_pipeline
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_adapter_downstream_pipeline";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_adapter_master_y
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_adapter_master_y";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_adapter_slave_y
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_adapter_slave_y";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_adapter_upstream_pipeline
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_adapter_upstream_pipeline";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_adapter_waitrequest_pipeline
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_adapter_waitrequest_pipeline";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_asmi
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_asmi";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_burst_adapter
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_burst_adapter";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_cf
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_cf";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_cfi_flash
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_cfi_flash";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_clock_adapter
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_clock_adapter";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_clock_crossing
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_clock_crossing";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_cs8900
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_cs8900";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_cy7c1380_ssram
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_cy7c1380_ssram";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_dma
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_dma";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_endian_adapter
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_endian_adapter";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_epcs_flash_controller
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_epcs_flash_controller";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_fifo
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_fifo";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_jtag_uart
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_jtag_uart";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_lan91c111
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_lan91c111";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_lcd_16207
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_lcd_16207";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_mailbox
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_mailbox";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_mutex
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_mutex";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_new_sdram_controller
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_new_sdram_controller";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_onchip_memory
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_onchip_memory";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_onchip_memory2
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_onchip_memory2";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_performance_counter
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_performance_counter";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_pio
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_pio";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_pipeline_bridge
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_pipeline_bridge";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_pll
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_pll";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_sgdma
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_sgdma";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_spi
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_spi";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_sysid
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_sysid";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_timer
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_timer";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_tri_state_bridge
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_tri_state_bridge";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_uart
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_uart";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_user_defined_interface
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_user_defined_interface";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_sopc_builder
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_sopc_builder";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT amd_avalon_am29lv065d_flash
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/amd_avalon_am29lv065d_flash";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT amd_avalon_am29lv128m_flash
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/amd_avalon_am29lv128m_flash";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT no_legacy_module
+   {
+      VERSION 7.080902
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/no_legacy_module";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT triple_speed_ethernet
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/triple_speed_ethernet/lib/sopc_builder/altera_triple_speed_ethernet";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT ddr2_sdram_component
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/ddr_ddr2_sdram/lib/sopc_builder/ddr2_sdram_component";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT ddr_sdram_component
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/ddr_ddr2_sdram/lib/sopc_builder/ddr_sdram_component";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT ddr3_high_perf
+   {
+      VERSION 8.1
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/ddr3_high_perf/lib/sopc_builder/ddr3_high_perf";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT ddr2_high_perf
+   {
+      VERSION 8.1
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/ddr2_high_perf/lib/sopc_builder/ddr2_high_perf";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT ddr_high_perf
+   {
+      VERSION 8.1
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/ddr_high_perf/lib/sopc_builder/ddr_high_perf";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_pcie_compiler
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/pci_express_compiler/lib/sopc_builder/altera_avalon_pcie_compiler";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_pcie_compiler_adapter
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/pci_express_compiler/lib/sopc_builder/altera_avalon_pcie_compiler_adapter";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_pci_compiler
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/pci_compiler/lib/sopc_builder/altera_avalon_pci_compiler";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_pci_compiler_adapter
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/pci_compiler/lib/sopc_builder/altera_avalon_pci_compiler_adapter";
+      }
+   }
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/.sopc_builder/install2.ptf b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/.sopc_builder/install2.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c42d32774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/.sopc_builder/install2.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+PACKAGE install2 
+   # This file informs the Nios II IDE of non-legacy component paths.
+   # Generated 2009.08.05.16:22:08
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_clip 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/clipper/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_cpr 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/color_plane_sequencer/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_crs 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/chroma_resampler/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_csc 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/csc/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_dil 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/deinterlacer/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_fir 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/fir_filter_2d/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_gam 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/gamma_corrector/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_lbc 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/line_buffer_compiler/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_med 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/median_filter_2d/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_mix 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/alpha_blending_mixer/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_scl 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/scaler/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_tpg 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/test_pattern_generator/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT alt_vip_vfb 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/frame_buffer/lib";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_dc_fifo 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_dc_fifo";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_half_rate_bridge 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_half_rate_bridge";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_multi_channel_shared_fifo 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_multi_channel_shared_fifo";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_packets_to_master 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_packets_to_master";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_pixel_converter 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_pixel_converter";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_remote_update_cycloneiii 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_remote_update_cycloneiii";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_round_robin_scheduler 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_round_robin_scheduler";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_sc_fifo 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_sc_fifo";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_st_bytes_to_packets 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_st_bytes_to_packets";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_st_idle_inserter 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_st_idle_inserter";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_st_idle_remover 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_st_idle_remover";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_st_packets_to_bytes 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_st_packets_to_bytes";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_avalon_video_sync_generator 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_video_sync_generator";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_jtag_avalon_master 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_jtag_avalon_master";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altera_jtag_dc_streaming 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_jtag_phy";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT altpll 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_altpll";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT avalon_mm_master_bfm 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/verification/avalon_mm_bfm/avalon_mm_master_bfm";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT avalon_mm_slave_bfm 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/verification/avalon_mm_bfm/avalon_mm_slave_bfm";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT pci_lite 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_pci_lite";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT sls_avalon_usb20hr 
+   {
+      VERSION 2.2 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/sls/usb20hr_ocp_eval_pack/hardware/component";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT spi_slave_to_avalon_mm_master_bridge 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_spislave_to_avalonmm_bridge";
+      }
+   }
+   COMPONENT spislave 
+   {
+      VERSION 9.0 
+      {
+         local = "C:/devtools/altera/90sp2/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_spi_phy_slave";
+      }
+   }
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+#Tue Aug 04 21:28:00 BST 2009
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#Tue Aug 04 21:27:58 BST 2009
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f316a605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/.settings/org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.prefs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#Tue Aug 04 21:40:26 BST 2009
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/FreeRTOSConfig.h b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/FreeRTOSConfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e914814a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/FreeRTOSConfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+    FreeRTOS V5.4.1 - Copyright (C) 2009 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
+    This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
+    FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
+    the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the 
+    Free Software Foundation and modified by the FreeRTOS exception.
+    **NOTE** The exception to the GPL is included to allow you to distribute a
+    combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to provide the 
+    source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS kernel.  
+    Alternative commercial license and support terms are also available upon 
+    request.  See the licensing section of http://www.FreeRTOS.org for full 
+    license details.
+    FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+    more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+    with FreeRTOS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
+    Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+    ***************************************************************************
+    *                                                                         *
+    * Looking for a quick start?  Then check out the FreeRTOS eBook!          *
+    * See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation for details                   *
+    *                                                                         *
+    ***************************************************************************
+    1 tab == 4 spaces!
+    Please ensure to read the configuration and relevant port sections of the
+    online documentation.
+    http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, latest information, license and
+    contact details.
+    http://www.SafeRTOS.com - A version that is certified for use in safety
+    critical systems.
+    http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Commercial support, development, porting,
+    licensing and training services.
+#include "system.h"
+ * Application specific definitions.
+ *
+ * These definitions should be adjusted for your particular hardware and
+ * application requirements.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define configUSE_PREEMPTION			1
+#define configUSE_IDLE_HOOK				0
+#define configUSE_TICK_HOOK				0
+#define configTICK_RATE_HZ				( ( portTickType ) 1000 )
+#define configCPU_CLOCK_HZ				( ( unsigned portLONG ) SYS_CLK_FREQ )  
+#define configMAX_PRIORITIES			( ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) 5 )
+#define configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE		( 1024 )
+#define configISR_STACK_SIZE			configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE
+#define configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE			( ( size_t ) 8388608 )
+#define configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN			( 8 )
+#define configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY		0
+#define configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS			0
+#define configIDLE_SHOULD_YIELD			0
+#define configUSE_MUTEXES				1
+#define configUSE_RECURSIVE_MUTEXES		1
+#define configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE		0
+/* Co-routine definitions. */
+#define configUSE_CO_ROUTINES 			0
+#define configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES ( 2 )
+/* Set the following definitions to 1 to include the API function, or zero
+to exclude the API function. */
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskPrioritySet			1
+#define INCLUDE_uxTaskPriorityGet			1
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelete					1
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskCleanUpResources		0
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend				1
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelayUntil				1
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelay					1
+#define INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark	1
+/* The priority at which the tick interrupt runs.  This should probably be
+kept at 1. */
+#define configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY			0x01
+/* The maximum interrupt priority from which FreeRTOS.org API functions can
+be called.  Only API functions that end in ...FromISR() can be used within
+interrupts. */
+#endif /* FREERTOS_CONFIG_H */
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/ParTest/ParTest.c b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/ParTest/ParTest.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8af0adf6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/ParTest/ParTest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+    FreeRTOS V5.4.1 - Copyright (C) 2009 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
+    This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
+    FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
+    the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the 
+    Free Software Foundation and modified by the FreeRTOS exception.
+    **NOTE** The exception to the GPL is included to allow you to distribute a
+    combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to provide the 
+    source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS kernel.  
+    Alternative commercial license and support terms are also available upon 
+    request.  See the licensing section of http://www.FreeRTOS.org for full 
+    license details.
+    FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+    more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+    with FreeRTOS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
+    Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+    ***************************************************************************
+    *                                                                         *
+    * Looking for a quick start?  Then check out the FreeRTOS eBook!          *
+    * See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation for details                   *
+    *                                                                         *
+    ***************************************************************************
+    1 tab == 4 spaces!
+    Please ensure to read the configuration and relevant port sections of the
+    online documentation.
+    http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, latest information, license and
+    contact details.
+    http://www.SafeRTOS.com - A version that is certified for use in safety
+    critical systems.
+    http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Commercial support, development, porting,
+    licensing and training services.
+ * Simple parallel port IO routines.
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Scheduler includes. */
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"
+/* Demo app includes. */
+#include "system.h"
+#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
+#include "partest.h"
+#define partstNUM_LEDS			( 8 )
+static unsigned portLONG ulLedStates;
+void vParTestInitialise( void )
+	ulLedStates = 0;    
+void vParTestSetLED( unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxLED, signed portBASE_TYPE xValue )
+	if( uxLED < partstNUM_LEDS )
+	{
+		{
+			if ( xValue > 0 )
+			{
+				ulLedStates |= 1 << uxLED;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				ulLedStates &= ~( 1 << uxLED );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void vParTestToggleLED( unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxLED )
+	if( uxLED < partstNUM_LEDS )
+	{
+		{
+			vParTestSetLED( uxLED, !( ulLedStates & ( 1 << uxLED ) ) );
+		}	
+	}
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/application.stf b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/application.stf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1fc6df552
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+	<project sdk="RTOSDemo_syslib" target="Nios II Application">
+	</project>
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index 000000000..a1368ab2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+    FreeRTOS V5.4.1 - Copyright (C) 2009 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
+    This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
+    FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
+    the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the 
+    Free Software Foundation and modified by the FreeRTOS exception.
+    **NOTE** The exception to the GPL is included to allow you to distribute a
+    combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to provide the 
+    source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS kernel.  
+    Alternative commercial license and support terms are also available upon 
+    request.  See the licensing section of http://www.FreeRTOS.org for full 
+    license details.
+    FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+    more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+    with FreeRTOS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
+    Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+    ***************************************************************************
+    *                                                                         *
+    * Looking for a quick start?  Then check out the FreeRTOS eBook!          *
+    * See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation for details                   *
+    *                                                                         *
+    ***************************************************************************
+    1 tab == 4 spaces!
+    Please ensure to read the configuration and relevant port sections of the
+    online documentation.
+    http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, latest information, license and
+    contact details.
+    http://www.SafeRTOS.com - A version that is certified for use in safety
+    critical systems.
+    http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Commercial support, development, porting,
+    licensing and training services.
+ * Creates all the demo application tasks, then starts the scheduler.
