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18 years ago
// hw_pwm.h - Defines and Macros for Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) ports
// Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Luminary Micro, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Luminary Micro, Inc. (LMI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on LMI's microcontroller products.
// The software is owned by LMI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under
// applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation
// of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions
// under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the
// terms and conditions of this license.
// This is part of revision 1582 of the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library.
#ifndef __HW_PWM_H__
#define __HW_PWM_H__
// PWM Module Register Offsets.
#define PWM_O_CTL 0x00000000 // PWM Master Control register
#define PWM_O_SYNC 0x00000004 // PWM Time Base Sync register
#define PWM_O_ENABLE 0x00000008 // PWM Output Enable register
#define PWM_O_INVERT 0x0000000C // PWM Output Inversion register
#define PWM_O_FAULT 0x00000010 // PWM Output Fault register
#define PWM_O_INTEN 0x00000014 // PWM Interrupt Enable register
#define PWM_O_RIS 0x00000018 // PWM Interrupt Raw Status reg.
#define PWM_O_ISC 0x0000001C // PWM Interrupt Status register
#define PWM_O_STATUS 0x00000020 // PWM Status register
// The following define the bit fields in the PWM Master Control register.
#define PWM_CTL_GLOBAL_SYNC2 0x00000004 // Global sync generator 2
#define PWM_CTL_GLOBAL_SYNC1 0x00000002 // Global sync generator 1
#define PWM_CTL_GLOBAL_SYNC0 0x00000001 // Global sync generator 0
// The following define the bit fields in the PWM Time Base Sync register.
#define PWM_SYNC_SYNC2 0x00000004 // Reset generator 2 counter
#define PWM_SYNC_SYNC1 0x00000002 // Reset generator 1 counter
#define PWM_SYNC_SYNC0 0x00000001 // Reset generator 0 counter
// The following define the bit fields in the PWM Output Enable register.
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM5EN 0x00000020 // PWM5 pin enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM4EN 0x00000010 // PWM4 pin enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM3EN 0x00000008 // PWM3 pin enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM2EN 0x00000004 // PWM2 pin enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM1EN 0x00000002 // PWM1 pin enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM0EN 0x00000001 // PWM0 pin enable
// The following define the bit fields in the PWM Inversion register.
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM5INV 0x00000020 // PWM5 pin invert
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM4INV 0x00000010 // PWM4 pin invert
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM3INV 0x00000008 // PWM3 pin invert
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM2INV 0x00000004 // PWM2 pin invert
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM1INV 0x00000002 // PWM1 pin invert
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM0INV 0x00000001 // PWM0 pin invert
// The following define the bit fields in the PWM Fault register.
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT5 0x00000020 // PWM5 pin fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT4 0x00000010 // PWM5 pin fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT3 0x00000008 // PWM5 pin fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT2 0x00000004 // PWM5 pin fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT1 0x00000002 // PWM5 pin fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT0 0x00000001 // PWM5 pin fault
// PWM Interrupt Register bit definitions.
#define PWM_INT_INTFAULT 0x00010000 // Fault interrupt pending
// The following define the bit fields in the PWM Status register.
#define PWM_STATUS_FAULT 0x00000001 // Fault status
// PWM Generator standard offsets.
#define PWM_GEN_0_OFFSET 0x00000040 // PWM0 base
#define PWM_GEN_1_OFFSET 0x00000080 // PWM1 base
#define PWM_GEN_2_OFFSET 0x000000C0 // PWM2 base
#define PWM_O_X_CTL 0x00000000 // Gen Control Reg
#define PWM_O_X_INTEN 0x00000004 // Gen Int/Trig Enable Reg
#define PWM_O_X_RIS 0x00000008 // Gen Raw Int Status Reg
#define PWM_O_X_ISC 0x0000000C // Gen Int Status Reg
#define PWM_O_X_LOAD 0x00000010 // Gen Load Reg
#define PWM_O_X_COUNT 0x00000014 // Gen Counter Reg
#define PWM_O_X_CMPA 0x00000018 // Gen Compare A Reg
#define PWM_O_X_CMPB 0x0000001C // Gen Compare B Reg
#define PWM_O_X_GENA 0x00000020 // Gen Generator A Ctrl Reg
#define PWM_O_X_GENB 0x00000024 // Gen Generator B Ctrl Reg
#define PWM_O_X_DBCTL 0x00000028 // Gen Dead Band Ctrl Reg
#define PWM_O_X_DBRISE 0x0000002C // Gen DB Rising Edge Delay Reg
#define PWM_O_X_DBFALL 0x00000030 // Gen DB Falling Edge Delay Reg
// PWM_X Control Register bit definitions.
#define PWM_X_CTL_ENABLE 0x00000001 // Master enable for gen block
#define PWM_X_CTL_MODE 0x00000002 // Counter mode, down or up/down
#define PWM_X_CTL_DEBUG 0x00000004 // Debug mode
#define PWM_X_CTL_LOADUPD 0x00000008 // Update mode for the load reg
#define PWM_X_CTL_CMPAUPD 0x00000010 // Update mode for comp A reg
#define PWM_X_CTL_CMPBUPD 0x00000020 // Update mode for comp B reg
// PWM_X Interrupt/Trigger Enable Register bit definitions.
