671 lines
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671 lines
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18 years ago
// ustdlib.c - Simple standard library functions.
// Copyright (c) 2007 Luminary Micro, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Luminary Micro, Inc. (LMI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on LMI's microcontroller products.
// The software is owned by LMI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under
// applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation
// of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions
// under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the
// terms and conditions of this license.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "debug.h"
//! \addtogroup utilities_api
//! @{
// A mapping from an integer between 0 and 15 to its ASCII character
// equivalent.
static const char * const g_pcHex = "0123456789abcdef";
//! A simple vsnprintf function supporting \%c, \%d, \%s, \%u, \%x, and \%X.
//! \param pcBuf points to the buffer where the converted string is stored.
//! \param ulSize is the size of the buffer.
//! \param pcString is the format string.
//! \param vaArgP is the list of optional arguments, which depend on the
//! contents of the format string.
//! This function is very similar to the C library <tt>vsnprintf()</tt>
//! function. Only the following formatting characters are supported:
//! - \%c to print a character
//! - \%d to print a decimal value
//! - \%s to print a string
//! - \%u to print an unsigned decimal value
//! - \%x to print a hexadecimal value using lower case letters
//! - \%X to print a hexadecimal value using lower case letters (not upper case
//! letters as would typically be used)
//! - \%\% to print out a \% character
//! For \%d, \%u, \%x, and \%X, an optional number may reside between the \%
//! and the format character, which specifies the minimum number of characters
//! to use for that value; if preceeded by a 0 then the extra characters will
//! be filled with zeros instead of spaces. For example, ``\%8d'' will use
//! eight characters to print the decimal value with spaces added to reach
//! eight; ``\%08d'' will use eight characters as well but will add zeros
//! instead of spaces.
//! The type of the arguments after \b pcString must match the requirements of
//! the format string. For example, if an integer was passed where a string
//! was expected, an error of some kind will most likely occur.
//! The \b ulSize parameter limits the number of characters that will be
//! stored in the buffer pointed to by \b pcBuf to prevent the possibility
//! of a buffer overflow. The buffer size should be large enough to hold
//! the expected converted output string, including the null termination
//! character.
//! The function will return the number of characters that would be
//! converted as if there were no limit on the buffer size. Therefore
//! it is possible for the function to return a count that is greater than
//! the specified buffer size. If this happens, it means that the output
//! was truncated.
//! \return the number of characters that were to be stored, not including
//! the NULL termination character, regardless of space in the buffer.
uvsnprintf(char *pcBuf, unsigned long ulSize, const char *pcString,
va_list vaArgP)
unsigned long ulIdx, ulValue, ulCount, ulBase;
char *pcStr, cFill;
int iConvertCount = 0;
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(pcString != 0);
ASSERT(pcBuf != 0);
ASSERT(ulSize != 0);
// Adjust buffer size limit to allow one space for null termination.
// Initialize the count of characters converted.
iConvertCount = 0;
// Loop while there are more characters in the format string.
// Find the first non-% character, or the end of the string.
for(ulIdx = 0; (pcString[ulIdx] != '%') && (pcString[ulIdx] != '\0');
// Write this portion of the string to the output buffer. If
// there are more characters to write than there is space in the
// buffer, then only write as much as will fit in the buffer.
if(ulIdx > ulSize)
strncpy(pcBuf, pcString, ulSize);
pcBuf += ulSize;
ulSize = 0;
strncpy(pcBuf, pcString, ulIdx);
pcBuf += ulIdx;
ulSize -= ulIdx;
// Update the conversion count. This will be the number of
// characters that should have been written, even if there was
// not room in the buffer.
iConvertCount += ulIdx;
// Skip the portion of the format string that was written.
pcString += ulIdx;
// See if the next character is a %.
if(*pcString == '%')
// Skip the %.
// Set the digit count to zero, and the fill character to space
// (i.e. to the defaults).
ulCount = 0;
cFill = ' ';
// It may be necessary to get back here to process more characters.
// Goto's aren't pretty, but effective. I feel extremely dirty for
// using not one but two of the beasts.