+ * In addition to the standard demo tasks, the following tasks and tests are
+ * defined and/or created within this file:
+ *
+ * "Check" task -  This only executes every five seconds but has the highest
+ * priority so is guaranteed to get processor time.  Its main function is to 
+ * check that all the standard demo tasks are still operational.  The check
+ * task will write an error message to the console should an error be detected
+ * within any of the demo tasks.  The check task also toggles the LED defined
+ * by mainCHECK_LED every 5 seconds while the system is error free, with the
+ * toggle rate increasing to every 500ms should an error occur.
+ * 
+ * "Reg test" tasks - These fill the registers with known values, then check
+ * that each register still contains its expected value.  Each task uses
+ * different values.  The tasks run with very low priority so get preempted very
+ * frequently.  A register containing an unexpected value is indicative of an
+ * error in the context switching mechanism.
+ *
+ * See the online documentation for this demo for more information on interrupt
+ * usage.
+ */
+/* Standard includes. */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* Scheduler includes. */
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "task.h"
+#include "queue.h"
+/* Demo application includes. */
+#include "partest.h"
+#include "flash.h"
+#include "blocktim.h"
+#include "semtest.h"
+#include "serial.h"
+#include "comtest.h"
+#include "GenQTest.h"
+#include "QPeek.h"
+#include "integer.h"
+#include "PollQ.h"
+#include "BlockQ.h"
+#include "dynamic.h"
+#include "countsem.h"
+#include "recmutex.h"
+#include "death.h"
+/* The rate at which the LED controlled by the 'check' task will toggle when no
+errors have been detected. */
+#define mainNO_ERROR_PERIOD	( 5000 )
+/* The rate at which the LED controlled by the 'check' task will toggle when an
+error has been detected. */
+#define mainERROR_PERIOD 	( 500 )
+/* The LED toggled by the Check task. */
+#define mainCHECK_LED       ( 7 )
+/* The first LED used by the ComTest tasks.  One LED toggles each time a 
+character is transmitted, and one each time a character is received and
+verified as being the expected character. */
+#define mainCOMTEST_LED     ( 4 )
+/* Priority definitions for the tasks in the demo application. */
+#define mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY		( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 )
+#define mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY		( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 4 )
+#define mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY		( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 )
+#define mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY		( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 )
+#define mainREG_TEST_PRIORITY       ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY )
+/* Misc. */
+#define mainDONT_WAIT						( 0 )
+/* The parameters passed to the reg test tasks.  This is just done to check
+the parameter passing mechanism is working correctly. */
+#define mainREG_TEST_1_PARAMETER    ( ( void * ) 0x12345678 )
+#define mainREG_TEST_2_PARAMETER    ( ( void * ) 0x87654321 )
+ * Setup the processor ready for the demo.
+ */
+static void prvSetupHardware( void );
+ * Execute all of the check functions to ensure the tests haven't failed.
+ */ 
+static void prvCheckTask( void *pvParameters );
+ * The register test (or RegTest) tasks as described at the top of this file.
+ */
+static void prvFirstRegTestTask( void *pvParameters );
+static void prvSecondRegTestTask( void *pvParameters );
+/* Counters that are incremented on each iteration of the RegTest tasks
+so long as no errors have been detected. */
+volatile unsigned long ulRegTest1Counter = 0UL, ulRegTest2Counter = 0UL;
+ * Create the demo tasks then start the scheduler.
+ */
+int main( void )
+    /* Configure any hardware required for this demo. */
+	prvSetupHardware();
+	/* Create all the other standard demo tasks.  These serve no purpose other
+    than to test the port and demonstrate the use of the FreeRTOS API. */
+	vStartLEDFlashTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
+	vStartIntegerMathTasks( mainGENERIC_QUEUE_PRIORITY );
+	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
+	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_BLOCK_PRIORITY );
+	vCreateBlockTimeTasks();
+	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEMAPHORE_TASK_PRIORITY );
+	vStartDynamicPriorityTasks();
+	vStartQueuePeekTasks();
+	vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGENERIC_QUEUE_PRIORITY );
+	vStartCountingSemaphoreTasks();
+	vStartRecursiveMutexTasks();
+    vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, 0, mainCOMTEST_LED );
+	/* prvCheckTask uses sprintf so requires more stack. */
+	xTaskCreate( prvCheckTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
+    /* The RegTest tasks as described at the top of this file. */
+    xTaskCreate( prvFirstRegTestTask, "Rreg1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, mainREG_TEST_1_PARAMETER, mainREG_TEST_PRIORITY, NULL );
+    xTaskCreate( prvSecondRegTestTask, "Rreg2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, mainREG_TEST_2_PARAMETER, mainREG_TEST_PRIORITY, NULL );
+	/* This task has to be created last as it keeps account of the number of tasks
+	it expects to see running. */
+	vCreateSuicidalTasks( mainCREATOR_TASK_PRIORITY );
+    /* Finally start the scheduler. */
+	vTaskStartScheduler();
+	/* Will only reach here if there is insufficient heap available to start
+	the scheduler. */
+	for( ;; );
+static void prvSetupHardware( void )
+    /* Setup the digital IO for the LED's. */
+    vParTestInitialise();
+void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( void )
+	/* Look at pxCurrentTCB to see which task overflowed its stack. */
+	for( ;; )
+    {
+		asm( "break" );
+    }
+void _general_exception_handler( unsigned portLONG ulCause, unsigned portLONG ulStatus )
+	/* This overrides the definition provided by the kernel.  Other exceptions 
+	should be handled here. */
+	for( ;; )
+    {
+		asm( "break" );
+    }
+static void prvCheckTask( void *pvParameters )
+portTickType xLastExecutionTime, ulTicksToWait = mainNO_ERROR_PERIOD;
+unsigned long ulLastRegTest1 = 0UL, ulLastRegTest2 = 0UL;
+const portCHAR * pcMessage;
+	/* Initialise the variable used to control our iteration rate prior to
+	its first use. */
+	xLastExecutionTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
+	for( ;; )
+	{
+		/* Wait until it is time to run the tests again. */
+		vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastExecutionTime, ulTicksToWait );
+		/* Have any of the standard demo tasks detected an error in their 
+		operation? */
+		if( xAreIntegerMathsTaskStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+		{
+			ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: Integer Maths.\n";
+		}
+		else if( xAreGenericQueueTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+		{
+			ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: GenQ.\n";
+		}
+		else if( xAreBlockingQueuesStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+		{
+			ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: BlockQ.\n";
+		}
+		else if( xArePollingQueuesStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+		{
+			ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: PollQ.\n";
+		}
+		else if( xAreQueuePeekTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+		{
+			ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: PeekQ.\n";
+		}
+		else if( xAreBlockTimeTestTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+		{
+			ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: Block Time.\n";
+		}
+		else if( xAreSemaphoreTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+	    {
+	        ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: Semaphore Test.\n";
+	    }
+	    else if( xAreComTestTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+	    {
+	        ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: Comm Test.\n";
+	    }
+		else if( xIsCreateTaskStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+		{
+			ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: Suicidal Tasks.\n";
+		}
+		else if( xAreDynamicPriorityTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+		{
+			ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: Dynamic Priority.\n";
+		}
+		else if( xAreCountingSemaphoreTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+		{
+			ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: Count Semaphore.\n";
+		}
+		else if( xAreRecursiveMutexTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
+		{
+			ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+			pcMessage = "Error: Recursive Mutex.\n";
+		}
+        else if( ulLastRegTest1 == ulRegTest1Counter )
+        {
+            /* ulRegTest1Counter is no longer being incremented, indicating
+            that an error has been discovered in prvFirstRegTestTask(). */
+            ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+            pcMessage = "Error: Reg Test1.\n";
+        }
+        else if( ulLastRegTest2 == ulRegTest2Counter )
+        {
+            /* ulRegTest2Counter is no longer being incremented, indicating
+            that an error has been discovered in prvSecondRegTestTask(). */            
+            ulTicksToWait = mainERROR_PERIOD;
+            pcMessage = "Error: Reg Test2.\n";
+        }
+		else
+		{
+			pcMessage = NULL;
+		}
+        /* Remember the counter values this time around so a counter failing
+        to be incremented correctly can be spotted. */
+        ulLastRegTest1 = ulRegTest1Counter;
+        ulLastRegTest2 = ulRegTest2Counter;
+        /* Print out an error message if there is one.  Mutual exclusion is 
+        not used as this is the only task accessing stdout. */
+        if( pcMessage != NULL )
+        {
+            printf( pcMessage );
+        }
+        /* Provide visual feedback of the system status.  If the LED is toggled
+        every 5 seconds then no errors have been found.  If the LED is toggled
+        every 500ms then at least one error has been found. */
+        vParTestToggleLED( mainCHECK_LED );
+	}
+static void prvFirstRegTestTask( void *pvParameters )
+    /* Check the parameters are passed in as expected. */
+    if( pvParameters != mainREG_TEST_1_PARAMETER )
+    {
+        /* Don't execute any further so an error is recognised by the check 
+        task. */
+        vTaskDelete( NULL );
+    }
+    /* Fill registers with known values, then check that each register still
+    contains its expected value.  An incorrect value is indicative of an error
+    in the context switching process. 
+    If no errors are found ulRegTest1Counter is incremented.  The check task
+    will recognise an error if ulRegTest1Counter stops being incremented. 
+    This task also performs a manual yield in the middle of its execution, just
+    to increase the test coverage. */
+    asm volatile (
+        "   .extern ulRegTest1Counter           \n" \
+        "                                       \n" \
+        "   addi    r3, r0, 3                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r4, r0, 4                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r5, r0, 5                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r6, r0, 6                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r7, r0, 7                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r8, r0, 8                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r9, r0, 9                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r10, r0, 10                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r11, r0, 11                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r12, r0, 12                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r13, r0, 13                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r14, r0, 14                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r15, r0, 15                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r16, r0, 16                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r17, r0, 17                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r18, r0, 18                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r19, r0, 19                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r20, r0, 20                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r21, r0, 21                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r22, r0, 22                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r23, r0, 23                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r28, r0, 28                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r31, r0, 31                   \n" \
+        "RegTest1:                              \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 0                   \n" \
+        "   trap                                \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r0, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 3                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r3, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 4                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r4, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 5                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r5, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 6                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r6, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 7                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r7, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 8                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r8, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 9                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r9, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 10                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r10, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 11                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r11, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 12                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r12, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 13                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r13, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 14                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r14, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 15                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r15, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 16                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r16, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 17                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r17, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 18                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r18, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 19                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r19, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 20                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r20, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 21                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r21, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 22                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r22, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 23                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r23, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 28                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r28, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 31                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r31, RegTest1Error       \n" \
+        "   ldw     r2, %gprel(ulRegTest1Counter)(gp)       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r2, 1                   \n" \
+        "   stw     r2, %gprel(ulRegTest1Counter)(gp)       \n" \
+        "   br      RegTest1                    \n" \
+        "RegTest1Error:                         \n" \
+        "   br      RegTest1Error               \n"
+    );
+static void prvSecondRegTestTask( void *pvParameters )
+    /* Check the parameters are passed in as expected. */
+    if( pvParameters != mainREG_TEST_2_PARAMETER )
+    {
+        /* Don't execute any further so an error is recognised by the check 
+        task. */
+        vTaskDelete( NULL );
+    }
+    /* Fill registers with known values, then check that each register still
+    contains its expected value.  An incorrect value is indicative of an error
+    in the context switching process. 
