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FreeRTOS V8.0.0:rc1 - Copyright (C) 2014 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
All rights reserved
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* robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross *
* platform software that has become a de facto standard. *
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This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception.
>>! NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to distribute
>>! a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to provide
>>! the source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS
>>! kernel.
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available from the following
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licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and middleware. - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety
engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and
mission critical applications that require provable dependability.
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* Creates all the demo application tasks, then starts the scheduler. The WEB
* documentation provides more details of the standard demo application tasks.
* In addition to the standard demo tasks, the following tasks and tests are
* defined and/or created within this file:
* "Check" task - This only executes every three seconds but has a high priority
* to ensure it gets processor time. Its main function is to check that all the
* standard demo tasks are still operational. If everything is running as
* expected then the check task will toggle an LED every 3 seconds. An error
* being discovered in any task will cause the toggle rate to increase to 500ms.
* "Reg test" tasks - These fill the registers with known values, then check
* that each register still contains its expected value. Each task uses
* different values. The tasks run with very low priority so get preempted very
* frequently. A register containing an unexpected value is indicative of an
* error in the context switching mechanism.
* Also in addition to the standard demo tasks is a button push task. This is
* a very basic task that is included as an example of how to write an interrupt
* service routine that interacts with a task. The button on the target board
* is used to generate an interrupt that 'gives' a semaphore in order to unblock
* a task. In doing so the task is synchronised with the interrupt. Each time
* the task unblocks it simply toggles an LED before entering the Blocked state
* again to wait for the next button push.
/* Standard includes. */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Scheduler include files. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
/* Standard demo file headers. */
#include "PollQ.h"
#include "semtest.h"
#include "GenQTest.h"
#include "dynamic.h"
#include "blocktim.h"
* Priority definitions for most of the tasks in the demo application. Some
* tasks just use the idle priority.
#define mainBUTTON_PRIORITY ( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1 )
/* The period between executions of the check task. */
#define mainNO_ERROR_TOGGLE_PERIOD ( ( portTickType ) 3000 / portTICK_RATE_MS )
#define mainERROR_TOGGLE_PERIOD ( ( portTickType ) 500 / portTICK_RATE_MS )
/* The LED toggled by the check task. */
#define mainLED_0 P7_bit.no6
/* A value that is passed in as the parameter to the 'check' task. This is done
purely to check that the parameter passing mechanism is functioning correctly. */
16 years ago
#define mainCHECK_PARAMETER_VALUE ( 0x5678 )
* The function that defines the 'check' task as described at the top of this
* file.
static void vErrorChecks( void *pvParameters );
* This function is called from the C startup routine to setup the processor -
* in particular the clock source.
int __low_level_init(void);
* Functions that define the RegTest tasks as described at the top of this file.
extern void vRegTest1( void *pvParameters );
extern void vRegTest2( void *pvParameters );
* Function that defines the button push task as described at the top of this
* file.
extern void vButtonTask( void *pvParameters );
/* If an error is discovered by one of the RegTest tasks then this flag is set
to pdFAIL. The 'check' task then inspects this flag to detect errors within
the RegTest tasks. */
static short sRegTestStatus = pdPASS;
/* 78K0R Option Byte Definition. Watchdog disabled, LVI enabled, OCD interface
enabled. */
__root __far const unsigned char OptionByte[] @ 0x00C0 =
/* Security byte definition */
__root __far const unsigned char SecuIDCode[] @ 0x00C4 =
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
short main( void )
/* Creates all the tasks, then starts the scheduler. */
/* First create the 'standard demo' tasks. These are used to demonstrate
API functions being used and also to test the kernel port. More information
is provided on the WEB site. */
/* Create the RegTest tasks as described at the top of this file. */
xTaskCreate( vRegTest1, "Reg1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 0, NULL );