// Determine how to handle the next character.
// Handle the digit characters.
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
// If this is a zero, and it is the first digit, then the
// fill character is a zero instead of a space.
if((pcString[-1] == '0') && (ulCount == 0))
cFill = '0';
// Update the digit count.
ulCount *= 10;
ulCount += pcString[-1] - '0';
// Get the next character.
goto again;
// Handle the %c command.
case 'c':
// Get the value from the varargs.
ulValue = va_arg(vaArgP, unsigned long);
// Copy the character to the output buffer, if
// there is room. Update the buffer size remaining.
if(ulSize != 0)
*pcBuf++ = (char)ulValue;
// Update the conversion count.
// This command has been handled.
// Handle the %d command.
case 'd':
// Get the value from the varargs.
ulValue = va_arg(vaArgP, unsigned long);
// If the value is negative, make it positive and stick a
// minus sign in the beginning of the buffer.
if((long)ulValue < 0)
ulValue = -(long)ulValue;
if(ulSize != 0)
*pcBuf++ = '-';
// Update the conversion count.
// Set the base to 10.
ulBase = 10;
// Convert the value to ASCII.
goto convert;
// Handle the %s command.
case 's':
// Get the string pointer from the varargs.
pcStr = va_arg(vaArgP, char *);
// Determine the length of the string.
for(ulIdx = 0; pcStr[ulIdx] != '\0'; ulIdx++)
// Copy the string to the output buffer. Only copy
// as much as will fit in the buffer. Update the
// output buffer pointer and the space remaining.
if(ulIdx > ulSize)
strncpy(pcBuf, pcStr, ulSize);
pcBuf += ulSize;
ulSize = 0;
strncpy(pcBuf, pcStr, ulIdx);
pcBuf += ulIdx;
ulSize -= ulIdx;
// Update the conversion count. This will be the number of
// characters that should have been written, even if there
// was not room in the buffer.
iConvertCount += ulIdx;
// This command has been handled.
// Handle the %u command.
case 'u':
// Get the value from the varargs.
ulValue = va_arg(vaArgP, unsigned long);
// Set the base to 10.
ulBase = 10;
// Convert the value to ASCII.
goto convert;
// Handle the %x and %X commands. Note that they are treated
// identically; i.e. %X will use lower case letters for a-f
// instead of the upper case letters is should use.
case 'x':
case 'X':
// Get the value from the varargs.
ulValue = va_arg(vaArgP, unsigned long);
// Set the base to 16.
ulBase = 16;
// Determine the number of digits in the string version of
// the value.
for(ulIdx = 1;
(((ulIdx * ulBase) <= ulValue) &&
(((ulIdx * ulBase) / ulBase) == ulIdx));
ulIdx *= ulBase, ulCount--)
// Provide additional padding at the beginning of the
// string conversion if needed.
if((ulCount > 1) && (ulCount < 16))
for(ulCount--; ulCount; ulCount--)
// Copy the character to the output buffer if
// there is room.
if(ulSize != 0)
*pcBuf++ = cFill;
// Update the conversion count.
// Convert the value into a string.
for(; ulIdx; ulIdx /= ulBase)
// Copy the character to the output buffer if
// there is room.
if(ulSize != 0)
*pcBuf++ = g_pcHex[(ulValue / ulIdx) % ulBase];
// Update the conversion count.
// This command has been handled.
// Handle the %% command.
case '%':
// Simply write a single %.
if(ulSize != 0)
*pcBuf++ = pcString[-1];
// Update the conversion count.
// This command has been handled.
// Handle all other commands.
// Indicate an error.
if(ulSize >= 5)
strncpy(pcBuf, "ERROR", 5);
pcBuf += 5;
ulSize -= 5;
strncpy(pcBuf, "ERROR", ulSize);
pcBuf += ulSize;
ulSize = 0;
// Update the conversion count.
iConvertCount += 5;
// This command has been handled.
// Null terminate the string in the buffer.
*pcBuf = 0;
//! A simple sprintf function supporting \%c, \%d, \%s, \%u, \%x, and \%X.