+    If no errors are found ulRegTest2Counter is incremented.  The check task
+    will recognise an error if ulRegTest2Counter stops being incremented. */
+    asm volatile (
+        "   .extern ulRegTest2Counter           \n" \
+        "                                       \n" \
+        "   addi    r3, r0, 3                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r4, r0, 4                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r5, r0, 5                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r6, r0, 6                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r7, r0, 7                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r8, r0, 8                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r9, r0, 9                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r10, r0, 10                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r11, r0, 11                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r12, r0, 12                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r13, r0, 13                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r14, r0, 14                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r15, r0, 15                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r16, r0, 16                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r17, r0, 17                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r18, r0, 18                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r19, r0, 19                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r20, r0, 20                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r21, r0, 21                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r22, r0, 22                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r23, r0, 23                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r28, r0, 28                   \n" \
+        "   addi    r31, r0, 31                   \n" \
+        "RegTest2:                              \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 0                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r0, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 3                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r3, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 4                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r4, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 5                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r5, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 6                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r6, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 7                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r7, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 8                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r8, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 9                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r9, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 10                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r10, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 11                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r11, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 12                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r12, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 13                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r13, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 14                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r14, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 15                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r15, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 16                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r16, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 17                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r17, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 18                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r18, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 19                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r19, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 20                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r20, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 21                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r21, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 22                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r22, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 23                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r23, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 28                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r28, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r0, 31                   \n" \
+        "   bne     r2, r31, RegTest2Error       \n" \
+        "   ldw     r2, %gprel(ulRegTest2Counter)(gp)       \n" \
+        "   addi    r2, r2, 1                   \n" \
+        "   stw     r2, %gprel(ulRegTest2Counter)(gp)       \n" \
+        "   br      RegTest2                    \n" \
+        "RegTest2Error:                         \n" \
+        "   br      RegTest2Error               \n"
+    );
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/serial.c b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/serial.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1117e005a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo/serial.c
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+    FreeRTOS V5.4.1 - Copyright (C) 2009 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
+    This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
+    FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
+    the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the 
+    Free Software Foundation and modified by the FreeRTOS exception.
+    **NOTE** The exception to the GPL is included to allow you to distribute a
+    combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to provide the 
+    source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS kernel.  
+    Alternative commercial license and support terms are also available upon 
+    request.  See the licensing section of http://www.FreeRTOS.org for full 
+    license details.
+    FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+    more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+    with FreeRTOS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
+    Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+    ***************************************************************************
+    *                                                                         *
+    * Looking for a quick start?  Then check out the FreeRTOS eBook!          *
+    * See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation for details                   *
+    *                                                                         *
+    ***************************************************************************
+    1 tab == 4 spaces!
+    Please ensure to read the configuration and relevant port sections of the
+    online documentation.
+    http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, latest information, license and
+    contact details.
+    http://www.SafeRTOS.com - A version that is certified for use in safety
+    critical systems.
+    http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Commercial support, development, porting,
+    licensing and training services.
+/* NOTE:  This is just a test file and not intended to be a generic 
+COM driver. */
+#include "altera_avalon_uart.h"
+#include "altera_avalon_uart_regs.h"
+#include "sys/alt_irq.h"
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "queue.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include "Serial.h"
+#define serINVALID_QUEUE				( ( xQueueHandle ) 0 )
+#define serNO_BLOCK						( ( portTickType ) 0 )
+static xQueueHandle xRxedChars; 
+static xQueueHandle xCharsForTx; 
+alt_u32 uartControl;
+static void vUARTInterruptHandler( void* context, alt_u32 id );
+static void vUARTReceiveHandler( alt_u32 status );
+static void vUARTTransmitHandler( alt_u32 status );
+xComPortHandle xSerialPortInitMinimal( unsigned portLONG ulWantedBaud, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxQueueLength )
+	/* Create the queues used to hold Rx and Tx characters. */
+	xRxedChars = xQueueCreate( uxQueueLength, ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) sizeof( signed portCHAR ) );
+	xCharsForTx = xQueueCreate( uxQueueLength + 1, ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) sizeof( signed portCHAR ) );
+	/* If the queues were created correctly then setup the serial port hardware. */
+	if( ( xRxedChars != serINVALID_QUEUE ) && ( xCharsForTx != serINVALID_QUEUE ) )
+	{
+		{
+		    /* register the interrupt handler */
+			alt_irq_register ( UART_IRQ, NULL, vUARTInterruptHandler );
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return ( xComPortHandle ) 0;
+	}
+    return ( xComPortHandle ) 1;
+void vSerialClose( xComPortHandle xPort )
+    /* Never used. */
+signed portBASE_TYPE xSerialGetChar( xComPortHandle pxPort, signed portCHAR *pcRxedChar, portTickType xBlockTime )
+	/* The port handle is not required as this driver only supports one port. */
+	( void ) pxPort;
+	/* Get the next character from the buffer.  Return false if no characters
+	are available, or arrive before xBlockTime expires. */
+	if( xQueueReceive( xRxedChars, pcRxedChar, xBlockTime ) )
+	{
+		return pdTRUE;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return pdFALSE;
+	}
+signed portBASE_TYPE xSerialPutChar( xComPortHandle pxPort, signed portCHAR cOutChar, portTickType xBlockTime )
+signed portBASE_TYPE lReturn = pdPASS;
+	/* Place the character in the queue of characters to be transmitted. */
+	if( xQueueSend( xCharsForTx, &cOutChar, xBlockTime ) == pdPASS )
+	{
+        /*Triggers an interrupt on every character or (down) when queue is full. */
+        lReturn = pdPASS;
+    }
+    else
+    {	
+		lReturn = pdFAIL;
+	}
+	return lReturn;
+void vSerialPutString( xComPortHandle pxPort, const signed portCHAR * const pcString, unsigned portSHORT usStringLength )
+signed portCHAR *pxNext;
+	/* A couple of parameters that this port does not use. */
+	( void ) usStringLength;
+	( void ) pxPort;
+	/* NOTE: This implementation does not handle the queue being full as no block time is used! */
+	/* The port handle is not required as this driver only supports UART0. */
+	( void ) pxPort;
+	/* Send each character in the string, one at a time. */
+	pxNext = ( signed portCHAR * ) pcString;
+	while( *pxNext )
+	{
+		xSerialPutChar( pxPort, *pxNext, serNO_BLOCK );
+		pxNext++;
+	}
+static void vUARTInterruptHandler( void* context, alt_u32 id )
+	alt_u32 status;
+	/* Read the status register in order to determine the cause of the 
+    interrupt. */
+	/* Clear any error flags set at the device */
+	/* process a read irq */
+	{
+		vUARTReceiveHandler( status );
+	}
+	/* process a write irq */
+	{
+		vUARTTransmitHandler( status );
+	}
+static void vUARTReceiveHandler( alt_u32 status )
+signed portCHAR cChar;
+portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
+	/* If there was an error, discard the data */
+	{
+        asm("break");
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Transfer data from the device to the circular buffer */
+	if ( pdTRUE != xQueueSendFromISR( xRxedChars, &cChar, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) )
+	{
+		/* If the circular buffer was full, disable interrupts. Interrupts will 
+        be re-enabled when data is removed from the buffer. */
+	}
+	portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
+static void vUARTTransmitHandler( alt_u32 status )
+signed portCHAR cChar;
+portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
+	/* Transfer data if there is some ready to be transferred */
+	if( xQueueReceiveFromISR( xCharsForTx, &cChar, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) == pdTRUE )
+	{
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    }
+    portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );    
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo_syslib/.cdtbuild b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo_syslib/.cdtbuild
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#Tue Aug 04 21:28:00 BST 2009
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo_syslib/.settings/org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.prefs b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo_syslib/.settings/org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.prefs
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+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo_syslib/.settings/org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.prefs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#Tue Aug 04 21:27:57 BST 2009
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo_syslib/readme.txt b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo_syslib/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18be4e2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo_syslib/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+* System Library Project  													   
+* ======================                                                       
+* 	This is the library project custom created for your hardware system.       
+* 	It is built up from auto-generated files and component source files.       
+*  	The auto-generated system source files can be found in:	                    
+* 		<configuration_folder>/system_description  	                           
+*  		e.g. Release/system_description/system.h		                         			                                                                        *
+*  	The component source files from the relevant sopc component folders        
+* 		e.g. <sopc_kit_nios2>/components/altera_nios2                          
+* 	To change the system library build properties, right click on the project  
+* 		and select properties. This allows you to set options like timers,     
+* 		memory sections and build options.                                     