xTaskCreate( vRegTest2, "Reg2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 0, NULL );
16 years ago
/* Create the button push task as described at the top of this file. */
xTaskCreate( vButtonTask, "Button", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainBUTTON_PRIORITY, NULL );
/* Create the 'check' task as described at the top of this file. */
xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void* )mainCHECK_PARAMETER_VALUE, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
#ifdef __IAR_78K0R_Kx3__
/* The Kx3 has enough RAM to create more of the standard demo tasks. */
vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_PRIORITY );
16 years ago
/* Finally start the scheduler running. */
/* If this line is reached then vTaskStartScheduler() returned because there
was insufficient heap memory remaining for the idle task to be created. */
for( ;; );
static void vErrorChecks( void *pvParameters )
portTickType xToggleRate = mainNO_ERROR_TOGGLE_PERIOD, xLastWakeTime;
/* Ensure the parameter was passed in as expected. This is just a test of
the kernel port, the parameter is not actually used for anything. The
pointer will only actually be either 3 or 2 bytes, depending on the memory
model. */
if( pvParameters != ( void * ) mainCHECK_PARAMETER_VALUE )
xToggleRate = mainERROR_TOGGLE_PERIOD;
/* Initialise xLastWakeTime before it is used. After this point it is not
written to directly. */
xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
/* Cycle for ever, delaying then checking all the other tasks are still
operating without error. */
for( ;; )
/* Wait until it is time to check all the other tasks again. */
vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, xToggleRate );
if( xAreDynamicPriorityTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
xToggleRate = mainERROR_TOGGLE_PERIOD;
if( sRegTestStatus != pdPASS )
xToggleRate = mainERROR_TOGGLE_PERIOD;
#ifdef __IAR_78K0R_Kx3__
/* Only the Kx3 runs all the tasks. */
if( xArePollingQueuesStillRunning() != pdTRUE)
xToggleRate = mainERROR_TOGGLE_PERIOD;
if( xAreSemaphoreTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE)
xToggleRate = mainERROR_TOGGLE_PERIOD;
if( xAreGenericQueueTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
xToggleRate = mainERROR_TOGGLE_PERIOD;
16 years ago
if( xAreBlockTimeTestTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )
xToggleRate = mainERROR_TOGGLE_PERIOD;
/* Toggle the LED. The toggle rate will depend on whether or not an
error has been found in any tasks. */
mainLED_0 = !mainLED_0;
int __low_level_init(void)
unsigned char ucResetFlag = RESF;
/* Clock Configuration:
In this port, to use the internal high speed clock source of the microcontroller
define the configCLOCK_SOURCE as 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h. To use an external
clock define configCLOCK_SOURCE as 0. */
#if configCLOCK_SOURCE == 1
/* Set XT1 and XT2 in Input Port Mode
Set X1 and X2 in Input Port Mode
High speed oscillator frequency 2MHz <= fMX <= 10MHz */
CMC = 0x00;
/* X1 external oszillation stopped. */
MSTOP = 1;
/* Enable internal high speed oszillation. */
MCM0 = 0;
/* Stop internal subsystem clock. */
/* Set clock speed. */
CSS = 0;
CKC &= (unsigned char)~0x07;
CKC |= 0x00;
/* XT1 and XT2 pin in input port mode
X1 and X2 pin in crystal resonator mode
High speed oszillation frequency 10MHz < fMX <= 20MHz */
CMC = 0x41;
/* Set oscillation stabilization time. */
OSTS = 0x07;
/* Set speed mode: fMX > 10MHz for Flash memory high speed operation. */
OSMC = 0x01;
/* Start up X1 oscillator operation
Internal high-speed oscillator operating. */
MSTOP = 0;
/* Check oscillation stabilization time status. */
while(OSTC < 0x07)
/* Wait until X1 clock stabilization time. */
/* Switch CPU clock to X1 oscillator. */
MCM0 = 1;
while(MCS != 1)
/* Wait until CPU and peripherals operate with fX1 clock. */
/* Stop the internal high-speed oscillator operation. */
/* Stop the XT1 oscillator operation. */
/* Operating frequency f = fx
Change clock generator setting, if necessary. */
CKC &= 0xF8;
/* From here onwards the X1 oscillator is supplied to the CPU. */
/* LED port initialization - set port register. */
P7 = 0x80;
/* Set port mode register. */
PM7 = 0x3F;
/* Switch pin initialization - enable pull-up resistor. */
PU12_bit.no0 = 1;
/* INTP0 is used by the button on the target board. */
/* INTP0 disable. */
PMK0 = 1;
/* INTP0 IF clear. */
PIF0 = 0;
EGN0_bit.no0 = 1;
/* INTP0 priority low. */
PPR10 = 0;
PPR00 = 1;
/* Enable ext. INTP0 interrupt */
PMK0 = 0;
return pdTRUE;
void vRegTestError( void )
/* Called by the RegTest tasks if an error is found. lRegTestStatus is
inspected by the check task. */
sRegTestStatus = pdFAIL;
/* Do not return from here as the reg test tasks clobber all registers so
function calls may not function correctly. */
for( ;; );
void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( void )
/* This will get called if an overflow is detected in the stack of a task.
Inspect pxCurrentTCB to see which was the offending task. */
for( ;; );