#define PWM_X_INTEN_INTCNTZERO 0x00000001 // Int if COUNT = 0
#define PWM_X_INTEN_INTCNTLOAD 0x00000002 // Int if COUNT = LOAD
#define PWM_X_INTEN_INTCMPAU 0x00000004 // Int if COUNT = CMPA U
#define PWM_X_INTEN_INTCMPAD 0x00000008 // Int if COUNT = CMPA D
#define PWM_X_INTEN_INTCMPBU 0x00000010 // Int if COUNT = CMPA U
#define PWM_X_INTEN_INTCMPBD 0x00000020 // Int if COUNT = CMPA D
#define PWM_X_INTEN_TRCNTZERO 0x00000100 // Trig if COUNT = 0
#define PWM_X_INTEN_TRCNTLOAD 0x00000200 // Trig if COUNT = LOAD
#define PWM_X_INTEN_TRCMPAU 0x00000400 // Trig if COUNT = CMPA U
#define PWM_X_INTEN_TRCMPAD 0x00000800 // Trig if COUNT = CMPA D
#define PWM_X_INTEN_TRCMPBU 0x00001000 // Trig if COUNT = CMPA U
#define PWM_X_INTEN_TRCMPBD 0x00002000 // Trig if COUNT = CMPA D
// PWM_X Raw Interrupt Status Register bit definitions.
#define PWM_X_RIS_INTCNTZERO 0x00000001 // PWM_X_COUNT = 0 int
#define PWM_X_RIS_INTCNTLOAD 0x00000002 // PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_LOAD int
#define PWM_X_RIS_INTCMPAU 0x00000004 // PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPA U int
#define PWM_X_RIS_INTCMPAD 0x00000008 // PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPA D int
#define PWM_X_RIS_INTCMPBU 0x00000010 // PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPB U int
#define PWM_X_RIS_INTCMPBD 0x00000020 // PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPB D int
// PWM_X Interrupt Status Register bit definitions.
#define PWM_X_INT_INTCNTZERO 0x00000001 // PWM_X_COUNT = 0 received
#define PWM_X_INT_INTCNTLOAD 0x00000002 // PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_LOAD rcvd
#define PWM_X_INT_INTCMPAU 0x00000004 // PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPA U rcvd
#define PWM_X_INT_INTCMPAD 0x00000008 // PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPA D rcvd
#define PWM_X_INT_INTCMPBU 0x00000010 // PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPB U rcvd
#define PWM_X_INT_INTCMPBD 0x00000020 // PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPB D rcvd
// PWM_X Generator A/B Control Register bit definitions.
#define PWM_X_GEN_Y_ACTZERO 0x00000003 // Act PWM_X_COUNT = 0
#define PWM_X_GEN_Y_ACTLOAD 0x0000000C // Act PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_LOAD
#define PWM_X_GEN_Y_ACTCMPAU 0x00000030 // Act PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPA U
#define PWM_X_GEN_Y_ACTCMPAD 0x000000C0 // Act PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPA D
#define PWM_X_GEN_Y_ACTCMPBU 0x00000300 // Act PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPB U
#define PWM_X_GEN_Y_ACTCMPBD 0x00000C00 // Act PWM_X_COUNT = PWM_X_CMPB D
// PWM_X Generator A/B Control Register action definitions.
#define PWM_GEN_ACT_NONE 0x0 // Do nothing
#define PWM_GEN_ACT_INV 0x1 // Invert the output signal
#define PWM_GEN_ACT_ZERO 0x2 // Set the output signal to zero
#define PWM_GEN_ACT_ONE 0x3 // Set the output signal to one
#define PWM_GEN_ACT_ZERO_SHIFT 0 // Shift amount for the zero action
#define PWM_GEN_ACT_LOAD_SHIFT 2 // Shift amount for the load action
#define PWM_GEN_ACT_A_UP_SHIFT 4 // Shift amount for the A up action
#define PWM_GEN_ACT_A_DN_SHIFT 6 // Shift amount for the A dn action
#define PWM_GEN_ACT_B_UP_SHIFT 8 // Shift amount for the B up action
#define PWM_GEN_ACT_B_DN_SHIFT 10 // Shift amount for the B dn action
// PWM_X Dead Band Control Register bit definitions.
#define PWM_DBCTL_ENABLE 0x00000001 // Enable dead band insertion
// PWM Register reset values.
#define PWM_RV_CTL 0x00000000 // Master control of the PWM module
#define PWM_RV_SYNC 0x00000000 // Counter synch for PWM generators
#define PWM_RV_ENABLE 0x00000000 // Master enable for the PWM
// output pins
#define PWM_RV_INVERT 0x00000000 // Inversion control for
// PWM output pins
#define PWM_RV_FAULT 0x00000000 // Fault handling for the PWM
// output pins
#define PWM_RV_INTEN 0x00000000 // Interrupt enable
#define PWM_RV_RIS 0x00000000 // Raw interrupt status
#define PWM_RV_ISC 0x00000000 // Interrupt status and clearing
#define PWM_RV_STATUS 0x00000000 // Status
#define PWM_RV_X_CTL 0x00000000 // Master control of the PWM
// generator block
#define PWM_RV_X_INTEN 0x00000000 // Interrupt and trigger enable
#define PWM_RV_X_RIS 0x00000000 // Raw interrupt status
#define PWM_RV_X_ISC 0x00000000 // Interrupt status and clearing
#define PWM_RV_X_LOAD 0x00000000 // The load value for the counter
#define PWM_RV_X_COUNT 0x00000000 // The current counter value
#define PWM_RV_X_CMPA 0x00000000 // The comparator A value
#define PWM_RV_X_CMPB 0x00000000 // The comparator B value
#define PWM_RV_X_GENA 0x00000000 // Controls PWM generator A
#define PWM_RV_X_GENB 0x00000000 // Controls PWM generator B
#define PWM_RV_X_DBCTL 0x00000000 // Control the dead band generator
#define PWM_RV_X_DBRISE 0x00000000 // The dead band rising edge delay
// count
#define PWM_RV_X_DBFALL 0x00000000 // The dead band falling edge delay
// count
#endif // __HW_PWM_H__