+*                                                                                                                                                            *
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo_syslib/system.stf b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo_syslib/system.stf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6edcd69f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/RTOSDemo_syslib/system.stf
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+	<project ptf="C:\E\Dev\FreeRTOS\WorkingCopy3\Demo\NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC\cpu.ptf" target="Nios II System Library">
+	</project>
+	<cpu name="cpu_0">
+	</cpu>
+	<os_spec clean_exit="yes" direct_drivers="no" exception_stack="no" instruction_emulation="no" name="none (single-threaded)" no_c_plus_plus="no" no_exit="no" profiling="no" small_footprint="no" sopc_component_dir="altera_hal" stack_checking="no" stderr="jtag_uart_0" stdin="jtag_uart_0" stdout="jtag_uart_0">
+	<sys_defines>
+<define name="alt_max_fd" quote="no" value="32"/>
+<define name="alt_sys_clk" quote="no" value="SYS_CLK"/>
+<define name="alt_timestamp_clk" quote="no" value="none"/>
+<macro name="alt_sim_optimize" quote="no" value="0"/>
+	<link_spec auto_gen_script="yes">
+		<script name="none">
+		<section memory="sdram" name=".text"/>
+<section memory="sdram" name=".rodata"/>
+<section memory="sdram" name=".rwdata"/>
+<section memory="sdram" name=".stack"/>
+<section memory="sdram" name=".heap"/>
+<section memory="sdram" name=".exceptionstack" size="0x400"/>
+	</link_spec>
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/cpu.ptf b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/cpu.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8959410c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/cpu.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,4855 @@
+   System_Wizard_Version = "8.00";
+   System_Wizard_Build = "215";
+   Builder_Application = "sopc_builder_ca";
+   {
+      hdl_language = "vhdl";
+      device_family = "CYCLONEIII";
+      device_family_id = "CYCLONEIII";
+      generate_sdk = "0";
+      do_build_sim = "0";
+      hardcopy_compatible = "0";
+      CLOCKS 
+      {
+         CLOCK clk
+         {
+            frequency = "75000000";
+            source = "External";
+            Is_Clock_Source = "0";
+            display_name = "clk";
+            pipeline = "0";
+            clock_module_connection_point_for_c2h = "clk.clk";
+         }
+      }
+      clock_freq = "75000000";
+      clock_freq = "75000000";
+      board_class = "";
+      view_master_columns = "1";
+      view_master_priorities = "0";
+      generate_hdl = "";
+      bustype_column_width = "0";
+      clock_column_width = "80";
+      name_column_width = "75";
+      desc_column_width = "75";
+      base_column_width = "75";
+      end_column_width = "75";
+      BOARD_INFO 
+      {
+         altera_avalon_epcs_flash_controller 
+         {
+            reference_designators = "";
+         }
+         altera_avalon_cfi_flash 
+         {
+            reference_designators = "";
+         }
+      }
+      do_log_history = "0";
+   }
+   MODULE cpu_0
+   {
+      MASTER instruction_master
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+            }
+            PORT i_address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "25";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT i_read
+            {
+               type = "read";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT i_readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT i_readdatavalid
+            {
+               type = "readdatavalid";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT i_waitrequest
+            {
+               type = "waitrequest";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Is_Asynchronous = "0";
+            DBS_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Adapts_To = "";
+            Do_Stream_Reads = "0";
+            Do_Stream_Writes = "0";
+            Max_Address_Width = "32";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "25";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            Is_Instruction_Master = "1";
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writeable = "0";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Irq_Scheme = "individual_requests";
+            Interrupt_Range = "0-0";
+         }
+         MEMORY_MAP 
+         {
+            Entry cpu_0/jtag_debug_module
+            {
+               address = "0x00901800";
+               span = "0x00000800";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry onchip_memory/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x00904000";
+               span = "0x00002000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry sdram/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x01000000";
+               span = "0x01000000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry epcs_controller/epcs_control_port
+            {
+               address = "0x00906000";
+               span = "0x00000800";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry cfi_flash/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x00000000";
+               span = "0x00800000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry DBC3C40_SRAM_inst/avalon_tristate_slave
+            {
+               address = "0x00800000";
+               span = "0x00100000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      MASTER custom_instruction_master
+      {
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "nios_custom_instruction";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "8";
+            Is_Custom_Instruction = "1";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            Max_Address_Width = "8";
+            Base_Address = "N/A";
+            Is_Visible = "0";
+         }
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT dataa
+            {
+               type = "dataa";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+            PORT datab
+            {
+               type = "datab";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+            PORT result
+            {
+               type = "result";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+            }
+            PORT clk_en
+            {
+               type = "clk_en";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+            PORT reset
+            {
+               type = "reset";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+            PORT start
+            {
+               type = "start";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+            PORT done
+            {
+               type = "done";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+            }
+            PORT n
+            {
+               type = "n";
+               width = "8";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+            PORT a
+            {
+               type = "a";
+               width = "5";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+            PORT b
+            {
+               type = "b";
+               width = "5";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+            PORT c
+            {
+               type = "c";
+               width = "5";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+            PORT readra
+            {
+               type = "readra";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+            PORT readrb
+            {
+               type = "readrb";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+            PORT writerc
+            {
+               type = "writerc";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      SLAVE jtag_debug_module
+      {
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "0cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "dynamic";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Address_Span = "2048";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "1";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "9";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            Accepts_External_Connections = "1";
+            Requires_Internal_Connections = "";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/instruction_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00901800";
+            }
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00901800";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x00901800";
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writeable = "1";
+            Uses_Tri_State_Data_Bus = "0";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            JTAG_Hub_Base_Id = "1118278";
+            JTAG_Hub_Instance_Id = "0";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+         }
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "9";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_begintransfer
+            {
+               type = "begintransfer";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_byteenable
+            {
+               type = "byteenable";
+               width = "4";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_debugaccess
+            {
+               type = "debugaccess";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_reset
+            {
+               type = "reset";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_resetrequest
+            {
+               type = "resetrequest";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_select
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_write
+            {
+               type = "write";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_writedata
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      MASTER data_master
+      {
+         {
+            Has_IRQ = "1";
+            Irq_Scheme = "individual_requests";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Is_Asynchronous = "0";
+            DBS_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Adapts_To = "";
+            Do_Stream_Reads = "0";
+            Do_Stream_Writes = "0";
+            Max_Address_Width = "32";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "25";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "1";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            Is_Data_Master = "1";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writeable = "1";
+            Interrupt_Range = "0-31";
+         }
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT d_irq
+            {
+               type = "irq";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT d_address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "25";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT d_byteenable
+            {
+               type = "byteenable";
+               width = "4";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT d_read
+            {
+               type = "read";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT d_readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT d_readdatavalid
+            {
+               type = "readdatavalid";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+            }
+            PORT d_waitrequest
+            {
+               type = "waitrequest";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT d_write
+            {
+               type = "write";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT d_writedata
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT jtag_debug_module_debugaccess_to_roms
+            {
+               type = "debugaccess";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         MEMORY_MAP 
+         {
+            Entry cpu_0/jtag_debug_module
+            {
+               address = "0x00901800";
+               span = "0x00000800";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry onchip_memory/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x00904000";
+               span = "0x00002000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry jtag_uart_0/avalon_jtag_slave
+            {
+               address = "0x009000d0";
+               span = "0x00000008";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry sdram/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x01000000";
+               span = "0x01000000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry sysid/control_slave
+            {
+               address = "0x009000d8";
+               span = "0x00000008";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry LED_Pio/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x00900080";
+               span = "0x00000010";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry SG_Pio/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x00900090";
+               span = "0x00000010";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry IO_Pio/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x009000a0";
+               span = "0x00000010";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry Button_Pio/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x009000b0";
+               span = "0x00000010";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry uart/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x00900040";
+               span = "0x00000020";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry LM74_Pio/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x009000c0";
+               span = "0x00000010";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry epcs_controller/epcs_control_port
+            {
+               address = "0x00906000";
+               span = "0x00000800";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry cfi_flash/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x00000000";
+               span = "0x00800000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry DBC3C40_SRAM_inst/avalon_tristate_slave
+            {
+               address = "0x00800000";
+               span = "0x00100000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry sys_clk/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x00900060";
+               span = "0x00000020";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry nios_vga_inst/vga_regs
+            {
+               address = "0x00900000";
+               span = "0x00000040";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         cache_has_dcache = "0";
+         cache_dcache_size = "0";
+         cache_dcache_line_size = "0";
+         cache_dcache_bursts = "0";
+         cache_dcache_ram_block_type = "AUTO";
+         num_tightly_coupled_data_masters = "0";
+         gui_num_tightly_coupled_data_masters = "0";
+         gui_include_tightly_coupled_data_masters = "0";
+         gui_omit_avalon_data_master = "0";
+         cache_has_icache = "1";
+         cache_icache_size = "16384";
+         cache_icache_line_size = "32";
+         cache_icache_ram_block_type = "AUTO";
+         cache_icache_bursts = "0";
+         num_tightly_coupled_instruction_masters = "0";
+         gui_num_tightly_coupled_instruction_masters = "0";
+         gui_include_tightly_coupled_instruction_masters = "0";
+         debug_level = "3";
+         include_oci = "1";
+         oci_sbi_enabled = "1";
+         oci_num_xbrk = "2";
+         oci_num_dbrk = "2";
+         oci_dbrk_trace = "0";
+         oci_dbrk_pairs = "1";
+         oci_onchip_trace = "0";
+         oci_offchip_trace = "0";
+         oci_data_trace = "0";
+         include_third_party_debug_port = "0";
+         oci_trace_addr_width = "7";
+         oci_trigger_arming = "1";
+         oci_debugreq_signals = "0";
+         oci_embedded_pll = "0";
+         oci_num_pm = "0";
+         oci_pm_width = "32";
+         performance_counters_present = "0";
+         performance_counters_width = "32";
+         always_encrypt = "1";
+         debug_simgen = "0";
+         activate_model_checker = "0";
+         activate_test_end_checker = "0";
+         activate_trace = "1";
+         activate_monitors = "1";
+         clear_x_bits_ld_non_bypass = "1";
+         bit_31_bypass_dcache = "1";
+         hdl_sim_caches_cleared = "1";
+         hbreak_test = "0";
+         allow_full_address_range = "0";
+         extra_exc_info = "0";
+         branch_prediction_type = "Static";
+         bht_ptr_sz = "8";
+         bht_index_pc_only = "0";
+         gui_branch_prediction_type = "Static";
+         full_waveform_signals = "0";
+         export_pcb = "0";
+         avalon_debug_port_present = "0";
+         illegal_instructions_trap = "0";
+         illegal_memory_access_detection = "0";
+         illegal_mem_exc = "0";
+         slave_access_error_exc = "0";
+         division_error_exc = "0";
+         advanced_exc = "0";
+         gui_mmu_present = "0";
+         mmu_present = "0";
+         process_id_num_bits = "8";
+         tlb_ptr_sz = "7";
+         tlb_num_ways = "16";
+         udtlb_num_entries = "6";
+         uitlb_num_entries = "4";
+         fast_tlb_miss_exc_slave = "";
+         fast_tlb_miss_exc_offset = "0x00000000";
+         mpu_present = "0";
+         mpu_num_data_regions = "8";
+         mpu_num_inst_regions = "8";
+         mpu_min_data_region_size_log2 = "12";
+         mpu_min_inst_region_size_log2 = "12";
+         mpu_use_limit = "0";
+         hardware_divide_present = "0";
+         gui_hardware_divide_setting = "0";
+         hardware_multiply_present = "1";
+         hardware_multiply_impl = "embedded_mul";
+         shift_rot_impl = "fast_le_shift";
+         gui_hardware_multiply_setting = "embedded_mul_fast_le_shift";
+         reset_slave = "cfi_flash/s1";
+         break_slave = "cpu_0/jtag_debug_module";
+         exc_slave = "sdram/s1";
+         reset_offset = "0x00000000";
+         break_offset = "0x00000020";
+         exc_offset = "0x00000020";
+         cpu_reset = "0";
+         CPU_Implementation = "small";
+         cpu_selection = "s";
+         device_family_id = "CYCLONEIII";
+         address_stall_present = "1";
+         dsp_block_supports_shift = "0";
+         mrams_present = "0";
+         do_generate = "1";
+         cpuid_value = "0";
+         cpuid_sz = "1";
+         dont_overwrite_cpuid = "1";
+         allow_legacy_sdk = "1";
+         legacy_sdk_support = "1";
+         inst_addr_width = "25";
+         data_addr_width = "25";
+         asp_debug = "0";
+         asp_core_debug = "0";
+         CPU_Architecture = "nios2";
+         cache_icache_burst_type = "none";
+         include_debug = "0";
+         include_trace = "0";
+         hardware_multiply_uses_les = "0";
+         hardware_multiply_omits_msw = "1";
+         big_endian = "0";
+         break_slave_override = "";
+         break_offset_override = "0x20";
+         altera_show_unreleased_features = "0";
+         altera_show_unpublished_features = "0";
+         altera_internal_test = "0";
+         alt_log_port_base = "";
+         alt_log_port_type = "";
+         gui_illegal_instructions_trap = "0";
+         atomic_mem_present = "0";
+         nmi_present = "0";
+         fast_intr_present = "0";
+         num_shadow_regs = "0";
+         gui_illegal_memory_access_detection = "0";
+         cache_omit_dcache = "0";
+         cache_omit_icache = "0";
+         omit_instruction_master = "0";
+         omit_data_master = "0";
+         ras_ptr_sz = "4";
+         jtb_ptr_sz = "5";
+         ibuf_ptr_sz = "4";
+         always_bypass_dcache = "0";
+         iss_trace_on = "0";
+         iss_trace_warning = "1";
+         iss_trace_info = "1";
+         iss_trace_disassembly = "0";
+         iss_trace_registers = "0";
+         iss_trace_instr_count = "0";
+         iss_software_debug = "0";
+         iss_software_debug_port = "9996";
+         iss_memory_dump_start = "";
+         iss_memory_dump_end = "";
+         Boot_Copier = "boot_loader_cfi.srec";
+         Boot_Copier_EPCS = "boot_loader_epcs.srec";
+         Boot_Copier_EPCS_SII_SIII_CIII = "boot_loader_epcs_sii_siii_ciii.srec";
+         Boot_Copier_BE = "boot_loader_cfi_be.srec";
+         Boot_Copier_EPCS_BE = "boot_loader_epcs_be.srec";
+         Boot_Copier_EPCS_SII_SIII_CIII_BE = "boot_loader_epcs_sii_siii_ciii_be.srec";
+         CONSTANTS 
+         {
+            CONSTANT __nios_catch_irqs__
+            {
+               value = "1";
+               comment = "Include panic handler for all irqs (needs uart)";
+            }
+            CONSTANT __nios_use_constructors__
+            {
+               value = "1";
+               comment = "Call c++ static constructors";
+            }
+            CONSTANT __nios_use_small_printf__
+            {
+               value = "1";
+               comment = "Smaller non-ANSI printf, with no floating point";
+            }
+            CONSTANT nasys_has_icache
+            {
+               value = "1";
+               comment = "True if instruction cache present";
+            }
+            CONSTANT nasys_icache_size
+            {
+               value = "16384";
+               comment = "Size in bytes of instruction cache";
+            }
+            CONSTANT nasys_icache_line_size
+            {
+               value = "32";
