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FreeRTOS V7.1.1 - Copyright (C) 2012 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
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This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
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18 years ago - Documentation, training, latest information,
license and contact details. - A selection of FreeRTOS ecosystem products,
including FreeRTOS+Trace - an indispensable productivity tool.
17 years ago
Real Time Engineers ltd license FreeRTOS to High Integrity Systems, who sell
the code with commercial support, indemnification, and middleware, under
the OpenRTOS brand: High Integrity Systems also
provide a safety engineered and independently SIL3 certified version under
the SafeRTOS brand:
* Very simple task that responds with a single WEB page to http requests.
* The WEB page displays task and system status. A semaphore is used to
* wake the task when there is processing to perform as determined by the
* interrupts generated by the Ethernet interface.
/* Standard includes. */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Tern includes. */
#include "utils\system_common.h"
#include "i2chip_hw.h"
#include "socket.h"
/* includes. */
#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include <task.h>
#include <semphr.h>
/* The standard http port on which we are going to listen. */
#define httpPORT 80
#define httpTX_WAIT 2
/* Network address configuration. */
const unsigned char ucMacAddress[] = { 12, 128, 12, 34, 56, 78 };
const unsigned char ucGatewayAddress[] = { 192, 168, 2, 1 };
const unsigned char ucIPAddress[] = { 172, 25, 218, 210 };
const unsigned char ucSubnetMask[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0 };
/* The number of sockets this task is going to handle. */
#define httpSOCKET_NUM 3
unsigned char ucConnection[ httpSOCKET_NUM ];
/* The maximum data buffer size we can handle. */
#define httpSOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE 2048
/* Standard HTTP response. */
#define httpOUTPUT_OK "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"
/* Hard coded HTML components. Other data is generated dynamically. */
<HTML><head><meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"1\;url=index.htm\"></head>\
<BODY bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\"><font face=\"arial\"><H2><sup>tm</sup> + Tern E-Engine<sup>tm</sup></H2>\
<a href=\"http:\/\/\"> Homepage</a><P>\
<HR>Task status table:\r\n\
<p><font face=\"courier\"><pre>Task State Priority Stack #<br>\
#define HTML_OUTPUT_END "\
* Initialise the data structures used to hold the socket status.
static void prvHTTPInit( void );
* Setup the Ethernet interface with the network addressing information.
static void prvNetifInit( void );
* Generate the dynamic components of the served WEB page and transmit the
* entire page through the socket.
static void prvTransmitHTTP( unsigned char socket );
/* This variable is simply incremented by the idle task hook so the number of
iterations the idle task has performed can be displayed as part of the served
page. */
unsigned long ulIdleLoops = 0UL;
/* Data buffer shared by sockets. */
unsigned char ucSocketBuffer[ httpSOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE ];
/* The semaphore used by the Ethernet ISR to signal that the task should wake
and process whatever caused the interrupt. */
xSemaphoreHandle xTCPSemaphore = NULL;
void vHTTPTask( void * pvParameters )
short i, sLen;
unsigned char ucState;
( void ) pvParameters;
/* Create the semaphore used to communicate between this task and the
WIZnet ISR. */
vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xTCPSemaphore );
/* Make sure everything is setup before we start. */
for( ;; )
/* Wait until the ISR tells us there is something to do. */
xSemaphoreTake( xTCPSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY );
/* Check each socket. */
for( i = 0; i < httpSOCKET_NUM; i++ )
ucState = select( i, SEL_CONTROL );
switch (ucState)
case SOCK_ESTABLISHED : /* new connection established. */
if( ( sLen = select( i, SEL_RECV ) ) > 0 )
if( sLen > httpSOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE )
sLen = recv( i, ucSocketBuffer, sLen );
if( ucConnection[ i ] == 1 )
/* This is our first time processing a HTTP
request on this connection. */
prvTransmitHTTP( i );
ucConnection[i] = 0;
ucConnection[i] = 1;
socket( i, SOCK_STREAM, 80, 0x00 );
NBlisten( i ); /* reinitialize socket. */
static void prvHTTPInit( void )
unsigned char ucIndex;
/* There are 4 total sockets available; we will claim 3 for HTTP. */
for(ucIndex = 0; ucIndex < httpSOCKET_NUM; ucIndex++)
socket( ucIndex, SOCK_STREAM, httpPORT, 0x00 );
NBlisten( ucIndex );
ucConnection[ ucIndex ] = 1;
static void prvNetifInit( void )
setMACAddr( ( unsigned char * ) ucMacAddress );
setgateway( ( unsigned char * ) ucGatewayAddress );
setsubmask( ( unsigned char * ) ucSubnetMask );
setIP( ( unsigned char * ) ucIPAddress );
/* See definition of 'sysinit' in socket.c
- 8 KB transmit buffer, and 8 KB receive buffer available. These buffers
are shared by all 4 channels.
- (0x55, 0x55) configures the send and receive buffers at
httpSOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE bytes for each of the 4 channels. */
sysinit( 0x55, 0x55 );
static void prvTransmitHTTP(unsigned char socket)
extern short usCheckStatus;
/* Send the http and html headers. */
send( socket, ( unsigned char * ) httpOUTPUT_OK, strlen( httpOUTPUT_OK ) );
send( socket, ( unsigned char * ) HTML_OUTPUT_BEGIN, strlen( HTML_OUTPUT_BEGIN ) );
/* Generate then send the table showing the status of each task. */
vTaskList( ucSocketBuffer );
send( socket, ( unsigned char * ) ucSocketBuffer, strlen( ucSocketBuffer ) );
/* Send the number of times the idle task has looped. */
sprintf( ucSocketBuffer, "</pre></font><p><br>The idle task has looped 0x%08lx times<br>", ulIdleLoops );
send( socket, ( unsigned char * ) ucSocketBuffer, strlen( ucSocketBuffer ) );
/* Send the tick count. */
sprintf( ucSocketBuffer, "The tick count is 0x%08lx<br>", xTaskGetTickCount() );
send( socket, ( unsigned char * ) ucSocketBuffer, strlen( ucSocketBuffer ) );
/* Show a message indicating whether or not the check task has discovered
an error in any of the standard demo tasks. */
if( usCheckStatus == 0 )
sprintf( ucSocketBuffer, "No errors detected." );
send( socket, ( unsigned char * ) ucSocketBuffer, strlen( ucSocketBuffer ) );
sprintf( ucSocketBuffer, "<font color=\"red\">An error has been detected in at least one task %x.</font><p>", usCheckStatus );
send( socket, ( unsigned char * ) ucSocketBuffer, strlen( ucSocketBuffer ) );
/* Finish the page off. */
send( socket, (unsigned char*)HTML_OUTPUT_END, strlen(HTML_OUTPUT_END));
/* Must make sure the data is gone before closing the socket. */
while( !tx_empty( socket ) )
vTaskDelay( httpTX_WAIT );
void vApplicationIdleHook( void )