//! \param pcBuf is the buffer where the converted string is stored.
//! \param pcString is the format string.
//! \param ... are the optional arguments, which depend on the contents of the
//! format string.
//! This function is very similar to the C library <tt>sprintf()</tt> function.
//! Only the following formatting characters are supported:
//! - \%c to print a character
//! - \%d to print a decimal value
//! - \%s to print a string
//! - \%u to print an unsigned decimal value
//! - \%x to print a hexadecimal value using lower case letters
//! - \%X to print a hexadecimal value using lower case letters (not upper case
//! letters as would typically be used)
//! - \%\% to print out a \% character
//! For \%d, \%u, \%x, and \%X, an optional number may reside between the \%
//! and the format character, which specifies the minimum number of characters
//! to use for that value; if preceeded by a 0 then the extra characters will
//! be filled with zeros instead of spaces. For example, ``\%8d'' will use
//! eight characters to print the decimal value with spaces added to reach
//! eight; ``\%08d'' will use eight characters as well but will add zeros
//! instead of spaces.
//! The type of the arguments after \b pcString must match the requirements of
//! the format string. For example, if an integer was passed where a string
//! was expected, an error of some kind will most likely occur.
//! The caller must ensure that the buffer pcBuf is large enough to hold the
//! entire converted string, including the null termination character.
//! \return The count of characters that were written to the output buffer,
//! not including the NULL termination character.
usprintf(char *pcBuf, const char *pcString, ...)
va_list vaArgP;
int iRet;
// Start the varargs processing.
va_start(vaArgP, pcString);
// Call vsnprintf to perform the conversion. Use a
// large number for the buffer size.
iRet = uvsnprintf(pcBuf, 0xffff, pcString, vaArgP);
// End the varargs processing.
// Return the conversion count.
//! A simple snprintf function supporting \%c, \%d, \%s, \%u, \%x, and \%X.
//! \param pcBuf is the buffer where the converted string is stored.
//! \param ulSize is the size of the buffer.
//! \param pcString is the format string.
//! \param ... are the optional arguments, which depend on the contents of the
//! format string.
//! This function is very similar to the C library <tt>sprintf()</tt> function.
//! Only the following formatting characters are supported:
//! - \%c to print a character
//! - \%d to print a decimal value
//! - \%s to print a string
//! - \%u to print an unsigned decimal value
//! - \%x to print a hexadecimal value using lower case letters
//! - \%X to print a hexadecimal value using lower case letters (not upper case
//! letters as would typically be used)
//! - \%\% to print out a \% character
//! For \%d, \%u, \%x, and \%X, an optional number may reside between the \%
//! and the format character, which specifies the minimum number of characters
//! to use for that value; if preceeded by a 0 then the extra characters will
//! be filled with zeros instead of spaces. For example, ``\%8d'' will use
//! eight characters to print the decimal value with spaces added to reach
//! eight; ``\%08d'' will use eight characters as well but will add zeros
//! instead of spaces.
//! The type of the arguments after \b pcString must match the requirements of
//! the format string. For example, if an integer was passed where a string
//! was expected, an error of some kind will most likely occur.
//! The function will copy at most \b ulSize - 1 characters into the
//! buffer \b pcBuf. One space is reserved in the buffer for the null
//! termination character.
//! The function will return the number of characters that would be
//! converted as if there were no limit on the buffer size. Therefore
//! it is possible for the function to return a count that is greater than
//! the specified buffer size. If this happens, it means that the output
//! was truncated.
//! \return the number of characters that were to be stored, not including
//! the NULL termination character, regardless of space in the buffer.
usnprintf(char *pcBuf, unsigned long ulSize, const char *pcString, ...)
int iRet;
va_list vaArgP;
// Start the varargs processing.
va_start(vaArgP, pcString);
// Call vsnprintf to perform the conversion.
iRet = uvsnprintf(pcBuf, ulSize, pcString, vaArgP);
// End the varargs processing.
// Return the conversion count.
// Close the Doxygen group.
//! @}