+               comment = "Size in bytes of each icache line";
+            }
+            CONSTANT nasys_icache_line_size_log2
+            {
+               value = "5";
+               comment = "Log2 size in bytes of each icache line";
+            }
+            CONSTANT nasys_has_dcache
+            {
+               value = "0";
+               comment = "True if instruction cache present";
+            }
+            CONSTANT nasys_dcache_size
+            {
+               value = "0";
+               comment = "Size in bytes of data cache";
+            }
+            CONSTANT nasys_dcache_line_size
+            {
+               value = "0";
+               comment = "Size in bytes of each dcache line";
+            }
+            CONSTANT nasys_dcache_line_size_log2
+            {
+               value = "-Infinity";
+               comment = "Log2 size in bytes of each dcache line";
+            }
+         }
+         license_status = "encrypted";
+         mainmem_slave = "DBC3C40_SRAM_inst/avalon_tristate_slave";
+         datamem_slave = "DBC3C40_SRAM_inst/avalon_tristate_slave";
+         maincomm_slave = "uart/s1";
+         germs_monitor_id = "";
+      }
+      class = "altera_nios2";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      {
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         Parameters_Signature = "";
+         Is_CPU = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Default_Module_Name = "cpu";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         View 
+         {
+            Settings_Summary = "Nios II/s
+            <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;16-Kbyte Instruction Cache
+            <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;JTAG Debug Module
+            ";
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      iss_model_name = "altera_nios2";
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         PLI_Files = "";
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/cpu_0_test_bench.vhd, __PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/cpu_0_mult_cell.vhd, __PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/cpu_0_jtag_debug_module_tck.vhd, __PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/cpu_0_jtag_debug_module_sysclk.vhd, __PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/cpu_0_jtag_debug_module_wrapper.vhd, __PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/cpu_0.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+      MASTER tightly_coupled_instruction_master_0
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         {
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Max_Address_Width = "31";
+            Address_Width = "8";
+            Is_Instruction_Master = "1";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Connection_Limit = "1";
+            Is_Channel = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      MASTER tightly_coupled_instruction_master_1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         {
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Max_Address_Width = "31";
+            Address_Width = "8";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Is_Instruction_Master = "1";
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writeable = "0";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Connection_Limit = "1";
+            Is_Channel = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      MASTER tightly_coupled_instruction_master_2
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         {
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Max_Address_Width = "31";
+            Address_Width = "8";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Is_Instruction_Master = "1";
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writeable = "0";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Connection_Limit = "1";
+            Is_Channel = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      MASTER tightly_coupled_instruction_master_3
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         {
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Max_Address_Width = "31";
+            Address_Width = "8";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Is_Instruction_Master = "1";
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writeable = "0";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Connection_Limit = "1";
+            Is_Channel = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      MASTER data_master2
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         {
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "1";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Max_Address_Width = "31";
+            Address_Width = "8";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Is_Data_Master = "1";
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writeable = "1";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+         }
+      }
+      MASTER tightly_coupled_data_master_0
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         {
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Max_Address_Width = "31";
+            Address_Width = "8";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Is_Data_Master = "1";
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writeable = "1";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Connection_Limit = "1";
+            Is_Channel = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      MASTER tightly_coupled_data_master_1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         {
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Max_Address_Width = "31";
+            Address_Width = "8";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Is_Data_Master = "1";
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writeable = "1";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Connection_Limit = "1";
+            Is_Channel = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      MASTER tightly_coupled_data_master_2
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         {
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Max_Address_Width = "31";
+            Address_Width = "8";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Is_Data_Master = "1";
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writeable = "1";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Connection_Limit = "1";
+            Is_Channel = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      MASTER tightly_coupled_data_master_3
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         {
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Max_Address_Width = "31";
+            Address_Width = "8";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Is_Data_Master = "1";
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writeable = "1";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Connection_Limit = "1";
+            Is_Channel = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         PORT jtag_debug_trigout
+         {
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT jtag_debug_offchip_trace_clk
+         {
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT jtag_debug_offchip_trace_data
+         {
+            width = "18";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT clkx2
+         {
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "input";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            visible = "0";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         DISPLAY 
+         {
+            SIGNAL aaa
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "i_readdata";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aab
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "i_readdatavalid";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aac
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "i_waitrequest";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aad
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "i_address";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aae
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "i_read";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aaf
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "clk";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aag
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "reset_n";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aah
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "d_readdata";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aai
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "d_waitrequest";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aaj
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "d_irq";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aak
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "d_address";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aal
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "d_byteenable";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aam
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "d_read";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aan
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "d_write";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aao
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "d_writedata";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aap
+            {
+               format = "Divider";
+               name = "base pipeline";
+               radix = "";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aaq
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "clk";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aar
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "reset_n";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aas
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "M_stall";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aat
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "F_pcb_nxt";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aau
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "F_pcb";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aav
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "D_pcb";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aaw
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "E_pcb";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aax
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "M_pcb";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aay
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "W_pcb";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aaz
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "F_vinst";
+               radix = "ascii";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aba
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "D_vinst";
+               radix = "ascii";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abb
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "E_vinst";
+               radix = "ascii";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abc
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "M_vinst";
+               radix = "ascii";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abd
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "W_vinst";
+               radix = "ascii";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abe
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "F_inst_ram_hit";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abf
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "F_issue";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abg
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "F_kill";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abh
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "D_kill";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abi
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "D_refetch";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abj
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "D_issue";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abk
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "D_valid";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abl
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "E_valid";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abm
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "M_valid";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abn
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "W_valid";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abo
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "W_wr_dst_reg";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abp
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "W_dst_regnum";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abq
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "W_wr_data";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abr
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "F_en";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abs
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "D_en";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abt
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "E_en";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abu
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "M_en";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abv
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "F_iw";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abw
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "D_iw";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abx
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "E_iw";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aby
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "E_valid_prior_to_hbreak";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL abz
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "M_pipe_flush_nxt";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL aca
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "M_pipe_flush_baddr_nxt";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL acb
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "M_status_reg_pie";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL acc
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "M_ienable_reg";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL acd
+            {
+               format = "Logic";
+               name = "intr_req";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE onchip_memory
+   {
+      SLAVE s1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+            }
+            PORT address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "11";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT chipselect
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT clken
+            {
+               type = "clken";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               default_value = "1'b1";
+            }
+            PORT read
+            {
+               type = "read";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+            }
+            PORT readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT write
+            {
+               type = "write";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT writedata
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT debugaccess
+            {
+               type = "debugaccess";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+            }
+            PORT byteenable
+            {
+               type = "byteenable";
+               width = "4";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "0cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "0cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "dynamic";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Address_Span = "8192";
+            Read_Latency = "1";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "1";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "11";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/instruction_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00904000";
+            }
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00904000";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x00904000";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Is_Channel = "1";
+            Is_Writable = "1";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      iss_model_name = "altera_memory";
+      {
+         allow_mram_sim_contents_only_file = "0";
+         ram_block_type = "AUTO";
+         init_contents_file = "onchip_memory";
+         non_default_init_file_enabled = "0";
+         gui_ram_block_type = "Automatic";
+         Writeable = "1";
+         dual_port = "0";
+         Size_Value = "8192";
+         Size_Multiple = "1";
+         use_shallow_mem_blocks = "0";
+         init_mem_content = "1";
+         allow_in_system_memory_content_editor = "0";
+         instance_id = "NONE";
+         read_during_write_mode = "DONT_CARE";
+         ignore_auto_block_type_assignment = "1";
+         MAKE 
+         {
+            TARGET delete_placeholder_warning
+            {
+               onchip_memory 
+               {
+                  Command1 = "rm -f $(SIMDIR)/contents_file_warning.txt";
+                  Is_Phony = "1";
+                  Target_File = "do_delete_placeholder_warning";
+               }
+            }
+            TARGET hex
+            {
+               onchip_memory 
+               {
+                  Command1 = "@echo Post-processing to create $(notdir $@)";
+                  Command2 = "elf2hex $(ELF) 0x00904000 0x905FFF --width=32 $(QUARTUS_PROJECT_DIR)/onchip_memory.hex --create-lanes=0 ";
+                  Dependency = "$(ELF)";
+                  Target_File = "$(QUARTUS_PROJECT_DIR)/onchip_memory.hex";
+               }
+            }
+            TARGET sim
+            {
+               onchip_memory 
+               {
+                  Command1 = "if [ ! -d $(SIMDIR) ]; then mkdir $(SIMDIR) ; fi";
+                  Command2 = "@echo Hardware simulation is not enabled for the target SOPC Builder system. Skipping creation of hardware simulation model contents and simulation symbol files. \\(Note: This does not affect the instruction set simulator.\\)";
+                  Command3 = "touch $(SIMDIR)/dummy_file";
+                  Dependency = "$(ELF)";
+                  Target_File = "$(SIMDIR)/dummy_file";
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         contents_info = "";
+      }
+      {
+         DISPLAY 
+         {
+            SIGNAL a
+            {
+               name = "chipselect";
+               conditional = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL c
+            {
+               name = "address";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL d
+            {
+               name = "byteenable";
+               radix = "binary";
+               conditional = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL e
+            {
+               name = "readdata";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL b
+            {
+               name = "write";
+               conditional = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL f
+            {
+               name = "writedata";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               conditional = "1";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         Prohibited_Device_Family = "MERCURY, APEX20K, APEX20KE, APEX20KC, APEXII, ACEX1K, FLEX10KE, EXCALIBUR_ARM, MAXII";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Default_Module_Name = "onchip_memory";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_onchip_memory2";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/onchip_memory.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+      SLAVE s2
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "1";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "dynamic";
+            Address_Width = "11";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Read_Wait_States = "0";
+            Write_Wait_States = "0";
+            Address_Span = "8192";
+            Read_Latency = "1";
+            Is_Channel = "1";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            Is_Writable = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE jtag_uart_0
+   {
+      SLAVE avalon_jtag_slave
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+            }
+            PORT av_irq
+            {
+               type = "irq";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT av_chipselect
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT av_address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT av_read_n
+            {
+               type = "read_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT av_readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT av_write_n
+            {
+               type = "write_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT av_writedata
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT av_waitrequest
+            {
