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* Tracealyzer v2.7.0 Recorder Library
* Tracealyzer v2.7.7 Recorder Library
* Percepio AB, www.percepio.com
* trcHardwarePort.c
* trcBase.c
* Contains together with trcHardwarePort.h all hardware portability issues of
* the trace recorder library.
* Core functionality of the trace recorder library.
* Terms of Use
* This software is copyright Percepio AB. The recorder library is free for
* use together with Percepio products. You may distribute the recorder library
* in its original form, including modifications in trcPort.c and trcPort.h
* in its original form, including modifications in trcHardwarePort.c/.h
* given that these modification are clearly marked as your own modifications
* and documented in the initial comment section of these source files.
* This software is the intellectual property of Percepio AB and may not be
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* Tabs are used for indent in this file (1 tab = 4 spaces)
* Copyright Percepio AB, 2014.
* Copyright Percepio AB, 2012-2015.
* www.percepio.com