+               type = "waitrequest";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT dataavailable
+            {
+               type = "dataavailable";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT readyfordata
+            {
+               type = "readyfordata";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT rst_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               direction = "input";
+               width = "1";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Has_IRQ = "1";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Read_Wait_States = "peripheral_controlled";
+            Write_Wait_States = "peripheral_controlled";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "1";
+            Address_Alignment = "native";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "0";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "1";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            JTAG_Hub_Base_Id = "262254";
+            JTAG_Hub_Instance_Id = "0";
+            Connection_Limit = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x009000d0";
+            }
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "1";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x009000d0";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_jtag_uart";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      iss_model_name = "altera_avalon_jtag_uart";
+      {
+         write_depth = "64";
+         read_depth = "64";
+         write_threshold = "8";
+         read_threshold = "8";
+         read_char_stream = "";
+         showascii = "1";
+         read_le = "0";
+         write_le = "0";
+         altera_show_unreleased_jtag_uart_features = "0";
+      }
+      {
+         DISPLAY 
+         {
+            SIGNAL av_chipselect
+            {
+               name = "av_chipselect";
+            }
+            SIGNAL av_address
+            {
+               name = "av_address";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL av_read_n
+            {
+               name = "av_read_n";
+            }
+            SIGNAL av_readdata
+            {
+               name = "av_readdata";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL av_write_n
+            {
+               name = "av_write_n";
+            }
+            SIGNAL av_writedata
+            {
+               name = "av_writedata";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL av_waitrequest
+            {
+               name = "av_waitrequest";
+            }
+            SIGNAL dataavailable
+            {
+               name = "dataavailable";
+            }
+            SIGNAL readyfordata
+            {
+               name = "readyfordata";
+            }
+            SIGNAL av_irq
+            {
+               name = "av_irq";
+            }
+         }
+         INTERACTIVE_IN drive
+         {
+            enable = "0";
+            file = "_input_data_stream.dat";
+            mutex = "_input_data_mutex.dat";
+            log = "_in.log";
+            rate = "100";
+            signals = "temp,list";
+            exe = "nios2-terminal";
+         }
+         INTERACTIVE_OUT log
+         {
+            enable = "1";
+            exe = "perl -- atail-f.pl";
+            file = "_output_stream.dat";
+            radix = "ascii";
+            signals = "temp,list";
+         }
+         Fix_Me_Up = "";
+      }
+      {
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Iss_Launch_Telnet = "0";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+            Settings_Summary = "<br>Write Depth: 64; Write IRQ Threshold: 8
+                <br>Read  Depth: 64; Read  IRQ Threshold: 8";
+         }
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/jtag_uart_0.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE sdram
+   {
+      SLAVE s1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT az_addr
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "22";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT az_be_n
+            {
+               type = "byteenable_n";
+               width = "4";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT az_cs
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT az_data
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT az_rd_n
+            {
+               type = "read_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT az_wr_n
+            {
+               type = "write_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT za_data
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT za_valid
+            {
+               type = "readdatavalid";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT za_waitrequest
+            {
+               type = "waitrequest";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT zs_addr
+            {
+               direction = "output";
+               width = "12";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT zs_ba
+            {
+               direction = "output";
+               width = "2";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT zs_cas_n
+            {
+               direction = "output";
+               width = "1";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT zs_cke
+            {
+               direction = "output";
+               width = "1";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT zs_cs_n
+            {
+               direction = "output";
+               width = "1";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT zs_dq
+            {
+               direction = "inout";
+               width = "32";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT zs_dqm
+            {
+               direction = "output";
+               width = "4";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT zs_ras_n
+            {
+               direction = "output";
+               width = "1";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT zs_we_n
+            {
+               direction = "output";
+               width = "1";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Read_Wait_States = "peripheral_controlled";
+            Write_Wait_States = "peripheral_controlled";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "dynamic";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Address_Span = "16777216";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "1";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "6";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "22";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/instruction_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x01000000";
+            }
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x01000000";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x01000000";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Simulation_Num_Lanes = "1";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         PORT zs_addr
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "12";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT zs_ba
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "2";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT zs_cas_n
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT zs_cke
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT zs_cs_n
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT zs_dq
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "32";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT zs_dqm
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "4";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT zs_ras_n
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT zs_we_n
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+      }
+      iss_model_name = "altera_memory";
+      {
+         register_data_in = "1";
+         sim_model_base = "0";
+         sdram_data_width = "32";
+         sdram_addr_width = "12";
+         sdram_row_width = "12";
+         sdram_col_width = "8";
+         sdram_num_chipselects = "1";
+         sdram_num_banks = "4";
+         refresh_period = "15.625";
+         powerup_delay = "100.0";
+         cas_latency = "2";
+         t_rfc = "70.0";
+         t_rp = "15.0";
+         t_mrd = "3";
+         t_rcd = "15.0";
+         t_ac = "6.0";
+         t_wr = "14.0";
+         init_refresh_commands = "2";
+         init_nop_delay = "0.0";
+         shared_data = "0";
+         sdram_bank_width = "2";
+         tristate_bridge_slave = "";
+         starvation_indicator = "0";
+         is_initialized = "1";
+      }
+      {
+         DISPLAY 
+         {
+            SIGNAL a
+            {
+               name = "az_addr";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL b
+            {
+               name = "az_be_n";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL c
+            {
+               name = "az_cs";
+            }
+            SIGNAL d
+            {
+               name = "az_data";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL e
+            {
+               name = "az_rd_n";
+            }
+            SIGNAL f
+            {
+               name = "az_wr_n";
+            }
+            SIGNAL h
+            {
+               name = "za_data";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL i
+            {
+               name = "za_valid";
+            }
+            SIGNAL j
+            {
+               name = "za_waitrequest";
+            }
+            SIGNAL l
+            {
+               name = "CODE";
+               radix = "ascii";
+            }
+            SIGNAL g
+            {
+               name = "clk";
+            }
+            SIGNAL k
+            {
+               name = "za_cannotrefresh";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL m
+            {
+               name = "zs_addr";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               suppress = "0";
+            }
+            SIGNAL n
+            {
+               name = "zs_ba";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               suppress = "0";
+            }
+            SIGNAL o
+            {
+               name = "zs_cs_n";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               suppress = "0";
+            }
+            SIGNAL p
+            {
+               name = "zs_ras_n";
+               suppress = "0";
+            }
+            SIGNAL q
+            {
+               name = "zs_cas_n";
+               suppress = "0";
+            }
+            SIGNAL r
+            {
+               name = "zs_we_n";
+               suppress = "0";
+            }
+            SIGNAL s
+            {
+               name = "zs_dq";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               suppress = "0";
+            }
+            SIGNAL t
+            {
+               name = "zs_dqm";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               suppress = "0";
+            }
+            SIGNAL u
+            {
+               name = "zt_addr";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL v
+            {
+               name = "zt_ba";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL w
+            {
+               name = "zt_oe";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL x
+            {
+               name = "zt_cke";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL y
+            {
+               name = "zt_chipselect";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL z0
+            {
+               name = "zt_lock_n";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL z1
+            {
+               name = "zt_ras_n";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL z2
+            {
+               name = "zt_cas_n";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL z3
+            {
+               name = "zt_we_n";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL z4
+            {
+               name = "zt_cs_n";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL z5
+            {
+               name = "zt_dqm";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL z6
+            {
+               name = "zt_data";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL z7
+            {
+               name = "tz_data";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+            SIGNAL z8
+            {
+               name = "tz_waitrequest";
+               suppress = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         Fix_Me_Up = "";
+      }
+      {
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Default_Module_Name = "sdram";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         Disable_Simulation_Port_Wiring = "0";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+            Settings_Summary = "4194304 x 32<br>
+                Memory size: 16 MBytes<br>
+                128 MBits
+                ";
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_new_sdram_controller";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/sdram.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE sysid
+   {
+      SLAVE control_slave
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clock
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+            }
+            PORT address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "0cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "native";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "0";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "1";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x009000d8";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x009000d8";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_sysid";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      {
+         Date_Modified = "";
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Fixed_Module_Name = "sysid";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         View 
+         {
+            Settings_Summary = "System ID (at last Generate):<br> <b>2A1C5786</b>    (unique ID tag) <br> <b>485BC1C0</b> (timestamp: Fri Jun 20, 2008 @4:42 PM)";
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         id = "706500486u";
+         timestamp = "1213972928u";
+         regenerate_values = "0";
+         MAKE 
+         {
+            TARGET verifysysid
+            {
+               verifysysid 
+               {
+                  All_Depends_On = "0";
+                  Command = "nios2-download $(JTAG_CABLE)                                --sidp=0x009000d8 --id=706500486 --timestamp=1213972928";
+                  Is_Phony = "1";
+                  Target_File = "dummy_verifysysid_file";
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/sysid.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   {
+      SLAVE s1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "2";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT write_n
+            {
+               type = "write_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT writedata
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "8";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT chipselect
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "0cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "native";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "0";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "8";
+            Address_Width = "2";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00900080";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x00900080";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+            Is_Readable = "0";
+            Is_Writable = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         PORT out_port
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "8";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT in_port
+         {
+            direction = "input";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            width = "8";
+         }
+         PORT bidir_port
+         {
+            direction = "inout";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            width = "8";
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_pio";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      {
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Wire_Test_Bench_Values = "1";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         Date_Modified = "";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+            Settings_Summary = " 8-bit PIO using <br>
+					 output pins";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         Do_Test_Bench_Wiring = "0";
+         Driven_Sim_Value = "0";
+         has_tri = "0";
+         has_out = "1";
+         has_in = "0";
+         capture = "0";
+         Data_Width = "8";
+         reset_value = "0";
+         edge_type = "NONE";
+         irq_type = "NONE";
+         bit_clearing_edge_register = "0";
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/LED_Pio.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+   }
+   {
+      SLAVE s1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "2";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT write_n
+            {
+               type = "write_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT writedata
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "14";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT chipselect
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "0cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "native";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "0";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "14";
+            Address_Width = "2";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00900090";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x00900090";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+            Is_Readable = "0";
+            Is_Writable = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         PORT out_port
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "14";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT in_port
+         {
+            direction = "input";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            width = "14";
+         }
+         PORT bidir_port
+         {
+            direction = "inout";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            width = "14";
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_pio";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      {
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Wire_Test_Bench_Values = "1";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         Date_Modified = "";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+            Settings_Summary = " 14-bit PIO using <br>
+					 output pins";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         Do_Test_Bench_Wiring = "0";
+         Driven_Sim_Value = "0";
+         has_tri = "0";
+         has_out = "1";
+         has_in = "0";
+         capture = "0";
+         Data_Width = "14";
+         reset_value = "0";
+         edge_type = "NONE";
+         irq_type = "NONE";
+         bit_clearing_edge_register = "0";
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/SG_Pio.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+   }
+   {
+      SLAVE s1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "2";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT write_n
+            {
+               type = "write_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT writedata
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT chipselect
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "0cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "native";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "0";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "2";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x009000a0";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x009000a0";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writable = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         PORT bidir_port
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "32";
+            direction = "inout";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT in_port
+         {
+            direction = "input";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            width = "32";
+         }
+         PORT out_port
+         {
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            width = "32";
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_pio";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      {
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Wire_Test_Bench_Values = "1";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         Date_Modified = "";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+            Settings_Summary = " 32-bit PIO using <br>
+					 tri-state pins with edge type NONE and interrupt source NONE
+					";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         Do_Test_Bench_Wiring = "0";
+         Driven_Sim_Value = "0";
+         has_tri = "1";
+         has_out = "0";
+         has_in = "0";
+         capture = "0";
+         Data_Width = "32";
+         reset_value = "0";
+         edge_type = "NONE";
+         irq_type = "NONE";
+         bit_clearing_edge_register = "0";
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/IO_Pio.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE Button_Pio
+   {
+      SLAVE s1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "2";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "9";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "0cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "native";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "0";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "9";
+            Address_Width = "2";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x009000b0";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x009000b0";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writable = "0";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         PORT in_port
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "9";
+            direction = "input";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT out_port
+         {
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            width = "9";
+         }
+         PORT bidir_port
+         {
+            direction = "inout";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            width = "9";
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_pio";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      {
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Wire_Test_Bench_Values = "1";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         Date_Modified = "";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+            Settings_Summary = " 9-bit PIO using <br>
+					 input pins with edge type NONE and interrupt source NONE
+					";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         Do_Test_Bench_Wiring = "0";
+         Driven_Sim_Value = "0";
+         has_tri = "0";
+         has_out = "0";
+         has_in = "1";
+         capture = "0";
+         Data_Width = "9";
+         reset_value = "0";
+         edge_type = "NONE";
+         irq_type = "NONE";
+         bit_clearing_edge_register = "0";
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/Button_Pio.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE uart
+   {
+      SLAVE s1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT irq
+            {
+               type = "irq";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "3";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT begintransfer
+            {
+               type = "begintransfer";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT chipselect
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT read_n
+            {
+               type = "read_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT write_n
+            {
+               type = "write_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT writedata
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "16";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "16";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT dataavailable
+            {
+               type = "dataavailable";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT readyfordata
+            {
+               type = "readyfordata";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Has_IRQ = "1";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "1";
+            Address_Alignment = "native";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "0";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "16";
+            Address_Width = "3";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00900040";
+            }
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "0";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x00900040";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         PORT rxd
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "input";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT txd
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT cts_n
+         {
+            direction = "input";
+            width = "1";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+         PORT rts_n
+         {
+            direction = "output";
+            width = "1";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_uart";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      iss_model_name = "altera_avalon_uart";
+      {
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Iss_Launch_Telnet = "0";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         View 
+         {
+            Settings_Summary = "8-bit UART with 115200 baud, <br>
+                    1 stop bits and N parity";
+            Is_Collapsed = "1";
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+         }
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+      }
+      {
+         DISPLAY 
+         {
+            SIGNAL a
+            {
+               name = "  Bus Interface";
+               format = "Divider";
+            }
+            SIGNAL b
+            {
+               name = "chipselect";
+            }
+            SIGNAL c
+            {
+               name = "address";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL d
+            {
+               name = "writedata";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL e
+            {
+               name = "readdata";
+               radix = "hexadecimal";
+            }
+            SIGNAL f
+            {
+               name = "  Internals";
+               format = "Divider";
+            }
+            SIGNAL g
+            {
+               name = "tx_ready";
+            }
+            SIGNAL h
+            {
+               name = "tx_data";
+               radix = "ascii";
+            }
+            SIGNAL i
+            {
+               name = "rx_char_ready";
+            }
+            SIGNAL j
+            {
+               name = "rx_data";
+               radix = "ascii";
+            }
+         }
+         INTERACTIVE_OUT log
+         {
+            enable = "0";
+            file = "_log_module.txt";
+            radix = "ascii";
+            signals = "temp,list";
+            exe = "perl -- tail-f.pl";
+         }
+         INTERACTIVE_IN drive
+         {
+            enable = "0";
+            file = "_input_data_stream.dat";
+            mutex = "_input_data_mutex.dat";
+            log = "_in.log";
+            rate = "100";
+            signals = "temp,list";
+            exe = "perl -- uart.pl";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         baud = "115200";
+         data_bits = "8";
+         fixed_baud = "1";
+         parity = "N";
+         stop_bits = "1";
+         use_cts_rts = "0";
+         use_eop_register = "0";
+         sim_true_baud = "0";
+         sim_char_stream = "";
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/uart.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE LM74_Pio
+   {
+      SLAVE s1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "2";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT write_n
+            {
+               type = "write_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT writedata
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "3";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT chipselect
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "3";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "0cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "native";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "0";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "3";
+            Address_Width = "2";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x009000c0";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x009000c0";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+            Is_Readable = "1";
+            Is_Writable = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         PORT bidir_port
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "3";
+            direction = "inout";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT in_port
+         {
+            direction = "input";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            width = "3";
+         }
+         PORT out_port
+         {
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "0";
+            width = "3";
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_pio";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      {
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Wire_Test_Bench_Values = "1";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         Date_Modified = "";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+            Settings_Summary = " 3-bit PIO using <br>
+					 tri-state pins with edge type NONE and interrupt source NONE
+					";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         Do_Test_Bench_Wiring = "0";
+         Driven_Sim_Value = "0";
+         has_tri = "1";
+         has_out = "0";
+         has_in = "0";
+         capture = "0";
+         Data_Width = "3";
+         reset_value = "0";
+         edge_type = "NONE";
+         irq_type = "NONE";
+         bit_clearing_edge_register = "0";
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/LM74_Pio.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE epcs_controller
+   {
+      SLAVE epcs_control_port
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT irq
+            {
+               type = "irq";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "9";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT chipselect
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT dataavailable
+            {
+               type = "dataavailable";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT endofpacket
+            {
+               type = "endofpacket";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT read_n
+            {
+               type = "read_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT readyfordata
+            {
+               type = "readyfordata";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT write_n
+            {
+               type = "write_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT writedata
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT data_from_cpu
+            {
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+               direction = "input";
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "16";
+            }
+            PORT data_to_cpu
+            {
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+               direction = "output";
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "16";
+            }
+            PORT epcs_select
+            {
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+               direction = "input";
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+            }
+            PORT mem_addr
+            {
+               Is_Enabled = "0";
+               direction = "input";
+               type = "address";
+               width = "3";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Has_IRQ = "1";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "dynamic";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "1";
+            Address_Span = "2048";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "1";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "1";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "9";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/instruction_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00906000";
+            }
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00906000";
+            }
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "2";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x00906000";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+         }
+         {
+            class = "altera_avalon_epcs_flash_controller";
+            flash_reference_designator = "";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         PORT dclk
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT sce
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT sdo
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT data0
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "input";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         databits = "8";
+         targetclock = "20";
+         clockunits = "MHz";
+         clockmult = "1000000";
+         numslaves = "1";
+         ismaster = "1";
+         clockpolarity = "0";
+         clockphase = "0";
+         lsbfirst = "0";
+         extradelay = "0";
+         targetssdelay = "100";
+         delayunits = "us";
+         delaymult = "1e-006";
+         prefix = "epcs_";
+         register_offset = "0x400";
+         use_asmi_atom = "0";
+         MAKE 
+         {
+            MACRO 
+            {
+            }
+            MASTER cpu_0
+            {
+               MACRO 
+               {
+                  BOOTS_FROM_EPCS = "0";
+                  BOOT_COPIER_EPCS = "boot_loader_epcs.srec";
+                  CPU_CLASS = "altera_nios2";
+                  CPU_RESET_ADDRESS = "0x0";
+               }
+            }
+            TARGET delete_placeholder_warning
+            {
+               epcs_controller 
+               {
+                  Command1 = "rm -f $(SIMDIR)/contents_file_warning.txt";
+                  Is_Phony = "1";
+                  Target_File = "do_delete_placeholder_warning";
+               }
+            }
+            TARGET flashfiles
+            {
+               epcs_controller 
+               {
+                  Command1 = "@if [ $(BOOTS_FROM_EPCS) -eq 1 ]; then echo Post-processing to create $(notdir $@) ; elf2flash --input=$(ELF) --flash= --boot=$(DBL_QUOTE)$(shell $(DBL_QUOTE)$(QUARTUS_ROOTDIR)/sopc_builder/bin/find_sopc_component_dir$(DBL_QUOTE) $(CPU_CLASS) $(QUARTUS_PROJECT_DIR))/$(BOOT_COPIER_EPCS)$(DBL_QUOTE) --outfile=$(EPCS_CONTROLLER_BOOT_ROM_FLASHTARGET_ALT_SIM_PREFIX)epcs_controller_boot_rom.flash --sim_optimize=$(ALT_SIM_OPTIMIZE) --epcs --base=0x0 --end=0x7FFFFFFF  ; fi";
+                  Dependency = "$(ELF)";
+                  Target_File = "$(EPCS_CONTROLLER_BOOT_ROM_FLASHTARGET_ALT_SIM_PREFIX)epcs_controller_boot_rom.flash";
+               }
+            }
+            TARGET sim
+            {
+               epcs_controller 
+               {
+                  Command1 = "if [ ! -d $(SIMDIR) ]; then mkdir $(SIMDIR) ; fi";
+                  Command2 = "@echo Hardware simulation is not enabled for the target SOPC Builder system. Skipping creation of hardware simulation model contents and simulation symbol files. \\(Note: This does not affect the instruction set simulator.\\)";
+                  Command3 = "touch $(SIMDIR)/dummy_file";
+                  Dependency = "$(ELF)";
+                  Target_File = "$(SIMDIR)/dummy_file";
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         clockunit = "kHz";
+         delayunit = "us";
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_epcs_flash_controller";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      {
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Fixed_Module_Name = "epcs_controller";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/epcs_controller.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE tri_state_bridge_0
+   {
+      SLAVE avalon_slave
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "0cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "dynamic";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Address_Span = "1";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "0";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "1";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "1";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00000000";
+            }
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/instruction_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00000000";
+            }
+            MASTERED_BY nios_vga_inst/vga_dma
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00000000";
+            }
+            Bridges_To = "tristate_master";
+            Base_Address = "N/A";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            IRQ = "N/A";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      MASTER tristate_master
+      {
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon_tristate";
+            Is_Asynchronous = "0";
+            DBS_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Adapts_To = "";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            Bridges_To = "avalon_slave";
+         }
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+         }
+         MEMORY_MAP 
+         {
+            Entry cfi_flash/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x00000000";
+               span = "0x00800000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry DBC3C40_SRAM_inst/avalon_tristate_slave
+            {
+               address = "0x00800000";
+               span = "0x00100000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      {
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_tri_state_bridge";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      {
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Is_Bridge = "1";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE sys_clk
+   {
+      SLAVE s1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT reset_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT irq
+            {
+               type = "irq";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "3";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT writedata
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "16";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT readdata
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "16";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT chipselect
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT write_n
+            {
+               type = "write_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Has_IRQ = "1";
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "0cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "native";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "0";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "16";
+            Address_Width = "3";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00900060";
+            }
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "3";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x00900060";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_timer";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      iss_model_name = "altera_avalon_timer";
+      {
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         View 
+         {
+            Settings_Summary = "Timer with 1 ms timeout period.";
+            Is_Collapsed = "1";
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+         }
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+      }
+      {
+         always_run = "0";
+         fixed_period = "0";
+         snapshot = "1";
+         period = "1.0";
+         period_units = "ms";
+         reset_output = "0";
+         timeout_pulse_output = "0";
+         load_value = "74999";
+         counter_size = "32";
+         mult = "0.0010";
+         ticks_per_sec = "1000";
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = "";
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+         Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/sys_clk.vhd";
+         Synthesis_Only_Files = "";
+      }
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE cfi_flash
+   {
+      SLAVE s1
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT data
+            {
+               type = "data";
+               width = "16";
+               direction = "inout";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               is_shared = "1";
+            }
+            PORT address
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "22";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               is_shared = "1";
+            }
+            PORT read_n
+            {
+               type = "read_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               is_shared = "1";
+            }
+            PORT write_n
+            {
+               type = "write_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               is_shared = "1";
+            }
+            PORT select_n
+            {
+               type = "chipselect_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               is_shared = "0";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon_tristate";
+            Write_Wait_States = "100ns";
+            Read_Wait_States = "100ns";
+            Hold_Time = "20ns";
+            Setup_Time = "20ns";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "dynamic";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "1";
+            Address_Span = "8388608";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "1";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "1";
+            Active_CS_Through_Read_Latency = "0";
+            Data_Width = "16";
+            Address_Width = "22";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY tri_state_bridge_0/tristate_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00000000";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x00000000";
+            Has_IRQ = "0";
+            Simulation_Num_Lanes = "1";
+            Convert_Xs_To_0 = "1";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            class = "altera_avalon_cfi_flash";
+            Supports_Flash_File_System = "1";
+            flash_reference_designator = "";
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         Setup_Value = "20";
+         Wait_Value = "100";
+         Hold_Value = "20";
+         Timing_Units = "ns";
+         Unit_Multiplier = "1";
+         Size = "8388608";
+         MAKE 
+         {
+            MACRO 
+            {
+            }
+            MASTER cpu_0
+            {
+               MACRO 
+               {
+                  BOOT_COPIER = "boot_loader_cfi.srec";
+                  CPU_CLASS = "altera_nios2";
+                  CPU_RESET_ADDRESS = "0x0";
+               }
+            }
+            TARGET delete_placeholder_warning
+            {
+               cfi_flash 
+               {
+                  Command1 = "rm -f $(SIMDIR)/contents_file_warning.txt";
+                  Is_Phony = "1";
+                  Target_File = "do_delete_placeholder_warning";
+               }
+            }
+            TARGET flashfiles
+            {
+               cfi_flash 
+               {
+                  Command1 = "@echo Post-processing to create $(notdir $@)";
+                  Command2 = "elf2flash --input=$(ELF) --flash= --boot=$(DBL_QUOTE)$(shell $(DBL_QUOTE)$(QUARTUS_ROOTDIR)/sopc_builder/bin/find_sopc_component_dir$(DBL_QUOTE) $(CPU_CLASS) $(QUARTUS_PROJECT_DIR))/$(BOOT_COPIER)$(DBL_QUOTE) --outfile=$(CFI_FLASH_FLASHTARGET_ALT_SIM_PREFIX)cfi_flash.flash --sim_optimize=$(ALT_SIM_OPTIMIZE) --base=0x0 --end=0x7FFFFF --reset=$(CPU_RESET_ADDRESS) ";
+                  Dependency = "$(ELF)";
+                  Target_File = "$(CFI_FLASH_FLASHTARGET_ALT_SIM_PREFIX)cfi_flash.flash";
+               }
+            }
+            TARGET sim
+            {
+               cfi_flash 
+               {
+                  Command1 = "if [ ! -d $(SIMDIR) ]; then mkdir $(SIMDIR) ; fi";
+                  Command2 = "@echo Hardware simulation is not enabled for the target SOPC Builder system. Skipping creation of hardware simulation model contents and simulation symbol files. \\(Note: This does not affect the instruction set simulator.\\)";
+                  Command3 = "touch $(SIMDIR)/dummy_file";
+                  Dependency = "$(ELF)";
+                  Target_File = "$(SIMDIR)/dummy_file";
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         Simulation_Num_Lanes = "2";
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         Make_Memory_Model = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "0";
+         Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      class = "altera_avalon_cfi_flash";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      iss_model_name = "altera_avalon_flash";
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE nios_vga_inst
+   {
+      MASTER vga_dma
+      {
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT cpu_clk
+            {
+               type = "clk";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT rst_n
+            {
+               type = "reset_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT ram_in
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT wait_st
+            {
+               type = "waitrequest";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT ram_cs
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT ram_wr
+            {
+               type = "write";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT ram_rd
+            {
+               type = "read";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT ram_addr
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "26";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT ram_out
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Is_Asynchronous = "0";
+            DBS_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Adapts_To = "";
+            Do_Stream_Reads = "0";
+            Do_Stream_Writes = "0";
+            Max_Address_Width = "32";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "26";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         MEMORY_MAP 
+         {
+            Entry cfi_flash/s1
+            {
+               address = "0x00000000";
+               span = "0x00800000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+            Entry DBC3C40_SRAM_inst/avalon_tristate_slave
+            {
+               address = "0x00800000";
+               span = "0x00100000";
+               is_bridge = "0";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      SLAVE vga_regs
+      {
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon";
+            Write_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "0cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "native";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "0";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Data_Width = "32";
+            Address_Width = "4";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00900000";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x00900000";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+         }
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT cpu_cs
+            {
+               type = "chipselect";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT cpu_wr
+            {
+               type = "write";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT cpu_addr
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "4";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT cpu_in
+            {
+               type = "writedata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+            PORT cpu_out
+            {
+               type = "readdata";
+               width = "32";
+               direction = "output";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         PORT r
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "8";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT g
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "8";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT b
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "8";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT hs
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT vs
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT m1
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT m2
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT blank_n
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT sync_n
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT sync_t
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT lcd_reg
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "3";
+            direction = "output";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+         PORT video_clk
+         {
+            type = "export";
+            width = "1";
+            direction = "input";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+         }
+      }
+      class = "no_legacy_module";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      gtf_class_name = "nios_vga";
+      gtf_class_version = "1.0.1";
+      {
+         Do_Not_Generate = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         Has_Clock = "1";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/nios_vga_inst.vhd";
+      }
+      {
+         terminated_ports 
+         {
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   MODULE DBC3C40_SRAM_inst
+   {
+      SLAVE avalon_tristate_slave
+      {
+         {
+            Bus_Type = "avalon_tristate";
+            Write_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Read_Wait_States = "1cycles";
+            Hold_Time = "1cycles";
+            Setup_Time = "0cycles";
+            Is_Printable_Device = "0";
+            Address_Alignment = "dynamic";
+            Well_Behaved_Waitrequest = "0";
+            Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "0";
+            Address_Span = "1048576";
+            Read_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Memory_Device = "1";
+            Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "0";
+            Minimum_Uninterrupted_Run_Length = "1";
+            Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1";
+            Write_Latency = "0";
+            Is_Flash = "0";
+            Active_CS_Through_Read_Latency = "0";
+            Data_Width = "16";
+            Address_Width = "19";
+            Maximum_Burst_Size = "1";
+            Register_Incoming_Signals = "0";
+            Register_Outgoing_Signals = "0";
+            Interleave_Bursts = "0";
+            Linewrap_Bursts = "0";
+            Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = "0";
+            Always_Burst_Max_Burst = "0";
+            Is_Big_Endian = "0";
+            Is_Enabled = "1";
+            MASTERED_BY tri_state_bridge_0/tristate_master
+            {
+               priority = "1";
+               Offset_Address = "0x00800000";
+            }
+            Base_Address = "0x00800000";
+            Address_Group = "0";
+            IRQ_MASTER cpu_0/data_master
+            {
+               IRQ_Number = "NC";
+            }
+         }
+         PORT_WIRING 
+         {
+            PORT addr
+            {
+               type = "address";
+               width = "19";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               is_shared = "1";
+            }
+            PORT data
+            {
+               type = "data";
+               width = "16";
+               direction = "inout";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               is_shared = "1";
+            }
+            PORT ncs
+            {
+               type = "chipselect_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               is_shared = "0";
+            }
+            PORT wrn
+            {
+               type = "write_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               is_shared = "1";
+            }
+            PORT rdn
+            {
+               type = "read_n";
+               width = "1";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               is_shared = "1";
+            }
+            PORT ben
+            {
+               type = "byteenable_n";
+               width = "2";
+               direction = "input";
+               Is_Enabled = "1";
+               is_shared = "1";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      class = "no_legacy_module";
+      class_version = "7.08";
+      gtf_class_name = "DBC3C40_SRAM";
+      gtf_class_version = "1.0";
+      {
+         Do_Not_Generate = "1";
+         Instantiate_In_System_Module = "0";
+         Is_Enabled = "1";
+         Clock_Source = "clk";
+         View 
+         {
+            MESSAGES 
+            {
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      HDL_INFO 
+      {
+         Simulation_HDL_Files = "";
+      }
+      {
+         terminated_ports 
+         {
+         }
+      }
+   }
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/cpu_sim/dummy_file b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/cpu_sim/dummy_file
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/onchip_memory.hex b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/onchip_memory.hex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e35303dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/onchip_memory.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
diff --git a/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/sopc_builder_log.txt b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/sopc_builder_log.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7720757e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC/sopc_builder_log.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"c:/devtools/altera/90sp2/quartus/bin/jre/bin/java.exe" -Xmx512M -classpath "c:/devtools/altera/90sp2/quartus/sopc_builder/bin/sopc_builder.jar;c:/devtools/altera/90sp2/quartus/sopc_builder/bin/PinAssigner.jar;c:/devtools/altera/90sp2/quartus/sopc_builder/bin/sopc_wizard.jar;c:/devtools/altera/90sp2/quartus/sopc_builder/bin/jptf.jar" sopc_builder.sopc_builder  -d"c:/devtools/altera/90sp2/quartus/sopc_builder" -notalkback=1 -projectname -projectpathC:/E/Dev/FreeRTOS/WorkingCopy3/Demo/NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC  --no_splash --update_classes_and_exit --quartus_dir="c:/devtools/altera/90sp2/quartus" --sopc_perl="c:/devtools/altera/90sp2/quartus/bin/perl" --sopc_lib_path="c:\E\Dev\FreeRTOS\WorkingCopy3\Demo\NiosII_CycloneIII_DBC3C40_GCC+C:\devtools\altera\90\nios2eds\bin;+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\asi\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\quartus\common\librarian\factories+Q:\quartus\cusp\bin+Q:\quartus\dsp_builder\bin+Q:\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\extlibs+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\clipper\lib+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\include+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\include\cusp+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\include\cusp\fuLib+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\include\cusp\simlib+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\synthinclude+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\synthinclude\stlport+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\synthinclude\stlport\config+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\synthinclude\stlport\stl+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\synthinclude\stlport\using+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\synthinclude\stlport\wrap_std+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\systemc\include\sysc\communication+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\systemc\include\sysc\datatypes\bit+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\systemc\include\sysc\datatypes\fx+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\systemc\include\sysc\datatypes\int+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\systemc\include\sysc\datatypes\misc+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\systemc\include\sysc\kernel+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\systemc\include\sysc\tracing+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\systemc\include\sysc\utils+C:\tools\altera\9.0\132\linux32\quartus\cusp\systemc\include+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\clipper\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\color_plane_sequencer\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\color_plane_sequencer\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\chroma_resampler\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\chroma_resampler\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\csc\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\csc\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\clocked_video_input\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\deinterlacer\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\deinterlacer\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\fir_filter_2d\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\fir_filter_2d\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\gamma_corrector\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\gamma_corrector\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\clocked_video_output\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\line_buffer_compiler\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\line_buffer_compiler\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\median_filter_2d\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\median_filter_2d\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\alpha_blending_mixer\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\alpha_blending_mixer\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\scaler\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\scaler\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\test_pattern_generator\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\test_pattern_generator\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\frame_buffer\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\frame_buffer\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\quartus\sopc_builder\model\lib+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_cf+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_cfi_flash+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_dc_fifo+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_dma+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_epcs_flash_controller+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_fifo+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_half_rate_bridge+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_jtag_uart+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_lan91c111+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_lcd_16207+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_mailbox+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_multi_channel_shared_fifo+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_mutex+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_packets_to_master+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\pci_compiler\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\pci_compiler\lib\sopc_builder+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\pci_express_compiler\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\pci_express_compiler\lib\sopc_builder+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_performance_counter+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_pio+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_pixel_converter+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_remote_update_cycloneiii+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_round_robin_scheduler+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_sc_fifo+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_sgdma+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_spi+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_st_bytes_to_packets+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_st_idle_inserter+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_st_idle_remover+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_st_packets_to_bytes+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_sysid+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_timer+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_uart+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_video_sync_generator+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_jtag_avalon_master+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_jtag_phy+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\nios2_ip\altera_nios2+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\nios2_ip+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\ddr_high_perf\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\ddr_high_perf\lib\sopc_builder+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\ddr2_high_perf\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\ddr2_high_perf\lib\sopc_builder+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\ddr3_high_perf\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\ddr3_high_perf\lib\sopc_builder+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_altpll+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\verification\avalon_mm_bfm\avalon_mm_master_bfm+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\verification\avalon_mm_bfm\avalon_mm_slave_bfm+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\crc_compiler\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_data_sink+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_data_source+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\ddr_ddr2_sdram\lib\sopc_builder+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_pci_lite+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\rapidio\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sdi\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\sls\usb20hr_ocp_eval_pack\hardware\component+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_spislave_to_avalonmm_bridge+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\sopc_builder_ip\altera_avalon_spi_phy_slave+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\triple_speed_ethernet\lib\ip_toolbench+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\triple_speed_ethernet\lib\sopc_builder+C:\devtools\altera\90sp2\ip\altera\triple_speed_ethernet\lib\sopc_builder\altera_triple_speed_ethernet++c:/devtools/altera/90sp2/quartus/../ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip+c:/devtools/altera/90sp2/quartus/../ip/altera/nios2_ip"